Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~, # -....-, ';: I S tti f. " ' 'i 1. Lae sho...... 14.11 School Shoe 10.~ Men's C o o cd, Heavy Boys' Dul English Lace Bla$2.49 tSloes; all D 19 Me'-BakFelt Bck'Dal kTan, one nso ~k et98C Shoes.........$3.49 Small.lot 'of Boys' Dull Boys'. He Dull Blu4 Bluchers~ t o r~3 ug cher Shoes; ou- f close out.... P I$ " ble soles...I....',04 Men's Fleeced Lined Boys' Da k Tarn Eng. Storm t $..9 lish Lalce $ 4 Men's H-ax d-Sewed* Ma- Boys' All solid.Leather h ayCalfEng- ev l ce lishLace Shoes.. Â~4.49 Hay*B $e~1.98 Men's $3.50 Dull Lace Boys' Dull.. Calf English or Button Dress $ 6 Lace- Shoes; all $2 Shoes....... 9 sizes.......... 49 Extra large sizeasin Men's Little C6 ts' Educator S ioe~ carried H avy D4llB u- Af in 4tccW ch r hoes...... 14 5PE44L AGENTS FOR EDUCATOR S OES FOR V ERY MEMBER OF THE PAM LY 214. 5.217.219 North Eutaw Strei 1.; 'I who paid up t the six months pi 'the second Tu ad y in June wilil lasted betreuse ah clerks will no had time to et he lis printed an the in reads forthbeprimary. It will be ncaary, however,I election official4 to bavie tile lists1 election to be eld late in Februi the State law fik es the electorate fI ime as those ~o paid their ea t un saix won hba prior to the Tuesday in J1 ie. The reasonf difference in t e electorate is. th primary willt. held uinder the plan and the etion udder the 219 FLU 4 YNg lleveaty-six $52 so Children.phafl#5 Reported 111. LYochburg Va., Jan: 2.-ino continues to i irease here, the lotothLet darm tI the nu wtber of cases reported up cae. Probabily many cases ha been re ported ~y physicians, deal order of-the ho, Lb board requirin tod n.Wilie the epidemic does not nec on aa n hywr Octoer, omealarm is felt as future. At" th Lynchburg Femal tun therm u 711 children out down ith the disease. The statf orphan to h broken down and t ir hv on in to do nursinj, keeping s d ofort erCwiaI7 work of the little Si s now sick' are ext tag their secon gttac of inituiens two deaths ha e.occeu red therea but some of t- patient. are deep GOOD AT WAYITEI] g's etaries sport g*,1.01,04 r t NaraUus. SsynesboroPa., Jan; 2.--IN boros balance heat for 1018, just shows the la gest volume of b, du'ne in the lap 1 factories, a pilui paid In wage and a. large inert dlivkdendts and nterest~on bank de The total net epruigs. of the fa were $1 01601X0 and the dividends 000., The wa e total urnder the 100 per cent. Ipurease ar urded War Iwbot otird. effectivut Ins amounted to t e onprecedentO d he 11,0, aaut$ 0,97 nee!on bbk (t osiI Chrstasan flloffromJ to $7,25, dou to lnvvstmentr ert y bonds an war savings stam Thbe genera thrift reflected it the fact " that nlthou h the cow took $3,000. in Libett-y hony war work f the volume of i 'bearing dephe In the t~anks In mneasurably o 101. CN i IO 4Z-Z Charast W t btuetla Ic aTraia4. Dapyuile1 Jan. -at Rame isneiunder $90bond appearance tpore the rand ju next March ua sresito a preli hearing on a rraut chrgIng hi obtutn r.Rmy coby rPrsecn Iyes.of thh rslwi esteloay rm tag *id r rto \hcao not be W v resboro, IP --Adnouncewent is MChicA.o it have made he comia ingrriage of Ray- Waiter id have wood I. apeaddl~ son Qt Mr. and Mrs. Nba T. R. la apddle, his cite to Miss EdithNbo; for the Parson t citer f~Id r' and. Mrs. WVil. for the 11aa I. a q~ns, Pbiltdeliphia. The Winch a ryas ceremotiy will\ be Ji)Prf ruleti Tuesday,j were hel for that Januaryr 9. at a:horn of the bridesI for Mrs. setonad paren. 3 l4\No ilNinth street. They thi elev so end*111re ids in Phill oi.Phldl tatiba thsili otTh ~eaek nefo than frte Wla pr.i;heaek an fomaparty Ohio ta Z has basen ptled for the Church ht.5te winter and a num ei-of 'oats are tied survived up her4 and at Sharpaburga. The heavy Hri rains o the. last fe v da76 ni~iled the ice nri;IGthat frseJ two inch~es th on he cautti bo ed at Wld ater, below IW ams rt. hoen At oeLone isti F. Finona sold they far~ of.1t18 a ea, era, Job flensa near aprstowxi.f tb.1 ho J. Wiout - Joseph test re- moyer, n ar Mart~nabft g, for $14,. Noah S. ringing The or haser *ili 4ke ppssession to 210 April 1. Harris I -w.2( iv no t h (l-ea pring.--Mrs. 1arthe BE. Bell Lydq1'3 Pgte sold er~ residenc4 on. Sotith Martin Daiytd gthmstreet o Charlem CC Ora~h, Dry Runi~foeIis surv~ sear ap- $3,750t brothers teo the W WP DIN 5S Buns York, eo~ls Wa P --U o.JamspaBunsdied Tu of a~Amber n Jr., aRbcaTil oaa of" the man jtee 0. were rhd in ltimore, Cella. idi Ivqlun- Wedne ad y aftersi on by the Revs A. vived bj house- Brown C d weli, p ator bt ('asp try Pros- one slate Many byterl n Chbutrh. The bride is a ral- Har perlenc- dent If coiumbu Ml aV i. But grads te nurse from Johns Hopkins more, wN ms yet, fi spi 1;, Since.$be wair ale- lasbean Tuesdany ietsly in 'B. C oss servvre at Camp Lee, Vs. of inflti and eatPoint, hi ssld*ippi, hand dl A.. child d14 B010.liar scinburg, I'p.--Mlas iMabel Lewlo discease.White daughter o Meg. an 'Mrs. A.". Hrr 1 '< e tedMert.Mitlalrd 0O Heatw~l ie l H 1r 0 Inwere an led Tine lay night at; the homt ek, 11W Of the b ide's life Pits by tbq.hey.,J. sW ano Howa~d els of he Method4t (hureh. Ha-l "lod, Lyanrhbourt, a.- -Ws'ter 'C. Costs, of wf of y uineass (lady.latd MiuI uth Iarmor dul igtten tWy eU more o f Mr, Louise Farmef, of 1rookneal, lahe is ease in were aryied Mo day at Bros heal, thee father., eposlta. 1Rev.'Jj. B. Willies oelating. $805. Li hlburg, Va Do eyjDNorrisad neareyr Mss lo~ence Via, of tipbell county, i ~fr by th ere arjnied Mo asy a Booeal. I.A.uv e!6 t D TM.*H Beaten,.tle,Wa ts wvan L h borg, Va. *.i-a Elizabeth Chris- Frank r11.tian led Mon a a the home of her M~ares ups DA QFO. L..10OFD tsef in retanity 75th' nIvisisn a U " In13About SHave idsaest. 'ib Moat ha. sWrites.,. At I creased Fre~derick, Md., Jan. 2.--Capt. -George." Mors H. T un ile, son,i C. -Newt-op. Trunliie, sa-my a nea th cty e en reonimned here eli TRY nw n nui riseredl. tH __ A'____ I.r 7 MRI OI. IlHk dW'h i iawate,.r, an uiase,,. M is ffersa Hu eni dlc G... C. for for his ryhere m Imnaylois* iip with. kil tipanled ho as com- hei ly *sriy jot italy fur a Co Ug Al~ inipnt-ry, rev corpts' d is letter) In- tor Ja n. wilt not return man,0 ' 1.1 1 '-1 hwas instructa Shlhg his tram m s Teq earching -trains I1 injected 'lnot6+:t acpeeped4'-_.:Dipotats-, 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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