Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~,4 CITY -Off als Confer to Combat Spanish Influenza. ALL THEATERS UNDER BAN Crowding in Streetcars, Stores and Streets Discouraged in Proc iamation by Executive.;:.; z. t s t e r i t t c 1 1 1 1 ( Continuetd meet First Pate.) Ding until the preset left enus pi demosi has subsided. Signed. Robuct H.o tlLStatseStealth Officer.' Order WUilSe Ealseeed. "In substantiation of the foregoieg ardor I baesaso Mayor consulted with --thw-"Oovernor of tbe statn aod he has asked comepianes. Aso I haoe toe suited with Dir. A. C. Beely, president4 of the State Board of Heoalth, and hs ban said the order should ad must he n. obeyed. it"Rport of lbs City itnalthDeat Dpr-meot shows St oases of the disease in tho ciiy of Portland. Dr. Parrish, City Heitalth Officer. admts the presnce t of at est ast oass additionsl. Dr. Hol, State.Stsalth Officer, piss the sow ber at 20 tsieast. The diseaseIs ooe whith has swept the Lotted States and the drastic step now ordered Tn'Port laed already has hoot taken in largo cities throughoutlbs country. loolud-4 leg Seattle and Tacoma. The order of the Stats Health Bound coversneey1 city aedconty-!n the state of Oregon. seneal cities already haning beet elosed, GOseeae sct Sneeiwe Order. "The length of tines this order te to he enforced rests witn tooeState Boar'd1 -net-iealth, which has ahsolute authorsity to esforco this order in the city of Portiand and sitaewbore in the stats. Upon order of the Stte Stealth Board the olosing has will be lifted. "Portland Is required under this order to comply aod, failing so to do, would. according to official advicee. he so closed bhrthhsGocernment if the. city should fall to do so. "In outlining lbs scops of the ces log order I hans taken the advice of the Staie Health Office and the City Stealth Office. The people of the city of Portland are orged to co-operate In this movement, which has been made ase a safeguard against a viruleni diesee. which is sweeping the country, which has swept oth er coon tries aned which, in the judgmteet of health officials in n. harge of the situttoc, will ho checked cecy materially by the elitmination to the greatest extent poseible of aseem blages of the public. "The contents of this order, the ecope f-thn-rlioten r-in-nerern,-r forth herein hone beeo chec knd by Dr. Hdolt, State Health officer, and havs beenoapproved andordered enforced." Thn decision to clues ca me only after three hours of discuasion and a corn pete sorveyu of the local situation by Mayor Btker. City Health Officer Par rish. Siate Health Oficer Hell and hut tary inspector Langley of thu Ship png Board. About 60 cases of Spanieb lefteensa, most qf iheme in lbs eartr stages.,disco hoe reported to the City Health Office. according to Dr. Parrish, who estimates thr number it the cityat"SOO. Thoee figures. a big Increase over actiuialcd suspected roses the day before. tnfiu enced ihe Mayo-r in his decisio toIsu the prociameation. Other Coast Cities Alert. The foci that Pcriland hoe ihe start by three or four days on other cities o the Coast and other sections that hoot taken thin action woe urged by Air. Lacgley, wht stid that the diseasee tay he checked much earlier in Its cus by this pceventice measure. Dr Parrish. to whom the creyceel. hllty of carry ing out of the order woe ivece, waescetyhalic in his elatroonts mteipatitieesi Ilinois report tie 6t 'Conditienn at Army camps hhidaT showed a slight improvrement for the secoond timesidnsethe malady becamn epidemic ie Ohs training places. tDuring the 14 hours ending at noon 12,121 new ases were eported to the SetrgeonBenejal, with 2791 eew cases of pneumnoia and m1 deaths. The total of iefloses cases reported an Army camps since ths diseasesfiist appeured bae now reached 211,000; pneumonia cane, 25S083. and dsethe 7412. The campaign or the Public Health Service is well under way. Nearly 250 physicias are to the field snd head' quarhnrs have been organined in more than 3t cities, The nolunteer meodinal corps of the Council of National. Defense and the AmerticanIced Crosserse activelycon' operating with the heaith srvice to its campatge in New England, Pseceytonanta. New Jmitsy.,Delaware, North Carolino. South Carolina. Tennessee,. Fiorida and Mississippi an wol asto Arizona and Montana. tn other stairs iocal headquarters bans been e tab' ishsd in maul- attina. Additional cites tn whtch phyniciuns of the Public HealibhBomrsvhurhaeroe snt include Helena. Moot., and Wine' low. Aris, ALL COAST 'ALERT TO DANGER Arm~y Orders tesed so Take 'Nec eseery Steps." SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 10-Orders bane becn Issucd to all posta Ic thn Wetern Depnriment of the Army to 'take what ever steps they deem necesearyto check any spread oftpansbh lecnza, It was anounced here today by Colonel I.. Marvie Mate, the departm ensorgeon. Authority to quarantine retainexetra ott-see and doctors and Isolatn all cases went with ihe ordnrs. Only 11 cases bans been reported among ihe 40,000 men in the drpartmeoL, and the situation is weil it hued, Colonel Maus said. LOB ANGELES. Oct. 10.-Closion of public schools. Churches, theaterosoad other public gathering places in Loe Angeles for an indefinite peciod. was. decided on todap at acon ference.of the advieory health committee with Din. L. hI. Poweresoity health officer. HELENA, Moot., Oct. 10.-The epi' demeic of influenzanw is general oven Mtonttna. according to the State Board of FMeail, anrd while the boord hoe yecnivsd..Ofoal notice'of only abont 1000 cauces. it is convinced th eeone 0wice as many in the etate. 000 death has bhern rpoted from Butt,. ____ __ MIDDLE WEST FIGHTS PLAGUE Coil lesed for Physioiaeu to En roll fosr Serrioe. CHICAGO. Oct. It.-A n urgentucalit for all physiciaon in the Central West to enroll Immeediately for the struggte against the present intl ueoeaoepidemic was iseyed tonight by the Licited Staites Public Health hervics. A salary of Sl0t a month with traveling ensseand a 34 t doy hotel and subsistence wilt he gtven thoe physiciane selectod tor i work. CLEVELAN D, Ohio. Oct. 10.-Health Commissioner Rockwood. after a con tcnrsua..withc..MaooxAw.ieAla e c..ta annouced thai heginning iMonday cent. theatere. motion picture itouees, churches and Stodac echoole will cot be permitted to teen until alter toe influeoeio epidemic has passed. LclH1 N A ER c dasss of the Unielvrsity of Oeo RTwere to bane held opening sesions is ploa irrytngt u wl o-L OP U N Wwt the em ergecy hnalth order. E W. A. Eliot has postponed his sched uled lecttsee of Saturday eoening on lii PIIIMIC"Some of Our Permanent Birde." Be is TO 'nie-pcreoident of the Oregon Audxnbe Socieny. sod this tocturn woot in bavs bemn his last prior to leaning foe France. Mres. liable Holmes Parsons, of the Schools Close in Compliance Ulniversity of Oregon, mili eon most. prospective membere o the Literature With ederl Od of National idealism to Central Library Wt Feeaorder. tonight, as echedulnd, and the class on Current War Themes wiltltnot meent to meorrew evenietg. Likewise, the short story class will not meet le room A. Cosfsrence of the Multtomah County WAR PICTURES CALLEIR OFF Sunday ncoeol Assocatiotat Scnsysid~c been called off. Liberty Day Plaes Off., btss Sletiee, odgeGaierise hMany.activitieintolodge cirie bane MassMeetngsLode Gaherigs eenabaendoned because of thebMayoe's and Liberty Dap Celebretlon proclamation, and the Liberty day osi ebratioe. scheduled for Saturday, In Affected by Ruling. compliance wink President Wilson's order, will nt tabs pl:. e, evro though -it was to hanS been an opnt-ai r ee -' Those In charge of safeguarding the city's heolth deemed It proper. n iew Portland this morninc preserets an of the fact that large ntumberes'tI people aspent typistl of thre old sytng that would be hrought together. tooannounce' the hoest made plassf cetw and men an abandonment of plasnlit thie conufttinee go awry," for the prociama- nestion. aed nhe cofebratioitpcohabhip tion issed lant evening by Misyor will take place at some more opportue Baker, putting a stop to oil public time. gatherings no prevent0 ftherrepre ad of Spanieh iofluenza. has nset things SURIGEON CUNNIfOHAM5 DIES an siese and senens in the interet of the puhiic hnalth.-- While there was some Inclination us Pneumonia Fatal to Docor-Lieutes. the part of those most neriosly afn-rueDniln fncted to quetion the Imcmediatece atInS ucDison sipy of so stringent a stey. nil seemed ASTORIA. Or.. Oct. lt.-8pootat.t-- to realize the danger of thit disease Lieutenant Malcom Cuntlistoim. sumhecomlng epidemic uolere eomr ryeventive neaseures ore sadopted. -geon of ike 7ith Spruce Dioision, eta' There wiii be no schoole ti session in tinned an the Hammond milii. died at Portland today. the hospital during the night us the Superintendent Grout said last night reseult of an attack of bronchial pootti the Mayors proclamotinun -s binding Mooita. upon schootauthorities.oandithnt there Theodeceasedowasabotlf3nenf mould be no studire today. Threat ers mill remain cloeed, in compiliatceywth age. a resident of Chicago, nii -end left hs order. and tho e uangmn te a widow, hut no children. ltc wan Orphoum and the Heiligutnounyced iaet temlyknownte elocy al Rrad cunight that pntrons who hod purchueed chapter with inetrectilocsel an Rd demonseats ton future yerformantcr, tlihtcsatrost ie i ok t u call at the bun office andsercure arc- neral, with nfeliit ary hor. Th- u fundof hei moeyably wilt be held on Saturday. The Woe Picesee Cancerid. remains will be shipped to Chicao ur 'Private Pent's" nppearance lo Port. Intnrmsent land. schedued for Mlonday eveci, A telephone message fnrot Fort has been caeceled, ts hnve the eng-r plo- Stevens says three more denths ontere., 'America's Anser." whihithbon curoed this moning among the troops been the attraction 01at t uniciplas tationed thors. but the osmes ut tihe AOtttorium this week. victims more ot givn. Mass meetinge that were to hoof been held this enenitog In ioycin, Jet- SEATTE TRIPS FORBIDDEN ferson and Washington High Schoolse for the tnsnruction of yrecinct captaittn odens nC and workerewioweretouave made'SlirsI*Cmp LewisniettI~S3 the canoass for the Ectr-cy-Survec AwayFrom Sound City. of the United.Statese licmes (Service, have besen caltied off, to preten t dfnenton CAMP L.EWIS. Tncoma, Wash.. Oct. of Intl urnza spreading. orr it is teared 10.-Sioldiers in Camp Lewis were tor the surceyp will be checkrd in a con- bidden to nisit neatle as a pcrcu siersable etentasanresuit. lioory'mesueragainsttheespreadfof The meeting to bane been held Sut- infitecston ordecs issued by liorurday ening In hMunicipal Auditorium, 0Gencral Joseph Di. Leitch this alienfor theoappearance of Jamers I-. Pcreh- noon. The order -us iesued at the log, has been poetroned. tie, was to requiest if Seattle citr suthorities, it hone epoken und en axe rices of tie Ore. was sA'd. gon Sttote ilberty Loon Committee. According to officere hers, a more which hasemadearrangements to obey viruient norm of influenzas hoe en the bloyor's orders noelotion tu public foud In Snattle thun tbat suffered by gatheings. soldiere here. A tqtuantite of Camp L~ewis and thn holdina of soldiers to MetinssAre Called Off,. the military reeervt-iurrwiii he ordered -- PrcnsdoL. L..Caaohalu.Lfla aOL.- ae.-.,-eaa-wS- sevceo-er4 dcmichr-o nersity of Oregon, woe scheduled to woe said. address the Cvic testues titcheon at. Admitistration and medicl oi ocers urdoy on "The nlfueoce of War Actlil- ore working on tbe aesumption0 A quatnties on National Education." and that aetino would Inocrease ratberthan ticeoret has heenycanceled. Extensioe crease the sprecd a ofnltitenno. All ii. s Overc~ats -For Fall Wear 4 s se...O s, ~....... They're here, plenty of them, direct from the most reliable manufactur ers of men's ready-made clothes. They're the most economical, styl ish, all-wool materials, which last a long time, finest of tailoring, styles to suit the most exacting purpose. They're the HartcSchaffner & Marx make -- $25, $30, $35, $40 and up. t t - - 1. -y,~.. Sam'1 Rosenblatt &Co. The Men's Store for Gasco Bldg. Quality and Service Fifth and Alder 'r '1.f wr.. - -.w 1 their plans are made with the aim of meets and two deathn from pneuenia Daeger In Teiephones. keeping the me in the ooen and moo- alsu were reportecd. Aesenodditionsilfprecauticon against in about. Iodoor aesembloges buns Liberty ion subscriptione from of- the comerunication of Spanish sf1tteen discontinusd. hut It Is biliired a ficeme and enlisted men heen ssd the mao, craiirot-t officilsifuntder thneloris. qaatine would cause the men to $100,000 mark today whett Brigadier' di.-ticn on Federal Mtanagec O'Brien, keepto hef baracs ad aoutGeneral Cuoelius Vanderbilt sub- yesterdecytssued noticeo i alt empfsysa kert ter krcce nd toiscythed ino.00. tMany oter sebetrtr- regarding the care of teiephones destoneond thusenaue mormtocooteast tioosaerbeing tmadrby officersatd 001ff to public use. it woe ordeed the disease, men which are credited to toe cone- that the morttltplsnsn of all itephoes lotluenesagaio showedan Increased munities whore-boy ltoed I in il ltice. eo teed ihe csrilized and keptIinsnt numbernofonsee today. Tire haso hoe- One of toe b0Sbhlacks in rome todny tore' conditton. At muny of the rail-sbcie160Serl rvtoherodtansaddckterae l03 petrore. 46T aen ag instbought hoods to the entect on $1t00 and ti-oorsthat ore uted by emplsysand 101ysedy-e new roses of lne- lotte purchasd $1400 worth. I ite peritc. I 1 - -- -- - ---- - _.... - ----------------------- Make No Excuses HearNo Excuses "QSERVICE" is the watchword that is kept Lringing in the ears and constantly before the eyes of every employe of The Owl Drug Co.J To Make Sure of Getting PURE DRUGS - For Your Family Pict Youtrself Under the Protection of A, S 1. r a i. rx '; 1,4.i. ti t.! Our Talk to Our Customers on 0

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