Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ir 5 I WCA MIGH BULfiRATu.CEIVE IERCY Austria P wring ] ew Peace Nokc Pa ris' Sepvt - S -1 a vas -tu mo! pers~st In Vienna political circles that Flari Puns i, the foreign ulinster, soon will 5Lflil 0to h-- bei Iigeret s a se-cond l)eace note, #.ccordoL,, to the Zurich J1ournal. T1li is note, it is Iiionied. will be along the same lineps as the first hut will contain more jinicise statements which he is said to het eve will modlify lie termllS of the Lo'ltetl./ Thero also art- reports9 in Switzerland that the 'Cntral Powers are prepared to intervene eniergetically' in Rumnania which 1.9 accused ot taking part to intrigues ootrary to thie letter am] spirit of the#- treatyv of rts Teutonic ent in WashSee Country 1c e - High. Eler Collapse AUTHORITIES QUARANTINE MORE TH-AN MILION, CIY'S RECORD FIRST DAY OF DRIVE J Only Part of Subscriptions Reported - Spectacle on Ureen as.')nUi-Aircraft 28.-High hopis l fI FIt -aria as an activeU~EEE E outome'ofher Guns Repel Invaders tcomenofrer t, B G H S I A Thrills Thousands-Lib-ere tempered to- erty Theater Opens With Irom officials exlements that tis Influenza Forces Isolation Immense Audience. be considered a Wards the end of of the New EHaven-26 Over the tiIlon mrk is liii It Was poinlted e ae ilivE i of Neir Itaveri to ther(/dria il eral, other Phases for funds onil tefirst day- of thle big oughi before tht dmilgit Thns i-drive for $ 12.297.,000 in Liberty- bond,s )hng lan eae Iroughespriad.intlds ity. The olici l fgures i gvivni mhin lidsownan b eseIsWiesred.ou aigiby)-tarry.*.l-7sloz. treass relaies.donly Because of the steadyv increase Ill urer of the exvelutivt! coininittee. c--v sh repies. nl -ering met-ely Ht- banks anid a few large erms It was hel I the number of Intl uenza cases at the subscribers ruin the total toi$49i,501).I 3tructlon of the New Haven hospital, the authorIt'es This- does riot ln~lrtdenauy uif the'ltn'he occupation of have decided to quarantine the 'entl 're mouse V1ol1t11e0Of bond IsZt's nide:Itt e Entente troopo. institution for a n Itideflnite perldd, nmru otstiruloitIlect e eman foreigns caceptotoevloircled hn and whichl have not yet teen otP,.Lilly that German andl Immeiato relatives are In danger. This rep-orted to the commi tee. The act11111 o belng rtushed to step) will mecan that there will niot bo sales have, of cot rstr g uimtaoor te i surrender is no ti ny piore v~slIng hours at all for any miullilon trinrk. lals here bellev- one until the qttarantlnt) hatS been lift-] Ataonjg the large nubariptiotutt' rp'yes are avallatle ed.'rhere Y'ele eight cases brought' Iported wiere $50,000 by he Chas. W. 43 from the north there today, making a total of 41 Scranton Co.. $A0.6011Pby the Ii. C. Warby depleting the patients now being treated for the ills- ren & Co. $0100 y ),,. 'Ntii-le l & -p'o.. Italian border, ease0. firnd&12.10%. 25uoe I~i:: (ht4IotI II &k(0., tstrength wottll 1-71 to 1) o'clock yesterday morningjclb Immedilateoffell- there were 26 new cases of Spaish r he subeocripinnt returuudui hrotitgh.ommanders that Iilluetiza reported at the olle of the Itebnsaea olw:Ns ae Austria. board of health. These new cases to- Bank, $87.500: 'Mechankts Uiitk. $ that no in- g,7ber with thle 152 eaae6 already re-00 Scnd(tinl()ik llii-i of the Bulgarian ported make a'total of 1l'S that have 0;SodNatio rasna lie h,$6ik. O iight be disposed i been reported as under treattne'ut Ini First National fla-nk, $3000 i0; tnlioti slit and thereby' the city. In tlie opintion of the city New Haven Trtst'Co., $100.060; Peoples sir opposition to epidemiologist there are probabiy 500 Blank & trust _Co.. 325,000; New lHavin terms wich theI cases besides. There aire many people r to grant. ThereI who liavq S1panish influenza in a mild ~accunttheIn-formi and are valking about -with the accoin the rona disease In the hope of citring themi-IM N T0 S stood to be s ailslves without the aid of a doctter. 44ltry - Dr. Joslin, muedical trit ner of ~WbT ~cs bst Wla$ldotl, reporta. that 'he as'ttedd p ~~1 lo- nXs% and has receiyed el' htne sup~~se, Ipelfeel that there is an alarmtingspread t~rt~ ~ of the diseaqe in the districts that he visit-a. There will be no, closing th5 D U4,4i ~thnte'or schools there at present, Bt,5J t DAL5 Uo Furh erRAT.iRaphael's hospittl has not re- tvIoa WillNo 16keriz'a. Grace hospital has-rceiefrd only TV, P - *. ~~Washington, Sept S-?~sae MEM I lE romsAl sections of: the TUnlted Stae W ~ f W f'reanched thfe treapury- department to.4aIy mitamost aim I tsnepunly with the open.*ft ~ E i~n o te omntln for the fourth - I Nberty3on, tell I gng f sl setown died t q AndlcitieV60,whioh,0 ttd In a- fewv 7-o7intr ~hi r subscribed theitr (uca -of -the Lim ed b, A Thef. filteit to report earnhiftroni tho, amonths' work Ad arrived eOen pftqr Seeret"nytMe te-lo5St, ~ Yu asociation of Sn n made yesterday t lS Alaska Packers Chefs angl walt- While their names t1ave, not ye ip nI 2 Mn1111,,tInnid nM10tetedhi entire Ion Pt otic Meetings tBeHeld, Tonight 7 t~l) 1. 3f. T r InIt Methodist Church. 'e n - t nil ii nt, ispeak er, Col. N..03Obwutrn SunumenflIclId lttols 'i DI - AT JCRA.SI Gernans Withdr; With: Aisne E ican G Threate gevyIr, WvashIstgten. I major offeislv, tancously betw' sea. and the Ge In Bulgariat Iculhimpne, teds: military obsfer *most dramatic houir pe-ssecd -t the w'ar,epa, exoept In 1I.a13 f'shoeing the I' swifty' that-el a re to be e.Tpe To some' oh. 1a rabal Poch cal moment. to thle 4tclmha spaki-', lluard M. Tarr. l'ast Pi~tarl St reet CotigrepatIotiat Chiutch.Spezi he'. IBu rtoti Matisfield. I it.)war Il Avenue Cottt regatlonal Chiurchi, sptaher, lBurton AMansfiehd. iHutmphrey Street C'ongrc'gttial Church. speaker. 1Ie v. Harris 1E. Starr. lDixwesll Avenue CongrerzatlonnnI (hiurch, spe-aker, Prof. Geo~rge E. sav In gs Ba nk. X,100 0 0 Conniecticut -1;aLv ingp;s fank, $_'100,000; National Sav'itngs Pank, $10000. The Phriek(it' sirens at 2:30 yesterday afternoon annountwed that the guardians 'of the city Itd "sighted the!:ut-oplanles I hit were schevduled to ItIvatho Now IHaven. The alarmt, inistead of sending the poptihttlopn to thle eellitre, however, brought them, flocking In th~ousands to the Green, where the intl-aircraft guns -were mounted to tueet the a tt a c'kers. Before tho whistles and hells. ceaosed, the boom of _(Conn"fued Aon second Page.) 1"ovn any P, Army DoctopReady, to Vacii-to nI ta.'-m M atn cou d.hi ~e s, otb~~e en,~Cult mThl"tar n Wasingon.s~7~$-accnat~in Tbr o. isll$b twtl a reeetu y discovered.. serum s0n i o etr m~hcifrio ntests l ust comiplet~d-'at te on lh several army eaimp's has h-i bcnfnoun d hAt sesd to 1)0i an al"most, pos5ive prevettve of A vs' ti Contractin ()f reneral, PershtI to cnatthe epidemIC of qrfit!.' 1-n-.,r pu1*e iqgrow Mounza', Which In tht!WO isk enuln;t o.- ig ~eybut lay had macic its appeardanto In irvery P too h tate and in all but, a fews-antmy 'camps --- anlg many df-aths.(onnu UYse 6f the vaccn i ll be I'M Idef, &MW xiedi, cngr-e.0s totlay tinv In iap - 'roprt~tedf a millilon dMllars tno be,flsed I ythe ptilbler heaith servlce Intfight - 0

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