Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~a enzasrea Franklin rate Blus~me hard 11 August led in the rag moved, loss"I v L aLP. ID n 11, )urre 1ei a farm i i JttsyIV5a (' ounity. which he conducted ror a number of tears, aril{ later m~ade his home in l'reclertkeburg. He is survived by three dlaughters: Mrs. S. 8, Wilson faod Mrs. Amy I'endleetnl of this:clty. und Mrs. Mary Smith, of I"',,..ii Uj 'a 'a I I a+ nospital edter 'rederieslurg. Â~+. -Mr-s. Maria Christiana I jlle, 83. widow 44t Frederick Brulle, died at her homeVtWbite Cumber- Plains, 8iand~ y, after a brief illness. ifegh Mr.Bul va boni ilegnel *Cn Germany, and came to America in 1857-. irried at She is -survi d by three sons: W.H. ingelical Brulle. of Nj wrort News; A.L. and he Rev. Dr. Herman 1lrulie. Qf this c ity; tw~o dsaughters, Mi. Eim4 Stoll, of Brook-. lyn, Md., and Miss Amelia B~rulle, of, Rtowland this city. t -- hrt of Harrison hi~-. Vs.--Louis Whitmnore. L.. Hum-1U U. died Moo ay from' pneummonls. Surgiving are on sister. M1rs. Luther Wilt, of near Con'- rd, and tyvo brothers. CorSeaburn nelius {end -14ruon Whitnmore, of Broadlilstone, Way.. the,Rev. Woodstock4 Va. -- The funeral of ~)aniel1l ogs,4B.' took place Monday. I roaddus, Mr. L~ogan w as a?ormner postmaster sod, both of had b en' ill1 five yeats from paralysis. no eeHe is survive~ by one sister. Miss Annie the Rev., Logan, and tpvo brothers, WV. W. Logan.Baptist~ and James Logan.__ Lynchburgj Va.-Mrs. Eliza D. Wilson, 36, died( Saturday at her home in Camel ell eo~ nty, several miles east of erley, 32; Lynchburg. A cancer of the stomach 'urnpike; caused~ her d ath. Lhingtoi( leumonla, Harrisonb r,g Va. -- Hampton Sprinand t a kel died Monday from pneumonia, superb, Hel n, induced by il1uenza, at his home, near i,Nancy, Mayland. -was a son of Harry Sprinsisters, kel. Survi ng are his parents, his )n; Mrs; widow and e child.-' [.M1,nehbur Va.--Winfred May, the 3 -brothr,,vear-old datt ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. if viviap kdotter, died onday at her home here Shepley, of.pneuuaoni following influenza. dlasonb rg VXa.-3Jolin Wittig, 89. n,, di onde in Iove.4ville. Surviving 3aturday arc- and s, eeWittig, and tw~b Be came brot ers,,Wi11am adMartin NVittlg. afTweivel L eihburg Va.-Charles Brown died tad foul Satu iday af mnoon at his home, a 'short 8aie~dietttrce- io of Lynchiburg; of in' an fluenra.Cella Me4 ~arrisonb rg, ia~4ls Edna Myers, rPitts$j 2, daugiter Hof Mr. and, Mrs.. John C. In Penn' Myer~s, nee Edinburg, died Mouday 'fro - brnchi leemni a. XD R1THOUGHK flRUQ kesipAn- lAa jjbA R t 7Bl.4"To@ av em. M gse ~,iller'a Bar. -- 8ergt. Rockvilie, d.; Dec!. 31.-That Itaiph tmuelE F. rn - u t. 1. L_a1w,..w1:. roaud severnlw welkd:xoueaduwas identified as' vl'tim from WValtt pital. Washin,oi slp,~atrename' by' heeing it in his shirt, whi wuent he wore wh' turned to the ho+ by a guard. k(.lledDy t Martinsburg. V renee- A. Montag keeper itt the H-it found dead at lab Sister Mic-haelet,anam' here Sunda; is now in the Ki tal with alight 11rIlotge at the distillery failed to appear tigation was-macli coal stove was tL Hie was 73 3y-ars three daughters, nurse at St. Josefum isIoi nigton, and Sister Ir au-es Montag ('haant-lI School,' "F OEstimated Tha ready Cost In Thai SEVERAL COI TO PASS IOne Respsonded " "" m "te terms of separation of kielgiuiaud ago nearly dead f& 'tit Holland waz achieved. tie to utter it word. Alandi Isl nds- -Thesse islands in the " u i'si-alt.d blteil-slioik gulf of Itothnia between Sweden and Ref Miii iemioriail Ilan- Finland arl if- stragetic importance to. She-riff ('Cuarles H.ISwede-n, an with the friendly relations ted hlim. learnedl his 1n0w existing between Sweden and Finoi letter iii a p csket, land may b come the property of Sweh was ilit-.01113 ga ~- Idena. APP'Filand is a. p rt of he ]Rus11i loken. Ie was r~ sian problem which the Peace- ('ou*ress pital a few day-s a11 nmust consider, this transfer might be a mautter of Consideration by the map-- as Nr~n~sts-e. Chinn--Relations of China with; Ja''a.. lDec; 31--I- pan and the Interposition of the Peace e. Gvermentstcre-Congress in the civil difficulties between iisviile Distillery.,'as North and South China -may be preborne, and hisast er. sented at the congress. China has asked of Whbeeliug, M-ho Allied aid in administerili gits finances. evening to visit him, flow far the gathering of nations' will ~ga 1)augt, ers HQs+pi_-. opes of heiiecoveri.' i ijas been emnployed. or the past 24) years, t his duties and iSiirs-.". Escaping gas fron aa e cause o~f his death.: old and is survived by I Sister M -icbaeleta, a h's -Hospital, in Wheel-' Montague, of WashLuretta, formerly Slims Pe. of the Mopunt de *Â~'heeI ing. - " T$50,000,000. tEpidemic Has Al-, purance Companies Amount ~CERNS FORCED ITHEIR DIVIDENDS;..E4 A f l! *w M I0 TO AAAJidaim Lt;I Sete faf coal Uafitel elhisPilesi? e bohae o1 Ltho da pa ie~ ~e e de$ d t of fu fos r panyilf siPn ill ink l i l in Week And Orly X1,32 Dori4 The Wa. York, 1)' 31.-"F4u has thus tlife lnau ance costpanles in the States $,000,000. is the etfmate made by Vicent Lunge 4of the Equitable. strial, th is the ainall, weeklyit plic~y;. ompanles,. are said to ott $30, 000 of the total: "and puo umonla Lave increased ith-elain ynenta of most corn= by four times the usual average. ral tromp lea are "passing" divito policy jolere in anticipation her losses prm the disease. 'opolitan. fe irnsurance Cowneath clal up to December 1' are ),000 mo* than' for the vorreag date lni 8017 -and-set U" are cornat doublej be normal rate. leutial Ia r*aee Company which entire y*ox 1917, paid 7i'801. -ral and osiury death 'clail s for 1I of 1830,,000. paid In seven of 10~is ring the'- worst of the lie more tl at $8,5t00(U0 on death for. Intl en 61 and piet ija Icompan,j auring the, war.- paid l..:2.2ctfip 'war deaths -total-_-: 4Y V I. i I fi 1 ' Hre's What e to KeI IT flip t t..L-year-toia oy, DO( ii t ome"' ~jail as. the elf-eonfeeed mu a er of Elisab h 1-ieckwtb,'-68 yeah old, " memb wbel was Iil lb her iome.; -near- Colesred'. a v1 oil. D 'uber 20, set fire =to -the pa erbar i~n -ti+'arma-uiof. C.Miller, pear wiou nhs'Clii t~ h1i Ctrisetasanightiji-the ening.:o bhlef: fof flhe su horli*.'They ArO not, - h 0!lo ver ecn hated th it the: bay iiatoiai n tip t40k degt.rayed -.thne lbildhakg.poWii ndn 14a itdto Deputyale C;ts n.the i illdin thoel:ig -t 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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