Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~A MERICAN )LIr DISEASE 'PRI Common Council Gives the Health Department Wide Power to Combat Influenza Fpidemica:ALL THEATERS MAY BE COMPELLED TO CLOSE;For-Present,, However, -There ' intention of Shutting- Down the~ Schoois. latcked by lbs coma.oossnl. poomiood oo.ocsooiod. rbyobolbeom rtoeend ameesfatorere. and gevesod by word from Waolest oe.t~reme aisoro will ho taken by SHealth FILME M ant~e of Epidom fbers: Would.. Close = Public Places T Thioughout =Stat -to w Fight -lnfluenz,: EXPECT EDICT:THURSDAY Theaters,. Churches and Schools Will "Be inoluded in -His PronounoemenL: 1D 5E TO~ Dlvis r VAST lave: bee Thrc noe or othetoo ooons-eytrse-pfWO vI beooms i.- hoaee oretool rwth fomr 0*01w 07 007 not " t. tor~tho wIth th~ilotgtoooe a -tonia l trogh: 'a. testc.wiob 1.11gm. Sioath '0.0. B roatdo-adeq'ae.oed.sad et. Doletih sod...ruliwy lesadiho or lowib-retoeal m 11% iog their of no _y -ooo'royx. "Ithe Gocomoo rd throsh-Whet. Walt.toe o 0g.-to Lost mlse efrtsd Otto. That.iOt~WO- p be ~twoa the hem. d o eaI calytm- j or seod Os hors now might. -..twO milliose of 0.00-wit lttve 0r.. to0hstaw"i hetoee ioeclosr 0i bote-.ob e od OboeMoose acrd retret Isdobreaklooers pe""be::" M.100 from cam.:--.A raddta. fSmnOhseomoddy rrs--4t Os ot a. VW hbe e t oy, it Os i qtom- 00.0 wIl SO tor. marching PR[ ER IP[AC[ JAIK FAILS E F ERMST O LIJLLEAMERIi tdlpns May President' Determined: Ther e to Accept.Will Be no" Let- Up in errands.' -Fighting. EMESSAGE MAY NOT ACCEPT TERM,ts to;:Debate: Germany;;Must. Show a Presidents- =Absolutte =Guarantee ":of.: iti( =:GoodFati -ac.:oI; a t sk G. Rphreed=to ohb of SBpasis lodmeso ALLIES" 6Z AITNO] D:reedlog. 0110055 council without a dosetis Ts~ety-sit Mlwoehko tlderoos ted lvsdstsdsy afternoon. to aoh katb Oemml00150* rGeoeseC. Ruh-.cIOUCHES ALSO NAT PR E B03110D TO -CLOSE If hseslan'tsloser p public ploor o Is arrloedosat byOths tMO-l washs Ia~thtlsartte~lIt ill in ol prsbehllltr Oslude ohurches. BSh 00.0 the reply @0Hlth Cootsllelosor uohiand to a query put to him by fto idrsa. od ted h. health dsparleise'tfn torts0 to preTest the stread cc he Maldy.Tistlen as teakles ataa emtlse he council; eey alderoa soseossl Doed to bbackopOhheithg"deport. sod sosipite is Grms a re tear- ar hbovieedtI. lbrning ec s oi Obey fdoe.. Isoelnem OS GAIIN.10 onthe-prr Oiel otne h publhe arlth that a physislae ncheege at Perth Lion With Ohs dtet ithorlee saee of Isonoelor lay pt array.pun elight Incre oer o hieadiy Thirs 5 or hs seelasobe of strel tthaorn otet hs bra-t tar. he Ger-mansId wem torced to floe e r as.ualiswoe-e Indi of hossnemy who had rto rodotvortos smabs * other hootd. hseoetoe loes ore declarsd to har ply small. thoseos( he clong less hanhlf hes lonere tabeo by Othe. LIJES-TIY.THE Al tho eispslg e rgig t*,tl e ti lghtot'digrO-o. lost to wre 6 leaer is awosrkl boy 'wes lrseost lon is swift rim le Made0f sslf-dooilal end sasridos of olctisensohsoare doo elalxtheir loyaltyansd are.frequent. oapoboothos inths departmenst thorplades presieldd oo.~r of the womesos cosnltR""'ererU or sdoty sublscrihed h intmanyid=anamotof bosot hat '.:hood work ood careful $ for. an4 there osote a I'dis. thes rosr before sted.Os hs great 01011 of 0t with 05101gs-oer hs,rushrlhlgse liIberty Oloss county hIsgone record as o 1w holds Ohs 0" hoavinsgthu far slolaegost persiaeO of ies s ounsty' in hsese. Io loetn sea1t oiltlbsly rteo Sales lD-ector 1. 3. 100 county weal reported hoodod its qiota by soblo w Mart Isoctr. Ly lots oorgrltO owoo o booseiBrowr.coty re 0 - 'JltOFIRRS RAtGE. Is thes.lieart of Ohe. city bhIfBios to-re oooudrrlo g op by lhe Plato do Theater and "-hoyood the Placo d' Annies..-"Now and.Ohrshm wores rumlolng. sotOf explosos were- roblog plsor. sod a clatterng of masonry.' Thersesods stO 0u a000s00ofalertnems to donger.100 es walkedasa me who hnow tiem. h o sftoyontt hs way, torwfe knew that ltstmbrot mitl mio e anod sd.swehod warings of booby traps so' lald that Ift0001 tripe on a. wire or ttchesanysinocenot loobing objlecttona:desertod hoos. or 150ad3000a loome board In somedor way sudden thins.mar happen whirh.wouold-ed. aiO- frtthr toobrost Is the war or lfo.. In a shoeet os the wstern side of Ohs towoo-a British olopbeo nstoodtlll ad. asod-oelows. Botits wngs hod gone.-'cod "-hmrewore shropool hole 1n0"h'chassie. loot lien0-heels tresudoer It. and I hoped with alm heart that hs bod who hod Openo his thtng hod bees gtoos hs. luck 01 to tling.. M T ROUSES AND SHOPSa. oootlo ---~emxQ l o i oigatn wi h t~tVI" 6ig throogh from Cloreotoy by. othertmes than by, Oelegraph:wires IPcoaotio f lictear regesl sod sdwsgpom rearing tbh-gsrtt the peae. O010000tmadb1-by tero situatio.whickhbaa been lroght teot -powoes: 015 doables esesot aottby tie: Coig inolm s~of Ohs of tt'e massbot iundertaksonlbyPoles new g orroest., A cairfulO oiting od mao. te Goroasimperial chooretl 00.0ews enab0O~les: taeto give.Oths fop- sod it is. dhftlt~ly undestood-that N lowinsimatemoof Ohs tsltoeatlo o esQ ot: pree to' yieldI ony.of t0 Durisg asbet tw~osty-ftur heors teom nh as loiddowonta sobohoot Gtermoabopes thot t'rtno.Jaca for acceptanc- by. theo cntral pewer action for poaco would hoelimmedlately is high: e osestollto artere Wetm socesloti,hate sunk rotorshot, bt n ooltisgitatw asoserotedthat tO tthe llrtdoestatinsofatttis thot tho-oe roIlealdelttO tind.0asftayImItadeo chnellor' aod goveroomeot did n00 regarding the c000s00'hso itndedI take Oh, step they id twithout coust; poroofe.,i O his war and shot 110 dl tog tho cost..- no000propose to otlc thr 'etgtttc to til"short placetohe~y harbor noochance Isnseinog with those witsIhs detubts thatthe.entete governmens, undertakeo to tpeakt for the tGersta will be certain to lstposeofily thor- toeorstoost or people. oslgbgotog ondltoos sa prellosnlsry t'Ll~oi::at os so OOtitstlos sod pealoc negottletoms. htWeo Zea esd It- Is rogarded toscetan- that the Witttothe president. to lesInqalc evacuation; of Beolgioutand theot 005- of Tlso n vs ital pointa. seot woo plod towns "'ofFraoc will. be comt- to Prince'hMa that thore coulde hob prisedt in thcm. popoeel. ofsastecrmisticeRiedtdo to Such a demanditIs bollct-od. Is not govermlenotswish.-which togettr inoItef regarded by tteGeosoasgot- It o th UnioteStsatesos loamooate erosioen asonccvrthble. - - galot the cen~t lowessoa.toga Alsace-Lomrlinea tProlem.. theo.rse-sls b0. hoespowers are- upo Alsace-Lorotne.of cosrcm. Os atooli- their soil." be meant vitally that sh os proeleto nd thters aoe myortoot alyi 00000 do. tot inblo o.Os nirlesoi Blin p yitrit apport.uo oeured ilosan posltlon that wool roth idea as that of conooti"tlo' Invoile the ettghotot Jeophdl'btC-h piaesAimeeo-Lcrrsihesat the disposaleotente harms aod successas. of theolroporof ntions, lt isnt the eopetatlosof the al -A possibldomnd for some degree mtolnisto that thebssitutonoo o of otoototllestlos of Itosoaomlet Is a elait EintGertmany n-ill rosult It proolem whitch to attracting thle:s- o-immedi~ate ottceptanceo of 1the term one attentiono of 00.0Cetosoat govern- tld don by ths preeident..,Ift Oh lcot oond it toads tt a eonotoleeontoMwy of Prineo Moot is negativth of thceotllitato point of tire. our 0111 to op to a finish. I oatt-eOocboot grounods' for osoort- If be quibbtes or equltbocatuo. th onc that the new looserooetdhtot p resident. In io reply will pay his re comIno -rolotrec withlot ltie' on- spetto in ntoltao to Iotuogo tsoot of the orteoy chie+. Tthe spremet Ohesnetrity -of thseomotives bhhho cettod has eveoy reaono to ho too- I thoe tGrmtan offr. tined thOlat the alto. of conctldig the arby a comoplete defet of Ohsesot- 10111 Irmoa ooosates. trots armide 0a. 5failed aol that the Shoudshe Olo'unlexpeted oreur am. futore holds no p'rospect whateover.!tho Germaon tchtoeltorrtplyo thTo on moer-toreesiog etent agaio presodntes firt point into hs Isooo: tat 10o110 In soolllled by te crumbhlong Provetobe fat, occeptanco of all Oh. of tho quadrleotpOaltboe.lBulgaria bermhld dows hyr the presideot to Iloo gooe. Tsurey leas teed as gone, hissproech of Jtt. 0 sod shseqsew osd th~o ore few Is Geromany who alddrese. the presidrnt will. Insls o do not recopolso thatet dual 000-.toholoto goarsoteco of good faith loe ooshy stay fall awoy 00 soy fthor. loIg given hrfore toll sort of a.die CO MITTBETOTES. 511,000 TO'FOOT UiPLUEXtZ T;nae omite h comon. soon at a 0050110 which lted-osly i1fewloIsotes wentotnsreotodl that $16.00 0. tohken freo the eottlogoot tso an-tored oar to the' health do pertnest. - The mosey will.M wsed to comobat gropl ish ssoe.a T s motion forscitonswan faeby Aldoestosatey. DROOPS OF AUSTRIA PLAY O"GLORIOUS- PART" b0 M Y. -M -4P1V es 'ossely to poot~tao grw S0. Gobo.10ta kitty Imnportsot oloatA Le00 aod La' Feos.0' t ikesly' to be pItched ae liont by tescoms ariound 00. Qotls. Brown farear Ba solte got In ysed -- I -k wkevcwe BUY LIBERTY BONDS. -AS CHRISTMAS GIFTS" MILLS STRIKE.CoLore hoodred -sto Mllse 00 tats a-snt so otIhe o otsdtnto agelast All1 bet Ofty-ono '.dosodey 00 returs nsamid haexeted Iof the tmss is rollsotll.Oe oar" 010to 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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