Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~,,1,:<;. Nl. {"IDAYt.y. i, QTBE 6, 191 ''!~'"~ YO L 'l ' I 1' k IP 'l ts 77 WOMEN AIDED ic"6omr1a uWdp t4 p New ul a KmgThe occupations vary troin sten -., I______U. S. Employment Bureau ir W Paul raphy to heavy labor. I estima Leader in Country. about half of,those emig~oyed v; A tota ~ 787placed i~n positions, forrfiery held & A totauof 787women wam~ given men. ~IIBIUuIIIernployxlpenf' through the women's dl- A call- has been received at the he vsion, United States employment serv- quarters for 10 waItresses at 'the Now 1,340 Victims in Mill * C' nd at Ft. ~'4;Come to Grand Opera in Saint Paul October lling.16th and 17th-Galli-Curci in 'The 'Barber ~f R;il."Fremsntad in "La 'Toae With developi ent of 33 new cases of- Spanish infl nza at the city hositpal, Miineapolis, and 18 new cases at Ft. Snelling, Dr. H. M. Guilford, Mill City{ health commissionier, announced Saturday night that more vigorous measures for' prevention. of further spread 'of thedisease will be enforced. Minneapolis physicians will hereafter be required to report all suspected cases to the city health department. Two entire floors at the city.Hospital wero given over to influen:a cases Saiturlday. Arrangements probably will be completed Monday to give the en tiic' hens itai over to treatment of in fluenza cases, 500 eVILIANS ILL. Dr. Guilford estimates that there are loW 500 cases among civilians In Min nealpolis. Adding cases among sol diers at Ft. Snelling makes a 'total of nearly 1,340, Dr. Guilford says that, while he considers the crest of the epidemic in Ainneapolis past, many cases are de veloping in lodging houses in the poorer districts of the city. Two laborers were discovered in box cars at'Sher sham at"rd2a"nightbse rjously ill with the disease. They were removed to the city hospital. 250. CASES AT "U" FARM. Dr. J. A. Sedw ic, Eliott Memorial hospital, University of Minnesota, re ported the 0 cases bcing- treated there doing wvell. aturday night. as ther, l i I i i 46 e i 1 1 I I 7 I I V I i t; i i f i 1 I 1 i i. IELFARLD RI E LEADERSON EDGE' Complete Organization to Raise $170,500,000 Nov. 11 for Soldier Aid. 1 i Two liundred of the 560 soldiers of 1'forale hastens victory. Mineot taisn eocmetno.i That is the slogan which is aniunivers;ity Frii ie said to be from ti eaae rating the campaign for $170,00000 A. T.1rown secretary, wr camp of the United War Work organization. cornniiiity rir iie, said on Saturday The fund will be used In Welfare work night that cars will be sent to Ft: among soldiers of the United States, Snelling alonta:- to tiansfer 50 recov- both in this country and overseas. "eedsoier t llctone"n"" iat Rapid progress is 'being made in the the university farm. Car. yill o caty-work of organizing districts an'd seonthe fortnety eek fro, day to day lecting leaders who will direct the on similar duty.1 Gemd Crane 14, Cold Springs, Mont drive which begins Nov. 11 and enas "aNov. 18. Campaign headquarters has is stillu in.aserlitiscondition at the been established in the Northwestern St. Paul city- hospital with influenza. National Life Insurance building, 1111 Nicollet ave., Minneapolis. MUST HAVE MORE -NAMVE. LEADERS. NURSES TO CHECK FLU Arrangements for the state exec" 1ive committee representing the Y. M. Mo enthtiesti responast to the C. A., Y. W. C. A., National Catholic call for noises, giuoite and lpractical,,WirCouci.,f,"shWlfi to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 aitinarn frth nunz. rCopnil, K. of C., Jewish Welfare to' assist in caing for the influtenzaj-Board War Camnp Community Servsufferers, Is needed 'if the epideriic is cm'ard, Wat Car aociatny and to be properly handled. -ic, AtnericanLibrary association and A dozen nurses offemed thoir serv- ialvadon Army, district leaders and ices at St. Paul 'led Cross headquair. setaries "vith representtion from teech county of the state and the womters Saturday, afternoon, mamdi Sei.' comnittes of the varioous bodies registrations wer'e.made: at thC Noi tli aebe floe yth t lt era division, inneapolis.Training e e lo edbyte ppon schools are bein a ked to recruit theirI eat of an honorary committee of 100 graduates' to offe' r their, services in proaminentit mun from aill over the State, 'the emcrgenmcy. Young women- wlho announcement of which has just been have taken a nurses' aid couirse airo ~uade by the appointive committee. also asked to volunteer their help The latter, which was named at the where it is needed. general conference of-the'various bod ie held in St.. 1Paul' Sept. 23, is com posed of C.. H. F. Smith of St.. Paul, v ( 11 epresenting the National '1ar: Courm U. S.'MAY TAKE OVER.f aul,"fo"r the Jewish Welfare Board, ad E. W. P P 10t il ITserea-y,.Ma C- ^., ALL JI 1 Ii~iI.iI nnannne seti y, omn mn---A 1.11 Even the great and wonder Christmas must not interfe war at the quickest po TransportaIlOn and shipping congested-buy and sen as requested, b-r displaying holiday merchan ploying no extr. help on account of holiday houts, making only one delitiery 'over each rou Do Your Christmas Buyfing No Is a National War -Message From the Council of National Defense This is a seious; vital message that every man, woman and Chili -Strong supporting casts. " FuI~ re w assib fac: d ye 1y dise usine, ite ea Please Note In order to release labor for war work No Extra Help Will Be Employed at Holiday Time. Hence; shopping must 'be started at once, so that you may be properly waited *Patriotk.F by starting t their purchas 15th, or as ne be in the mail By carrying By confining gifts. heir si 3s an( ar tha s not ome heir 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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