Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ 2949 (d) Formulation of plans to utilize the volunteer services of patriotic men and, women: in health coervation work (e) Agreement upon the most practicable manner of conducting local Wer Cowses on Health Conservation. It should be the aim to support and build up around existing agencies rather thein t cr oats new ones. In connection with the proposed co-mrXoees in health consercat ion arnd in the individ~al followup work in the hones which, it is hoped, will fa'rm a large part of the campaigi, printed health leaflets or possibly a popular heatlth manIl will be needed in large editions. The text of these can b= prepared by the U. S. Public Health Service, and the leaflets or booklet-s-themselve s can bear 'the Government imprint in order to gi-ve them a-thor itaative standing.." Dr. Taliaffero Clark and Dr. Charles Bolduan, of the United States Public Health Service, were present at the meeting and supplemented as far as possible the information already given in the propo se. plan. As the se plans, however, were very general. and did not enter into any details, it was thought advisable by the Medical Advisory Committee to await further consideration until they were more fully informed, especially on the following points: 1 The make-up of the various State War Conferences mentioned, and the. arrangements by which matters considered by these conferences would become effective in health administration. 2. Probable nuriber of Executive S ecretaries for whom compensation would. be necessary in those States where- acoeptable volunteers cannot be secured. This financial estimate should include compensation, maintenance, traveling esp enses, supplie s and equipment, in or der that the War Council might be fully informed as to the 'expense involved in this proposition in considering any possible financial aid to be given by the Red Croses towards this work It wasi considered essential also that the period of' time over which the Red Cross would finance these Executive Secretaries should be stated, if possible. 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

Courtesy of: 3, American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, PA

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