Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~SC: r! G,.r- t r ye V h ' I,.'"7:,,. '. y 11 y /,4.y 'J.. J,t ':c;+!j r r% lr,.y;.r} '7 XI, r v.r A EfiP7y d r 'I' 1 E - X I. Hr. 4, } t Y" }, t ' i ' +IC't I/F'^, 5/ 1 +, f, '", Ex >, ',", u 't, It ' E T M S, 1 CSUISVILLE T TO RSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER b, 1911 slow 1ttmb Oteadrr, to $64 lower; sheep and 0x476, do eand wbtte 62.74. ye ra oil-out steady; lambs, cbpdce fad " " ADI9HFAk-Round red, (e. dos, ton:& ' 'r ji t' QUs N 1N otice T o H otet, eulla 13.7606.76. 3WIOl:T POTATOES--honer 11x11, es. its. hemp 13.36; Yellow, bbl 16 60,.1 EVERY COP TAKES ANTI-FLU SHOT Kagoes Clty, t)ea 1 (b A. TOa1ATO O-.-Cal, cr $3.60. h. t.. nu 13 Recalpu 1$000 -steady; heavy 27017.70; T.URNIP111 Nor. Globe 100 it: do Wt t; butchers $17.35011.70; lights 1 17.111 w s fi, United States Treasury Certific calf. 117,ao0t4,u. CaIe--Recek 6,000. prlme rtus 110Rlo,10; B"tptke ra toss $4 LOCAL MARKETS. 1y; sows,6.:013.6/; aelfera 6Tt11 3.10;,_,_,.debtedness o6. Series IV.,, Date ashen 11'131A6 Sheep- R0N1 Re 1,000; v xh.G 3.. strong; lambs 130.16 31; yoarll 610V 1t'hok.al0 selling prices aye: 12; wothery;11010,10; ewee'1101"lb, l1UTTKR-CroamOry tubs ilc, ++#s ' 3, 1910, and maturing January 2, CHICSSE-Null cream Wisconsin daisies e: ClncInhall Dec b (by A, P.)-Hogs-,NC; domestic swift blocks 100: tall{ steam Recelpte F,740 rtronll common to choler Idmburger 310113c, full cream 6.1011 410 +; z Y 111p1br0. Cattle-Rectipts 1,600; slow 0JRN PR )DUCTe-COrAm011 11'10 tOr y,; rows 16,601t011010; lalvee strong, $40 Is Iba! hominy 13.151 pearl m}al $344. hbm All United States Treasury Certj Shcsp-Recolpts 400; steady, Iambi steaun ray meal' 166 ton;,era411104 torn 610 top reed meal 111 ton. T, s f debtedness of Series IV E dated Pittsburgh. Dec, 6 (by A. P,)-Hogs- FWUN -War trade WAS Dbl. In $11411, Receipts 6,000; market steady; heavbs and often snake heavy Yorkers $17.10; light yorken $170 HAT-Vollowfng ere the prleos of 41%) < t v, 1918, and maturing January 2 191 17,25; pigs $14.76017, Sheep and Lambe,a sallied on Its arrival in ra oe tq ""' + +, J r Recelpte 1.000; market steady; top,h"0 Caret Na 2 timothy $0' No,! 31; 13.60, tap lame 114.61. calves Receipts $36; No, I Glover,~Iced $11- N4. Its called for redemption on December 100; market steady; top 410.60. 40, 1 clover 61111; No, t $!4. ocaf {aIt11, z is!lo. 1 tic No. 3 sta. wheat Gtraw 414 par and accrued interest pursuant tin Heat Buffalo. I)eo. (by A, P,)---Cattle-,at straw 310; rye straw $11 -Ree0lpts 660, slow, Calves-ReeNple 100; IRON AND HARDWARE-Ira R..har for such redemption contained in th ytua Y. $7021, " Itogs-Rovelptr 7,700; $4.60 for bare; tgol'steel $10.66 fW >t steady, heavy mixed and Yorkers mite soft steel $411 tar has*. painted V"erlmpGa!,} 11x tis <.,, light yorkern $11.7S01T; pica 116,76 $4 60 per snare; galvanized roeflqg. oor On December 19, 1918J interest I roughs $13Q11,101 slags 311Â~13. tlheal tussled 16,76 per equ0r {. N'+ { 't t t {" "" y,? and Lambs-Recelpte 3,006; steady t( to 11.29; ware nails 4.61 ei "etl steel of said series will cease to accrue. strung; lamas $3016,3b; others unchanltrd nails $4 16 half, plalp Mark wirei$4,61; 60 rod spool 5.15; her oohgs, No. t'-all" larife, Juanita 67 ke. adwa 4641!rag ' s P 3 A r*r171lr. G. iTl l(C A -GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. harrow teeth 11 T6 1 1 iarr(p baits, 1 f v 11 ktall *ad smaller 25% Alesoartr-rphla bolts, xx4 and ernllet 4062, dl.Eousit to s, Secretary of th Chicago. Dec, 6 (by A. P.)-Idght fro arses a"1d tomes 34% discount eblpts and aoarolty of offerings rave sotre 1tIIL OFFAL (supply short)'-oreq December 4, 1918 ettentta 1 the corn market. Curtalltnenl 337.11; Kentucky term teed 300,11,.. of,llppiler was attrlhu (0d In some mean. PROVISION4-11Ame, cq 200 a 1r"eured,;T'T TO ItIQTiT-AIt. T. H. RAKER, CITY HI:AITH OFFICER: RI'.R(1'1 ore 0 thGaprtad of Influeasa through the Ight red medium oared 1 lb.l'MTTd Ilse; WILLIAM' I1'tT1 I'ON. DR, W. W. RAIITH AND I)It, VERN )N I(O11 fanning oominuhl(le and to I1h consequent realfast baoor,So; eutar"ourod shouloorti INH. CITY ('HEMId'r AND fiAl.'TERIU1.001T. Wiltj 1;1,IU'AUN" restriction of lrbor, it was sad oho that 00 belale4 light 314 Lard-Pura In ub,, I 1dTI ItINU THIS $EItt M..shippers wore anticipating an improved do.:se; In tierces 1111%0. -_-"-__.-_ mead electorate for from the East. Openlllgr prlce4 WINDOW OLAS9-Discounts now are s. which varied from %c off to %o'lidvance, allows from Ilai of Aisne 1, 11111 Every policonlan on the 1,0Ujoville force, front Chios Telly to Iho new- the National Asran;bly. It!a an W with January $I.,!%1101.811% and 5'ebruur,rirst I bracket, single. A & 11......77'.'bt lintrolmnn is being Inot!nlated with unll-Influenza twtim by I)r. Vernon nouneed that the oleetton will take N n LEA wen followed by a period 11.Ingto. AkH. aburo lst 3 braokets..71 Ilubina,!.,fly ChunMat 11nd IlacteIlologt/l, and ltld aoelolantn do lhu Clly plttsr I'enruary td, and It wil extend 1.11 of unstitiem"nt and then by a.rental up" wuhle slrrnrrh, A.................. 711 to tlae who'd Uorman territory as it extort' to well Aha++ resterday'G 6.f nlrh, Double strentlh 47..................11' Ilrulth Of.ilea. -- _ lased August 1, 1911, which b farclea1, A ones of export Inqulrles made Date - - - as no "00"on to the R01,"hrtag liver coo reintlvely weak, After oprning unchanged Whol,-sals dealers' buying prlese are; take place again in Als&ee-Lorrltlar, to c lower, with Jangaty 71%0731te. that 1JEEdWA%-Pound A70311c. On the other hand, the 0*Cw* n4tnent Gen. John market sagged further, but subsequently DRIED V11U1T--Sun-dried apples, bright urger the Alllet to being about pr" ronavcMd, Ua CIO peaches 3 14 llminary pGACO route time in January Provisions were dull and Irregular. Pork psi 1RR8-Pr white new goes $ before (10rmany hag a real respon- Be We Q ur.toady, lard firm and ribs wank. IOol prime grey 6600; good white old 300 ASSERTS M ILLION PRICES M OUNTI G le;i:ct:eet Tbr0 DlOR--- tr 'TURKS ON VERGE FAST AS CROWDS 1vdNhile they ttw ev" D"o. $131 It 34 ft 33 116.6 $1 31 hersohhlce, mane and tall 10.501 goatakinr Cary ebin of an early shlpMreck lit an- 1(al. (inn, do.Inn, l 33'2 117 u, 1 3315 133% 1 3.1% 10e0$I; sheepealas will& wool an.#LA6 3 achy," Feb. 133v 1 33 1 330 113% l 13% Ir'URS-Raccoon-No, I large 53030, Uchary Taylor Star, 1 33tj 133;4 1 31 1-tty 132% No, 3 5:02.60; No. a $101.161 Mg. 6 3611 HAVAMA 1NppI{,1 BS PLAN. OFmany welcomw OATS-- 604 Mink-No. 1 1a 61041 N4 1 63.00 rt1/0tln at flu Ilea 731I1 -3% 7344 73" 73 1 03; No 3 11.60(13 No 4 boo, 0pnuum- Amsterdam, Dec. 6" (by' A. P,)-Tea. Jnn, lit 73, 73 11 7Y{ No, 1 largo 1101.64; No. 1769/1041 No, a lluvarlau Soldiers' and Worker' Corn" *A 11 e'Clock W I'eb, 1j 7'% 73 73+A 71, 304r60t N. 4 100160, Red ybrc-No,,'11 Ian nl>l)rnvad unaulmously the pcrr patrtotte ore e Mar, 731 73'6 73V1 7J'4 7:'Yy lasso 16010; No,! 0607; Np 3 1103;;momma of ilia Herman Gurernmrtat of 670 tt4gaed U111.4- Orav Fox-\o, 1 largo $1j)_; 40. 04 to. 3 11.60 wrlicularl the mnlntali anre of Irla;)"r Jan.!67!11 26 66!5G!% 3t1734!502% Ot".6; NO. 1 10o41$126t 4a 350100 Writer Declares Remaining Simple Meal CoÂ~ts $3 Or $4,;al tinily and the convoking of it va" 007ne11 (i-1 o M A y tS 07!"j!b 05 1 02lq 26 04:t 9'.11 tiwkrals-Nu I large /000321 NA 13 lass ti %at.In,."nhlY. o":cot'drI' I.AfiD-,6e; NO, 3 14.pille 1 Civet Cat-No. 1 largo Part of the Empire Is a While It Is Nearly " Kra1,a frtiIn Atltalclt..Inn,!e 40 14111 ^4 46 21 60. 30 40 110. )!ewe r,t i106oa Wildcat 731 Y p S Im os i lit dbarge of r1 \I" 36 70 6 15:6 62 's 115 00 2 iU 1.601 small anI traab worthless. Otter- Vuod Admunrl la0tll(-" No. I largo 4141#16; No. 11 $lot. No. 3 Total Ruin isle to Get Rooms. iuan Sera ion, Jan, 430 41 65 4%i5 620L Skunk-,.. i large blltek $4010.26; " tare 1140Mah churl striped 9243.06; lung striped 11.5011 W e're Down and Out, rsancipnl Louisville mllh are paying 62.62 for 47'4, 2; white 7bc0r11, - e"- $, l W n wheat and 49 33 for no. J. prices being 14001'9-Wild rlnGeag, dry, Tndlana. At. ruuusw tender 'over e6 AdJusted en seaboard basis under Food abams and Vlrts.lla 312; Kentucky and Ia,,lun. Itee. 6 (Britlah Wireltlw,;,'" YANKS AT CRILLON HOTEL Says Clown Prince;. Administration rtifulatiotu Tonnes"? 112; yellow real (golden seals maielrr alt 111. Loosl commission house retrain from $4.60 Ih; %loadroet 200 Ib,; mayapple 7c Ice, 'ritrousItWUI Iho lust four ) earA Arvtly organival gbotlnt corn an9 oats, Their Intrrprotatlo ab." wild slnrvr 36t the ------ 40.- Father Broken M are I'Wrt of..atton of the Ilod Administration rogulattons In G O.-C raO" Wl kG'NGMbantabte grog-is.lawn say aril bo "-f 1ha1"ohly;, na fide 0020 cAn be reported, to flares. 750; berlr 104>V/GO; char tub ten Conrmittcc of Unlun nod f toKsass, 1'arls. Tuesday, lope. 3 (rey A. C.)- blhlnl dltve a. Neretofortit gootalloraa have beet!-hobeQ..Jo, washed 06tYato: tie,. Angora goat 460 have,Iona their hoot to ruin Turkey I",rra is filled to overftowing. Prices of I' rrlc"k WlllteiR3 fteoenm 03.021" orranWtel-ms a largo mosesure on prices prevailing in Sor; burry Anltern goat 110261; and have aul','r"oilel "rxlrumuly u,'II," ftbdreta! b4stu other giarkutr~ "-- TAL1.0W_-VO 1 ITrdetb, nn)'s the l:on01 antrnu 7fo cottmi O Ienl all lintel rooms, following the requlai- or of I gusto to Get B1.1toyiAlff I. htr;lr rrgMd Ipproximato bnying ptlrfe on arrived: of the 11ent1ng 1'oat In drwerlbinK the tioninK of twenty"riv4 hotels for pGaro Pair Away Fv06q 1{p${ ucrr ter now GRN-NO, 3 mixed, shelled, klin dried 0111.9 AND rAl"'S, earruAinn and minery of '1'urke} Three-,, "City purposes, have doubled and comp, $3.40 hu.; mixed shelled corn, No, 1 $l,;a; PerOal milllun persona, has rev's hnt'r born new ear corn 11.15..l rat Onl. ( tripled and era x6111 t#OIraK up. Irot7,l to 'miller, host, bbl.1ciaoinn Aen rneehlperyalc 11111ar1,t;red nnrl nnuther ni 111t)n li un the 1uMluu, I"ec. / (by A. I' 1--"TOil l',lra" _)ATH--No 3 mlzod 74c; No, 3 a'xalt4 764 Do half bbLAII.4r,fra golden lu" aerK,' of otarv'alla, IhIA whiter. reatauranle owl prieca generally arts Approzlntte sdlllne prices; Ito Nu, 3, bb1.13.601L) hneator 111, "Tile Kreator lrorllun of tlrv t)tloman 140 Clamor to Keg hatlarr and me away 0)[tN-"106x00 or white ralled 11.;0 bl., r uim;larly muunlln{f. 171-0111 11011A404. 11'0 srr down and 0111. Llorec raw..31.ll.72 nt. K-psetrY,$) red mince," Iho rti rvArl ittid p con total 1 Irenkfuaf of roRee, broad and but' OEA areie lnoluded, in small 00202{ In 1061-bal. or oUo ba tlr.l nr,..IellladU' ln1t.171, ' >t I ""r tom uer nla nnelccl total more lot$ $101, is ' hn t I I Glad ml' ranter id o broken man. lan't 12477;7-Nlxnal, sacks Ineledstf 310 bal.; Lard ollwln.etr.llOOlBlar hand Ight, urn'1nt;el dlffert"nt ntcr.a aIt(rN'hnl r- 1."r epnllnUCG to 0006 Iatween $1,.-.. " - whilo Inc; in 100.60,!alts, mixed a6c; wbltc Do et. Nu, 1~$1,s4 17i fret "dc n1,11nA k+ n tidal ruin. it l n0h:thl>' $I dt al hotels. It Is virtuaVy hnpus" that onouTh punlshmvnt"' the torm rr $1u _ Du No, 1...,,St. I TurDent{1e.....95c Irue that never before have the 't'.arkd Bannon frown Prince raid la an la4ar- It Do No. 2.....$1.11 Drnalurad alcohol, it the ernpiru Bents Ao Holt Au or It- 022,20 10 lunch or dlno for less than 11 + Cariot movement In 0ticaltn: )'tar. Rrneine......... 27cj Its proof, bbl..Tln i,,,r'y policeman tit Pera 1.,i eattililted to or $+ for a alinple meal, 1'.roplu nrrly" View on the fabn4l of 11-luringrp, where of panumor glove gasoline..1$c DO It bbl..,.xle ire 1:4 Inters-1" with d currr C,'iletn Bart llucripts. Gmtraet" 10M.l. Agn, L'nrllss ryllnder,.toc Ptne tar......,,, "o i.e. n'utlh allyttlllig 1)otwMn 10,ow1 and Ing In the ell)' fngiiently go to I11tatn 1'undenE E.1x00!h yea! Wheat... 64 4' dl 117.e Irev In 6.662 Iola 16,(00 Turklah pounds. the I)nlly Mirror. ('nrn...... )%2 c4 al d7 "This arutoulnlluu of wenl!ll Isla or (wanly holelr before they eecu ly tat It lly. PAINTS AND COLORS- SIN{{'I purl t, Irrirk 11'llllarn a.ll,.l left Iv ab 17.4c at Oats....,.IdS 153 1dS lOd white lead 1496.140X; rn2 14t'1 1114c, re " it purl of Ili(- programme of lio ruomS, for ahlcll Ilan ouneN d"murl.l Intl liuae a,!% dicant for cash. Colors-1'tueil n committ ee to em-tch ten 'forks,,t I!.o largo rum:1 unl r,'ruko to loaner!heir W'AY'S I'at~riA Ufa it rncutant b.atat:~n I ours reran New York, Ike, 6 (by A. P,)-Lard red 1 14 10 3 10 0: ylluw'oehre to, wnrx-now of the Chrl.rlluna. awl u.14 r.,1" G01111ny 11,i Gr"lit Of-tram ar.d win! -l barely alvndy; Middle Wt.%at $36.76016.6a.......-rye a e ly to Hn1y1la.t nnl t',.n" rates, m1lnK thry can K""t the,glee. X:,vhrll;e 'i Other articles unchanged, rl.d out. aptxlAl,Bent t- tsnrk toKct',.er A aunthcr of h,.r stanUuuplo, The cuuacqucnl a is 01411 The city IS 1,e,"1mi1; rnarl" crowded I,I tiIi \ i -L1, W ile M urderer Is priers to Cnualantlnoplo fu"dsy nr.',!;lily, with tlio bulk of the ronfereur0 l"nt rrl",rly a rc M:ltglaMl an.l h"' v,a,rat: COTTON MARKETS rrurmously exorbitant It nauSt nut Ito tll,'utla nnl olhr.n+ Inlrrortc.I get' uol) al+hd he cttlhl live thdrN n 11+K1. + aupttvxed, however, tent ConsWnllunpln... I.,.,^ pike, T., larks Anything. Tncrn is yruhnby ling ruonvy. such an several Iruodrnd of:ruin r"",.1,1rn -- Handed Life Term l 'Louisville cotton quotations Grua Isld" ennuKh foal here to recd ilia pu;,uh1- Iho tvurll'a nra.pnpcr correspondents ' I uuarrokd with toy rather in regaN A+ Uur-,AI I dltng 3Oci strict ipiddling 31%0. "/ Ilea for at lrnal eight months The '0111; not set recta. Where persona of the to Ur""at Urtt r.' he t",nlulue-J. "t told c1,EfH.15-:3U, tplr r rtetAJ. P1,.., Nee Tork eolt'7 Me o:R futuroe (farnlabe4 by w Aelting aply secoodeunia-in d by the Germans. 'end wt ere stand rho great stature of of t t l ult_! Stairs," ' t'uneml rUl VV, L Lyons W CW)9, t04, Dec. 6 "(DY A. V,)-TIu4r Strasbourg, I.Ille and Metz, each cov" Tilrre dW s u&", the Urra;.irked up a paper irev. Clan open. 11 ern, IIigh. T;. Amortcnn aoldlere-. Colonel,,t Captain erarl with floral utfrrings and ting 'r~"tless mr"w Kr frfm an un;uentlt'tw.1 k: Dec. -21-01-16 2T.00' st.T1 zT,,o J4.1o And a priv - have, been destir:nated by Each suit~ Is handsomely htrnlshed athertue, a;n, President Allies in Complete Fr-n",, shll,.acing tine latter was stir, Tan. 111.94.15 9,16Â~a.6: 0 53.91 flaon to receive the highest and has paintings find tapestries. There,,It rut utatin; her pusti" n. \Iltrch ':ti.99-a9 18e;,sIt5,n'f9 40' 26:6.71 1 61.94 mWrary dteoratloR given by the 1-nit- am ralntuo-hour banns and aleeptn; Iu,"nt rnrx.tKM indncat. i utber rervrlM tlrveue and I May ed States for valor in action. the sell, Agreement on Kaiser h,,,,,bI, rs 'fine, delegates will pmbah!y were;, in,-Asa x" to the Frenchman's aid.;he re:+iJercr July,...3.TE.7t{'.2321 i93 S3, If 39.72 BraOstoeal medal of honor. They have sine together In what was formerly the rltrlt. llm4 Won the first of the medals, awarded Pane, Dec. 6 tliavns Agency to A. P.l hotel restaurant. All accetaorles. In- 0;.,':r.1 to tee 7.trerrt-e bee. 9 A. r'.11-Spot cotton during the war with Clermany. And their eluding thr: bar, have been removed. AGED NEGRO SENTENCED Li NI L-1bedne ql lit; pMror hlxhEt*.; good middling:t.91d; names are; -There In coml'lete agreement tetaeen Vlost of the conferences balne.n th+ ntlddling:1.1Sd; low mldnlllag 34.19d; good Col. Charles W. Whittlesey, 3Wth In- the Allies on nil gnestlons, partlcul.tHY American dolegarcs will be hell in III., al ';Q it oraloary 1Â~1d; ordinary 1a.41d, tlales'I.- fantry, TO A YEAR IN PRISON el o:" l da unt Pr that confer fed the.former German Urn- large sle sxlun at the Hotel Crillun. 'ihc,lei: race 3: hen boles, in:luding 900 Americas., No re- Capt. George 0. McVurtrp. vat tt. I peror, declared 1'rernier Clemenceau on busine:ns silicas of the delegation, where murr.rng at vote Thomas 7;. \clbnur. his return from London last night. lie several hundred experts In international kitary ltunter" 63-year-,Old negro, ',h:.pei. Sri It's 11, i.. Cal Whl9Uesey, then Major, and Capt. x reseed des aatlaf1Cllun over the Im- law. geogrttphre.t boundaries, Inellle p p i'",eaed guilty tv the theft of ya) from t P:"arc" LOOSE LEAF MARKETS M01urtry were at tpe head ut Ute portant results obtained at the confer, genre, etc., will work. will lie Ina largo h;rsdJlar>;arrt l+avts ant ass sen" r xt"!, u 9 moue "fast battalion" of the 306th, whirl, once. Tho I'r'emler said he had bean buitdinl; immediately adjoining. Josep;t tvncad to it year tit one penitentiary. He Nlehae's _..._ lost half of Its /non holding out ogalet t deeply tooted by the niannilcent re."ep- C. Grew, secretary of the pence detest, t+'ok the money at it local market to Qeegebota-xTellew pryer leaf aonttnuee the enemy when surrounded In the Ate pori riven him by the British. tlon, has established quarters there. Fat change end failed to return He KLFtER-We te7aet 37)0; 8ecattt\itrlcQ of 0*' per bung l e Fore t until nil ec,.ttivo day C Referring to the success of the latest left airs. Davis under the impresstnn bar i, 131u" a dreg who 'mr< a }atorda, vote than nch war loan, the Premier Bald he n'>tISU\ ICEYT AA 'iSF.. ht was employed by the mercbarite WIda a of b tS, y:-'' Private Telbaur dis inguishtd him; ad always been confident of It, but eighty-fifth ' London, Dec.5 (by A. P.)-The sub. Irani wheat he was making a lutthase 100,004 vo4nde Isoltl wt ayarnge;ot 41334. self when the Rainbow l)lvlsibn took never had believed that such it great and W) eou!d not change the h:L', reeldeace of Trash from I11 to. lit. Cots de Chat111on In October by stet' result woul be achir;vcd. 4 0 e 1406 ht Orton ping an enemy charge against a ridt1 eaNy this week between the repreacnta" QEAD OF PNEUMONIA at 2:30 cemetery.cloc Henderson. -Tolaldf Sllr'pbunds sold ginglehanded ttvee of Great Britain. France and Italy with his automatic offs. regard to the coining peace confer. at avettige of $14:N. Prjbrtteat roacheA with -nr sold ktmrt-tbII war. 12: 45 p. at_ I 11U. Indications l 000,440' pone d1 will t MGI.ER-Wei n Lvnitgtoe. -rho lebabea tuarkel wI 11/16/2006 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M i111er, area Cauchan III] I open, here att, w jp*- and 'm4ay. 6nyer ceasbu d. L ee0. an hand.;"trha inataw@4 a.the tool p;aee. *A S.lG 0

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