Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~- ---I I __m Plot thickens--until- Phee slip away and commit rnedy sad the U~niversal ine complete the bill. Casino. is latest Metro producO 1 high Spots," was s offerin{ at the Casino he attraction will p lease melodrams. It is full of is intended to show how aganda was at work in oil fields against AmerItion offers the young ei-rile role- He has opengage in wrestling encounters, daring athd considerable gun play ail concession of his father In Mexico. y his first assistant in property, who fraudutea a report of his death ems and all but marries rt, he. remains for a mas In Mexico. A uge Christmas tree Withu papers in his possession e federal govetiOr. he onhis sweetpart's gives his enemy f tor. -and-wins -the bride loran comedy. "*h th Brtish war pictures bill. ESX XAGA(E MSY. Seven Swans." one of lark's successes, will be ay and the rest of the elaborately staged fairy orth for its gorgeous bhe pro gram also inright for Millions' se-,_hett glh tigits on 43r theaters re- ma d, ie.-a-ter-the- tret of the rear the houses having mod..era y ems of 4entitlon will -e. delve first consideration. Dr. Jo Anderson, city health officers yesterday. There will be no ts lifting of the the theater restrioti but the application of each theato for a removal of the ban will be con. sidered separately. Ventilated Theaters to Prefit. "I am unable to say.when the in. fluensa ban will be lItfted.' said Dr. Anderson. "We are now about whete we wer In November when the first ban was lifted., Influensa is still here and new cases are being reported every day. I do not-intend to antici pate conditions. "Those theaters with modern sys tems of ventilation will be allowed to open first. There are only four or five theaters properly equipped in the matter of ventilation. Under the law we are empowered to close the others until such time -as they make ample provision to protect the publiq, Welcomess tate eard Appeal. "If the theater men want to appeal to the state board of health they are at liberty tQ do so. I fully appreciate their financial position, but this can not weigh against the public food in finally lifting' the quarantine. Frifteen patients. mostly convales tent, were under care at the influ. ena hospital last night. During the day one patient was admitted and two were released. At the present rate the hospital will automatically close at the end of another week. Hospitals Get Haek to Normal.' Marked improvement in influensa -conditions is reported by the Sacred Heart. St. Luke's and the Deaconess hospitals. At the Sacred Hemt les than half of the 140 patients remain and most of these are convalescents. At St. Luke's the furtheradmission of influsensa patients is being discouraged, as the hospital is prepared to resume its normal functions. The Deaconess hospital will admit no more influenza patients. CHAPMAN, EVANGELIST, DIES Presbyterian Ohurcb Leader Sue. - eambs After Operaties. Ni5W YORK. Dec. 1.-Rev. Dr. a. Wilbur Chapman. noted as an evanV elist, died at a hospital here today. e was operated upon a faw days ago. Dr. Chapman Is survived by his dow and a '''a-'hter. Mrs. Fred. UN a A L- D (tx5 i~. G1iJE AL ADVICRti Four. Wh OW that war's pressing demand for N trucks is relieved, let businessaggn profitby the truck that war has proved --the F-W-D Truck of Clintonville. Its low operating and maintenance costs, tire saving, short wheelbase, small turn ing circle quick pick-up, positive brake action, flexibility in tangled traffic, make it specifically adapted to city hauling. The F-W-D Truck is the outstanding veteran motor truck of the war-serving with the Allied Governments since 1914s It is a three-ton trucks -L LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER RM?' 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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