Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~--= m ~T T!FL i "-d Will Request Council rive Him Free Hand. Plans Publicity 'pth.rity to take all necessary 6t prevent a recurrence of the Sepidemic, -and an Appropria$.10,000, will be asked by Health mlssioner Ruhland at a special I9 of the common council aisday at 2 p. m. death and twenty-five new cases imported Tuesday, b it the num, kIOOLBOYS EAT GINGERFAKE THE "FLU.":$elson, B. C.-A carefully laid hsbme, conceived by several Ihoolboys, came with an ace of astLng another Influenza scare. 'A short time ago, teachers obined thermometers to take daily reords of the temperatures of the scholars. For two or three days akl- went well. - Then alarm lig symptoms developed. Boy after icy showed a temperature. The itiudents were sent home and pre[inl.ary arrangements made to;Otnbut another sweep of the "flu." -- Then somebody "spilled the *eniL" A teachr learned that bhe boys had been eatingiginger With malice aforethought. r of active cases has not increased the past twenty-four hours. Adver'tisinr Is Planned however, tropeZta fong. "UV pocketwoook contabtingiesve tification slips and six cuid ship.ards whichthi cauie the na eon/h- z Sponds to onOnet 14p; "Kitchen Towel Vital Ne Home," announces our owo -Daily..Yes, and llk"wis ad fambly toiothhrush, what?After a courtship of 1 years, a Cambrid award $00h. a; sore; and she might!have ga instead; and still sh&'s sore! "Old posta rates in effec ses our P. X. ThatIl be how cheap they can s end parties: oily get the date; t be any more parties, BLINDERS An aduc b n *lan Didin I obe gWil put bbla4 The i ph pltk Lb ipu i [utt *1ci leni Sw athr atio VerA Ih. read Sgei mini [nab stan ttinu 4 &1 ite bilit bm, advertising campaign will be JOIPPH GILLET. ted to impress upon the public ecessity for care." said Dr. Joseph Gillet, 736 Forty-sixth-at, d. "Advice will be given for who gave to the fund for marking the ig the influenza. If the public house in Alsace-Lorraine in which serve the precautions suggested Rouget de Lisle wrote La Marseilprobably not become necessary lalse in 1792, was born in Strassburg, a ban on amusements and a. also the birthplace of de Lisle. 4ges. "I was born in Strassburg, AlsaceSdepartment is advising with Lorraine, March 26, 1844, and lived yslcians and will not take any there until I was 20," said Mr. Giltat is not demanded to protect let. "I served in the French navy blic health." and came to the United States in 1873,. locatig in Milwaukee thirtyITERATE MA one years ago. JTERATE MAN In those days in Strassburg we sa g La Marseillaise. Under NapoIS COSTLY. however, we were not permitted IS CSTLmY to sing it. La Marselilaise is not like the national' songs of other nations. It is a patriotic sbng for all nations." s Unable to Read Atc HOSPITAL OFFICERS TO SPEAK. xpense to Employers, Officers of Base Hospital 22, who at. Says Professor rived in Milwaukee Saturday. will be guests of the City club at a dinner - Thursday night. Capt. Lindsay Deniacy is the cause of many cost- son will relate some of the experiences racy t of the base hospital overseas, and it dents, and so is expensive to is expected that Lieut. Col. A. C. orker and employer," said Dr. Evans also will speak. op Talbot in a talk on The n of the Alien to Industrial ONLY PL ement. before a class at the O P U ity extension school. Monday M I E "Illiteracy makes it impossible MEDICINEWILL END I directions and to understand neral notices, s and safety RHEUM TIS 3,1uty to read leads to misuniding and dissatisfaction," he led. "Mistakes arise as the re- It matters not whether you have had nd then follows the avoidable agonizing pains from rheumatism tor oif materials, time and temper. 20 years Or distressing twitchings for 20 y to read means increased over. weeks. Rheubta is strong enough and at, as the result of inefficiency. mighty and powerful enough to drive workers. rheumatic poisTons from your body and kos4 Training Necessary. abolish all misery or money back. arate workers require more Central Drug Store and all druggisia tal attention than those who are authorized to sell Rheuma on a-noad. Training the worker to cure-no-pay basis. A large bottle is Inn English is quite different from expensive, and after you take the small ig him a few English words. dose as directed once a day for two Istruction in English is bound days you should know that at last you Sthe teaching not only of read. have obtained a remedy that will conriting and arithmetic, but also quer rheumatism. rican history, civics, geography, For over seven yes throughout 6, practical information about Lre protection, keeping expens America theuma has been presbed, Ia and thrift. and has released thousands from agony, Americanilzation program is pain and despair.-Advertisemlent. 9 If conducted on a compulsory r as a matter-of-fact discipline. nmericanization implies democra. How to Acquire Hair Beauty d democracy implies voluntary!_trI ad _ilA- t po_ I *ation of individuals, an Amer. You can enjoy a delightful sham: lion pro;ram naturally implies po with. very little egort and for.a ament of the militaristic plan verywth.fvery litleIfout for tinistratlon commonly in vogue. ery trifling cost, if you get frota' ilies the education of the em. your druggists a package of cn11%,is-.,n.,,, tab ^., throx and dissolve a teamppontul In MVIsR be us. Â~US.-NOW.noi thl Than- Ever Before, Beca f e fa The war has been fara a lt isu effEts. It has cauid- worryand ainxlety 'in every home,.and has sitt,.44V the health of ever.tazny., It; has aggravated chronWEo&i hio enCre-I.d their tenacity, and made all springallg ments more serious.. As a result, a blood-p-urfykng,.stA O ach-toning spring medicine is more M necessary this year than ever. ot People still tak, Hood's 8 are rilla because it is an oldfaily:, friend, has proved its merit to the tif generations--as -a Spring.and all-t- telI year-round medicine. in.urifyinrJgnih e --1, 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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