Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~t'7L*T ___________________ *U~s;IT N M 14,' 4rento: jt wrAq W*R(7C044 O'sob Z-0404 VAS4 Oe'.*"$t "4 ------* Lay. TO MIEET OFPFICIALS. stAte thZ the warshtp. XKmi ~his putt to s4* with pJcstipQ-, let of the wortmn''and4 o! gt)t-nenpnt to meert rprwtstiiof the Itritlah admiralty. CROWNS% CONFISCATED (By - ntd Pro".) 4At% 'n f?~? -~ A AMC-o 4r ~ ~)ZA4~~ p Oq.. t.- A * L '~ Th" t.r~h ~ 1.s11040 br ti graptag tvirt7 th~ prmb r -,f ~ -it it utimlptetitl nof Srmamfrnit. or arv, wfte.. e4tt#t *.rn na n crl th -the NOT ICE i M IUIL;IMLWT A i W7 9&,44 UP" %:Is* w" wa % "- i.110N. Nov. 14.-TbA -now Prui pr-Ince of pates he staid. ovtirotnent has confipcated Ibti an crowns and the entjled 1 MAY 00 TO EUROPE ty. - __ (BY unit.d Press) E GIRL IS DEAD WASIINCTON.- Nov. 14.--Prea[k"FER BRIEF ILLNESS; dlent, Wilon gavo no Indication todxAY PNEUMON~IA THE CAUSEf of bow fie regards the suggetWon from lb4hsources it Europe that he atlend a rach 'eco. 7-year-old daughter, the great conference to re-establish and ~ r.3.Pacheco. difdi pocqe in the war-torn world., 71e Ntc inhereby gh-n hal the OtchwA.'s of the ('ity Not Mu'ntri"Ie w dt not be-' op4ened until Xnn4Ay Nv J is ir ondtioned ulpon the further C4oitintC~jIcd aatement (if thiffnfl%),ntA epidlemle. ISAIAh KNOTrT. I'roaidtnt ichool IoArd When thru w-ith Press p44-! it (in iasy. morning at 10: 30 of -,pneu. ___________ _______________ with which' she had 'suffered erai days. She was a bright k1 Irn and her parents are broken IIn giving, up their -darling, and A 9LTHOUG61 FLU EPIDEMIC, is ABOU.T.1p tsynpathy of the commEN OtO,,day inorning at 11 O'clock- the N 1 THE Q AR NT1 E EX arm was laid to rest In Cedarj r.UdatkrC. VI. awIesY "rInr -ig the sbrvices, and Rev. C.P.fI. f311 we' the officiating 4clergy- TENLDULU F1 MEETING POSTPONED A meeting -of the c.ty' and,, county, is is hereby_ given -that tbelhealth officerq. 'the cttv tnd couinty metg of Mon trose County$ ~ R ~.I commisaioners, physician!j and other 22 to Nv. 2.. aftofficials was held Wednesday evenIng bo.n ePspoed unti NOV6. 27, at city 411 to dfiscuss the flu epidemic * IL"sa plac& and tadvisability ofcontinuing the )rder of Ezecvstve committee. I iuaan 2e. HARRY G. A GM While the reports were very' favor~ SeretalY. able showlfig that the epidemic was - weU In hand and practically at. z ANT TO BE RELEASED etnd, itw"s thought best to continue IO~~)?. ~ov,14.--'1b* MYthe quaratine as at premwt untilI a INu t &"A t at W'spa woek fromi next Monay or SIort= am&4 henayW104* ow - ~.5as a~ie. 7 SttU,5 10 60 WOaO&.*ash mee1akng2ira** JR ONE MORE. WaFEK dent of rn.-ny other plaves whoere the (liarantnp- ham exteinded six weeks. * nythree hlew capes of the flu were re'ported Yestprdayl Te iseas i1s prac-tically checked and there have been no-deaths for several days fromn this diateaxe. While It would. be prac tically safe to starl-school next 3Mon day, it was vnrgued 'that many people are so nervous regarding the disease i. s they' would not allow their ciiijdren to entetr so that the matter might' OUntin its present status, for soother week. Wbtn wit)out doubt. tMe disease will have entirely dI~ap tue Sebotam aft er aCtOv"tes i o vm4as WerMte eeic boo loop, 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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