Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ _: REPORT 02 ATLANTIC DIVISION, 44 EAST 23rd ST, NEW YORK CITY. MATERIAL?URMASED IJR IsFLURN2A ELuRGENIES, PERIOD ENDING SAUIDAY 10/19/18. Alcohol Bathrobes Bath Towels Bed Pans Carsol 3 Gals 15 108 11 a Gals. Cots 730 Dishes, Silverware etc. Drinking Tubes 10 Drinking Cuys 2000 Drinking Cup ontainers 2 Douche Pans 25 Drugs (Mise) Gauze 100 Y4S Hypodermic Syringes 4 Hypoermic Needle s 12 Ice Bags 10 )at tresss 410 Night Gowns 30 Pajamas 30 PillOws 100 Pillow Cases 1260 Oil Stoves 80 OL Cans 50 Rubber Sheeting 42 Sick Feeders 25 Sputum Mugs 87 Slippers 15 Pr. Sheets 1750 Sop 244 Cakes Stethscope 1 Sixrgissal Supplies, IMiac 456,25 27.00 13.50 2.50 2577.50 146.50.20 10.50 6.00 31.25 54.22 11.00 15.00 8.00 1.25 13.50 1265,00 30.00 52.50 105.00 411.00 452.00 25.00 46.80 8*75 1.05 11.25 1869.80 21.40 235 31.60 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

Courtesy of: 803.08 Epidemics, Influenza, Reports and Statistics, Atlantic Division, 688, NARA, Washington, District of Columbia

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