Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~W ~A Ii 011i, NO. V EMIBER 269 1918,. it i mto Toi rt -Is '1Vt n.1 It. l) be ald to put thena straight or t uns A U O SN IE tiny tahey lnfhrmation they ma deire. W RRU OR"AIE C tern Pee~liar Trade Csat@au6 -Ini lbis address ir. Retdfield had g~ive tters Frozt Anne Arundel Sol- nsae opeuirtdec'm~ which prevailed lb different soUD- tiens Indicate Annihilation tries and of p rticular, needs of certin.ReotIIhle an es. He was aeel what Balti- Rpr nre or business " mea should do to fa- A'nnapolis, Md.. Nov. 2!5.--The mail 1i rime themselves with such matters. to~day ias crowded aith letter', from Ir. Redfield said that' the Ileartment.1uiip+ilia antifAnne Arundel Countyr fC namerce was purpared to gie what- tboys "over therm. relievim.g the atgaiety per help was "n ed along this line.ti: of parents. relatives and friends, that A d then there was soma douh, t as elited for se veral weeks. he minds of aMr. ited %eld's hbearers as. Incide ucally. tihe letters tt a u tietuis tfst what be melant ~y the statemept on the rt mors ti the efee't that then' ~e at the foreign trade 4ould have to be l-luzidrt-d and Fifteenth. andl 'I hrttIlainrried on in a cl flc---hegnning with died:tnd, Thirteent regiments, to, whichi wca's prodiucing th~ material needed most of tha city ail mtntr boty - 4slting. h d, then selling it ~ d then putting! virtually fwad been alired out ru~ the ptemoney to pa fo~ It. His answer engagements of the closing days of.the that this wang>1tquestidn to a large war. xte t for tho atteton of the banking That practically oil of the Annaptija.. Ott'sa and related: particularly to boys of thie %taehine m~tuu econpany otu4 hei m iking it p ssile for Am erican ('simpany M. units of the One llntdr dI eve tors to absorb; the securities which end Fifteenth Infantry are sate. o; lu-i-. pr sented the pur-ehaging power of the sated by a lemier received by isa-nb F. atl ns of Eutrope. P'opham, from his sn, ('f rpo'tl (eorge Popham. of time '1a-iine (Gu ('+.par~nv"..N T~O C SE Y NOW Thbe letter was dated Novembe'r.'. titmid in it the writer states, amngmi tet'hingrp r Shutt ag * a IHard Taecthbe and his e'rrdes just ha-1 bet-i; withdrawn fram i i- fr.ttttlinei' I "l Pi -et-ik $ u.2.-am.! in vew'of tihe dale which the letter F "eeri~kid. No?.--ame H.from Corporal l'opsham tboue a te' the ~a brill. Jr.. ties of ithe Gin ernnient' fact that the arutistie'wa' ig ined tnt or ck (seth.4 r it word frou thet Not'ember 11. it is regarded herey m 'a -IleartPot atudayafternms.u' rather unlikely that te Malue Gut Whine s~kin h dtaek until fur-.ihesw~t-dtii~ o ute eil 'he not ce. he " afore Mr. t.utm-tmmIfore the amsiewats signsid. i was just icte to close the factmt3) Dies White Delv~taw Auto. t e. It Is be 'ev that the Waur Yok.a.. Nov. 25. -W;llittir Ileiges. rtuteot 1Ill- nt nue the factory, of lUillsburg. thllittuninty died wileh-dritloti thetaste sliu hanlis used. Thisa o uos, i uy rtt. r~ h ill tcqtulre f otn wo to three weeks. Ifuneral of a neighbor. Eli Myers, yVa"ter-- tid it will gi mao tuan 100 emp or}-s. I day Mr. hleigra. with his wife and ati toe ifr woolen a (Itlf u man ploy- ttt,"'. 'were retuirning htn inniisliaautoci In:the otreauwie I mobile. eMry. lxges.m-:flled to lier litsi. tb ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~hn plM'asoi i~o uvin iolthatlhe wits drivinig eritcalla en cottruct of 1.,.Il) pounds p? its when the car suddenly swervedi friminthe rex art and " ss hIt rr lug deliveries In nrad, and, running t a (l~ftt ettitlttok. ti-i r to et ei~mtcies.ontytet by JsLo tt, overturneml, tltrmwloug the e1. Bet ea 'IVin4lJ 2 liMK xts out. u-rill Ifitm mmdlbors, bad uni-' it was folttthti latlife wait extincet, ma-t be.'t d liver. itjd a -do amid- i evidcently, hefore! the nis'iitt'ltii' tim 1g1 t tomie as or ltag to Caittl, ti'o heart troutble. He is sutrvived by at witilow to onutt-ac-t. The Aist ry, formerly tilt, and nine cltillimle, the latter under ' le liii tti( ifIi t all hirrhas beauntin yeiims. Its- ittlon altot t'tltr " i.'irkt, The (b y" rnu ant rut t-t Cf,00O,00 poundls - -- ~.. -.. mit givem for 1411," RCHUB o COMMERCE! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Pm -Togttke - 3 tug dll td ii y - I at waJ F g tittel bane; et aas heiil -Fisyeve' it 1I In(kid 'Pilo M' smth', at wichu it forimally)'nufl t!4 mi h.- rojet tm)'em li s~h I hi c ii; C. amnerce In Uugt rt i rtm he Il n oaard t eR Ud l'Tm?-en lan satiaANit Hebtin ae by he A tacit an Ity BIureau. Hey ra but lreed otiutlsand-Vmofesltmtia1 I,+r h, Linl t resident of the I*ti of i dCTr dr;Imt1 t eftthe.-dhuip. at of.he nquea J1'TPfttr, ' V Il Is Ot o, aIt t a ieetof the Amr; ' 1 atirliir, ht id how auetb' t r msmeute mntn nnp!o sn g.;l~rr. Wt-" r jirPI'iet I t abtirmnu.afilid "o! k I at vl ataat ~t - havin a ' hain. beG_ iftt11R~f' _. tof t sv a 111"W 4 New Outbreak Of In luemsa. NeCwusrket Soldier Killed. Frederick.lid.. Nov. 5.-A new out- Cambridge. Mid.. Nov. '2t4.The famaily break of influenza has oct-iit-red in Mid- Af CortiorailJames Leonnrd.Howard who dletown and viiity. Twvenx3-eight new wept into i'ervue-e with.Com any C, b~m bnoiehas'-been rereoteilstwiedHla of his death I case wee rportd lst ~'ek' Hlf n btte,on October23.iedYoung Howard dtznor more new ursea bate' dleveoe aswi a son of J. Harry Howard, East' in this city. Among thoe ill a rt the i NeW+ Market. And a-as only 18 years of Rev. John A. Dituler, pastl r of Grace nI le is said to have been the irt lteformeml Cbprch. and two hildren. j uot~ of Compkny C to he killed in battle. Can you wr as hard as you used t6?. Noit if 'your srves are wek and your energy feeble. Weak nerves 'nei feeble en rgy are so often caused by poison-clogged i4ood, that if; you ace in that cqndition, you d better try I~imde s Pepto-Mangan. "'Tb. ed Blood Builder" -- Pepo-Mngan increases the number and un4ovea the quaIl 01 the red blood cells. It rEds -blood of eeg-apn poiasons, enriches it, r ddgns it, chargq it wfith new power to vtalse a Whole body. Oude's Pepto-Mangan improves c tort~ increases ap petite, strengthens nerves, -ils * * every cell sthd is ue with energy and vigor. Easy tdigest, exceedi rgly pleasant to taste. Prescribed brthe medical p cfession for over;5 years. FRI FNDLY WA KING:-Thet4 Is cly onel'NineMandsn and the is Oude's. Sald itt battle and piack age as hrbetchoba. Road by druggistse verywhier. - hpt Mandan ismade only ba.J.DaEITEk4B CH CO.,ManutaetnringChemist$ will knew how'ev -T r-ma.. lha,' " i' I." 1rn L.. "-. - 11. I K~iAL.( ':. 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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