Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ Sputum Examined for Tubercle Bacilli Misceilaneoui Examitnations Pus smears for c,: -0: cc-- --- '.".: t \.i't' T Dog Brains ion \Ne ni 1~,t. ---1- r:- ' a Sero-sliagnosis of Syhi----' ipb -is' 'o ett e a a U.rine (chemtical al,;;c l - - - -- - - - - - - - ---, 1 Human omilk I irat icr cc - _ ' - s ' --------- Pus from cazhcrc. nie nenrxan:ssse". i.1.\n ~ at" a",cl Virulensce test for lr-'i~t i.d ~L::r" -:----- t. 1To-- I Examination cf rape worn tor head F..'ri----------- oal- a Blood Count absolute,I------------------ Tc-:al- 1 Fruit suspected of reing paotstd~c: killed 2 p.,*-------------- Total- 1 Total-60 Consitderable wnk 7-Was daore ir. cornnecttias wth horse poisoning. TITETAL NUMBER OF EXAM INATION S-5GS. 'I a:il -ass-ies st-te l.:t. v V lv- --- -1 ''ist cat-sir 1: lbntter 5: lard 2; vinegar 5; apple buttcr 1..-dtnlss n-cd sainple:---('te er'~ is pulp contained excessive numbers ofi nicrn'i.-n- is'-n's: I satmpile of itter contained oleo oil: 1 esa;zs-ra::.tlsk ws subsatarndard in fat: 2 vinegars were -uP s ' n a-.i:*is acidity. Miscellaneous Examinations.Alce-rI ~lucerm-t'ation,- 'i Police Department--------------------10 Narci: sc "ru' trtruce Department --------------------------- Special Work Fourteen samples ol fours, meals amsl baking powder were examned for citizens swhIo sspected themn to contain powdered glass. Large pieces if elass. evidently accidental, were present in two samples: all othcrn wsere entirely ire irom glass. Cconsiderable work has beerscdone upon the stomach consents of the horses wchich died recently in Covington. No poisons have been identified up to the present time. y ti i' i. " a i CINCI$tIATI SANITARY BULLETIN COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Caaes Reported March 30, 1918 Measles------------------------------- 39 Scarlet Fever---------------------------- 6 Diphtheria"----------------------------- 14 Typhoid Fever -------------------------- 1 Phthiuis Pulmonalis---------------------_33 Whooping Cough -----------------------1 Chickenpo ----------------- it1 Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis---------------- 2 Smallpox------------------------------ 12 Mumps -------------------------------- 20 Erysipelas----------------------------- 0 Trachoma ------------------------------ 0 Gonorrhea------------------------ 0 Inflammation of the eyes of the new born__ 1 Acute Anterior Polio-myelitis------------- 0 154 STATEMENT OF MORTALITY Week Ending April 6, 1918 27 12 0 29 19 9 2 5 13 0 1 0 0 0 4124 - 1" t, +! t'G ' i "T.} r i.F.:!... _.i 1, i ". S.. l a i'. i,' 'UBLlC LJ2: 'ARf &sbni tE.iiZ CIN IN AT *'zrnitarti -Uuttgtint zasff.d at the Ciseissm Pos l t effisa sitI, Ok, a..s=sa ss (Population, July 2, 1917, 414,248.) -.April 7,. 1917 " Total deaths, all causes, ex still births__ 161 Death rate per annum per 1,000 pop.-..... 20.48 Measles ------ -------- I Typhoid Fever---------------------- 1 Scarlet Fever ----------- 2 Whooping Cough------- 2 Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis -----__ 2 Diphtheria. _ ----------- 8 Tuberculosis ----- - 25 Pneu~monia ----------------15 *-Diarrhoea (under two.. years)--- - 1 Influenza ------ ------ 3. Acuite Anterior Polio-myelitis --------. 0 * Violenece - ------ -- -- --- Classified by Age -.- Under one -year. 20 five years ---------- 2 i Five to.ten years - 2 ' Ten tothirtyeas..-.. 21 'Thirty to sixty "years ______----_65::. Over sixty years------=-------------- 51 - Births- Reported -- White::male.--------------- 9o -White:female _----- --------_ 91 Colored' male ------ ------- 7 Colored female ------ - -- - 8 _- Totals___ 1986 Birth. rate 24.90 March 30, April 6, 1918 1918 156 199 19.64 25:08 4 0' 0 - 0. 0 0 2 2. 2:. 1 _ *21 ":3 22 3.3 3. 0 0 - 6 9 16 21. 6 9 7. 3 17 36-- 57 80 53 50 68 80. 72 78 5 7 4~ 8 149. 173 18.76 2178 Voua 1 APRI1L 18,:1918- No. 49 SMIALL -POX-: serving sh ould be collected daily from i-clean nests;and should; in no.. This:disease. has shown.a sharp: case;,: be-old, suu bsked cracked.or increase: during the.:past:weekR. thin shelled Thfertile::eggs are: radii, ase -colts:,the.cit' ab~out;- the: most:desiarable:. R ula. 333?lustder Use aetatb" law:cases= Whn uyiigegs.for. rse:: ale quarintsned, for a-period-' of-: g-buy- tose laiter in-tie coL-. set enteed dsanti t;he -per =capita = oaths,= these m onths usually; are: cost ofo;l'naintenance i s lar M;. irth, April.:11ay September and and ninety six centsprda-s -Oose One tause i-sresponsibefo.t ono-wp'tegs tma prevaletsc f this dessa~e throe h- -' renpove part of threegotura s.ain our th eY.ntire:coulitry-1ailoire- -to ---:.p-thecnf: ne othefloor seueah-mmnt-ofs-. y i a-coot-parofthe cellar:Tein a: sctessful;vaccination.:-.--Cyon-r= -peraiibe's=,ranging froi 30 o: 8:. rsbuseng:causes =are.mistakes -in- de iii.sabove -.Zero:do:not;-affect ag "and..failure. of.those.;at theg5 takdto:call apsca n Y'-... - - Whtimuiy- a b::uee-- Cover:'the::toy of the container so easily -failure 'otk" -danxe- - enely niot'e the.-container from: of:the:-process whey followea yby ad t ie buteey he an. i.attadrck of smtall 'ptuf shld aph-' week. s This will p."revent contents - ect- tho; ndividual. att k 4to: "o-- - a g; adhering:to:onc: side pr~rifcpunshen ~The'=container; may he; -any r:,;':.:E..::I" " O:. EG. GS ceptacl6 that is iisperviout or "does.not corrode Glae erhewr and galvanized containers-=are sat= ecomnrnended by the FederalFood isfactory; The following gives the Admlinistratson. as; a Means =of::: sizes..o f jars with"' approximate Conservation; capacity for eggs:and the amount. of..eggs and.the.amount: of water At: the time:;of _,the year., when "glass.solution required Â~s o -cover -there-is an: over production. of eggs, the eggs:=.:it is "desirable to.reserve: them" for. Pints of.use when they are- not so abundant: -- - solution - A.number.. of.iziethods have "been- --.:- gallon- 40 "eggs, -""B -:devised: for" keeping.:them: but the 2 gallon- 80 eggs, -7 4 - inostsatIsfactpry method is "by the. 3. gllon-120 -eggs, 10 4 I use:of::water,: glass...It -is. simple, - 4:"gallon-i160.: ggs, -14 - efiin n nxesv.- aln20eg,1Eggs:that are. selected for pre- 10 gallon'-400:-eggs.. 36: -. -.(Coneluded on page3 (..... - -.--- - K-I _ -.}:,' " ' _.. 1. 'rs.. "^'::.::.._.: '... '. -I- -T-~---t-- -T -I--- ---'----1 fTf"T ATt a U1NLLNNAT1 5ANA AKY BULL IN '"' 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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