Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~Only 437 side )en'ei Day With* 1eports received of hiealth from allz indicate t~at. the dlemic 'is Sit the wi nsew cases of infln the bard -from: po ver,asa against 50 twenty-four hours. t on'still isevery of the board no"k5os,1oe n the daily reports ti crease in the numlk Risdes' repeetin influenza, the hea reported sixty new1 ssnc+ Tuesday ma rollowing 'are finena reported; Canon City, 10; Ci redo Springs, 32; I1; Durango, 15; ]E 6;.'dienivoorl,'Sprig tlog,' 22; Greeley, s Sareunt, 20; Doyle~ La Junta, '17; La~ Ville; 19; Longmont Monte Vista, 22; fiord, 2; Salida, 31; dad, 27; WVrar, 't Deaths,''ere'r aspen, 7; Crippsi Lamar, 2; La iu Laonot, ' 4;L ita1;edico, 2; Steam o t 1; Sterling, 1; TrI~ -Conditions at S'11 oe.!Dr. Frlo ''f tle state boar a telephope messri of Sitvertuin Wedni that at pieseost th influenza in the.t, Heaths from the 'd there, since Saturd In responase to: ance' Dr. Kennedy Tbysicin on a me 'ton,, An appeal $ilveston can ' on! because every nu the 1Red Cross isan..eities And townas. our ne urses,but tbsnurse -ixsat bol e ordred to verton. ' E'ER 'SSIO TO SELL MID -. pon the' groon of '.money to me.f- and pay.ta "for ll ' slsingtcnsula its first accura a information on Whatso 'West "are able to do in ' ftos way of war nsaiu-. ding to Cass E. Ilerriugto4, regionalidirector of ~ies- board of' Colorado, opninug, northern'. New. h, 'who. baajust returned vjoi ashington, hi sposition- to -obtain a contrast.for the conr pation;costly *5,000, eash; hie said T. 'A.,. 1) clcen, an official of the F Co~~~lorado 14 n litins corpoistomt a de' srcn at,, a, o n se Or trau obtain Dif playsasd!pelfitaons for the "tra tors, uon wi h Colorado I flU IAIAIF wil base. i sbids.'il's.r4ll'forwaed L!~VTULthem to rank Shepard and Alrd ~I'(VTAT p resent the to the chiefs of the ordi till nHance dep~stissoit. Iu ~I~IE Ordoane officials who met Wyith. Mr Herein ton'told imnthat Cotorado' -..... could have.contretfor the immediate '~constetictiod of the.3,000 tractors prov -Cases Out- riding- this state Is -able to. handle 'the r Lised *business, aid, Utah is also guaranted WVorst Over. This p }o ise was' made to Mir. Herrlngton %yhen the capabilities o this --,---state to ha die war contracts were outby' the state board lined at a meeting attended by Assstant' Secret ry of War (Qrowell, Third sections of the state Assistant ecretary of War Dorr, Maj., Spanish "flu" opt- Gen.: Genre PW. Goethals, chief pt'oednO.. Atogether 437 nance; Gens I. F. 'Wlood, quartermaster general; MO. General L. W. Williams, aza,re reported to Lieutenant. Colonel LaMond and 'S. '* ts outside of Den- Bush of the facilities divisions of Use during the previous war.i trios board, repsresentinsg While. the situa- BarpeSy 'Ba ucls, chief of the board. erious, the asembers The facieities.of the 'West were out' cbelieve that 'the lined at th K meeting by Sienators King that, from' now on of Utah, endricle of Wyoming, Pittillsho astedy e-man of N coda, Phelan of Callforigtn ior so ea sed nd NosyfIdalso, all of whomss have 437 ne cases joined set the eeprescntatile$ of Cointhi'43 nuthritis eofrado in an ndiesvor to get waer business cases opeumoaefor this an otho1'Western. states. caea fo m nisies Represetatives of, the monitionS thafro inluezacorporationsee new In, Washington ne advancing the claims of this state for so ve ases of i a shell c tract, and Mr. Hierrington e, ur;Rvrsd,~nges that all Colorado mnusfacturers ippl aCreekvrs, iCots- >31i, co-operate rid join' insterests with thsee Lelta, 5;'- Del Norte. seeking c nirsets from the governds, 2; Fort 1isegan, ment. ge, ~ ~ Dusring is stay In Washington, Mr. 21,; GraindJ1;e-ertlingtoildiscussed with sifticials the 'le, 2; Lamaor,, 3; establishm nt of a ivool scouring plant Animas, 3; head- so this state, and Senator King of Utah 120; Loveland, 25; promised t~ introddice a bill this week ted Cliff, 4; Rocky; providing that the federal reserve 1Sterling; 16; Trini- banks 'be, orinitted to 'advance money on wool --torage. receipts. This will ported as follows: enable loca1 capital to handle the bustreek, 1; Dur-ango, 3; ness by p ireising all the wool prose,. ~ Leadvilte, b; insced In t e four states embracing this aveland., 1; Monte region of he war industries heard. 1; Rocky Ford, 1; ' +Uae adlitonsi SurrenderI Springs, 1; Salida, " ' idad, 1; laxturn,.S KI R C U E vertgn are very. serf- 8 V L r U E Kennedy, secretary eof helth,re ct K LLS ATHLETE MISS CLEO ROBERTSONf Well known in 'society, is engaged to Lieutenant Francis W. Swain, coast a lery corps,,aviation service. ica Robertson is froan' a old Southern fa and isa niece of Lieutenant Governor 0. Mt Gardner of Msrtb"Caenlina. HERE'S WHAT HUN HAS.DONE TORUSSADNFOOD PRIC Whasst lsas Gernsany loot-;' o Russia? 'What hiss. the Bolshevik don Russias? Theso questions are aswsered; In fi gires ibv T. 'T"..Williams, ehalensa thse price tontrol commsittee of,the, United-States. food adminlstrltion Colorsoo ]fern,are f'laseprices paMdfour various soot articles,, in 1914 a2471911 Riussia, accor-ding; to reports cornlnleil by tl gosernmonti 1914. '1918. BTread,Iper II...-::.:..........,123 Potatoes, per t,....'...............30 30.12 Mleat,: per lb. 1......:.:.......2 1.31 -"Cabbage; 30.46 * Milk;, per qt.........::.....09 1.1')" Bestter, 'per l.:.l..:s,;,.....:,...29 r '.$$ Eggs, per 'doz.....'..:...:::j - 14 '240 '.'Fes, ier lb..!..........:. -1.15 '2.40. lkes,,earl..,'.,.......03 '.85. bsday Informing-bins ire arce50 case's of wo and' that, eleven cease have occurred sy. request for assistispatched a Denver sing train for Silver. or fourenurses. for -'e. filled iti pafl e," at the rdisposal of Ow other Slvrertuon' sked 'foe iresent at Rico' buti Io from dihe Surrnder... MASKED PART )F NDASSETSI that he in in, need the 'a-ages of ens; tea, A. 'BE. Carton, osado Midsl anril an amtate player, d from 'fry ago in tI of Mines, wilteswee a: Mexica et s g leired to was snerc OreiJones ofd codnty 'Jai released / L to be get 'Wood 'sI otellO blame:tor hethrew must.' Tb tentional. -tin, CAMP' FO3R Ilett, widely.knowno both as r-adprofessional baseball djin St. Joseph's hospital ct red ukullreceived a week~ gynmaaium' of the School here he was, a student, t i g;with Erento Ornellus. adent at the sclsosl. Wit serous aend his' death' oen n d kd pInteHONS L NQT.GET ra arrested by Sheriff I or:svera"ndayl.bu DOO IS AtOrnii In wel. 'Uoroner -William, b Id n l'inquest;. Witnesses * ian nO exonerate O -ieius of Londoln, Oct. 23-=Uder no cirrunse iat'ofWliett, althn:.1 stances. should Clermnys+ sf+ormer colt-, Lett 'onhia bead, off the1flies-'be retusrn~s] to husr. declared Frr d Ornehiurs"said, soas snie- i go Secretory 4. '. lilfotir sta'luncis Isa~eiteonsde'n in honor of! Aristralissus here' CODY CALLS "The end of thte cosflict is netyc yt in stght,'! 'costinued:the" foreigns setretary. NURSES' -AIDS ' It is.nt rlaht to' sirsnoss dnt. the' IEFFERSON RANCH RUN' DOWN 'BY Au DIES- OF INJURI Clark Ilsult, 28, years old, a ran living on WetIForty-forth mienur Jeffersos county, died 1sMondayu in St. Lsrko' hospital of', a' fract' skull receiv ed.'In ouu automobiles dent on WP bt orty-fotri reuso ofA Wadls worth avenue Sunday. 5stu Jouses of. Golden and District Arto; Johnson are investigating, the.eeoc. (lull tss run:downsiby ors nut( 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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