Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ tIobc 4Arwat. "Orient and Occient - 4 Meet in- the Movies} An Interest ng la e BY MARGARET IEANNXS IN NEXT SUNDAY'S Globe-Democrat Magazine.. i, t " I:. ST. LUI8, MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14,0 1918. T i PAGES 9 - "P ns teK isr" 16 -Influeza Deai uns heK isr isw 'and 300 New s e 4s Is:Missou ri's Slogan, jtheI~st24Hours1 with Jugep netay~e~.Vglnc utB iv Jud e_ pe ce_________iglaceusB__il Practiced, Says Health5 Comisioner~~. "epStLu After Settling Account with War Lords Justicej _Help_____Lo ng to German,People Should Be Shiowni, Is as eath from Spanish. influenza: as LibCI'1 Sentiment Candidate Finds. auring the twenty-four hours ending aLa: m- ndq.l yeeterdey were 'reported laut nigilt -, -- L ia..ut&.umurt ner... e tars -F* tPeace Wine iore Pieces of;r for Big. Loan!. tiOver the Top," Is Sloganic Cry y Workers Open with Rufsh t Week of Campaign. i' t. ",oerner Judge Belden P. States senator, who had maltde act counties since he started his cal,o nothing but a conclusive peae;nd Possible. ar. man said this while discussing the led mnpeace note. He said be has ampes~sed everywhere by the dot wrspirit' of the people and theira god fas loyalty in the president in tLi If Spencer said: The preslde6t entelting to many thousands., 1i te un people want such a peace as will ceimpossible for all ime a;repetiti slthis awful war. - "Punish the Sur; " ov~rwhdli "aVe strong for punishment fot theI van~ the kaiser had "dond and for t~o reparation for the 'lnJpirle~ the I-aspepetrated," and' fot safe,lied against any repetition of t#ne bino the and wanton destruction which WAn- characteriged the kaA 's war,eat gram It 'o But after these great prnciptei I to been fully eatahlipJed- the-'peoplet in justice for thtQcrman peope bong justice Is what the kaiser has rine latwed" HORUS OF 'BUY BON mn OD O N E C th Entire -Nation Arouse pork, 6 Datiger of Failing Rai<Sej Quotas. tal o WASHtING~TON.,.October 18.-3 -peace' talk,and S9panlsh influenz.ble. fourth A4herty Loan campeign.a net b permitted' to defeat. plans f Te~ tamring more than "16.01)0..0 nn-though h)alf of that amount n i<yr rapist dltn, th 'next six -days. j Repo is from all parts of the- nih incte "fat'e ts tpe efull yroused ~o the ' &iffatiure through the;belief! r s. thaa' 'offercito' agree to C neo, ilson's' 'terms means ofa ~ld o!. ~wr: Commte ts of t.s,.r.s 1aoe iest 0t irH k)nwessaerpre eSpencer,,,,ciublicsai noniinem' frt United developed within the same period. St, Louie' answer to the kaiser's; latest bid for pete xwll be a whirlfrom one to three eIpenchem. In nearly liftY Whiie the itOO new cases reported is ia wind finirsh of the fourth Liberty Losn cantpaign TihetGermnan peace mpalgfl. declareid last.night the people wont eMailer number than 'on any previous Propaganda has in it "a recognized eiemnent of danger t" the success of thte ewhich will make a repetition of war Im- day since the city virtually was placed campaign, and it is to discount this danger that those in-charge of the suner sadrater igihl csoulds- sale have redoubled t ir efforts in determination to "put St. Louis over, Ge'gie t sniecnqeedoopegi-exorcised, within the next few days. the top" In the least ossiie. time. shbeen Ing recognition to eve-ry r~teu ml ninanttonothGeanpoifolirt "Although the situation here already As a part of this Intensified earn- ment: "I understand maeny people are atad ion deop mnt. p or. iesbet fis Showing encouraging signs of Imn- paign, red placards er g the words, holding back their subscriptions on acte wast "There never can bie a peace untol the provement. we must not be overoptimis- 'Help Si. Louts Over aeTop," have count of the prospects of an early peasce. German people know that the things for tic and make the mistake of allowing a been plastered over the a tire dowutow i thinking it will sot be necesary to selltmay which the kaiser stands are ips'beclm nmanneglnc. hehathdsrt cllth te nto na forcefRI bonds. to pen- to a civilised world" couniioer said. "Just now is manlu toth Imperta.n of subecrils- "It sounds tompe this is only an o!after. lime to increase our vigilance an ding the remaining $20.,45O of- the cuse, for any thinking man must know tat thgq '. Folk Silent on, Peace., double our efforts to stamp out the dig- luota of $75,856,800 in r ned title. that 'peace or no peace will not stop I Tnke oseh W Ppi. Sencr'sopponent, ease before a more serious epidemic t- "The Liberty Loan giv every Amer-th tremitaotus xes o oetm Ion 'of I dellned to commnmt oil the war altos: 'elope." lean the opportunity to vs a person Il to conic and should we have pece will tin or the Gernitan poenc.-toB s~s art in the great war- place his dcl- Itill require even a further gale of bonde. ISpencer's ca.mpaign.iti. "th is devoted Membrseo e.Rdlrsimeca tars bie by side with 'lighting ments The ptreent itste of hmtdriobe to the war and the fourth ltttecty iLoan., ebr f h e ro eiait the front," aveapr, Isment from largely' anticipatedl by the issuing of migy.n hc a itrutdFia,men alod public welfare officialsa-will the Libs:rty Lose Asso cation, which' treasury notes to rais the money In things Influenza at two ltints t'il his itinerary,ttethimonginheofcsfte adds that tiermany s "a peal for peace advancte. So a lurge part of the po aml it sbe rnnrarsumed at i Marble Hill crTuesday.i tealth Deptmient in the Munticipltoi directed alone to the United States; teeds of thts clue has already been apeCourts Building to complete arrange-igoigteals, ho av suffered spent. This i. no time to Consd r.,or guairsIn)to Hotingr cth. wce will carrnhimomets for the assignment of capable;he gseate5t from the Ho outrages and one minute a let-up ottor sr cri...'pgad s I t ol Mdidger. ScotMississippi. iron nurses in certain districts of time city. mohy hate paid the grea t price."!! lions, but it,isqulti talt for an effort ha,ar.Butler andtWashington ben I,. ottthe part of all' for ia prompt risingh r. i has betsadisd ctou0 ntiesa formed by the Red Cross for this pur- No. peope to'. laclk up the govetrnment: A large-forceafssbheol-dvicers ahultimatu anduthe 0b'. of tepopale tb r in inefrIt tyo hepit fpose Germany's reply to Pr dent Wilson'1 letoaovru sipon iinerfeary. fte pit f Ates oc f coltahesa ut- tu n h tcome of the "You arc not cailed upon to do much ti have I'this Itnray lolk. whose speaking principals, whose services previously, fourti Liberty Loan w the sole topic i in buying Liberty bonds-a par' and lee datlueswrilre ne tcat etbin had ben offered to the city by Superie- if conroreiltion at the country clubs over ltvoptmwnttit the war ends, which toadfuna il etnaIl aign Toes- tendertt Withers., today wilt begin a'Suniday and wherever en of affairsI seems now usasuced. 'in a very short never day in Shannon County. tour of the factories.antd bustness were wont to coegregs time. They should get vittn a rush. 'The houses to give practical advire on Rsotla Wells. governor f the Eighth chances are much greater to realise a proper ve eitlatton. John b. 1-lrmia. rest Federal Resort's Bank, ho by virtue poi ahe hnalolts LItate' man, will he in charge of the of his oficte is the head f the Liberty "The government asks for the 106am HAK IS'SRVC R OL dlgain Loan Organisation of th Eighth Fed' of this money. A failure to respond "JIUsl ISSR IC R 5 eeain Early Relief, views why the fourth Uhberty Loan shame. We cat't. afford to do it after Q~ Dr tr si etercniin must he sobscrfbed~in full all this country has done. This would Id to Fomr.l- ak! Sls atwk wr uch thast a meore serlos,'-It is highly imepo et for every almoat amount to the unon of all We Lo. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ spedoah os aspeetd. 5id Gev. Wells, " o double their have done. V0 aIt hasin i tnUhierty Loan. EvesIf peace should "oI o. I bedecared eryshorly.this is no."We must rally at once and doOU00 F r e it yv tae benales-er rge "Then. tothdthetot oee u dsoingris r.".. 1 cniudfvrbew e.the epi- imo to weaken. It is he utmost Ia-dt oteedjsta u tilt w berman Harllp ol;o,41 chro si roal ilb eue ortanos ta esol help the gov- resolved to do in the field. Stop thtinkta., the aventue, second leSutenan' in the One' this week. erment "at this time. 'I about it' Do it now, Be the nie sill ~~~~~~ ~trog notawrde -he - nfa 'hototldumbrrfyeseoverredthe top!" fil or wred, dlstingu4,h d Service the t c -since the Health bepartment fourth LUbertyi Loan h b abeencre pat ~lam t opocara oh forb-crssforst~bh- n ry.Ilam In the requl phyaletans to make daily re- ted iby hsthebgvr~et dalrepr erty Loan Organization, Eighth Federal ISW, at.battle of BBeileau Woods. F aftceJuly ports Is "21719. 'Deaths within the s tia hsmene amne wsReev e D sict eacedivdpel oust be2Gacrit ta tsa Wah peidaeetmtdasou ipr obtained on th u crtifeatee of " emnsnwpaediesel acod1 oaipt f1t ahpro r siae taot2 e eeuingtton '.-5 cent of ftle- total -reperteil. Other citiee indebtedfte55. 050 t u r t-failure fob the fourth Uberty Loan s4he country ' tDisd ove Inai h k errranr achine-gije have reported a death 'rail of from 5 to' cfalsare short-time d the money' will win. the greatest battle In the his Kcan nteat Which had been infl eti g dama~ge ' per cent. - was secured 'on em ptcrating the tory of this. par. She has used pison grupon his battalion, 'ide it. Noeel led fourth Liberty na for this tea-bfran Ina omsndpbbl - - so Suelea mot hesic ribe ~ '~'in another form during this Liberty Vestatements to~no ur preel. 082/06LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R Mwwlsn"eoua.o wa.'It 'ias elly to thindk of -.c.nennie invad-: rra 0

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