Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~1 II mnugs dinec r Pi n dAdvertising= X iJs a omewhat ord, ary read '. jroduct of which no one 'menjv boll usesa great ideal. It would toti, se in like an p lmoae )sopeless task Pugga tqbrand trademark and make of ims It ~ iece of "selected inerulsan' tisi die' The ' wners'of Le Pages the Glue asked us, four, years, ago, to t build,a 'plan':and. to give our tale. Y" non as to the advisability of I '-.,a.....,",ftc VofAt. he sn~ie,vicstey told 'nw product 1tall ed Signet "tou Lk to whch rwbed; s to peti, 'alogiv our a tntos+ But v W~ aen'nnhsa veigtng u,:tey l. fr leand in. g'o '' a ue advrtueum( waseare'ed r39th r f pd ately. Today, beyond any44 '=y question1 Le Paged Glue is the eter. F ae Dry two kndi h is Of gAkownt th A at s twsesforLe age'sclue open' at' bess dlsoovre everiday, h rig, th.In adersindg.eto 1IAljW 32d St..f Lacder' l evYork ~ 1o~u They started. causog 0of rade~ ard results cam~e jm. rely. Larg e wrnsTr sa^not lay for,a manu~p MIto, break into _a1 old hahed it4ut yand tsacvn ua e consriousgpsa I{n toes so swic esetblislsed brands: he owners of Signet Ink, already established a re4. Mess and the volume l s rig every day. lziti i Pan for iaa _page d verbsa renc ~ian eiaioiple of t> ea ad inthat has hped tosecurei reare geeat" opportuitys right powtto eaariufacsuies wish to build up a, tradegoodwill on branide4dmist' ise. We should be pleased rnfer with interested LYL3r ot IX premrnrn 4y''Start aS t;deposit o You a: arnount,; Ri7J* GardTia~' 45YoulncrPFaGE lc ur it, dificult' to 4,ay their ng Account in;'14' A i3 cfrk.of yout otal r rl1y pretni on scxalir that you con)4 lay wide you will 'be able to ca ry more f'inger estait "o leave, ot you,,f AfND TRUSTICOM. Gu 4' KnI, aptal,and: Sul "0: 0tq t -.. ' yY:tl:. 5,,;: i +o.. r.rrr.rrr: 4' ee -3 14di Arl',I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER RM 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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