Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~swa in es. -vau it'Act Shorly if IILÂ~ Is JS &e oftepctegovernment has frs.-z d # Ac - horly ii n -addtioalworker 'fo:uncle WI Sam. 'and a.gentlemeni's agrqent enW ses Continue to h. benmade whichIs annova whm in politic 1.hstory:of-.the county -- aertl Decrease. this came;to titMonday a ht lcoftePease Harry IE. HoL.ogatI U( LION IS IN HAND -w as***4ed byhe commonn councl.turn No sooner bad Clerk Peter Leuch and read the letter witn Ald. John Hoern- of E Hope to Reopen andwheniavao i te of the. ned ee ent and Other B.Neelen, for. manyyearse a Dititcutjudge, again' had t *who laces in a Week. I title f judge added to his name. ofh Justice icLogan entered the United andi States service and on Tuesday will be Jlive _ "a.. rr "r -va 1.- tu_ foc-mite 1. ration i'n Miwaukee for the IR lLF1 e'iin iHa tMndy tetz ~ omr days. Dowlers, politicians,. I NEiBII 'N SM onparthans vgIAV l YYhe; oted e wf or afl.''keepers; church men and others oIaJtIiropting: theresig nt iecord from Health Coin-CE HERE oANth e ee. arm e o erGer C.Ruhiand as to H R ur.uni-h andineciiteleBroceded tto ten persons can again go to Uhsei..und wiu orow.r o'oth hetes oVnl_4n s ervice'aid hi'cfltice wilt;b~qrd srita i s brought aout by Full Quota ofiEnlistmetsn e t that there has been a slight fr District' Is Marshall oUSIS Hr After sr ee slng so O n the number of Spanish In- ai -A og oet Polloint la the lis't of t 4ae tn Milwaukee the last Obtained. Week Among Forest submitted by the windowsgat 202 aewhile Harbor contnision o,.Z Ia: declared the commissioner. '--f 'Berlin Bound by Land, Sea and Bruce, L..J;"aHlug, Fredte 1 d o to liftn e a a t t hila s ti m A ir." a n d ' T eoll th e lt is e r to T e ll I t B e n n e tt L a r s e fill -th e t n a ato the Marines. "Aisathe farewell painted SENT NORTH BY GOVERNOR term of Sohn "s. Stover; sanh Death List Is 193 on the windows at 202_Weltsstreeto.-re u nIon,o frteght,41 our e ndng ofothe abandoned recruiting station of All Efforts to Combat or,.ths 2 s erreotdto the health the mnost picturesque branch of Uncle{ Peterson.Todd. Antoinette v. J; ant Deducting deaths and re- Sam's tighting forces. the United the Advancing Flames on, the Rev. Chaes B. 1491440, from all reported "ases, leaves States marines. By order f rota Wash- ilim utebeg kee with.431actu'casesat o san a teProved Vain Aid. HenryHBses plisage i at. Seventeen deaths were re-igon the sain ndtt dstcthenantes of Milwaukee; stt'ajui on Monda. making a total practically was closed on Monday for -rs now duplicated wassen}t b lilt of 193. further recruiting a Stories of intense suffering and comtlittee. Several additional-;l because of the slight tdecreae The recruiting etaff which am heroism during the recentigreatefor. Hehastosuggested bypo ert ersons uove teiephoned the here fdur months ago from overseas. eat in In oMinnesotalwere.told by M' and others Interested, sad department to certain when transport sertice in the North sea and Marshall Cousins, who was sent to the planned. to gi'odthemnal opotr tong ban will end. According eastern training camps. will return to' devastated region by, t Gov. Philpp to to be heard.c fr 4.. tale, it will te a week at least the eastern port stations for a short make an investigation and:oiler any"Considerable Interest was mli the 'lid Is lifted" and only period of training before being shipped possible aid that the state can give to ithe report on the workofthe case there is no hig increase to o the trenches of Prance. aid the stricken families and ref- department in connetion''It w. Health dspartnenm officials Lieut. Robert. O'Toole, officer in ugees. o Spanish loftuensa epidemia m that phyaIciaos and nurses are charge.' has been ordered to take Mr. Cousins arrived In Milwaukee easltCommissIoner 'George;.Q y fighting the epidemic that charge nf the large' district of kt, on Monday from the burned region land.He"aidt, a goauthaen odt c a'snoreortedy. mst Leic ouis,RyNT BUrkoL elD mn-adNelae thatD wh.1.'i plnyo ht$1,0 fte$1,0 apo Situtio In HTand.. age o kTee ntietmoble dhe clothngt and foo is aviahe fian- by touncl:hat be Y can not afford to rteak up the pertmient who has been in chargo of val aid is needed for the refugees. Intimatedkthatadditional -fundri we ampe ofnn thei r i pubalct for tehied mariin hasetoe tes, aheaid ae astl brningrdl eepcedfoa h i 'said Dr. Ruhond. 'We hae th t training camp at Paris Island. but the danger of causing:another ca-city inF3itt uation well in hand and it would S. C. Sergeant Janms Gallagher, who tastrophe is passed.C 8 wt omeins now waics was in charge of the office previous to 'Superior bore the brunt -of the The report aid that x,000aif ltrd oe obligdtoeret. Uch eut.O 'Toole's arrival. will remain in work of aiding the re s and been officially rer lrbeentobAledstorg rigsodn onhls r28pret. tokItfroboas ad ento a nto ISUS oMR.ERfl ditn imroe.h tee mightbe charge.and his force maintained to serves much praise or tse t to u f n adon Impchoae.cke mitrefor vs heeihn tsreat as.etota l'n Mluthentlrl get hack to normal in a wek' close up business wilt be Corporal sistane Mr. Cousine declared. "More was sbout 30.000. Theon doctors tell us that the spread Warren Tippy. Matt C. Dibble and Pri- people we-re token care of, there than declared that 'excellent -; Infea sgetl nrae ate "Jo" O'Reilly, the "Marinnette." In Minnesota. had been given the depagin1 entI cing anod coughing by those at-rcnl nitd Ms ~il'wl "Twenty-one towns were destroyed pulc b h Ie rs7the' with it, said H. R. Woo. ". be transferred to the Detroit inobilbza- in the fire swept region, which coy- papers, manufacturers.iand;bt svgs 'r iml n ayton office. ered an area of 2.000 to 4,000 miles men. theaters.and other actioi ti auganstveyseen Wen No more men will be examined at and caused a money loss etiinated at the city.. t. referred to th1e lac in aai snstoncoming. o n. the local office. The quota for this about $'5.t00.000. More than 1.000 the mortality, rate ln. $Ihwauke efne nthe upnsarilncdirectly district has been more than tillied. people were 'killed." to influenza. was not '.. o great' tefle nse sodpress derimlY Coldnttlyh4. otier cities and that.;of SIsto. ~dt ep b. ing the'epidemic would. ha cooils 1It. n In nine times out off ten. CT IS IXTEENTH "When the fires started, the slarm " The resolution oft. AId.:W~l Ifnitimpossible to enjoy, as was imamedIately gvens and autos, Geefomrepyorfrin utrryan.tmetdicos IN BUILDING RECORD ians'. wagons an veahicles of all policemen was referred to.: act eelxeitlyptt sr-te llCf W4AR STAMdPS. Mlakernssitet nteice gettiig the refugees from the, The ordinance requliring a dep Milwuke raks ixtent intheburning area." Hundreds of autos $100 for viltages which seeek t Cilgsr Maker' Ftenevoient so- list of middle west cities in the build- were later found with their occupants of the.2tliwaukeb fire -departinet on Ilooday invested 1300 in War log record for September. according horned to a crisp, being unable to es a stamops. bringing their total to word received by Building lospec' keep ahead of the fast trav-elig $50 he uinicear te asfolItor v. D. Harper. In September 194 flames and the intense smoke and uYi-au r te omng ea ae a tl-permits were issued callig for struc- gas, fanned by a.sixty-mile gale. LUTf fHERANl.,l'U1'l0. S: L. Fester, president; H. Zola, lures costing $1i3,704." In the corre- Many of the villagers and farmers CUSM RGRP resident; A. Laabs. retordlor sponding month last year 201 permits took to rowboats and went out into DISCS MEGRP gt H. Froelich. finance sees- were issued for buildings costing 1.7,- the lake, but most of them lost their ' ad B. Scbwanovcke. treasurer. 114. lives tbere when the boats capsized si Milwaukee- Lutheran chi because of the fierce wind." will he affected -If -the '.contetn Large numbers of neont1e. fleeing from -- %-&% -- -- d straw, reached d and crs MUNSINGWEAR union suits fit and cover the form so perfectly, stand the laundry test without losing their shape, fit or comfort and wear so well that you get the most for your money any way you figure it. All sizes in many different styles for men, women, and children. ld at the bete desaea.sseesacohlasestresa babeGashnulinasd anaal dry gnods uussa The satisfaction lasts. Air. Cousins told of an incident durlog the fire, in which a large shepherd dog weas een running along the road away frm the burning area. The dog carried a bundle in his teeth. Carried Babe to Safbty. "Several trucks passed the dog until the driver of one stopped to lvescigate. Unwrapping the bundle, he found a baby. snugly wrapped up, alive and well. Its parents later claimed the child. Many cases were told where tho hoofs of cattle were burned away although the animals ware still alive. They had to be shot." Mr. Cousins visited the morgues at Duluth and saw several hundred hodie there. The smoke there was so thick that lights were turned on at midday. Work of reconstruction has already been started and- barracks are being built to cars for workmefldand refugees. HAROLD G. CAMPSIE IS MADE LIEUTENANT macn eu-eec ac.Auer avenue; Chi of, the Incarnation, - Fifteenth Davis streets. QUESTIONN A1RES ARE TEMPORARILY DELAY Meabersof varlousilwaukee-d boairds met: iii'.the. city halt: ott I.o day and decided to delay, sending. questichtnairee;because of the.:It ena".pdm.J.Kuhlchairman:of. the' legal adsisory bnerd;it"Halh omis conferred with Heat1 Commisab George "C. Ruhiland on the. subject. Dr. ltuhland talked over the distance phone with al:a Fitapat at Madiso -ad the Milwaukee.sit o73asted 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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