Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ Closing Order Gad-he T' i'Gan ' a ~ g~An Well Observed Rochester Temple OfO dFlos;al oe'en Party meeingofRoces i40?d~ lolt oot ByT eLodges sists-g'ome 41.- o Jadle' hit B h tantpeiPvha S'esq} word_ was received that fife T o eH r af~ ryt egvj o grand cbt-0 or the order in the members of Zheder Khan Banc.-,:.' 1Fralerttil societies 0in ochester State of New York, Sister Ida J. The Odd Fellows of Rochester are orum,, 13,of the Oriental 0. Hf. this Oweikgeneraly observed the vios- Turner of Albany would pay mainnarage8nt,;r vsittin. -their ladies, in of)- order srt bythe cotnnissioner RochesterTemple an ornciai viit mkn ragmns o ialn Powersa iroom next San, SoudKep: y8a ofpuli ordet ery few lodges held o hrdyeeigOtbr to this cit by Hob. Henry V.Borst $s e~~a, IShousd tbepban end ilt:i or hese. transacted only 2a4. It is urged that atl the sia- of Amaterdam, N. Y.~ grand sire of on. pubilo s$Sinebiag aIsilOin proachinig Tea~cX esetniil btite~s. In sonie cases only tern of tite teittpie attend the the Sovereign -Grand Lodge. who',ei force on that evenln*, the party CrossingSret cit.cgsett and conducted the bust- next mneeting to greet the tond'wl be Of thead nnuce It. ao Tempte, Oddgrandwsexpected t ethe guest o teiqcal -ilb otoe n rvnl ldodFlosIala chie three-link fraternity some time i' the otent 'of he\new date will be', he ugly-Ac S., m stritly cotmplied with the 9. near future. It is understood teat md n~l oa aes icltr. 11 Mt et r l oilets will ha permit-,lFrankfort Lodge has extended so in- 'Reisport Shvos lcitancreauhnr~ e:kisntvttto oJstc os t a a!;or St;11 ipnK 1ortt n-I sta a i n official 'visit to the Rochester Odd S C E ARIS evn f itap lti' -s ti eeiioysiteo-Las a L AL Fellows and that alt lodges In the City aSECREThih Keron lntocliltoi:ctuoio n chave been invited to co-operate il ~~LiJi,o ti rtiiy fte og tthe week of Ocobr( th: i~tr~lnttstiseki s ofthe og- Hfi el1d By mantking. arrangements for the recep- were caused'by pedestrin e ti irolftittnS ~l t ~ L aII~ oo and entertainment of the head, DL1b~~ll ly walking or- ruzslning in foto p i Cti. i1tittl. ~ po~dB of the order in the world. Therefore, DODVDi1~ ~ff mobiles Whle cante~ h S.acommittee for this purpose, comrn- B R ER-WO I greater responsibilityinuc 0.E. S.Meetings AdEncarnpmren t poedorepresentatives of sli sub-,1 dens. its Chef- oPolie Jsp M Social Events Potpne ----Itons end Itebekah lodges, has beent 4~ i S 'ii re Gs eetin elz L~ re htpdsran* OPTAqLnty ~tamptnent 0 1.0. 0. ',,tipitilted to make preparations for carelessness of many driet n SI emr of liii tester Chapter,:tt4. it-lit a lardeit -aiettidtimeeting on a bigt;ucelitig to be held in honor of ____ no chances in crossing sres E v ii,, aret) rittesteciThrdayeenn, cobri.o thegru ir.T~iscommitteewl eeld Razors for Wounded Tepedestrian shoudway th i lppt with i rand Athur C. hsaeesonatapproachingces trthene traffidirsancA,,;t"i l, twhichapersbeernotice tt tee h otcesfr 1ite earr t ext Friday eveninig in Odd -temu oarsndA. crossing the street," hie The ---tootpicenilni:te Picnlt"Ire italltd tipbytiisritDeputy Vlettis Tempile, ip case the bats."' - Ily. "Ho should n-9'I~ te ttbtetltl it the homt o f t rend Pa.triarcht W. F. Duryea. and platrdod n meetings during the Inlu- sist Nurses in Otherwise race a vehicle past a gvnp 1 i,:!;;;tis been tpOstpone.-;aadflown h ttn ei ls.-. aepidemic soudbe lfe;other-" frrush 1n front of a movin ri l'b-t" I, c Itlich tliteix wias to be wisn.'-ettog -. cries shouldlitd watch Caringfo Mel Bi-ought without ascertainingwhte rehln were serveil atd a social ler-renttvshod II; I o h t'-eof- Sirs. ('I ri-ni e iirthese colutitis ft-cfurther notice. BcaheFot. ntother car or vehicleisapo ll.iiintre.-hefull,-n rig iic lwrCi ogtlheld a BckFrom teFrn from xthe opposite dircton /; I i' ',1 ' 1 enlly t o -'- to ottce iii' I~I- tlli.l u-hif tatrioreli. sir-t titelnesit mnetihg lsst Monday -- motorists drive carelessyt n 2 iistt t~r i o li-er-Itt- iiit 'tg~i ~kIt.Jieeveriigitt its rooms st Main and Fomth idy ato ngi~ flesaly through the seet h t l,I1tl 5'la i i ot i etinitii.ii"''ei.Switi streets. D a work was neces- Columbus secr.tary, when he shaved trian should allow forish 5-iiiiiii juniior ityeti. al (l.,tart, postponed account of the a wounded Aeranslir therethfaththemyhvte,'hol'n"iy )-'Qrin gibe,.(:tile. 1' rio-tog or(itder broutght abiout by the of way aridthat the drie o oi 1 itn.l /rl}'I 1i, i li --. - tiCii inRh1l miv o uaprg u h pdm grew a service that drew fromn govcinll repsbefo in tte.,saucer, ilim.ttlli;ofSaisiriec.Iisntkwnemiznent officials and war relief or-crhinawllynotrempnsedthinu. el- tir' ciicar ti nd ft 'ttte-nils int, i of paihii. t~z. t sno-kon t hwllntpedt faut-ihri- tui whether lhe work may he taken uts ganlsations official recognition and up the0pedesrian tous ai J ii Allen: aefotol ocatch. 0. t. i n ti--apt iitay evening, when there will strong words of appreciation. caution even as it is ted Cxl Ii i tryc-f Ne er-tiesiiir- Rei i mc h rlwttt -. Vimanbutte; him it regular meetig.Tiemactior-ienstousppraogpeeti S sil ie htti tir-t l ir fifurth t 0 'i.Ii...r ilii enx:inside Alt memboxers if Firankfort Lodge. Te eretary in question Irs JamesonorisheCoaexroaodinar p --fimltm iIi- "' iii litii G 7, tire urgently requested to for- A. K~enfney of Efast Liverpool. Ohio,- Of the other accidents eot iiiodi I lTOMetJ.,f mct n r i:ieif I. rI trueod tio Secretary Arthmur C. Pearce. and the secr-ice Is tiat of ampplying Ing the week, two occurdi oncorcia 1e I~ Atii n r ii ia it-ir -omi J.i.ictTrettonit street, the amoumnt of IKnights of Coltoxho. secretaries ayIts;l time street on the sdwl It loingBa isLited ktb-It "1e I- ihct d- riter Iir etlasc"ihriins to the Fourth workers inho pialA ahere woutndei front alighting from a sre it I titltLitecLe fani. tepurts moat he made Atnerican -soldiers are tutarterril. frmsidugoawepven T("'i i 1 ifit. egi i r n;1i tii t0 n- i tic-liyt tle;rand lodge iat once. Families The Sunday foliow-inmg te American fronm rectless operatlo.n F~~~~ - - ''e' -l I., - 0 t (, ~i4 iof Pt ii ttfert limit- umenmhers now in victory -at Clinteu-Thilerry, Xr."I-Ken- collision, tand twofrom uo --- V " ':,, 1;;in1t"~' ihtf tI thelxt I-i -. i - ~ le sivci i f io 1'.iS.tic its Allies ney. who wras in rhirge of mhe I. of being without headlights 1. tllin,,l ll:," 1r,. r1.,,, iii ~ itui e iler rat. amid where the visited thto hospita hteire our lien 114 sccidents hat-s occr e -' '- membe1I!eltil.'he-IiIir.11'ot V. M. wui l 1mhmthiil rc ie.this tuonth compared to 0 e w1, ft'drssonV ondrc 'n ha btle Sro t kn'I{r i:"t.I Iu,;d. -u- Itutir lint-' l,e w tie A11S''ah ien hem-140 wasiutcyof thuclesgl-u. S t. ie 000 gert heor abesp ni d ac - i -- '. -.1. 11.-GIuts - has l o temiin. ti -: en 'uie. I oI. 1't Inroieue Iiiitie p leriiy" i1 ettit4t, d. There stith beponoponeh.rhererwils o:thetwardsinured 'nrep nrtedebyatheppolicey thispyear I a ii..enlie i ii. -oi -r- t1,,1,, randut ure-iinc of the lstgenext Weudnesday serf!sly ttoumtdei ldhtier.,-sho sold hoe teared to 1806 for timeso epr k n ii r o t- tie i -.muei'ii. I-. but'c r i i taftef iti- -- ni-uri. siles the ritsing order s --l---------- Juamestown-im. I.. trying -to 1911 "-h: cll lia:-' S!-'# lo nior tt;ci ii I l.- t:i.t cof Ii i ' )iii m 1 sI- hav ito lieuti r--tmtu~ d i by that time. shim-e himself. lius right handi tas This umontli. therehv e 1- t.Cuirli t Pu--ti-.Jutn Braurtn ml ii ni1,ii i, tsi. au-liht hi ucriul. irttt rsonEitF. limmctiof Fratnk- entireiy bantdaged and hung helpiess- -automobile accidentsfIveoo leii 5 -I-u tiptnonhlel takeuf. The tiaet. tn Iniueltiru-c.It- Ti. rim- fiets g to fort ludt"a.tulth iis acekaged 31 1}y, the other partiailly tandaged -bttt fottr bicycle, sevena hre loahfh -e o-l at tte i st rilef ale;:rt us of Nil. Botin It.- yea-. with thme thumb anti000 finger free. vehicle, ten street car, n a p -s-e te r-nu ir-r-r --il e tf: 'temii -t'1a;. r. W. 1'. iar- tie-theuthtlitf Witiatm W. Ittterhe. st-o to remaot week's grit-smi of beardcos kifds of accidents. PC:n r: at the r cortuli p rsolt i ( e cl ra '--Ot yt mm:I irt i.U-- --,Ir it; el tuiuir iit'i t.1 i-'ri -nih.t) i par 1,it - i.the utlig an old styl aoh ~,a agher the1ret have been147 0 - rtc ~o.-rri~i- Ccii ~e to t.- ti. hrit s I'. I'4;:,"-u; J uioru- t oinK ~'11 Ioial i t2t,ears, The Otaking a sorry' jul of it iitar Ct ien.y bile. 154 street car, 94 otr c t,'I In ciii-ore menuisted to c-rit.Li-ut:. j utpel: i i~u iieat:lut. 1faiticiiteo n mel rin la imiueno 7o m e r 1-auiio fEatLvr ool ricce.57 ndushilie. 1and lra.-'th U eii- taut let ii ittd heciii-. iy1ce. odyatenoa ater-neer shavled a man hufoce-buthosdan-hilad19n is,1l --e!v iu amn idb itctutigsintriistoiurcr.esuui 'h imodge hr-id no meeting last ltoit- promptly offemr-d his pet-tire. lie and eouts kinuls of accidents. ni- i ell t-ii cc Get Oteiur 2rat the tuniet Cii 4 ti t 1,Adlt-lir-t Itlte tnevnng imtcie ainitofteS cully spet ttie balance of te. day in Tm eodsessgetI b-rrno ha irirt iipe.lcei- fall o tulleof mini tegre oaurC-mt nilat thae-hall io look 'after the sici Cht'hospitl, shitnlg wmonded mr-nt in indtustrial saftyn ho e ftercorll hur~erii Degr e uti t-na le.ulamu-u.1.ouutI tiiui t-c"'i try Jslstit. staldiere. better sli-wings arc madl n c toil I'l rov wll atonillii. ii. 1s ul " h i itni tilul., tiiit ~ier Sir-ri-Cucc. I -eyui of IthetOdd fled gros-s murc mnti lis pitat cedusctions in the city d ________ 0ii c-e n r e l I ri~t. 1, 'ti ihlt otit- it. HsitmottAssoenlallni has iteen solitlec at teitltits suiw IA~Mnat wok- plants. - ix i-fCthli ul'a.llrnent 'll l 111 ti- l'I..r C - s rritl duydeassisted Ity his anid tli- nmiw I. of C{.asett nwsthoirn. Patriotic nPIedio Party ott cI ishuc-- u-uuuu1"is.rui-i fi. rici~. w t 1-1iliug tiit the annual report A etltwas seeri. io Icimigliti cN om-en YWorkrs H-Bnft f"u Byt l 11" l1lntiul'11I*ll ide,ri ()uid itf11le, associasion f(ethie current f'oluhins hteiietttir-ter feeriiuolstamxcc ofrne-vV1 F Benefit Of Our utyIt. it 1, l tt yearin the hospitai anti -turing two sweekrs enee lilutep-c 'c fCn irtli 115'" ____ -if ihe ian terohibitng lodge' tt1ed following 241lKnights of Colunhts Hed nW9ta5 tnmtwt iitted ni-at weir esr worker. d1y.and on-_ TT1d W IStitterime t('umietta. itts-timag ly hshtiefliueu:histettc. ~t tat Inthe - se-nd degree.-ahertltad fuor For Memoria e t is,,?:-i -us I. I'.:A. Is.. im l r-neux05 eutoi tt-rli lttMtundiay evening, if allowed to 1f'jr.. enu S1lur9'TIC-1I-'idthe mr-n &h all,:omb-~t. s ra eruvrui ge-Barofts st-ire Lda~da hold ameeting. u f rn r n;s: j it-t~ nest ltuutu - emtr. ihhes tisturtamd udt NIuat exruise liar some members ii t tea sofasumipressv m wft~tiirre l!otg- fCamssl.- l trDucto Jeuiboutishemetabiventheir- wive* thetuaset week when J wi1n~srs ~g t a been plantneu by h te fr ti Cranl asgs o Curtla dtou.ITiu-carwilt Ci ur-neitiuga no tuidgero n9X elle h ba eenIel? Ner ous essand of hueaitochieter NurssA, o 1"',"n'MItiouuire u itdLodgle of Calluta- ut hee il - Fluuts~t (Iru l Cedgr. 281,.- canacelled it tsieInat ria o he ure - ieruir-i~ fGtI. oC tlilt hsiluoetl uetturther uiotice. regular ineeuhig iaslhoWedntesdasy even- Sicha%,4. tutu r) i thetbnireso b erli;toa I i eorI There ire 'iercmu Sriueout If.,hr-tltj tsreg l11g, timid if, he closaing order is stilt icA H ad c erausijon us the Imitluter-t pdm Clim - r trnre1Jtik b Octoberr;i. Q u i) totr!u-there will he Itinmeeting neat aublsili fuTr-iea teof o ~ ~.... a cvenitsz. Tb- ni-i-nelido.- imuri MturydAgtessurte SI13MACHMT'.10/0 3/2 0 06 LIBRARY OF OONGRESS NEWSPAPER R MN hrgmf4 oethliiove-yaldaa AV-h~lrvrlri i-mi hetiugte trat. Ils 0

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