Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~r. tR Â~ to for son Not OWL e be tho yr, w J t..400OW Of the ' * is + ut/ wom! 1to.. -board Orvvuftg and to but ac- rd tie A* t. only o( u trradgrty +t ke i jok. A to:. tl,,ok to Uifttuo&ei.r d qle bIn Ians by Dr. Hart, t. 40 I he ~ca~4for open rartwndos pA.tiTH, Misan.. Oct l.a14- lane dep not wrish this' any f x is ' tobe taken as menes nh reateo.i tht Is less bt caution Dow as ~d o ' tt y. for epoints cot tt~at sno t W tm over the state sand take dryide bodie of a' h o - a uc' s ciEfofthefie re e. trwn I the dbOYZ l o on. ocs hefo h ie osr"w of Indsanpolit,.-at the re- the result f ttth941 Mayor (IariesVV. Jewett. swept is territ Sa MV E dx ld sikcod ea esof the 4departmet yto Osssm the streetsad t westimatesp th hide tothe downtown district aw tci uiat Cl tL D, o offi arathe.spread of influenza alnd s meeorletsrei tDr. hesu drying the cleansed sidewralks milli of dollars. re ad ai toa short time after powThe d n district wasg a real town" after the firemen gott ta oe ite n 15fl2R b of the fire department was ooTe e wetlerera~d~I~ in~o fi wetehed Mayor Jewetti: Schuyler A. m tKeleF fan t ~ ~it*~, ofthe board of public in Moo Lake and lm~ediate Nicto W9~W IUk.0 eoy I It in ttTmlted mr a~h tdeAs.r. ano Dr. O Morgan ~a ntefae The vtl of the street comnmissioner's 4ljd coifl ahave been ord red 5OII to I hase asiated theie e. I Oln nt.' m COn tion With the flushine of the Althoigh countless sitsal tIres w kl a Dr. Morgsan again cai'1ed at.-liurnlng throughout t he district toi 1* ~ in the anti-spitting crdInauee and tht more eerIouU IrIt'5dlel dc umber S$ the copetiton of the pub- oonaide iab" during the ight, ai reri NI "le d iiyn that this ordi- of thee venty-rnil-*Rflh urI gales off isa a i obey d. polie depart. urtay ould bitgfurt hogrs?15011 eDant t of this ordinanece. Reliefl work, ider dtlu tlon or AM [a~ I'--::r SIDE NT 4A0S PARADE IN NEWV YORK 1 - 0 8/21/ 20 06 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R:M 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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