Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ icated__fIIE'IL Welfare~ NEGT 66. HOUR DAY OINGS ST. QJJE ~ N ver6500WorersSerbs Continue Successes in Mace. In Wocete (By The Associated Press)~t -tAfece In the encircling of St. Quentin and in drives~ the Germans and Bulgarians northward in Macp.> The three Worcester plants of the lenerican Steel & Wire company donia, the Allied armies are making further pr& ' wil g o aneibthor tsybak: ress against increased enemy resistance. October 1, in accordance with an announcement by Chairman ElbertI Northwest of St. Quentin the British have UI. Gary that this important step lowed up the Allied success of yesterday, in wh f baa been approved hie--the finance teBiihadFec aefrhrgist O committee of the United States teBiihadFec aefrhrgist Steel -Corporation. the town from the west, and are pushing forwa z4 6500 Affected - the direction of the northwestern suburbs. H The 6500 employes of the companyI fighting is takin pac in therein of Cri In Worcester wilt ho affected by kn sc ein this change In policy which marlta less than three miles north-northwest, and Uele ' an important step forward itn pro gressive shop managemetnt and as in, (Continued on Page 2) keeping with the spirit of the day.; ______________ The United States Steel Compainy is __ _-- _ =_--- _ _________ eaet concern in the tnitled *~~~~Sae toadopi the eight-hour day.S Y R III'~ l ' W 1 - General Managcr Clinton S. Mairsh-. SAY U S, M LLN UI31ui1& 1 5j all confirmed the story which was, Qaid that he had hut little to add to it, as (tetails of operation had not been decided. The company is rush- C O I ed with orders, many ot them being for the government. ant is workintg Wa Owni-shifts of 60 hours per week eachl. But a SeldomDuk c P ff AVIS.i it0o to's not know y"e. whether it 1isVL (CntnudroPe__ en cording to Husband POLCEAN YN 5'T~t SrItr.. p.-:,Aslack of Pupils and Teachers -,F letTQs awhich Charles-s elen. of - Sickness Because QUITS3DEPR TMENTsz4I s i lent iof the -i fXork, New laven c- i artlirct fiti:road tom-OfCl n5, ri-cc i f r-ruMrs. Mirgaret Wa enlze orFilr It. Crowis of New fork. wife of it., Wa Pnaizd orFa lur uiI ict;as lion 0. i 1v-iii t iii;u' I -ifteen Worcester schools inM OwV-niltolntl, respectio~g the -or tn tort, Including all ftu, 1d To Salute Superior:il-l m nfaio i- of his wife for s-hoots, were dismissed this-, Mtc. Jirowit ant throwing light o rg hy tue respective prtn0I9 ---their relations. were trisentei t. 01 evidlence in lhe tierkshire Protate i-ar of the spread of the ill rhe resIgnation ef Policemn ( '01111. Jtdi -:tdwird T.:IlNotitle to cotl and dampness 6:tanyas F. Ityun a ut-ntber of the' preside(]. n e s foricefor t3 years n\ten t'idered to- 1Tletteshhy esatioal iililings. lay to Chiet of ti. eorge it. fiirm tic hiais for sir. \tell.~'t suit Thu distmissal atfected 6150 Bl h undi T' toc ofo r tato.ad29 eces Mayor Pehr t. llotoi-s. is i-inour lAfter tie identlficat in of the who- Stiperiatendent of public buU accepted the resigoati-n uit dextqectsi tograelile cot-i-i of tihe letters 1rit- reorgo Hnlcott. Is busy hi1 lftern-ards he suf- to appoint ites-evoa Offi-er Thomtin t by Mirs. Mellen to Mir. lBrown, b~illers rnod heating systq>t~Rls elapse within six F. Coatello at permatnent patiroilnan qt r. \Itelen n-as catted. lie totd of,the si-hoots repaired so ti condtio beameat the Monday meetiog of the City \trs. Mi-liens cotntious visits to buildings can be heated tdO,, coilo eaeCouncil. Other appointoments to the: New York anit of his protest. As I ___ helt fra eareserve pollec list wrill also be made. I sliteiioitiniiiiii to go to Newv York.,I (Continued es Papge " '-i o Foa Ryan Is the officer who n-as ri-- Ito hid cut oit her allowvance of $44001 Vearyt theFsrinag.contly peinalined to cccvi' -ittextra'ur. e-ic, he said. Itc also 'retested I ag ne preeS toan oehaf l )s forfling tol ant er habits of Irking, he iSHELL STOPS StilEf he Raid. "hut she v-ery often carriet what the hoys call a toad." AND WRECKSH t ~ 4 ~ - CLOUDY TOMORROW -- 10 ~~Partly' cloudy tonight and Thurs-. Fried fo Fort Nea;' - necticut and western Massachusetts; York ' -tgenoeratmoderate winds, northerly '" B~ I Sunrise 6.33: sunset 6.38. 1e 1 g tLight all vehicles by 7.09 p. M. NWYOKSet25A - ie I~ T ~NEW YORK WEATHER shell tired across Long Xslsl WASHINGTON. Sept- 20-Forecast from Fort Totten over /'141:7 A t A 1TFT rfor New York: Gteneratly loudy to- steamer bound east 5i 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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