Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~*e nature of 2'tt ffute hlrn iht oftApril 10. Mrs. Edith E._ oytl;5:'a&. eaidence of whom are living:.- There are twenty- dres. hecub. and-onfApril-4."Dr Heiden. by two grandchildren, three of whom are Warren H. Hill- will,es e s;[;Ot Zhi a and great in the United Stateesgevie.- Soul or the- Red. Cro-..,:'- ' - en acted as John (teihafen of Tomtahawk. Wis.I The May meetings wl il~ ~;r. who w-as the surviving: brother of the groom.f demzonstation at.the::-=Siri==:Trade1 t nsony fiftyI and sisters of -Mr. and Mrs. Oeibafen. school by Mtiss Alice,.Q.3 (3coMt, heess Little Ber-' Mrs Paul Muenzburg. Mr.Mrae of the housekeeping deprtmiet,na [fen, grand- Buettemeiter and Mrs. Barbara Oej. visit to the Mliwuke.;ert.: nstitute. old bridal hafen. aiso attended. at which time D. G. Mtaso will ipeak fwere foi- The following Sunday a lare fir on "Home VÂ~alue.of Art''andchildren, b er of relatives and friends gathered ' - elne Heart- Ito congratulate the couple. The iauwatos'WOma elb'wl p______________ oetpone its Thursday.neing. until the following -monthly m"neetliugc i No-.I anl.- The m iin i-in r vember owing to the rwquest'=of;- the. Birkel. L. Carpenter.U~I~l health departmenit to a vol&7a11 a-meaem. Carpnter Iuvw~h.~51fL UIULV bliss during the binfuenra epidemic. Dow. GileH M A E R E -;.;. - ns eWendt - The tD. A. it. state. oolfete s. t lice Dever- Jj~ln r nifff anesville has been postponed'-to Nov. eBart. Hal-LIUL 14 and i5. received. F R YP ICIM The regular meeting of Holy FInv - entertained Bly court No. 169.* to have been. held y Saturday Tuesday night. has been-postponed on guests. in- account of the epidemic. Dunes'are (Memphis, Many Calls for Physicians payable to Mrs. FeeEnwright,, of New fnnilsceay es Wild of Unnecessary, U. S. Health fnnilscea7 thrguests ra as The meeting of the Twentieth Cenvies, Avery Oic erSas tury Topic club,, to have been held rry, Thorn- ___ Monday afternoon. has been postponed tney, Otto because of the epidemic. FyHgn WEST SHOWS INCREASE,v Billings. The meeting of the Drama club, to iding: the have been held at the Hotel Pfater 3Hilty and Monday afternoon, has been postponed 'arren aye- Malady Subsiding Along At- on account of the Influenra epidemic. riendslasat lantic: Coas CitiesBu The service nlag dedication, to have her birth- S u been held Friday night by St. (lntherpe Spreading Elsewhere. es-toe's court, has been postponed beBalauf _______cause of the epidemic ofInfluenza. Lehmann. AHNT ~ - The fifty-third annual meeting of the oneiadto reduce unnecesstary calls on phy- 'Home for the Friendless board of man. ipleasant- olcians who have been overworked be- agters was held on Wednesday in the I by s cinacaue o th epdemc o inlueza.parlors. 379 Van Buron street. ReportsL I byaciaIueo the epdmc nluena of the year's work were read. The foln the Blue Surgeon General Blue of the United lowing were elected to the board of Euo- States public health er-ice, in a managers: Mines. Charles - Bellack, i the Misses statement Saturday night urged the Charles L. Botaford. A. F. Chapman. U ndler. liat- public to learn something about the F. W. Friese. W. T. Greenman, I. G. P1 IMargaret home care of patients iii with the mal- H'arrlian. Frank McIntyre. A. M. Joys, Eva and ad.. John J. Lynch, Gordon Long. Samuel Geraldine "The present generation," said the Read. Miss Phoebe Pearson. B. Roing. 1 surgeon general. "has been spoiled by H..IH. Scharp, Henry Sullivan, John Heal' rtained in having had exipert medical and ours- Talnsh. per, whose. ing rare readily available. Officers and chairmen of committees tc r, Wauwa- "While I cheerfully recognize all the elected were: President. Mrs. R. H. Nov-ember. good that bas been done by our splen- Scharp; first vice president, Mrs. R'. Mmes;. A. did trained graduate nurses. I believe F. Greenman: second vice president. A. Waall- that the public generally has come to 'Mrs. Charles Bellack; recording secrehe Misses rely too anit-h on their services and tary. 'Mrs. Gordon Long: correspond-AL Dailman, has not interested itself sufficiently in tog secretary, Mrs. 1. tG. Harriman: L nderl, l'ar- studying the home cafe of the sick. treasurer. Mrs. John Talosh; chairman cr. Mesrs. housekeeping committee. Mrs. Samuel tsnel 'Wll Should Go to Bed. Read; chairmen purchasing committee. Tota Jaeger and "Every person who feels sick and Mines. W. F. Greenman and Charles appears teo be developing an attiack of Beilack: publicity. Mrs. Henry Sul- Fr4 Influenza, should at once he put to bed van: advisory board, Rev. W. F. in a well ventilated room. If the pa- Greenmnan. Rev. W. Wat. Perry, Messrs. '1O1 Grand tient hats fever ao physician should he Dan B. Starkey and S. %I. Williams, a the east called, and this should L.e dane in any The matron's report showed that the g the sum-j case if the patient appeatrs very slick, home had sheltered seventy-three 'o ~M.coughs up pinkish apittum, or breathes gtrown women sod girls and thirty-five adt Io f r rapidly anad painfully. The tact of the children. adt been trans- Inalient shoualad be light. Quart and presen whlg.'ex.ceiet re eseta. h aqeteWmn'segewilto.weeP "Attenlt:tnts of persons having in- hold a card party for members and too, U n aaitia ltaenza should wear a gauze' mask anal friends Thursday afternoon at 2:30 Sam i tk l te~.uin ope -t vi-ocoki h lbro.20Fakn 'la-rn. irraaa- tiagiol.' ton Arcade. Mrs. l"rances Walsh will I Irr-n n- Epidemic Is Spreading. be hostess. The procesl will be used The ithlat The epiademic on Saturday appeared. fr the charitable and philanthropic in Mir powilto lie substiding in cities aliong ltae activities of the league.abu nols.duigl 'tast in Maesaa.husettss anal Virginia, Liberty bonds of the fourth issue are abotd lo uagtaut In the maddle west and oa thle on sale at the clb room and' also at fce 'Pacific coast was reported as spread- 75 Wvisconsin street. lira. W. E. Burke has a1 MarLaren.. ang Is chairman. an at s weelend - Many new cases were reported to Owing to the Influenza epidemic, the - Lafayettan Kansas. Il issotiri. Ohio. South Dakota, October quarterly meeting was poet-, aaet;,Minnesota anal New Mexico. Tharough poned to a date In hoe announced later. COB s a I the so~iati the number of new caies Krotlverth 1iswag s rrte~iltionary in some iocal- The tenth anniversary of the WomwitS!h Mrs. tlee. s aaile in others an Iincrease was an's Cathedral institute was observedl p na-. toted. on Monday by a mneeting and program, in I rhome 1in-avenue: ilasiano Dialno. 1i. ta So reset" Cedarburg 0.a..has been postponed stru Toneitines. i 43 Ieltait sti-et: t~Ifsesase because of the epidemic of influenza. pits' if Temple: Fea-. leto ot astrea'ctlioaeown Ciesesto. The 'Taesday Hisltry claib will mnset Di "eig 77.a-a.oaa cat-s}fet Falic-pse erenata. 11wt Ms;.CuJh.i'2.1 orit h ' Jig ac- ~ I-eastarel:; Carmnel- Caputoa.!0" Jack. ihAr.U.Jh.-r.111Frit h r.e1a strevet Jehn Breres. OSO ou ns* street, at 1:te0 p. m. on Tuesday, Oct. essi ^eco t'nt-nat-ret- Inbn tab-l. it Soth Bay street: Stsr. 16, to sew for lhome relief. Papers will navy endiang the. o Set tat.ans ata l~ aneteetb Willim be read by Mrs. J. G. Redford and Mrs. qtt] oan. tas re- 1. Toolei. 2:7101 Cedtar- street. W1. B. Strong..and little tMl55LAOg. tetas~g. The opening of the Nett of Kin tea ndt n. Plane- Albert taeaa-. 2e.tF50 Oneida tshop hsbenlntonduni onaMws of at irs. R rar Pn. s9.e.O.Perteb~t tÂ~.;i: taarles 1Oct.21mAmoenng the guests tl odYentertained abou,M,-aha.". Jr..:i.'t. 71 R T's e-icghl street.a lIit pe1+;1t zoaaalAatiiaBIohm., 27. Chirago. I0. ".Fran last week wterneIt. I.udovlc Leblanc a tem>a front their I laanoasii.::.'l. 317 CtsIrke caelt. apd Cola of the French high commission, Miss Tue m"l 'bnk.11 1Bril vne otne nPr he.Clm w C iboard ('randall aticn- NONAGENARIAN REGISTERS.. week-maot to Was h- Aged Woman Alien Proves Herself a Loyal Real-,, has been a ol Timie to"- act, netmerely being pressed by. Counci The 'result. is bound to-Ieecin b J. B.' IDEMIC CAUSES FAMIJ ACEFULSUNDAY., ---- -When - a C~rce Ith Department Arranges troubles,ust begin the version- of cetle o Give Influeniza a other Circuit. judgl asteeare-.:tel. Hard Battle. dresses of the join. clare the'judges.: -to, act as mediator SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED wuiaes.been" cause them 'to- gel early hours of thi ii Number of Deaths. faanl, of om Disease Since Sept. deiio n orti 1 Fifty-seven. the pat of the hlutaelis potinl __________loing:i _ HALLS INITO HOSPITAL. bnemn n ibor al ate Auditorium will be c011- ophwi:id Into a hoapital tdtring the Cona ans epidemic. William Cal- pez ao, city purchasing agent. fiuenra rked all Saturday night secur- daugh the equipment for the new Knp plta-i. which will be opened for wauucs rice Monday morning, a grad as soon as this hospital is ready, idary cents will be removed to It from Kappa Nunniemacher hospital, recent- mate~ opened Int the Nunnemacher the anue rn veuad aae 'eafter the Nunnesatcher boe- zranges.1 will be used only for children es-ing from the disease. as fealth Commisioner George C. N~Ul1 iland asks every health in- r;tor to report at the city hall. iCL %day morning to receive in- - acions regarding the new hos- Du ).Rhadhas also accepted pro offer of medical and nursing scheda Istance from- the Great Lakes and. ral trainnig station to aid in ml llin~g the.- epidemic. A f.1t os-gaos these also come under the baih. RÂ~ uwkee School teachers -number. deid ec 1,700. and they are scheduled for Dr. G. porainy vacation. rday evening there will be a ape-, WAI need pg.of the Milwaukee school to take. action. regarding lt.e o..the ten physicians and: ten - inow' under the direction of theI. Te Milwaukee health depart- Wwould like to utilize the services gint istwnypesnbt. apoe:tofficials have also sent' word depar that the phyplclans and nurses wetsl be -used.:at the Rockford 0

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