Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~1 Dr..;4emsase Shown in Death K" e Ban Will Continu ui~intil DangrPasses. - - Nis. deaths from influenza, the:, owest number of the week, were? ported to the city health department yesterday. Insofar as the numberk deatbks i an indication of the sitpa,:*tio, the -epidemic appears to be '6th-wae"iDnvr Wilnon, port ofthe nnzber~cL new ca received by the manager of health on Sunilay, -the..ealth officer reported that there had been fewer cellsa fey doctors than at any time in th4x;ouree 'Nfthe distase. -- '1il~e new deaths are as follows: Walter Waite. 944Emerson street. 1 " Jose ereaema a ro Bo. 2U e -Martha Sweeny, 46.21I Pennsylvai -, street ___Lloyd--Rogers, 1144 Harrison street P5VtRoger, 1 South U11 -a - street. Elhisabeth D. 8icWhinney. 501 -E 't -Colfax avenue, 'b!e;Tv II. IL -- -- te T. Lewis,. 50 Kalamath- _ _ MtCToa 42 alfri ret Paul Gargaro. 3343 Mariposa street. fffDTEllr In I L z v L i v z i Tota ChanseLittle., "f" JR. -rU;"5W: < This The death total for the week;end-- n-F u JJI t ~ U U~ p g ast night shows little ch nge Guar__ tprevious week. There were __Vernier Z~ - *deathA officially reported for the Di@ Hs3gn fr"and__________ 'naek ending last night, as against Di_____ "61l -4-deaths itor the seven-day period Nudec to Be-Se&M Ove Seat - Gov. Julius C. Giuntw, irwho has been -ecfine~d I previous..A week ago there were 203 d as with the Spaniis Iifbians,. was ' de only.420 were attributed to minle=--. e r -to recovery.. govei'nor wasa - e. o -a coca. yesterday and it is expepte. that he Heiwever, the health department re- JB will be out- in" a few days.a: '-home of-. Spas Bardia-the number of new cases as the NEWteiPrs real indication of the progress of th E fRKÂ~ Oct. 2V-Five unfired Verner Z..Reed.-who ~b 5l o- Iss!Rig e epiemi, nd t s blivedth te citiesan towns, thruout the United fined to.hls home with Infl iensa. ti:mea nd was epdmc n ti eivdta e~ States started an intensive drive to- reported much improved Ta night i b hitll hi tf easwllsthow anysmallpeius. day under the auspices of the phono- It was stated at his botrne,that- lie - s A ge The hfoecsithalsyordta previous. graph records recruiting corps of would be out today or tom., -y ears a gsat heorests reort atsthe f n- this city to round up 3,00,00or John F Sulivan8302 B' Y~erd F life'!" h4 at hle 08 resestshforedamarkeodofde- more phonographa records to be sent who was stricken pith:i - ticol-and the creae yeterte the American soldiers and sailors week ago, died at his -homs-etm18 Af!e comphe craeyesterday. St. Anthony's andincno ensheeadisevcnihSaudy'e "b oueshbt Mercy were the rl~y hospitals *lhi atnmnshr n i vc iht Studa.putta4 ~cos n ' the'be admitted any new cases of- influenza. overseas' -talg several days before- a.. en attheip St. Wton'a had one new case s and INe-okhuddsomnad rtdasvreclwhc dev6lope4 pupil,of. PrbL JZcy admitted two. The other hoet- women prominent in musical -and into influenza. - -~ ocouca a stated. tht all influenza patriotic " work are devoting their Mr. Sullivan wa&. 'bern insw0rees- her horn.. ti Yswere progressing satlafac ly tm oiak g.and scwe" eMa,-35years ago and wi the - mot 5 S M.. and that no requests for adlmission a certain success. - son of the tate P.' 3. Sullivan. " ohe. r -- o,, ass. had been receive --- The 15000 music. balers in th~e employed as a locomotive en ge-7ob- RU$L NA. Wtay Continue. - United Mtates are co-operating to get the Colorado & ou.hsetn- nand vs' -431:' Lr Iou 10 As-it requires two or three we the idle or "slacker rgoords" out of acttys in the railroad brotherhod.brothers, F. G. frtedsaet u t orei hi ut aiesad'it h ewsas mme fDne h aete is probable that the epidemic will service of the soldiers. Every music lodge of Elks and the $tlg'hts2.of cemet.ery at... rontinue. even tho the crest is sed, store is a yoluntary receiving station Columbus. - -. for several weeks. The authorities for idle records and those sent to the Mr. Sullivan leaves ani aunt. Missd IIII are taking every Precaution to avoid dealers wll "-hbe promptsy put into Delia Sullivan, with whom he made a new 8ttack in full virilence ansd active- service 'in some camp, on a his hole.u and a sister.-Miss Mary-Sul-IU U L -have definitely decided to continue destroyer or transport or at the front livan. a teacher in the public school. ~the ban on, psid " gthrns o in France. - - Miss Edith Drumm. a teacher- at lestanthr e at heringsdt k foaringatgg the Myrtle 11411 school, died- yesterAction of a drastic nature is "ex- 1s an army that will preserve. its mo- dya e om.18_lteo tet pected as a result of the conference" rale and is on the road' to victory of pemna ueidle~ya t of physicians of Denver and vicinity says 3ist. (Gen. 3. Franklin Belltioti- tc fifunza.-Herlather. augu t - to ha. held in the house chamber of orary chairman of the nat-tonal Drumm. is cnnctdwTlEtea er scan Bank and Trust eoi~apany: - - Health officials warn the people in a message to the American people. Ban"M J against any 9laxation in the vigil- 'The man or wvoman whctttakes a re- Winthrop E. Cady of 2516Vihe. sn goswhich Ms--,ept the epidamis Ord froep Iia.Lcr sr =i Acs l._' " 1at lS4 ig ttysu:.a?wlfiou o use- eisting __ _1... counos. A_,ltilo f lwr,:!; 'w'.s % I W tIInfueu b~enere has suffered a large Increase in deathi rate during October, the conditions liere. have never approached thes alarming proportions which 11;ve disturbed other communilies. DomK WOODS HUTCH INSON - MiAT SPEAK_1N- DENER An Inquiry to determine whether Dr. Woods Hutchinson, nationally knsown-pbysi4oian.- uedlea w rites' and lecturer will be able to address a - rembircouncil luncheon of the l ener-Cielo and Commercial assootat ion'on Frisisy. Nov. S. has been mrade 1.y Arthur.."Dodge. business manager of the associiation. Dr. H-utchinson Is iow lecturing in California on public hralth problems in relation to the biary to gve rres-use.-or tesueodiers give*. something-%that wilt cheer and inspire them, Clean Vun and wholesome. entertainment stirs at-men to the giving of ida best for his country."STATE OFFICERS FORM ' CLUBFOR WAR SERVICE ISACRAMENTO. Cal-, Out.. 27.-A war service club,' whose object is to aid the government by extending vol. untary-serew eea night and-eu Sue-n days and holidays when such labor lis essential to the uninterrupted operation of~ the-- draft.- machi nest.of -the state, has been organised here. Only exnpleyes of the office of Adj8. fGes; J. J. Bores are eligible to membership. General Horree is president, -and blise Alice Ii. Coughlin is secretary. Virtually all the employes are members. nayr, ousiwiug an iitna of- awr days. wfth itnflueuisa anÂ~>-pnesiioib. Mrs. Cady arrived in Denvei wth. the-'bodyyesterday -andAs held today. TZhe ' (Riverside cemetery will be private.Mr. Cady was -in Salt Lake City on busliness when he was takeenIl. Mrs. Cady, who was Miss Anna Dsi~s of Salt Lake City before her. marriage,. P was there with her 1-monthsold di son, Winthrop. Jr., visiting relatives. Mv. -'Cady had been in Denvertwenty years and a~ii wdely known -i famn lo ith irn.m-Lctoring industries. He'was a asm-1 a.nd took a leading part in lodge hi work.. esies hisi wJf ed ab u is survived by his mother,-Mss.L I.a Cady. who will make her -home h re-a after wit ier daughter-in- aw,. Musicisan Des. -.d-i Elsie Rungs of 3552.Clay stret, a di well-known musician,. die- -at--her- -O meain hamlaet 11 CNYUBAI? -By Maurice Ketten lie I- a ~ 4 C 4_ r _. ti s1. 11 )!(I[H I'LL G~; U it Ag 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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