Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~11 V wne INS-,ire as ES alrew lerold. rere the,kee ghL aug 'fly try Eta of in gnast Ss ra rile L-a Iat tMe *5th ithe excuse thatthe;wool t requtiboned, and, -course, y,th.g.obrone:or bi r,valuable Y alg a p is of ar t h apvetu e d 'lb d fur nrd int o.0s lootIoe; li t.e....r r e..- and aold.-n GeI, M..idr ola The a unt for.j lhrIt oapa nd bronzed ~.: een iig orlast ewmn tnhse mlie thl* crierdis.count rh anded Bwheli ofo ago he the ardn seacul fore *5 palsor abiidoned Peolar e laskwould g+ive The Bel.:longer imposed for hoarding or hidingothings. The soldiers are dirt and ditapidsted a oficers oft en sell,thelr over coats as they recive new nes.Mhany $e ' a p risogia:s have'been liberated a. sent home.i It.Is supposed Ghr.Wanyould not feed them.........hc. A...e::Graft Found Everywhsere oThe coruption among the military,trm endous...Thus&an old Belgian l y fro m Vervier who. wished to join hierchildren. in Holland.Was: refused pasport b numerous times. One day; however, a German woman came to thehouse and ofid she could procure a. passport d nd asked what the lacr would give. The Belgian offered $300, which was accepted. 'After that she was obliged to show herself with Germans and even to take walc.with them. In procuring the pa prt she was confronted by the very same offcers who had already rejected her appeals and who now received her with sniles, but sald she must go to a doctor. After a sew formalities the bargain was closed, but not.-before a series of people inW.)lv d were bought off. according to a regulated tariff of small sums of Imney. botteas of champa.gne and burgundydowin t o & piece of bacon for thetmad at the frontier. Two- eople accompanied theold lady to the frontier. IMMINENCE OF PEACE TO CAUSE RESIGNATIONS PHILADELPHIA-Because of the Imminence of peace some of the departonnt heads of the emergency fleet corporation are looking forward to resigning and resuming activities in thr various lines of business. Some oft e oflcials. It is said, have already informed Edward N. Huley, chairman of the United States shipping board, that they apt clpat resigning within asi months if peace is concluded by that time. Among these is Charles Pies, vice president and general manager of the corporation. "We shall all stay on long enough to turn over our offices to our successors in such manner that the in,. terests of the government will not suffer." said Mr. Pies on Monday. "Present arrangements will continue for about six months, according to plans now discussed." GERMANS CONTINUE TO "FRUSTRATE" ALLIES BERLIN - The D4ning communlcation from headquarters says: "There has been a violent struggle "2een the Scheldt and the Oise. The break through for which the British and French again have been strivin on a front of over sixty kilometers (thlrty-eight and one-third miles) was frustrated. "Between Le Quesnoy and Landredes our reserves stemmed the enemy thrust. On the remainder of the front our foremost battle troops brought the assault to a standstil. "West of the Meuse engagements have developed In Dieulet forest." HORSE SHOW RECEIPTS TO GO TO WAR FUND NEW YORKl -The gross receipts of the nation horse show which opens Nov. Ui in Madison Square Garden wtl'be donated to the United War Work campaign which starts on the same date. Under a previops ae.rangement the proceeds of the show were to go to the American ]Red Chross. The Red Crs real1zed $63,Q00 flrom the 1917 show. UKRAINIA IS SENDING MISSION TO AMERICA AMSTERDAM--A Ukralnla delegation is leaving this week for the United States, according to a dispatch from Kiev to the Vosalsche Zeitung of Berlin. to enlighten the American public ap the national and internationsl positions of the Ukraine and to clear up crsunderstandings. The delegation Is headed&by Ivan Korostovetz, formw -psaia inieder at Peklus Â~....-'!...:.:.-..,:.,:.....: _ t, t.... 27x564-inch size Rag Rugs, in various desirable colorings, suitable for many rooms. Specially.. priced for this sale Tuesday, your choice at 1.45 eaclh. USPE.HAINS--Fourth Fleer. for Silks".,m o YourAINSm o f ourI IS ALL THEATERS REOPEN TO CAPACITYCROW0Sl MI w Llrut l5at p n guun r, Lifting of Influenza Is. Welcomed by Thousands. Ban +M J P i e 1 t a r a l i Thousands of people took advantage of the lifting of the influenmz ban and filled theaters in the downtown and outlying districts on Monday. Practically every theater played to a capacity house. many of them finding it'necessary to turn away crowds during every performance. Beginning early in the afternoon when the moving picture and vaudevile houses, and theaters playing matinees, opened their doors, a steady stream of amusement bent persons could be seen at the box offices seeking admission. Persons, awaiting admission, however. were not permitted to congregate in the lobbies of the show houses. as the influenza epidemic, although abated. is oct yet extinct. Crowds, on the downtown streets, which during the period of the ban sad been practically deserted at night, resembled those of the usual weekend nights Cafes, palm gardens. billiard rooms and bowling alley were also mong those benefited by the lifting of the ban, and were well patronized. CHICAGO STARTS WORK ON HANGAR FOR POST PLANES CHICAGO-Ground was broken on Monday at Auburn field. In the southWest section of the city, for a hangar landing place for planes in the Ctcago-N"w York aerial mail service. W. M. Ca isle, postmaster of Chicago:; Charles Dickinson, president of the Aero Cluib of -Illinois. and Capt. B. S. Llpsner, head of the aeria mail service, turned the flst spadeful of earth. Capt. Lipsuer. speaking on the Importance -Of the aerial, mail service, said: "We will extend this service sonto, St. paul and Minneapolis. -T.. Philippines have a nut ca calumpentg. which sounds like, some; Hos:.".== " ' =; r-'J. j:,at-.. roimetsi d Silk:oos blohss'newest.] shadIs"..itb.ett icd - of l0 an ulr 5 t Aues pecil Frce 55c t'.' Curtain t 'arterials:. 39e Cuti iaqulette. d.-.whie -fnc red elects in white and.ect.- Thesesaterals mske' excellent wearing curtains,.Re-. ular=56c values,-specially priced Tuesday-.*t ce yar.. gsPUHAIS--enrth Fleer. CASUALTIES Special Dispatch to The Senthiel and The New York Times. W ASHINGTON, D. C.- The two casualty lists given out by the war department on- Monday contained 933 names, bringing the total for the army up to 63,100. No marine corps list was Issued, leaving the. total previously reported for t branch of the service at 3.991. Summary: Presiously Reportedreorted. Now. 4. TotaL illed in action... 10.726 193 10.921 Lost at Sea....... 64... 24 Died ofwounds... 4.13~ 67' 4.180 Died of accident and other causes 1.23 5 1.248 Lied of disease.... 3.726 91 3.817 Total.......... 20,481 348 20.839 Wounded.. 3.463 577 30.042 Missinc. including prisoners....... 6.1P 2 8 6.2 Total......... 62.147 953 63.100 SUMMARY OF WEATHER Furnished br the (lnited States weather bureau. department of agrriculture. TUESDAY.-NOVEMBFR 5, 1918. WEATHER.ORECAAT. WVISCONSIN ';ncreasing cloudiness. with moderate temperature on Tuesday. follded by rain in the afternoon or night. Wednesday rain and colder in west portion; increasing soutiteast to south winds becoming fresh. UPPER MICHIGAN: Fair in east; showers in west portion on Tuesday. Wednesday probably showers. Following are oberva-sti ns taken through. out the country rsterday at the same moment of time. correspondlnga II 85la pm. Washington time: lae of -Mt., a Observation. Temp. Temp. Weather.' Pre. Eastern states-- Atlanta...... 62' 68 Clo0r 0 Boston..48 54 Rain.-04 New York.. 4. 54 Fear - Washington '.. 54 04 Fair 0 SGulf StatesEl Pasa......._"74 '80 Clear 0. Jacksonville. 66 74 Cloud;: New Orleans..0 67 Cloudy! 0, East central states-- Chi.cago 50 62 Cloudy 0 Cleveland.... 48 v63 Cloudy.08 Â~Grad Rapids 48 h0 Clear.0 Indianapolia 44 66 Cloudy.. 0 ikmphis..... 66 72 Clear. "0. Milwaukee_. 46 52 e: west omiia l states--.. De I.. 50 65 0. "":.:-ou p Huron...., 60 64 Cluds..-16 soxsa(. t. 64 Â~ 70 Q iud' - Sioux City.... 60- 64.-Coudy,:.b St. Louisb..,.t: 5. 66. Coedy,. 0':. o. aiai.ts id -- -.:-, -...,:. I Pacific statesLoAnugels.. 60.0e loudy ':'0-;.Portland.. 60-4. 64:Cloudy.. 60: t1 Optician otads reeordt of the;daretenpeatue e was as follows:.a m.d u i the nigt. 4: 7,a. m., 4 a.-. 9a. m.. 44:10a.m. 45;..1a.:m'.46. 12 m.. 48; 1. nm.. 50: 1 p.n'm.,.49:.sp.Â~:," 49: 4p. m..4: 5p.. 46:6 P.:..47. On the correspondlng date-last Tear the-mini-i mum temperature was 44.,-and thena. I. mum. 49[ CZECHO-SLOVAK SOLDIERS MAY RETURN TO HOMES AMSTERDAM -Russian Foreig$a Minister Tchitcherin,has: tdlegraphed j the provisional Czech-Slovak governLADIES!"D R E FIAY yo U YOURDA!.HAIRUse Grandma's Sage Tea- and Sulphur Recipe and N:obody Will Know. The use of Sage anSlphr for restoring faded, gray baifrto-Itanat.ural color dates back to gradmoth er's time. She used.itto.kee het hair beautifully.dark,--glosay andt tractive. Wheneyer h, on that dull, fsaded or strea appear ace, this -simple miture:has ai piled with wonderful-effect But brewing at ahom sussyand out&of-date.- Nowadays. b askingat. 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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