Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ OIn Leave of Absence Miiss.F.Loulise XX illioott. i F lirlwthlioriurdinan. STAFF OF TIlES1DEACONESS HOME Mrs. bums ii F. I- roÂ~-nSuperinitendlent. lievs lnrrr ru'i IillIc. Sec 1eta iv. Parish XWorkers Xl iss Floura Xl rl)uivell, Miss Muny E. lDonaldlsonMiss EmmarRi idiley, M'iss Liouise pill. Miss Della Hloxward, M"iss llu'irt Hiles, Miss -Ruth E. Lancaster. Miss Myrtle ('hrat ii, Mliss Etliril Wheelock, Mliss Roena A. Whleeler. Nurse IDeaconess Mliss (,s rce iii toti lDercoess in cliarge of Fresh Air ('anip). D~eaconess in Station M1iss (Ciace Yul ornr, ourgstoxvn. lDeaconess ins Associated Charities Training Mliss lv'la Sherrmani. 'THE PARIISIT WORKER Spii tal va luis are not measured by figures, SO that a repoirt. of call s riaide, sick xisited, aduilts, yiun g people mun chriildreni wiir for the Sundasy Schooil andi the Church, gives niiir'ally Juist oir adeiiuate iidea of the sciope anti ho ortamrie if ilie serv ire renidereid by thre Parish WX ixeker. Tllrirlrthe iiiin istiy is iiftenlby rueas srutsubstantial aid, the objective is always Spiritual. Whoirillii unidertarke to estinrate the results of fourteen thiousainrd callIs omole, wxithi (le thought of xxi uning siiuls ti) Coil. Malty iv it'epeaple xx'bixalniost never come to iiri'1 'cl e es. tell tir eciciie~s, inure of less directly, that "Nii irsaiicar eil fiosriy siiul.'' Yoming rmthlis eptit athoime xith little cines xwe]comic tire Pa risirWorker as her' sole contact xxith the church, wvhere lie i' heart nratur a lly tnins for expressions if interest arndlsvyrmathv. Where there is sickness and sorrowv, time ministry if prayer is greatly appreciated. i 1 'The miessage of IHimle, Cheer rirdilCoxfort xxhichithre dleacouress takes to idiscou rageid aniiidisheaurterred pieuile, struggling undrer the wveighrt if bitrderis almoist mubeatable, is uric of the ixutstaninirg features if Parish Onui staitistics showv nearly twoxtihoiusaind adlits arni yoimrurg peoxple, al so eei'eiihunred chiilidien taumght ini Surnday School; nearly three thiioisanid taught in J1uniox' Ieagures: oiver txvo iuridredini Probatiorrers Classes; over severr thotisrird in Indluistriail Cluasses, xvlrere the girls learn to sexx, coitk, anti to lie iseful arid gomod xxomen. One pavrish xvorker lois given mruchr faithiful anii effective labior inibhalfui of a very large cluiss cit boys of the 'teen"age:Ides such wxork mix'7? Wixould it. appeal to you itfuric if the boyis ivas vyrur sort Another xxouiker, has fur years, udevotedl uri evening erich xveek, to a Bitile Class at Crittendteni lHomne. Thle great xvorik if recoxnstrurctioni of xvhichi xxe hear six iutchi is a speciral part if tihe Pai shr Workers prograri. lie little foreignrer's ire anxious to be Arnericvs or Ilike the American childrten, arin iirany iv s Pe farthreiranrd miither are miiire thain xxiling fo -ti~to be so. Q o L There is ralmiiost nix Lrit tio the xvurrixxa neueedtsi le dunePuarishli uirk. Ourbl.r0Je" are calling louidly ariil persistenrtly fur Pr-:iit' 5, uilcers, "'he lhiirvest is great" rut tire laborerss; ft xv. Prriy ye therefore tire 1ord it the rrsQ atlIre xx'ill senidftrth nmore laborers initor Iis ~ j TIlE DORMITORY ANT) ETI 1, O By ireanis of tlils roxom, during x y'cT sxe hiave hadiftire satistrictiorrntofriniristerinig -o c- t r ither xvhoxstienit txvoi xeeks xxitir us, after ii.4'4>eoperationr 'upoinrhir throrit xxwhen she left s131' daf, "It is tire trorst, restfurl twvo xxeekx I havixe had ' 0.ex(4al years.', Shie is tirexife of a miis rter, and 3111 Uj house full rut children. U~ ~t) A young moethrer caime to us xi~~ej infant sotn, from tire hiospital, and strayedunut il sl waxts strung enourgli to return to her home. 9 0LI C LLl.5 I' H CSC' LU3 L U L Hn --L a 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

Courtesy of: 47 - "Deaconess Work", 3, Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, OH

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