Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ mE0 f1 HI r tLENZA.. fppeal Made 'to Thom Whxo'. j ~ Have Received An Hos "wbmii pital Training. WMRn An an. effort to meet the merges y ~i~4~ Irt ron"the,~.u.Acblii~ S,2 e is too: 'ianish influenza a eall kis been i *the #W dsi c i tiM -'"ed by -Mics Georgia Nevins, director] SMedicsZ di "- f the Potomac division of thes-3Rd t r a fr Ad, G~a~ ross, Washington, to allwomen in. eM~te e the Virginia who- have-reeeived any es-F: Ob fbws&04 aw thepital training, those who.have wined. beh~dt p-ractical knowledge through e Iel r g6mnd 0s to IubliSbW, gez&r ~ ~ ~. ~ ence and also those holding certificates ' B ' N f from Red Cross' lasses in home care1 or-dzszr''~ j., ~ O tbsick, according to a stateen tonic and eonreetwe maZd# today by Mies Florence lack,. latie he1sawln made with} state chairman of the Red Gross corn- I dick _ mii'g _ a r mittee of the Graduate Nurses' Assoei soo well. It wiaftt. lt. oj.. ~~ier e-ue ie Tlisse various groups will workexf ictici many yenar tn owuelusively under the direction of reg wet evry dnigtin the istered nurses and physicians and will id or in tablets., Send Dr. not practice independantly. It is "o Y 1W 'fof iaiSI probable' that steps will be bowed tr*oule ih ln etonce to commuica te with these wor bO~itflSibkf men and Make out a program for con certeil action. The state is facing the its Pree.- possibility of thousands of caes of mam who Adslf the disease at a time when its fighting!Weaken- strength of doctors and nurses is at its nd 'uf lowest. There are more than 400 ha ery ad A i Icases in RICIHMOND, and the number psits of graduate nurses is not one-fourth Left to right-John E. Rahinean, Jr.,:n it not of what it war ix months ago. 'killed in action; A. Winston Rabi retda. 4 * If the new plan for -licensing at n- aa, expecting to be called, and retoay dants had heen in operation long Warwick S. Rabineau, who died In ',,"L enough to have become established, n aval hospital. o,. i a.. associattion asserts -that -there --- Iidlmhad W& zan and I wraafely would be no trouble to -ascertain -just 'tie I rke for Warwli a 8. how many worpen are available, asre tbineau, who died. Sunday morning F,..Rn..............rrlt are kept of the holders of ell of meningitis in the naval hospital in Cros cet~ictes Evey wmanPortsmouth, were conducted yesterday Red afternoon at 4 o'clock in the home doing private ity work in homes is fhspaetMr.n rs onE n ch -M iser urged to conistt Miss MelliehampohipaetM.nd r.JonE riach iviisery whose office is lt the Virginia Mechan: thna,119Ws tet r ira' Institute building. In the ' -eis- Young Rabineau's older brother Lf That Sunsent crisis they. will -nave to be super-,ato XRhnau rwskle vised, which indicates that the Red br toe ue!.Aother and Indigestion Cross headquarters is a. firm believer boheA. Wi nston Ibi nenRu regi - tercelI in the last call for militAto- 'r er stomach Is out of order oyr in this-.methcl s - your food- docan' digest... It - your stomaci iimidIforms gars es souirneas, heartburn, foul YOUNG NEGRO THRILLS. MURPHYCHIECK FOR $300. tm able yplts wl gv 7 WITHL HIS STIRRING Announcement 'is made at the Ptfic ofive mini"; illtkrn your PATRIOTIC ADDR~ESS of the state fuel administrator, that. r, tied ot. stmachinto a $500 check 'nagbeen recreived fro= getic. perfect working one,.P uph ost h int be very strong and vigorous Chales orri, J.,' ear byto theAmrcni I ro nl lf^ I only half djigests. Youir a -siai ~ jri ijtiiU mrcnIe 'o oa ir go and nauw-a. d cizzInessr,ti-tr.TeaonofnIi(vrfif ervotixnesa. snick headache anid a Tar1Te Anr7i~iv''t~'V~- t(r. The aou n't ioin li-r ( ate 1 will follow. - O{PO for loajon o- 1.i:tli...,. "",tnma-h ables s -sAllan>a.Ni. r-!ti C ui.:g th1e'ale atn ' dii._.4t;nF les preparation that remrve~q 7ra T,ilii'-fRk'fri irac.lnr fhar mil ie from the iotc4.a ys~~ial - for4..} i +T '.-i-ch T RolfiolRlat Ipes- of tmO 31 n aag ly of se sof vef a Ma~of, Ahe m f a e at sad zthi fter In41*na. &a ws the observation of Ie awbg Mr. Policemasn. B. A. Pillow, of the Secoad the 5win the war as district, whiff etkeadiag recstntor- both g soad CouL union 'of Cofederat.e _s ns L yblT- r~7l delegate from 'Lee asmp of BICH M(IID I san 1stanca, he said, in relating some of his experiences G MRXX IR 8I today after 'returning bone, tgether C f with other locl delegates, the IndiasT have married white women anal live i n - aeteea t homes. -lakt other LaheVa-. 0 citizent ot- that live and growring cta- to friends,- her-e Aul munity, they overlooked no qppor-he University Of nct codt viiig.vtr* every courtesy and4aa me, Z h b, t'Mzs#at s~aa badges worn by the,vetrsnau antied at the frona nt a, them to free tauprt en all the Iready to kill a HUe trolley lines, and it "wa ~ly dimeult candt for them to s ' ac h toedt toja macia sutch was the hetaig estended. he fand Mr. Pillow wassssiy surpria&Lsan woman. Late to fin d ia numbe o -2asg ivxf -a 17=-old-44 sa -1 - -L! - - r II Extraordinary Values in Wi nS-HQES' $500U-YfIs" tT. D " rfjw WVomen's W~meals All blakt Wooen"s black kid; Omo ejml; tpJ commaon Cohe sem; ad plain fbense; heels; law heel; ue; h~h j ess ha; tipped. buitton, lace 7heeL plaina toes. All Black Kid sad Calf Leathm -lg Cuben and Mse4 "AnflSb., $ to i. Bur Shoe Co. B.. B W L = 3 0 4 X a t B r o d S t r e e t More Days To Wait P7 1 q 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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