Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~b~*ft 1a04 [apA trookdt 1t e e e ar s he negress *ao *a in shrefor 1e th~r nY years of a'ret room to" wstauii at the Lgtonji r. trac C. Cortuor f. uoistiard Stephes ssaid death was dut to aie forthe lge,: " k h __,;, '/ the we o ye4r our t e OYhI ',cing hl~seaitd pirivat4 O S ~ ISSJNG. 1 W-eetZdfougtodw a~rp police TuosAw. te~' and,,ttdonat Odday ight by i~~ eeeWaite, ma-1 ~ an. Mdiso ay- ~ of the Protestant Children's OrC 1tam etil~dthirLt'Nh n asdonthat Chals Sohumats, l1,1 P"; heceinth ntutt a't HikaB' Home, West ieave bitnhisday~tie il eae Ct.tovIiirton Zcs$ of the bolt did -not lrbtUWU to hils fathdr, tJizied -wits'a dance,, social t 4V ee 'moths, it'14 W 2~went 111%6 a mystery. etY wihadn tadr- SECRET IS OUT. outatd John Edinger,. Frmlngt~n, W. Va., tings were hold in a nutni- and Miee Bll. Willila Mueller, Bellef Vlpjton cahirce.,blut the The. Ky... we married''New bYears tifedwith ts of the hive by st. Henry I."W ebb, pastor holding. Th se meetings of the 1'i~st Christian Church, Coiv%sn w 40@ p.m, until mid- ington..eeWere conducted b~y the, +sufreshmente were served. C V[NGTO1INOTQES. CRABS OROW. Toa Cye'~cr rhan gi - -;CoCaiyns, it. s'te beemulsing Rinee bwasoilorganiza- esdai.erpi..s. The q:?n' of atthe 'viametn o on that h1s son has gos t. New Orleans ld' $ irst Y~e~tIgof h seraceing Is b~ing held. a.Cqdrs "Frida9y' evening. 'Charles 1'. Devon qualified as adminlstrator i~~ii scompoeed of lhs dask t I uto 2046in idrdan i ea,* Viliaph, t Which will he.u01IshKenon County Court,'a saye. by "thfrtj-filre ew mem1- Doyle qualified a.stiardiss te Lsiland p will e- iitiatd Frdhy T e' cass against Hterace Schafer anAs - ting as ayten tedbwits. tsontiuued 1tiha bls will also make arrange- reles court tinti Tesday. Jasuary1s entrtanlnthe reurnn he Nesahwoe gsde4solesiat rt. ISiltell 'etranigth rtrig wel re-ope. Mendsy. Jsna6, after heing Codys farmt on the Dixie eluded forsesveral weeks because of tenusea. These -entertainmengte wl C. insten y*naisle er. zsted Tuedeaato the expense of the y r um' gr te 1e meat s o 1hq~ C~bet Crab Judge John ere eletsa4 by the inntilnsa epidmic. The te metln. seeslad been injured in the same nÂ~;sner. tore fronm other Crab couii- Deputy 'United Stites Marshal Osare st~ cpeoted that evening. Ulez mten, will arriv in Cai naasm ure y Mett ti. ek JO, N.H.. where they resaped $ LUIT Rs 'lINED. rem Jail. 'they sp hsld elifteral charges, ilien who registered as Edi- KENTON CIRCUIT' COURT.' Ifeilaad, 30,1.406 Biroadwsy,"Atigiag tbsndantnet ton the part oetthe d05 -cM' t Q.1 8. xtlttt, 20, 2511) fsndant " greund tet hi. action. PFrederks Ilinolnooatig were tried- in the. w-' tmfl'astsenteed It tagaiast (tasre ftt "Â~d..'.oh0hrV " trdisorderly wees married October &11.e 1 voce15.e tt each "fined $420. and cotsMyrtle Hamittos t'tsttutsdan srtie e aast *~ ~ Z'n i tamiltlen or ate absotttdives on the I~L~soi.."ronofruly They were Married?tswemIgi al,: charge.ct,obtaining herJ. it,, 0adivid teether ustil August. tÂ~ai e- pretenise twas-'ebangotl isu. nrlienseeas tee a diverts is iiejdatfoa of 'Prosceutor, leeirbeena's court r e1 Deft Dresses e Ma I I r+the ground af shandaneat. 5hu was given _Ythe ca tedy at their eldestebd.este 1w, Q, 5l...h lW n~ ges vws. paredin thsem afegrhth ity Bulding. Jparta5'tThey were pnarried November 91. ' ellrwed that theo men wer o t' z:atsone for advertisingCV~ONM RAG LI 6g t hwhc it was,l- *, u ttrag with'the, un- Name. lisidence. Age, I "that '%tavmoney was. o o~ertI. r iitt..; Covingtaet.......,: O~t' tijupsee. lrs. Hasabert tA..... er....eiuta 0. 91,,.. i, l tb street, inS1 Plarese 10555.... Csumbua, 0...9 pa1.td4 bewacpion led to Frettshoae. tnt.e.:....Haitn0" of the. mn, Maria iadtrd....... Hamtliton. o...... r. 'a"r:". nr; ';4 Wesley 0,mLaut........C vinglan. Ky'". IS. ____stot7_- Darsette.C intttatl, 0......, 7.. B~oDeult 5.t lr.O.. lnalssa. 0.. r'111e tl'1b#C >C# N eiless,......Chviastee, Iy. 91....f y Y +.t Oteetttati. 0...e sR vabtRMa4 o he 11dbA. Ueyda. WI.". l'.Thesuis, Ky."If ' t.head.g d 1. Rose....,. (snnact.0....... th ea.1fwl~ha. Ads V. Itelsey........Cis gcienati, 0..... jpito to J000 11*ehptN eie..........t wlngt Iy:... H > de of tl~oint r i* s ~dp st5. dastastee Icy...,tab Cheste..Ittli. ovtsgtet., Kr. 91."..,fp ' * l vsh!.....Dsyts. 0.....3 r' naefrom 3 D w'oaia.s eri rm... b ourt n t:t lM1 ETAW1k TURER~ (oImI JII I' e nd Rile deputies 'have $ rstlshed attaches of the -Cqonti Clerk's office with the amens of 1,400 persona in t snth 191 duplucate. B3Y-a 'recent law all persona aow required to take out a iicense. Tal Couinty Clerk figures the number luinlahed by the Tax Cometissioner. plus those who will voluntarily " to hie/offtlce for the tag,.will reach 1O Fguring, thusly, they estimate there are over,,OQ0h c s e nthe bounty.: IYYBE GIVEN LESSER TITLE., If C Ogress paress,.a, bill lnt pduced Monday to confer the title of. Caprtain en Chairmen of all draft boards, Colonel T wgzas.-H. Carothers of the Newport Board 'trllhe "temoted," so toaspeak... While serving on - *0'oyernor McC'ruauy' of l~di ttlcky'sstaff 'several years ago Carotlets 'won thea title of "Colonel." Her has been celled that eves' since. t irhere iCoil Carothers for one is not in favor of Congress. paste;~ that hill, as It were. Dr. John Todd, also a member of thatbard. is not." In favor of the bill. hhvigwon the title of 'Poe" at a medical college.,OLD YEARFAREWELL Newport properly bade aieru to 1913 Tuesdlay midnight. Whl*Ues cut loose and 'bells rung amnid tha crack of many guns as the new year was eshered In. Celobrations of eveiry ty p were held, the Health Board Iiaiiil lifted dIani? of the' strintgent regoldtlons of the former "flu" ban. Hundreds indulged in dancing at the Newport Gynq. Sixth and Orchard etreate, where a New Year'. eve cele'bramion was held. T he Eagles. Moose. 1 1k.eand other fraternal organisations hl~d dances apd celeb~rations. Thte bell in the fire house tolled,the year "14-14" Just an the firenten bear 4-i when an alarm Is sQunded' from Box isle-if there waq one. Mayor.IvIngston Issued A proclamation calling on all city officers to close their offices and piases of busi.. ness. w CampbeflQo_ ty QpIrterly Court; filed his &UAWle rep~rt ith Judge A. M. Caidweir Tuesday, slldwtpig 1-36 esshdbe tried during thth year. NkEWPORT~ MA tIIAGE LICENSEE. Name. Residence. Age. Leonard htaiea.. "" ""Logan County'. 0.... Roberta itlabe...Legan Couns. O0..3 feW. -Delabor....Tray. 0..33 1,sabsth Foets....Ostroit, Mth....3 Cot 'Andeeton.... Frathttrt. 0....21 Margaret Whittes..Clarhsurg. 0...... 3 Botl 5treseip..... a.t. -Bernard. 0...3 4&aphemi Vaes... Newport,.RIY....1$ d H histng...Newport. lNy......72 2Aidi e 15...........Nawport, KY....40 VOCATIONAL LEAGUE REVIEWS EVOLUTION OF COMMON COUNCIL The (civic and Vocational Leaglie of the Cinoinanti public schools has iesued the first of the seriete of three pamphlets denling with civic conditionls in Cincinnati: Its cotnpi(%lon is the rasult of efforts of the Womnan's City Club and is a hist.o y of the Council of Cincinnati trout the establshmnent of the Village Coulncil in 1107 to date. Soneicnlteresting records are dieclosed as having lbecn pcased by thu Village Council of Cincinnati from 1104 uniti l 181. Among the ordinances passesi by tis C.tlncil ire the following: To compel citizns to remove loge and other obstacles front the roads: to establish a nigght watch consisting of all citizens (c vr 21, to be divided in classes of twelve, to patrol the streets at nightt. to provide that chimneys be built t brick and stone; to tax any theatrical or puppet cshow; to pirevent adticonse from trespassing: to secure a quit. Satbbath. -Counbeil meetings were hed at the "Sign of the preen TteeC1~Oi Front street. The parnitilet -'hent deals of lxlstortcalilncidentt from that time until the organization of the Cesunmon Council of Cincinnati in 1070, and the present organization is tr~eated at length. The study of civics In th" publilc schools is characterized b> il. Randall.7. Contdon. Superintendent of " Schools. in the foreword of the pantplhlet as follows: "In Cttncinnati we are trying in teach civicb not as a theoretical academic subject. but as a liing, social experience tint functions in civil reri'ce. Civics Is. one of the most important subjects int the entire curriculum: it Is fundamental; but it must' be taught a-s a -liv ig sIubject. otherwise both, the teaching and tha, subject will be of little avail." The painphfrt will be given generous crctilation among the teacher) aod -those titearested in civic matt era BOLSHEVIKSCAPTURED 'TWO RUSSIAN TOWNS (By. Associated Pres,) LONDON, Dec. 81.-Forces of the Itussian Bolshevik governmenrt have Captured too village! in the region if iteval, according to a Russian wireless message received here today. The "'enemy' it is added, has landed 6i00 men and four, guns (evidently on -the Esth6nlau coast in the region of Reval), The wireleas message reads: "On December 28 In the Revel region we took the villages of -Bikhona and Karkils. The enemy has landed 509 men and 4 guns." c nAT AGLANCE] THtOlit5SAP.Sy tan merchant t Elmi street. receiveS d.. Tuesday f rem a friend In Syria that Insoes9 the Turkisti massarres his mother. brother,.tlestatter's wife ad six c1ilidren had heen killsd. EDWARD LONG. for eighteen years cennested with the City Auditor'. affts as pay. ranl shaner. resigned Tuesday..Itis follow alerts presented him with a sold-headed rise sod at box of cigar. TWENTY-SEVEN NEGOOS c-re arrested Tuesdiey night by Deictas itobhe. Johnson end Patroilman tiardorberg at Stt'Cacr~ie osa-e onre, and were charged with disorderly tendust. The officeresalings before their o. testes a crap game was In progi-ss. Fifteen ctlhs' ers-ens escaped by jumping fret, a second-story window. THE RES.IGNATION of Edward]lSigel. member of Council fromnthis Twenty-second Ward., was accepted Tuesday by the Ceuni and Robert A. Schmidt. who resigned sveals months age a tie acting member freetheit ward to enter our et-icn, was re-elected toi setvs out the remainder of his term. COURTHOUSECOMMISS ON. Members of the New Courthouse Comnmissiori at the meeting. Tuesday adopted a resolution in whichv the com. milssion expressed its appreciation to Waiter Id. Locke, Assietant Count)' Prosectyting Attorney, who has acted in the capacity of togal adviser of that body for the past two years, Hr. Locke retires from public office to take up the practicc of law. The cummisgion presented Mr. Locke with a Rookwoud A nilmner of changes in the sptciflcetions for the Interior decoraticine of the new Courthouse were made bylocal paint manufacturers and master #Intrs. These pointers and deco turged a sep'trntiur, of the =67,t00on' tract Into three branches by all dn g competitive bidding on Wte plain hail painting anti ailowinig fixed sunis for the decorating and lettering dffefoora. President James A. Green stated #hut the products of the Cincinnati InI manufactur'ers would be npecifled niso utndard before the specifications were approved. The cornmission approv-ed the specifications for ornamentaliiror irritis for the Juvenile Place of Dteten tin windows at an estimaited cost oi. $3,Z5011. WORK OF FIRE DEPARTMENT. Thes aneual report of thte Newport Fire Department completed Tuesday, which will be filed with the Comnmissdonors Wednesday by Chief Case Tloinasson; shows that during 1111 the department anewered 60 hell alarms, $9 still alarms and 14 false alarms, a -to.J1.43calls. One run w66e-made to llell4vue..Ky.: one to Cote Briliant and one to Clifton Iheights. The value of buildings and contents wh.s $41061'0 and the total amount of Insurance $56,11. The total loss for the weal was $117,103.1 and the insran e AFTFER SLOT MACINES. Following reports to poliice that siot mathileeg Were being ofpcrated in a numiber of Newport saioon., Lieuitenant tl~~k~sel. day ofpeer in chaigs E* O )$ police Tuesday. issued orders fq*- police to close'iy watch jil saloons ftt tese machines. "If you find any call' the. patrol and arrest the owner,' the order reads. FILES IMAGE CLAIM. H. A. Weber, Ith E~ at Eleventh and Patterson stIre thtIr his attorneys. BHarb ur A&Deft ns0m4 1'uesday filed a claim wilth 'the..-City Commissioners for 545 dalnagee.,asol to have reeulted when water from a sewer ran into the cellar-of hils 1 date, REOI oEET l I f PAST YEAM DEAT7J ATE INCOM E8S Ifr FLUENZA That the deaths recorded in Cincinnati for 1918 far exceeded any_ in Its history is shown in a report of Registran of Vital Statistics Waler 1hans. due, he says, to the epidrnti- ofJSpan1.i influenza which gripped the city the past several months. Total deaths for 1911 was 8,610. In 1917 they numnbered 6.183,aniIn 19i6 6.741. - Regjsrar Evans w-as notified Tuesday by,;3(t6 Registrar John Emerson along to get inl touch with each physician the city and secure every registration po-. sible of babies born during October and Novembher last. monger states that there lit a very marked lesseetitof birth repot for these inoeths, no doubt dume to the fact that physlclits were so busy with influenza cssds thai they failed to, report. Th ese regtst's~tions are beeded; Monger state soet great many of those born in 1918,tandI particularly in December of lest yearwill' need' birthi, cetificateas to se~1y rveeea-~o~~na e FWO FFICE CLOSED. The offleo'f -the Hamilton Cou1t Food Comn~b i tie Traction blldi. l s r >' c i. F_ COTTON. N-~V YORK. Dec 11.-The cotton msrbhs ear nerses. and irreglar ioday, bud earl) orel wrre rec-s'stw.i as-i the market shonce t firmetotneinto e isestraint5uwith the.ins atrung t at.anot advantsc f 1. tc H0 point, vmid off tram!.Joe to peabet iouced 2i Mcin thenlte t1A14gasan c'esed a, n-n3c. The market arened barer) stedy s an ad. se a of t0 points or Fehectry, wane ether monihs were enchanted it 2 pints hither on connrttg and rehoiinr ht aid long'. This demend nteed is In suicli.t erprueld. howex-er. ad the snarkmt rased.of right after the Call. oontoi the soncentra. tee o a -few January retice and tstorti that banking Interests.ntisipt~qed dttiesult2 is ftanst'tg any great ieu',nae In the expor niarratt. Far a tome the market was weal uinder setline generaierltttg. with January~ tenkitg to 2$1e and May to fltlc or shu in to p points -art 'n PrPric es then aaie ont renewed coreting niwl*thr -sa. oiher seiback early in the aftetinoon the mear hex roiled ttr desteg tiiin c s o iy acs re atth s.esed p te ttthe dtir lta fmmesrarer thei rreereete. while toe sWas nchange it the geesreity bulish characteratfSother,:toot aditea. Retomt that houss with yap ros eoetltie swere stopping the latuar tets ad were leasing warshsne spare- tsy. es the tndDS dtoitake dus athesaie a t c xb oted two in 1905for January am. tsr 2 be ay. Well sireset oses. -leer _ t~he =oestmnt Ubort 5rt MSSlater ter in.y 'Thoet wws a fairly active business Otttltte'entire bay. hut trading was quitt inu teearly break, end we ups4tb ~~Iesthe way oftereeing up cemmit smeosIw eerKew-T.eas's Day.,Exports ts 47.M ea. making 1,-tti.sst bale o etoa j 6 ess etrecetpt'a H o0bates. tVite.Saieet stoseLO #lS bl.. 'it for-" t.fluts5. fDect- t face s of 3r -PRAYER. 10/12/2006 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M 0

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