Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ " l'pI5O inlzthis loan--4.T,tJVo,WUQUiU lst grOt exactly 'double the;mnount ask jd in '~h the third loan. The committeq de- l dcares make the loan a flsue- time es every individual and corpor tion a n 'bnl buisiness ho use must sub ribs c l every possible dollar.vv}.t -is pointed out,'t at persons who a e, * tiynnot pay cash for their bonds may th r4 purchase a $50 or i1 bond through a el any bank in the city9 irrespecti e of tin e whefther they have.c unto there, on celt! the, easy-to-pay bast of 1(-- pr cent pl~ cash and the rexnani er oft' th, in. - staWpzt plan of 10p r oent*I month.!, ft" ekezw'Neo Plans. A lnfo.a 9 % tespaigand rally e nd of tb ca.mpaign~ for ul tt "which, great and extensive arrange- toir ments were originally made has been Wile deviseA-by Charles W.; Dart, chairman to~e, of the' aubcornmittee on meetings. pq and John 0. Capers, chairman of the pr s " subcommittee on speak era. This plan to,t as now Formed. it is believed, wilt off- coii set the handicap resulting fronm the an4 ban being placed on puiblic gatherings fe d4 of any size. Um * They have~l6yranged to have liberty t~ loan~ speakers.go into the variou* de- of partments ahidbureaut of the gover- rot. ment and address, thq clerks in their gooW *workrooms or otilces. This is expect- for ed to take the place of mass meetings and other gatherings m~ * According to report~ received by the I eomnmittee. gireat enti usia m is being H shown among.the en ployas of busis33 H ess' organizations h dte. Practically every business house in t he city is conducting a little loan. 4rive'-s)l of its own and already many of thiem are displaying honor pennants denoting ", th t 100 per cent of the employes have ~subscribed to the new bond issue. * Li berty Loan Rallis. Music and speeches marked the lib- P erty loan rally for the.employes of the disbursing omce of the war risk insurance department. at 10" o'clock thismornlng. Samuel Herrick of the "local loan committee was the princi *pal -speaker, Loan addresses were made at pgch of the eleven messes at Camp Mel laat night by Charles W. Darr. A. P. Seymour. S. T. Cameron. Corcoran AI1 Thorn. Samuel Herri k. ThomaaJ. inS':Donovan, H.. W. Wh 4a tly and Paul Grove. -of4 At noon tomorrow '.here will, be a tod4 rally for the employe~ of the ' Fuller the! Construction Company eng~g d in building the government's dormirtories era~ en the UT k on station 'plaza. The cc- liel casion will be marked by. music. speeches and a flag raising. serf WUIYILN HOW IDLE BHERE tha S G FOR INOIJSIRY ar 2)vision of Federal Employmenit prem Service to Make' Complete S5urvey of Washington. of ____.____ doc to. 'the ijetdfhmiuied to mobilize for easen- thel tial industry 'all the now idle woman ur1,~powe df the' city, the Women's Di- or tisio of the local United States Em-perd Inc nt Service announced today lieul t4~ will make a complete survey tie est Lb city. grey "h'organization expects to disclose or *thes n her of women in the -city Who cia. ate a t' ndw working and to disoover ape *he'letseCzar of Iti. fr -!isleipositiomtb els igees~eli '96 ngla4 4 5b be1iis, sat undo. 1 Ii I iU.u. ayse. %a'celeratl o,;October 12..a xI tbrty Loeo a1 lumbus da " has! been "for. som' I Lleryt a fs.t u f t 'e pubi 1 lfe be cl e~I14be 7 imuber' f seaaeaew York. aspe Third. fibert La y. AVpro pItos eemoniei. p hr hf.'L chthe ni o Columnbti took ading bar ye been 'a 4tuwi GOWt5Win n5as soft in d >n.the day's bin '(h~lUU Gasl..I gal hol da ut ee nd at thi _ L Pit. and e snopnthi y n the way of publicI I: bratinco 01 be planned, or.'i.' apital Trsc { iy f1eotiong. Wj ~t 5'. wy.:sie h i n fe~r aE omunity'tto ic' the dao- aoalEs of our 0t i ordr t t in,potema glee11 ne to a.g nor! 5' repons.,to thei Chesa ekea P Lbh jibe ty 4p n," said President, Ame T$'e.A r S. regard n the days _ Let the Am. Ta and Tel pie' respo atis the lean ex-! Am~. Te and cI. inhe mea~u eof their devotion I).cC.p eri (r oi the ideals Wh ch vs guided this Weshio basth ntry fro~fn Its discovery until new, Washingtonosrb of their'detrf ie~d purpose to de'- W. it. id r'a d them and uar~ntee their.t.ri-'. Sec. Stap. so Se ph." Ndrtolk,lnd as Columbus *e alive In -this' year" Ris lipealty grace h 'dtri it the bank tomonr1. lsi lqeslt, rIf one s W to Itocelebrate, a a I C18I idw mgt he ipake the call' Capital T'reti n, hunt. - Wash. wy. "ad { I washlAtes s. Amer! ds Tel '4 1ergeotbaler Itia bIEDIEAmericas.. k i I+'armjprs ad poses Action to Provide 'tisaht~ 'omml. signs. for Men in Ntioalisouk s In (u' ' a FJht. ' loo' rust. asbIsfions ^ " nstisestal T a Y 4larmed t 'e spread of Spanish me,.... jensa "i'i rolty-.six -states, ofllciala et WdyIh gt io he,pub! health service rnppeare4 city 5avis ~y befo the rules committee- of. l House r tg im nte late tosd.Croll ion of Joi~lt resolution to.mabh- V tomes'""" ran- merle areseua e f the public he lth iioral Uaion ie to 4mbbt the epidemic. '*I'L01 l B. & amen told the committee Â~ bit Titl o., 146.0 poor who could be g mjd'sc rnptly!led to.assist the publi uC. Pape1[ 4th.ervlqe.the meet of the young-. Mly eoc phy~lc sqad surgeons have!enwaha u 4d fo tai toss seri'ce, leaving only N.jysayj qia~vely small number of practi?" No fadvanced age asl an auzlli flINRS >to the v~npllic health service in thl dent ameeeucy..fl IFor, tsriod" of War. iq account of their -age these eolder The Tar 1 tores cannot be", commissioned to- thte scope o ratk to' which rtheir age entitles high coat o im. 'The- I mub lie' health service 'tion of sti,$s baesge of the resolution in:t th4 d' eq hatr it may be possible for theaminisaati rdofthe war to commission tee ~i or doctors from the ranks 0/fidrst sent of Uni t nahts to 'lieutenant col~tnela. grtroo 4W arren said that if this resoln-' t~atr o ' "Is' Immediaitely passed by Con- dl55 o a11 wil be 'possible within the.fat a~dlI ter weeks to augmient, the public'.saeterin as alth'.service ~about 500 hysi". de'a rap of unua experie ceou in. Isfrtal d3 to a tslegram asint otto thaWe t. t esolutIemrtw labsextam Iaa ere m1asi sydm.... 5008 'Ia441 ONs..." 912 phS o1s E... stj aii, 10'27.... Bi, \ ct. 1>u.;...: T6 h.Stai BOsD. 100.s..r.........9 UCl*TY SONKS. Ka.eo.... 40 ol 1 l.ptd cI aTries....17 sety ~,.1 190.0.. ".9.s.........01%..,.-.....:: S,4... 160S ad Washinst...;..0 COMPANY STOCKS. nt sod T........ 119 HAS BSAK STOCKiL'..s.....S..i.... 19 so.~........ 170.oa......19 NCOMPANYK STOCKs.ypS ty A13Trus t...085:..r.,.....'1e a and Ts....110 itl..... "*... 1 04;' 0 10 100 0 10 155 224 '210 240. 445 145 28o 220 118 10 76' 360 CFueR& wi.. p4143' 41%34 4l 41 " cumwba 44.. 3734 38.33 3734, Cap Gaa of T Y..102%.10234 -l0134 102 Ca hutnnts u.'719~ 73 7134 17 Corn Products... (;4334 4334 41 344 334 Con Pro pr.....l401 101 10% 101 cbe$ t.'6 56f 5..5Cdl b t e 8 r... 8934 8934 8934 833 ba cn u.2934 2334 29 291 CfanCn pr7934 '7934 7934 7931 DO & Hud n.. 10034 110~ 1(934 110 l)S & ltl Or pr. 834 g 83 '9 )istiliers' Ascur. 47%4 43' 4734 4734 Dc m snp..." 1034 11 1034 10)1 Ee 1aIlrojod.. -'1534 1534 15 153 Frl, Et r.....3034 3134 3034 31%~ FeldM 458p4apr.. 3334 3334' 3834 3831 Gaston W e. 2.2 2634 28.2.3 General Cigar.. 4%3 4531 4534 45)1 General Ei6Ctnlc. 152 % 15134 152,E 1534 General M4lora.. 11534 12 34 11534 19k4 GesMotors' pr... 16 8 76:8 oodrlch' (B F).:. 5234 5234 52.E 1231 rich pr.. 104 101 10034 101 Gr Northern pr 90%4 i134 1034 9134 Ort orthn Ore.. 80' 30N~ 30 3034 d piansa 6034 503% 5034 5034j Gut's tes Steel 69k 70'; 6934 70 Ind l& M9nr. 44 44 44 441 11n o...- 54465434 1334 5334 in[ -n Cop pr 1934 5931 693/ 5 1nt karv Co... ~683470 68870 ant Harevog NI 138 131: 138, 138' ttMarlne,... 2931 3034 29X4 293 Int Marine pr... 8634 111934 1163, 117' Iaittntl Nickel. 3 3 03{ 30 3034 Tasue Wt9':3734 Uhpn P pr...u70 t1 *\ i oteel.. 8734 u4 Cigar fOw.. 10134 1 U Pat..14 y pves.... 9 Utd Rblvsst pr. 163~ UP CsstItP pr. 4334 u 0AoohlPt... 94 UpResltst&I.. 2134 U ARubb~t:.... 6334 U~ Ru"h bsI"5t. t; Bteel.,..10634. U.0 5t55&1p.. 11034' Uttas Copper.--- 82 '14-Cat Cbai... 5334 Wabash... Wabash pr A.... 333f Whbash pr....233 Wlestern Md." ". i33 Western Ux0e.. 935, W'estlnshouss... 423 Wheeling &L B. 834 White Motor.... 46 W'llye-Ovtld... 21.4 WorthngtoI1 P.. 53 1 HOURLY MLES 1 472.500 21 H -- NOW $ERVE rAR;TRADE HOARD' radel Beard.has: widened 9lt tight agaInst the,Rlviigag nd the congesg plpoes.,I lest bf the #bistrict food t4 and- with the l Indorse-" 'd States Food ' Adminis. r~, thp board 'has added he qiher meals,. breaknchepn. served- in. the lisedsome tMetego. carts 4lulnejr w s ssryed lyb'sason~bl price. be obtal 4d frcm the,ith prices;, Soup, ear. with "gyavy, 20 tat oes, 10 lent11; boiled ted or co tee, '56 cents; plI Ib breaO p dding, 6 toiLbe~r1k -Â~!he Commen. mo da wl~ y:" nde ismore or Bless In,a 4or~th llhetty logn' tit enhto ever, ins i lledcntoloothe world. nowt' belnd r'onsideration.' Wik aentimelt.also. in CURB S TOK. Quottioos furslshe$l by W.l!.Hibbs * Ce. Bid. ed. A Acted REuplclves.......\....5% A Air' leductiLp............ 6 Amen ems Wtltlng Paper rum... aA AtI4,tlc I'eiroleum'....... 2 Ntutt rw rtl, 'ludsoh....... 31 4 CaltId sia Maline....... 47 9 I (ll et an4 Jerome...... 9116c116 Cantea co lr......... CarieiSte. -............ 5% 1061 Ca t d22CId n e........... 7% 8 Co del ri...s..,.... 1 182S C1 evleta 3 40) 244 t cm1 B pt........... 72 75.Com ltedIC0oppe...... 4% " c Cramps...'........N...4 Davia Dal.-..... 4 6 638 1)eselh ndler...,..... 916 1 - Ella 1 Basin............ Smtepl~en hpse........ 54 G Fi"ra( National Copper..... 1% 1% (leu' Rock....:1a 3% 4 tGoldheld Copsoldaed.. 22. GreetiMoste............ ' lln oI,., r 14............. 9 8 Null Ctoppe 4,.. """".""i Into.atiena P etroleum.18%. I I13 11 Oil........0%" 3 5 1 j~, averdd 1.:...,.. -4 91 l ust uter.'.#6.:....... 48 01 1 Jim ~ Extension 9. 10 Key tone Tire.........19 1? La k Torpedo 4% Ma Copper.... so... 8 s Mas 'Valley.........;.8%, Maxj1 Nosft......... 71 9.18. Mets 1011,;................30 21% Met poUt P. etroleum lit. itldysestt l l.a...... % Mid t seatopn..,...Â~.. 115 119 ittredU'........u lb 4 rip i~n; ikaC. Notl we Pr...... 47 6A% Noel western Oil:.....o Ohi Copr............ 11 11 OkaonilCe.....t. 1 Obli m Pod. Refa.'C... Okaulgee' 041......... Ray Ieeuled 1........ 4 " 14 Red!Wr4.............. SintrabOtilf................16 1 Stan d r blor............. 11% 12 Sobstnrarn5 (Corporation 14 Toseopahb tsison........... 17416 TrisjO17a3 Hsgn eat esm,.. ' 1 'a CAtR' uao eat, g-d.:. 2 'uIev R l ld...... 5 1% 50 P U. D at11. Iola.....'..........- - t '1~ ~ I ' & BONID QUOI Quotatios urnished by Aimericaas Atlcaltural Os. LAmrican Colion oil Os... Aeoerlcas hoetrign Sees. At~erlcan Tel asod Tel. ci tSrricso Toqmetco6so.. Anpheo-rechl'......... Armours t l'4%s.... Atchison ge 4s.. At hblson cv. 144s (19601.. Atantic tio4 WUe 'oer taltimore sOLIO104d.. Batltinore amd Ohio cv. 4 Be blehem fpeel rat.ISo. ChltraI of Georgia ron. edtm'sI Pseife lets.. ~peaks 413d Ohio 4% (' epeke ad Ohlo cv.4 Ch5,, S. snd Quinry join Chi. S. sand Qulincy get. Chlea o Great Western 4s Oh., 7iILsand St. P. cv. Ch. 1. and St.. gas. Chi. and Northwestern g4 lob-. and bpthern ref.4 7o*aolidalpd 4asCoe} Dlte. and R coooe u Isp. and Rid Urande raf. Dlillera' unties o.. Ileotoeaof dda e ( Eri4 cv 4.aI "B~", lt~eeralEt G.. arest Nprth4 lst 4X. tIlltmls Cent*4 ref. 1.. Illiptole Steel "deb, 4 5. Inthrhorug.letd%4 s., not' RapidT 'it is... n'r. OMer. Mrne41so (pses (lily 'utilers ref Laekawasna teal An81. Shlore de. diM 41981 I4ggett A lp era Is.. Lenj lard 08.. Llavills an4 NaebviUe hio. Kt~n. aI1 Tex. let 14.T.Cot. rfad tsp es York CaPttol dab s0..., B. 8. "Hartford Nolk 4Wrtrxc..4 Norlbei ra Pam400 4..... Notern a iP Se.... dOrss Short'A set. ef ylris7asIs oss. 41 Peaoeylraaia 'es. 4%8a. Air IUa* ad.. Ibsen a Tel. Os... u eaPa Secv.. u r a c o. O.a EhreRail way 05.., es~e eper cv. I ea. & Pam4ic lae... led Avenue adj. 'Os. eslan Paific da..... } sios Pacii e v. ds...S. IRabbet d... Olitaties pralsbed h Igt.... 1~DR 10/29/2006 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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