Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ - Ing at Eighteenth and A -: - for the care of infensa apa Sam p P nel ieiu er, of the lewisl mmit= ~, r~r~ t~ ~ teql, is suervising a campaignamk iiriw iuuiu'JU the Jewish charitable organisati as for ~ u~ffr lU L Ill the aid of his people. IJThe medical students applyin have been assigned to pollee static in vs-. (s~ittetus parts of the N y +share t a need. lurches Closed Here fon etioie be oter o for ~j~una~ forFirs TimeSince sh.aGeneral' Hospital. *Sunay frfist Tme Snce Au order as issued c1o' g -the a nicsbusiness s-hou4s of the city. r~. pitdemic in I1890 j With 8."iO of its-employee still absent } from glnty, duveto influenza, t e Bell Telephone Company makes a urther appeal to all of its subscribers to re 200,000 Caises i n City, Says strct the use of the telephone -much & ~"l I as' possible. Krusen--Emergency His- Samaritan Hospital App Is. f i An appeal has been made by he ft pital No, 2 Organized maritan Hospital for volunteer omen to aid the nurses in coring fur e vic time of Inflaesa being treated at the Altoug th ForthNavl Iisinetinstitution. A volunteer egorps V this **kind is needed badly, sccording Ito the reported an ahiatem~nt in The epidemin medical directors at the ilatuen.on. of influenza, the mortality in the csity Already the after-treatment o4 those for the past tweenty-four hours baaies- convalescing from the disease ba re 8alished a new highrecord mr n.celeed the attention of the Deps tment - nr.3r of Health and Charities. The p~slow -Wilmner Krusen, Dlirei-tor of Pqhlic tag is embqdted in a statement issued ath and Charities. stated yesteiday covering the subject and iudorsjed by that there were now approrimittely the health authorities N.ot only should convalecen. but 000,000 eases in the city. The death others in the same household argle toll for the twenty-four hours eoding the 'throat with a solution of equal "euterday at na was 2H). Of kthis parts of perxidc-aud water. A oily numbr 21 a due o iflunzasolution containing a suitable a tisep rumer an2088- eue oiiiluii tic marslieued ens aspray for tb nose 1ape andt8 r sil throat. An oily solution to ds to Th bueeo e city were i'4vied keepthetii germrlcide in continuvu ion #11 day yesteray1 the first Stunday tart with the mutcous membrane. leni closing since an epidemic in 1890.' ttn wahsoducefr oe hmerenc hosita.o.:' -il'beore not recommended. because th v r" opened at once in the buildings oif the mor the mueous which really hr td old1 Medico-Chi urgksal College. 'ereC the, tissues frqm infec-tion." will he 400) beds placed in the ward.A N S L NIN medical ataff Ia now being orga ned b r eogI.Mekrad.frs * "We ran ulI 120 nurses in l ier geocy Hospital No. 2." sold Dr. rtt- VICTIMS AT M DE sen. "It is t e iduty of every 'well woom an in the city 'oho can pospihlj get Away fro her other duties, to " ion- SpCo ttoalee. * 'eer for fhwemergency. Per4 cal t:A3MP MEADE. Mld., Oct. IG. Nine nurses, o llow out ins tue- Pennsylvanians, including four hila-;dons, dire e wonin we need. I.-an delphians, were swuing the for -four not say jut4 wlen toue new hospitaI~l; cistfhpaehifitoa bhv be ready t reieivt patients. nut1 h work o uriu~equipment in geiug died wIthin liar last twenty-four hours. ri-ushed as spidly as possible." I Lieutenant Albert If. Radler, f the Should dl tjonaj emergency L japi. 39th Company, of the 154fth Dr liii tale he re redi the City Club Itsj of- gade. lived in Philadelp~hia a 140 feretl th se of its' building. 213 ntbth North -iixteeuth street. The other ')iroad" street. This structure, h slkh Philadlelphians who died were geat authorities say, is well adapted for kuch Jo rpee A. Kilda. 1:i7 North P fly purposes.. -thlid street: Corporal Edna A. IEdweard 'T. 58totesburv. repreniting Bade. 2t%5;i Pratt street, Bri shibru 'tlne Iced Cross in the jve counties of ann Private Zigunent Whorows, 414H:.,i adelphia, 'Montgomery, Ch e~tr Incs-et aek and Delaware, states that the Ani-ing the Pennsylvanians w' o died $ d Cross is p?,acing all its resources, was First Lieutenant John: F. iCr -]p;Itals, supplies. hospitel garnr.entn. th Catholic chaplain. who bef re en-eW:t seq end everything in its power in trog the armiy a few weeks o was tie, hands of the local health suthqtjtiesa sistnt pasetor of lScred Hes Cath-...tlnasist'lin the fight against th11 epi- nli4 Churchl, Pittsburgh, Path r to' 4emie influenza. That two large motor 1'athy met his 'death, oiniste ' g to Icks- of supplies were sent to Chester. th sick. n Aloe Sunday afteroon. That anl lies. everal of the Protestant c aplaine:'savec been sent to Byn Mawr toy assist ha ae been stricken. - 'in ifauthorities at Vtllanoo-a Co lege _ls ittie 3t. Perkins, of the Army "anid that supplies will be sent Moiday Nurse Corps. -Morganton. 8al gave "I Boiborough. Ia her life through her devotion to e aol Saeso-Lqur diets, Salsaortiuor J. McGinnity, one f the rB. Franklin Boyer, State iHaNth Knights of. Columbus seeretari a dieed Clotnsissioaer,;isanad, a letter ye ter- teday MeGinnity was former In the yto all Boards of -Health of ifties, aru a servedwith a '.e lurk,tioughs, and towflsijpb;of the frst' reg Eeat on the htexiean'h"ordg djp -to county medicaf' inspecto and V everal of the Y. B, C. A. secre[ Iith officers in 'townships of th see- tames are now ill with. the die sac at,Iid in~ss, in which he said;~, the'base hospital The epridition of sev i~tdonsol wthting medical men ersa of them is causing grave:lety. ' make provislos for ugh The other Pennsylvanians w o died:.trug stores 'on re ate red phy a' we 'e: Private. Charles ieger Read lrsssriptlons. of alcoholic. stm ita my Herbert Maier. iTesding; rivate ni d make' provisio* for wholesal and Ja es P. Kelly. W illiamato and hoss to supply retail ends Clarence Hoy. Pottsville." s purpose Aone. These o ens llonay's' total death rate a the not prohibit ' holesale ship en15 highest since the epidemic td ~f alcoholic bevertep to points 4 side Thqrc have, been 213 deaths date. fPennsylvania, Where whole5 ers, Thi' - hundred' and seventy- e new.bottler, clubsor" fraternal d; thediseae wee reort2. To ani the i jyeon lGeneral s Departmaent at WaahLUMtIn CAM X. OJE$S HOSPITAL...A EYB A'RMORY After lntaieetl{ ngseveral'obuildings In Camdhn yeStnrday - ls, searen'. of one to bei used as a emorgency hoaZital to care fpr manly of thes.thpand of eases of influenza ad pneumonia durlog the pesent eioldew'lc. President H. H Daiof the Camden Beerd of 'Health, selected the copmndlng, of-.,!lces of Battery B, '1eld'Aetillery on. W'.right avenie, at Nith street. President Davis found tihs faclllties for elth a hospital better at -Battery B Armory than at. the Third Fiegiment Armory, on. Iacddon avenue.. it had first been planJ to use,. the Frankl" Hall. ~event sutreet and Ferry avenue; on account of the large number of sets of the disease is that section of -the city, but Dr.' Davis came to th econHrualon that the building-would not answer the, purpose for various reasons. An ad4ition is being added 'to the Itunicipa Hospital In Camden to accommode e shipijorkers from the plant of the N.ew Yo k Shipbuilding Conspanl. I Deaths in Cap den yesterday included Vinettk Cheer *an. 8-year-old daughter of Poliemaa Thiomas Chessman. of Pine street ecar Hladdon avenue: airs. (riga Miet us Ritter, 55 years old. \of 1H' Noert hifth street. sister of, Frederick 31o ibia. who died a few days ago-Mdrs.. Ganoski, 28g years old, of 1120I.Coolinr street. and Fed MaIk lier. IT jears oW. of 9051t Pearl street. and Will' Lmt~n. 29)yearso d. 1110 'Morto. st et,.Camden. TWO MART.RS'AMONG )Â~ GOUC STER VICTIMS Scpecial atoheioa ee. GLUI*TE t. N..1., Oct. 6.-Rtev..Anthony Schwa ek.. curate assisliaf hlr ars7 thoil lurch. and Dr. Frank Mi. 1)edatk ci. ono of the leading libyaicmous of. Gloucester, died today, 'martyrs to their p jfessons. The two deaths eist a lioom os-re the entire community becase it shows the work that the desadenv ew disease is doing in Glotucester. viiehrhhas been harder bit 'probanly than asy other city that Ls been affectedf by the disease. Father Ilihwaeae was btut 25 years oldIle was born in 1'ottst wn. Pa:, and graduated lii I e high seipsl of that jolsee and Ia tr graduatedj iii St. Vincent'a t'dllege, liaesl, k..'anod sosoerl~alned to the priesthood font months ego. lie' was sent to Glouatetoter foir his first assignment seld when the epidenpic ' groka out be visited the sick and adminsteced to the-dying, aidon Thursday uightwas taken sick. is Condijon grew worse andl he. passed away this mornisng at 7 o'clock. He isp vived by a mother and father, tour 's s era anail two brothners whio are -priest. They nire Itew. Father J.inns. Schwa, rector of the Catholic Church of die Brunswick. and 11ev. Loio Selwanze1 hois' sist912ng his brother in New nnin~twick. PUJB,.ICP CES_.CLOSED >'114 SCAREIS OVER SpreiaolTis r qiiee,.-' PLEASAN'if nn.LE,. N. J.. Oct. 6.Ihe Board o ealth, after holding a conference wit h-tbe -school board. offcials and the 4 odais. ofrteh city' last of ht, 9rderell the' Sunday s63%oo18. churches, echnins a nd nl other.publie places closedi u tit after the epldemio of influenza i er. ' No services were held in any he churches today andI the school not open tomoe~rdsv. The co t cain hospitalknow as.'Pine to ' as. been closed 'o visit-1 a'v DIs l Some pjraons, were not..getting meat promaptly and. a large $nree *ere ttlig )ntrutliuna-from I i~a'*. re the telephone, U. S.EIliS HOUSE FOl I'AlE OF SICK SAIL1 Vacant Property at 20L Twcrnty-second Street 1 en Over by Governmen SThe )ongvacant house at 205 Twcntj -second street. command 'hur ' r ight b; Dr. it H.1 men, miedical alide to the comma Â~f the Fiourth Naval district, was ad ore~ to Dr. Plumumer last nil six o'e ock. with beds naed res reev ains.E.bury, the owner, had an army of erk th* re whlo succeeded in psl tiape risg and. furbishin it throe Ien fort-~eight hours. f I s to ke 'isa n t"th'NvEre ospilt 1(formerly the United.5 Club).! Tine?Nary Huee, 221 South Ieonth street,- is being placed a service: of parents and relatives mooed ifroma tdlstanem to' atten fick ani" ors ad marines. Beds ~ eo.listahled. and several guests dready been acrcommodated. The nhg vor pt Navy House is busy log gut bedside proery bags to 'me'gfncy Hoapital, and the opened1 surgical dressings depar is wor dng -on 1000 gauze mas s.jh ayYt. h resniinigd lartment will be opea ay ajlternono after one oclocl Al who can sgrk are nelcome. hlna.j itofdkbnry acknowledge splemtdn lrhapoase-to the 1public, jnade yesterdlay for dontion fai retoiand oranges," which seen!, thea most popuicr aced "amen Tbu f bissikI h ese kiffs of fruit and mioney ai s vd treet, a,theaf be l" frag -Inaiditelj-'carried by the r Ittoeagel'-.Service'to tjte, o a rl' em-y roe: a' 'rd. tbCatUnted Srahe ad "tie 'Methodist Hospital: ui r r en aej III-hn$0-.a en. eesd.j The Home for Aged' (C. s;contributeid $28.50. ~sqlie Atla ntpe'r "B'.lolagenlpl e~ Advitall':)Rse Forceof:the:l ~ate Mareinn Cotps, 21.;it Fiel Co'it'erda ~ War Uouhclt of thd-Y. W. C. A., $10.8 DEVOTION COSTS.LIE Rld~i I arkm Pasor Dli After 1n ~amply Through Epldsn CH41SFes. ' Pa.. Oct; 6-l weft = s ~ ~ - t Dim-m quarantfie lulLI~e rooms, diluta-for Co}1I Rsjloa pes, HRABRIKEUE -.Pa. Jet."A-Ana p- 0 o of:palfor 509 doctors: and 250 nurses ol and *evlner hi ev by noon toBatI eorrow t i egh, whch is pil, ea- f.sprasinf bpen tnay the_ -s* nthra dte T of e o hinu' n appep g t er Of n he itminussection.,was Lmade today by Dr. B:. Fran~nm oer, She Dtage Comilslioner of Sealhr. Dh'- R. -A. J. BORDON -DIES: the Em Contracted Influenamz While Helping. the Bi N Victims In Jewish Hospital'' to Eay3 DJs. Abraham J. Gordon. of 237 Sopuds the lie DIS tanstreet. one of the most promnet 8oimou angphysicians of the city, diet) Lt weeks Sthe Jewish Hospital at:2.30 o'clock 'ap cavatiot terday morning after "an Illness of three o Ib days from ipflnza. "Amember of the )49q of the*Jwisin year's 5Sm Hospital, Dr. Gordon had labored uor $ the R~e wittingly in treating'tne large nem nder t rak- of cases of influenza tlpat were brought, to the Institution since the eplda gined "headway. Bk complained. IH. Pin] it feeling ill the beginning of last-"week, A le but not. until Thureday did he stop varsity work. hiL for South Dr. Gordon warn horn near Odessa, *io n leered Russia. twenty-eight vesrs ago and isn otPlum- ecane to the United S tee and to Pil-t- n indant adelphis when a amatl child with fitaslit I turn- -pdrents. graduating irom the Central Iho t rb gtatHih Schoolin 1lS8,be entered lagfer- me-dan idy. to son Medical College aid after -recetvtsg ing ma Sotts- his degree he became-1'an instructor in ed. T. work- thatiInstitution.. ' amoumnt,inng, The funeral 'services will take eplacI'lestii aghout tomorrow atfernoon at 200'9 North naked i ' used Broad street.' - pice rgenry. - of. whi, Srvie "Chiropodists to Wear Masks- ted to Hg- The Chiropodist Sociey of Penayl- ''-For ttgh 7 abi has.canceled its meeting ached- needed sum-e ie for thia evening inn account of the hamme t u-influenza epidemic. Operators h qve contrac Â~d the been requested by the ncentific tMm- or t ha -l ve mittee to wear masksawhile vsiting on Jerusel haepatiftta I atU sew- epglares otrnthe Womn's.CduliventlominPoatkon -. - s thev newly.' lnflaenzg has caused the patpone- tg Itment wettof seeerat large jathaningao dbIn den is-for. woiquen scheduled for;-Octobsar, among as a p rpiedlthem the tyreity-trj annual assefa- med u isno-~lpe of the"Stata= Fe. oa V fPeen- It is k -,and vanlae Women, call dfor atit ek -ntur York. Thosllt of t sera includd lDrFi 'the Miate Health om slose pRyer and tails ht appeal iwae at bisa-uggastoon the mneeting Lia era Cr "Ice Iraa indefinitely Put o4f.. t-lIesst 100 "an the ned. o.wmnwr. to have. atteded: iAt -Is templei ig lha' gpeFtd mtet;~a s i tthe ~i- I ti rardiR. can Ravojiption isillo postpione Ocr left th ere be- meeking called -f ip October.21 at Ear- intern ospitil absbnr. - " ',-. -itr South-.- tea nit is -'."- - - 'Nary. 1 naval - dthaey el~iee - ofl thE -- S. tin 15.C!. - Iio M llM -itlm nflr uza, eost'tev..Fr )'t$$ mmerk. pastor of thbs ' diedt at 6.30 o'clock tisa rp v inki been Of.but'four days: L ti}qbti in wn Lisp.-,ame " Lite a.pon the' as ed-mewberE himsel, with itae laid;o( n...hbors, by whom the minitee.w ' geatly beltovedt.' Inflensi45 vinlon in tno pneumonia. lad ":death Special t CAB marked U~a no dy by t ae a re tl~~fblwa [P ' N 3, ct *A Rr Mr Limmerick was me r [P ofntuez 4?--' f Chester 1Presbytery. and etu tdead in cases.of ienagedennza e ed report submitted t o ie In - n hritable and,be the ' surgeon and the. dis: nevnlte t ' enterprises at-home and aa ci ty nde AsPhik alp ilkl. bad. b en peator':of bl er ontrol1 Asthe Rdie. 'larmk Church.for two years,i noa"pua,apu r fpacumonug ecases ll ink hpee from Braddock. Pa. A ei relopiag, but on the whole the- miasp y earsofe and:a graduate'f ari. is ecidedly encourasknpP- t5on' pl!g. 'efgbd d bs ware reported with '~ - - -'opnedm cases and 7SfInfo- ' dl eprts Osal..De - tm.:"e total influenza cseFs eors nY 4D a pnnibe 007, with 11111'sufer-' S8l ORtO,. N.J., Oct. i pue onias:. Churehteap and galeas.' this "has been i the on r an tinne hans are lifted the 'qimeteat. Sabbath that South Jeesltors. a again a Ule iecdidis Dix 8se h "e paeneed in years. All eit ezeba es, where many so4 outPas Ryjon to 'replenish the -inner 4I V NAihsnrheiecem eo rpra sdt i h~ 4L ro bee soft drinks yr other OKED ' 1",wl no longer be attractiset been found that the soldiers _ I too' i cli in these delicaclee 1 -6 admals, tln the. result that the mil ifo provided is left un" 17 round t_ -yIf.POIa -- yo 1 Cp, Cu tme: -an& they eithe piano, him is y=ore th tess yesterday. 1.mi. perlchairmen; Dr. (eorae cc chairman:; ohn 4-1i,,. Byron Baton C eney Are Scott, John e.Townire secretary ofI the Pennsylvania Chaite r of Red Cross), Mayor. ith, wilt recede. There were~ f today to be admitted to then h ospitals, while a numbIa a in the hospitals have been discharged. ae officials in charge of the wd tog the epidemic are tryingt the required number of In yes to lake care of eaesanuho h itainbfr lic. The statement that the 'c 2 00 deaths from the disease 0

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