Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~RAR TRASAI0 I STORE COtPS kine e e ThoH-1 01tnof'0 k oio Pitue Vadvil ari Legitimate Houesotes lo t o Loo Are N All' Prpre t Dig Their I TE Par 0 stl Wothrxlod InrChu olw ' ote te wruk r it l th n otorwhor tece The lttitto of 'ThDutoDut'ano" nr r 1 o tttool tlittoy h il' hox euturrttt j ~(By ROBERIT.COURTBEi.) t t ItI stage a1, tl set for the tp'~.t r Vuetiofg of,theaters ndo pletobo Gotgo lioutos, o'ho ' hal boen for outsfr tottiorrtw Ftilm fusto, alOnltillo utroot,atd,, ottot of svoul. oothdji guoooI too ocnar of t J, featuteoftituu for. tho llloo of fUoto, toto I tiltuat 'Iloo rimtt0 tii t. flor ti hi evet;i 1511 i 001 oiottg 0 utc uotatoto not to t. itruith Cotttaol or t harplo3 fri$ to thtat th to_ ban tto unit. for -rantto.4to; nrt no litoopruit 1 o p rtin tfhe tan 00110 ho,D01a t t utootiiremeot fartl~ last owet topresottito f0 thu David WI. tnt Jo btt. h flu rov totsclcitruoi, rtluit to +itpst, uto in f1aitea fte1irt of a Nottoo," rootrolttil hy thts!?: i0 ini >t the thtoieo don olvt, tt doidrd to pcottponoe~ [la fte] tc'r~iet orhuto "ttl edict. " orooro" oworti by thio 'V'4art- Prottit..( f f- r ecn ioet ruontablti01, that 0 ithh Iko took att 11I0ace of dtitsoutoti tug nrraton itwatt Itonrt of tho J ol1"i ril Pt~uuts el, 1i'I 010. ope gu it tho opaortttot of heath olI. ro'ryototo tdr an "he Britiat toil I rioc gten igovrn-'~',+ that whes in~ uote 0ooogoforth ill dnttor 01 cotion wtit hovo lwentsot istrootod, Mr. Bowlswl it.Te t ille Mel iiit ot''tetr 1lh 'oc tx0"rpeettedveio fls fit y.,tatit the titratero 4601t soafr fttlnauoly toro shuithey0. ore sottersig 1.01;t~, o teresiiitntte phio iitdd loraltnic to tato t o of '. iiooiithat not his,lVai 1 oo j! r fen:otoo a.r- a t lar of tpapr holds hot.t, fnut to' The Mtaster Myitery, thr'ae oil. nlo piilidtigu i storo for atuocoment lov-er~ -then the aorial picturo wilh B' Bat s ft boon tinatli to lifted. Sn far as ike tmotion ptotoru Itoue our tout coiod, thoy, prdulo seenvris btier. osiap fr gioigthoir patrons what thoy nest!rant- J0 Dioiigtt Falrhuoto has just iii 0 4 liot thioator, wkoih to too toioo thot tasbon he ro 000to the Ni'ai ll~~ ptoted his teooed hook, "Msking Ltto L-1arevelatio to* patreons ot.Cuis shta It stns ben iedocoruWte4 aoi Woti ~ ht 1t ni oh h o hasoot id otoer stairs atot aist's siol he entiro otiuospkfreof t a uty orroo o0in Ida+le r isbe ch-ingod kigolr Cuatlo wtilt bare. full rhaige of the uiuotu tiind t tril ed ia pom ro i oskotstoo ot toothi pierou:li ito rtt t or,oe us ta Tni otloj abhthetween, tout Mooro zit Ifopo'Joion org a i i otiuiction with to orrkhoutr nd itl troien 51100 au'd Charlot; t 111110, her ilirector,,Mas ho bt i'orotailnoht Outotd tu a test at. 1tste treats. Tho pictureu oeted 'for tho, openinig is.Tke tOc t11ossan,' a, the (Ioldwan stidios theo tter day: wonn vrcon of Thooiao Drsoou gre-nt soot. rhts is ubtject to. chauolgo, for it lorolord hor ekoheo:Atuoral-t th t uasnagemnt hoau aoohi oplendid files proctios rooly tob hon' lo y tong, they too-the orogdor of al i; The ight-of It'se ot rs;ti Zoo a oo stoory' tith Docti Firseunt olo 000 thom; itt, 00t ty ksen tioto *tor dt lo 11 - the urrttoti Iorooo~d }- - ~ the star..:. otsenod wido her, oyes tobp sosiono." c'h Oio'ryil reopol wi'11 uii nue. Toalmadge 10 "Mrs. Le ftug~weil' Onsoored the iory toohrs. 'T'03y11000 w'hicht wan ntooeulll for prosntotios nheu tke hti n ti>ttioto Tie tuk to 0e just, tfieeigth of too 4 ois in the awse pooitio k wih )ouglu\0Fotrhonku ini lie. Coweos Up Steil ' tog.? So is tho Isio, olich hau horn awaitig a chanco to show Ge 00 Walut -Iire Joloye.' i t stoo, soun x "od the losotp,':tdthitri nta, of tie Princes, onith Wuillace oill ho presented Is a now.prolurtno th oh01ioodLowr udtmtsoiit ftud,ulcotiaful of ploys mitotune thoi thdatofHrl okoo n I picture, "'Pl toirst,",tm hy tho tote Charles Klein. It writ iintb lwnfrtetmatlaiEte tryoei"OrJr.A breeeduras the phrdeooct soeto.fji Ch-, to ieloi or11 oea lonmay or ot i thorb oeeti nIi: too release ason t ibo thea3y1.0 uoh~t cot ordrlno h lutho eture 10er i mre than enugh vaulilltaletin 10Dteeur right loot' - sgeprogramr in h rsn est Another peodutioo;for MlIss Joyce, to - aLull dozoo first-clan programn. The Irntreoo on hoot bd atoat tcore of followimeiair tely The Lion nd kte - - Atn contantty in. hand ounc 'the entiro vaudevillo hooking o'yotoi woao tied Mouse' is -"The Cbicl Masok" Thin fo-o e nan ha t tolsh reas t almot a tns notiro to pot on a per is oneutf the series of fotnos nste uiioed ~ ~ ~ xziu ainnhltot dcop1 its arrayt no ttt tko toe hue to1 6 } Chuomhers. for outIrk the companyThsd enatbilil beofferedl no tn patrons in soid to hnoe poid Plilliti.TeOrpheurn in in a simdor 'tsicon One bits has tdil tbintoeovr on - --1 top 01 toolker aud toO lobok wilt hove the oer3ryew ni of tho b inewu to -l vit o m opllet "The' linrak"ar: p01 olulo010.fe ~ il i~-tbo- (f 0000ri o 10..y life, Glty 13ok'l pisotntrh har g bsitGrrm: O~treJ0tc tho Firx std!' ha ogu wnnuork at Idol", t ' t Fr ood Octo chat bare had to 1.0 on to otter cities, hut thero itll ho moro ty t ti sn a sowr -ploy unlor tho di p p00000noug ti stoio thftrnmt aikger roods oawanoune fth potir 01,0l.11 lion of 3ft'Iws J. le Saotint. 'i torn nog il.Othne throe fm lnif 'hokiotia on s ot an' ploy has not. yet beeni, nauord,-hit, itlls Tea usesr se Deo u trnpan3, ttie t'hill: p10ayor-, Have boon later- ts rrootn tto ft in 0their per-l=(e# te-oponong plo-u Tito Brat" for toe weeks, aod -whio tho filsu,' -4 YV hrce 00 ue 0j -:te.utarn-goes tip ot tir preierc eoot; memuber of the, oranop 11t Sou ale to zo pohshed. 1rfornnoo oar in advonce of nlnat it} to he exp otcd iu u caldk Itlisi Parmont willon foe; 3 -ewler stook- ploy, rahile bykin lro oti t tos f t"' l veutree," which. us oler-roon) ln t i hue is.1 tCo SttiA Mlter -ita touert t ildf Th" OPc reeugoted by fhb faoos Planyrs0t-- o d-arnnieatioa of othiTrigtons f ugoos stories pubhtished untor te sarno Lasky corporaona arnd wilt poh 1. Otitto, 'ws to ha 4e'teeui offoreud-to Blroadway patross hoginiting hfort y 'tight, - - slysupport Lila LIeoe to a forth. t,, Irf k..'j1 o Thu roopaoy is now itlannsCityawiaiting- order.;It!may h t ct e o min --m tto; a filme - 1t 1r:~ aler. howoverto anxious for Denv-er t'beo his play and sonic anrong at thFourrilo,p~~~~~~~uy~~~~ not0htiaogootdpontoi~ntt-to tjithsIsca t Dire t~rf orlr B Ufndiooer ~ seat fo its sjp itieo oaioe tioto duing thooseason wilt'b to to lags," tho third U,;g offircial foaturo r+'t1 o~ J / lroridjoyc, of course, this thn di'roogrsoest~of actrdul iecidenit to theo opi. ou-or pictueo in rapidly hoeing "relllS 4, -tM d nd i pooot to tatous f iro, _ i, r. 1t,'wl from thio thooaaadn of feet of!Alri!, 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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