Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ vaynabo tsiesondhe ib ors m e; MXalady Inreases is Army Cam M ~ t thteicall for m edTdca EKIG Y A m rl1 1e111Innnth hasbetsoa a etfo*1bC aurgcoo ceneruis office fortt twre t oithaopg mabiny of# t local Don a ot ="--~--r-.ourtronding at 10 o'clock itf th 0e t Ebelhefct bOtve proa edtr en ugh tog etttwi tg that 1 1111re ca tf i theasaciitatio men oth age "Ought t ei nhscatcGWhadbe on.. a e' a'gop w r crn elon opledtthatPntumonia noaes or na fr s t he g o tih edlic p y is s: anioS id elo alrhardu Y i S Z ~c o I tth v o te t w n t t to us le x n i r i?q W m tat oh A lo sot ii edi te y.: while tits de th a w re -71. Tbga -peat the elinding oI, lb local boacd to preceding, which lativtought lt be d T todat n the districtboard hen this: time "I eudo bhawy oueno tbs jury high water mark.. the numbr w~grknod thseprdAdavapae ncasalrprraei ilpoal this ee eo of, 1 oa not appealed e local tan ayway. You ought no be back in 13.. the ea p at may examine him p sineily tatda- Davaria antd in thle trenches on the Camp Custer in Ifichigesi showed they a to AP tarmine his fitena fo military dec- tremendous outbreak the report het 'oretwenty bourn. The number peevion MoeQuizes Out. " hat is coming to tlem. vehemently reported froms this eampl was rpmna 77t4 seventh 10 per{ cent pf qnes- > eplled Chief jtsaticesMtoey today to livnlr tow. The new ptneumoni s e~ ttnoirmswere gev by fo l et;- astrndfor that periotd were twcntX-eieht Itsreqatrilied German who sought to the deaths two. ip~trhota this mornin By th first * mai delitvery Feidfty s entlt 01.1000 evade juryservice Ins!Criminal D. I q de uetiounairus deafgn for thtat *tm- Dv- Thirty-Eighst Cables at Deans..tor of regitrant. ha weep thle cga; sltgs?.The man wsas excused. Camp Deveno reported but thirty+ of nineteco end titrt -six yapra i will To ward off eccused Chief justirerih xc.titgdofomearay.:aena bg beren received. ihI ro rmesed~~ -ltcntsys fotiowiog t day fl4 eattc a reinded the saleemen titat record. whtcn tooc tha 100 was rcepoe l Tm -, qi~r tianixiro mstetas. bhen- klls ~out merex tusinrot intconvenientce would td. it is Iteoght the rpiticenti toepcit wette I Ttrl. c marks the I day fo!e- C. he answer to morre Inonveniece.' moeaxcasos were 1ll and the deal fore d ertrt y uroc et onnii yte is- urpeiu n tc. locfi he..e.Hwvrtepr fo wrd.teois ry taf ti-qoeejoive h it 0 er Itg said tOhiefy jsce. "f thecaruualt* ltrtl -eight. Itnslew of thte fact thtat,t ee;ad o he r-t utihoreeived r4thecflena10 pol. ist' ~which vt rati every duy is tottiir ee teverol days for lt.e pocaeunir trip and pno - towing will...ek nhh 0 day for XIa. the ir vesoantiwf ualk efvin.tepered otore tte realls op pla~nme- oqaaft shanvesnell yoeelkofin rdet eor h relsof tbe C ol em e rrt h eev us. ys een1 p ad e- that.fotllwed to 10 t1llcent aiptetet. P0Seetveapethwria nncma aor tot.Arre x rpored atnn. cats ihc htdry fLeals-lnieoey h llt fnd nt endkatthreu (. a evo pneumonioraeneo ad apse (. aDkndiothg iethswi.Lnn~~f0 therenquests were tlenied ldeathta. chile IiHobkn had inety-dlb thin Tray is bh r irittawaiting oppirt caty 4o a~t d- Just"ltr ioey let it hbeonwntto tutee- pocutot-nla raue an-I twotypneto ia I pcu vioc'from tihekwdt-re whe are r*aer- men that efore any ooulitdtibe en- teethc.tioth of thoeecamps bat-b 1irga! altioory t~titst. have to be ronvinced that te ittone pneumonia r aecit and drathoil r-ip I -^--'Â~was Iportent. The fact thtliehr to il. The numberfif new eption bok~i o h ousg mietnadIcnoex atoced a marked fultg Inte sl fwar toa anl IThVU1 I. aolenss for Wiltiamof+'. ruteein CanditioxElehee rDADTIAI ~ ~ ~~ ~ingompWa eld toyvers.irele exO-~ttntt~~etrne~S I bloc cpltt n hirete ltO- ista. AUIttP Mitcei itIIthe tw~enl tf i R 3Imes ON iUIWU IIDC LIL Intilie mark bfea the ecorreteont t ninalg at 10 4-lth Ibtid rn - lheott~ let-c creeqixiy mattl t ommd 114 relin:Ilee hdi litelI g Cuat t~ri-o ruect o Jur work. ld tildeuthe Ol Antitlent Proite ag Amend. 0 I I-ct-emtir Ilualpltreyc 117 ns~ I.,nccterereroetod Ttere rele 'inet Cantles Dda ok 111 Bcio RE IYAL OF 0P1UK TRADE. 11nowit-t tirmonia rene. Vitl "______splat ha. "anip t00i o, ln.InitViel dinhfi etsand 'Hou11 onference. JA-. W: epidemTaic,(1-1S towrouseshavid I ~,pneurttsa necos: neither c-erb the~ s t 111110 rooedDI beotnyda tiPL.da ked over h senat e asp tid- Byth A ~ 51c "Moretiian:.000 extra nqrse baev 4 5t5 b.T ttea'.4temster Ji thority has bees given- to oga in tt. tstrign of p1 mbia, t4b. Od The' Aidelt-co legation today hande necatly as many as are needeod, flaea lioe ae:A ens toda* ret. ost IaCiee oeoetditlonsil hospital fnolille ar bet 0-pre 01t~ mntP0testngthat the AmetleaO goweenmen demis son th. indrese. d'e cyasic-prviedul5oiirotersl s- da~ i inta ~l h~~ regretsstoCe brn that China reconel The pmpaigo <of the eubtin huali -atiraept a0 ea th tl-pro~tec log sssctltstd the psrc cra servic to aid commrunities wttre 1 e: 12 tasa poii o eb ohtae-opinum stockts antd made raneotrao auiet e m0eo &;dant~nhet Asue.the voluntoer Mledical orvi ail 'Vifbout i aCadIos i le t far the disposal ef lb StookeseoCorpseortllngthe names e payr C11% st p aui wto vte.g fn on,(sen51eodn t lnsteCotee eulesin allt urailens nf tho nte, I nth, ati( pole le (tg asadsi Ia. ien O- "!- li fTk' aoaen wo *,ready toaid Intohetx rk 1 c4te ph$ofTe e~sU esohir the disease.' The eh O-t ni td ed hal f j ate of- ndatgls wblobwits retitlod by htnf and tit tvilb esigned as needed. d",", dct eo 01e' paed wldS fates. th11t1n f3u cl snots teea}to n t TltC 00lo decl r i -- atinb CT ERI 1ES00 met r 1l~~o rle pq- a r a P enanertka1 hh bteci t ee CT r Ihea rtilri the '1I lt.I-'Tes-n Utis-eo mtab 4 80 a dotin"sethEall He k ad toe in-he ta r - ttnewnt OF ti ttNfuture'p,,eltl nb i lj t0n[nod eta nreee t'bh O1E tf,C a lfv e! ott # ( = * tie W tth Mobile T h dhere o O Df n t OverJ4oi~lihis;Special hI 1ilouse.Sale 'for W dnesdar -,F~ur $3,9 4.5 nud 5.95q Bkiusffst, dinchlarmfinlg Imoddll of i~eorg tttt. crepe '"de lchine, tatil. taffta anld Jap sik. Whether dressy oiriajildred styles every blouse shows ~hc itiest.w" rkmlanshlipt, rx'clnsve designs' and trimitig schemes. lace, embroidery, braid and bumttonsOare. used.Nllmfetl icloringsiinclildin~g sttart sirijics..All size-s. Some t.are rlightly soiled fromt hatnd tig. \o t. 0. D~.. X Girl' $1.50 Galatea Middy Blouses. A- emarkable Value at. One Dollar"E~ch NCtMiddy Blousecs of! golfi quality all white orwit rtsbcilCC inPttfl. Special for - l oed ontly. Sizes 8 to 2y nrsi Z - sThifrime. I'M,- I 0 - I Gard; anneIo, 5WX-o~s quality ~ANÂ~ittor d tE. p it binlack0 a~y' *, 10/26/2006 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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