Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ t11,cc, $ortland and act Cika Take From Here. tins th Pe fto build I Francisc eo dother ttking noticeof what plishod here utndeo the he or homes. bure of Commerce and LCln4 are wrting fK or deo0 with aristo 0 -O p00e.. fom withbotandardlOed flttoos obtinable. been cooplteid t t swner* find 0o difficlooty og them0at0profitable tog of 000em a aprice esplete4Houses. Lft Th sesio th S 00bot 340000 Tb, Medical Offiop KMaker Â~at~ meat That No. all Em Yet Developed There. cAb? d~. SWpt.gL..olstw TO. port. ie " ba61k pro00 osoeeoulegow. death ra.ntoac d ofAq. u:014 disesesat d boo.a fodb n b In teaOeatoe0i0.eou tios l.hst theed 0r1IMo*OO2IOKSOOS.l 11008s. a. the weeloo prtu 50003OspiO.4i820OSbO~sOJT,.. The;wookly hqoth rort,?bO0,0 Iofleonopo.?he inflowne'he 41-.0e00e00ommonl17known as "5P.10*0h5n-. ttOe.t" 'bO 0but umchmtdertforus.' There-hos boonnto,Spauish tnflh50ttO Yet reoted004Inthis tcamp. Dlri0r the oput week the repor0.hw oewoee inety-toot se of~1 iotloenoeaamens 40.1250 eo00a-s trols. tog horn. tout wekIlO useof oIn-; 00.0050 woo.eteated. There woee air ty-two Haws of neosooto. n shiest " - +, --Photo 97yFrank H. lNowell. tof polvtog ihs 0ousing situagton. ogeneral tneototo being001that 700 r etaking0 scto that 1. tar to ad00e of anyting oo ugO accoopished any other secto. 'art Rush. diooettoof the rct nue0 -tol pl00edge apagnotof heobureas k. ho specia ot t lton In Porolled tFriday to o-po-usutttoo tutnoso 00onhow Oegtte insol01in05Its boos 'Seattle's plans torbhillding more nee forworke000 have developed 10' sa Itertgf boog hes oet0and part0 ownoerss of the Oregon lty, I Betti.s epes100002 in dealiog h a probhle. whlob west ostlesof -i Need of -Inititution For Feeble Minded Apparent In Western Washing to, lw toetH)' 004ndrsprddl~eo tO Officia Opinion,.$ preeeed k&d Of the,oo94Ooeat. 360 That Lgisature lhold Act a ionspades.a hialTof the Jueaos2000ociety the som;n-of tNxt Sqeionfh' Order to 1111A cie nwha a. e. Cope With State Problem. known ot. bea ats h sotteto sotodod osettleeet. Cosn Woo1laot --T+a fford fo 3oeotasdtoe its" futors eo uor nuw a-t Q,lcou!>111; welt fo s go 1 pol Inocoorthega Theace fothe s! en,91 aneoenouslo beby taling to 1rviodo Tb. oodtoo het~bplsilO~t all etofeeble-mindeod iP sob i "-4 &ntotutio * 000t0? taq~'tr o stkio qustion offtualo 0uk. I' THE "APaIU -IT SINGS:AM A f"w Instrument t scpj~epeo "- Trulyan ideal comi ofY(he P~itwo greatest -" struments in the world * For rears eve have for' ju4 1*b an Innovi {t is here, a real throbb -to tng" your-favorite so 1,00 0CAN5 " ordiar ma e~ ApremIon. '-0 -a' '3c1 "*yeplio e ps sod o 0from00 of moo.stao mba si.bowl S. 0 -otha.thgormF of bts.,os" 10000oAv0-boos of Immeonse Prttagd,an seventy-fioge4,00.1- says Mr. Bush. 00ome bueine. sob 00001In to 0p700 oelvu statedtt tthey hbeeho. weed & Woot ad th00 lne dopted to eel of story0 by becO omi sitttill tnato0,arooeeg shown with the experieuces of Ooatte." tow-planning comsmit- TO 1701.. 00 SOEDNtAN MAOOAOOUI lean0In0it.te0ofAphl- M~o Edth V. Parons.2the last Amer toed last 000k at the loan to leae o psso. Teobosy 011013l and and idutrialEx- the recet 0masareof Armenians, wi land. COO, 0.00 of bar.opootenooo Sunday o'esto __ s. _. at seo oock at the Qeuo" Acne Con -O* tuM5toob. -0.-4w-4Buc r }ttustv ome,0-heild- o f r. AboS.... OBurwtllOfe 0dto Is 000001 tosprtoo. will ho preceded bycommuwnty logil ote c00 mmunities0005t0 of 0popu000 sougs..le.byhrnest H cps,.sate 0letter re- Worth. and Mit.. B.... Meg...t,man0.. V. oga. of pias.0._____ h,.-tousines0firm. ROT.,037of OIT0CWRIT IPKAKI. the other night of 000 1100. 01uKb W. Ollotbtat will addret and 4otkod cabers his on~gregtonSundy morning o stain0te 0lattr. tryth. subject. *The That Be Ar Pooohl refepotence~ wasoor0a4ne0dAbroaod." Hit.venig Ktopy t OtotoeI ug to he as T~he ahing 0rd.r. of iess.' I... eo Mt at:1 coned poo toon i "..;, + i;:.. t: BREXEBTON OUTGROWS U. S. HOUING UN1IS Today's the Day For You to See cGiLvRA PAmK s rr 0?k tit ol 0ra00po0ti0K of thuo.uti with guards, trorn this pat sta0t0 to the ojtmof pokouo by Interurhsoa 0 to e lotitO't *epooso of go little iwpootaule dito-jeveytpret 'eir 00t0 thu.0o..oat. that tl a m afe 'It depafot oroioo-ool "It0to0a factunivers00l01 child Is stronger0than0toot0 larootJudge King 1)ykema doy."Masny 0,000000 has toll sho would willOOinly ive 00 t0 eo instituotion f sheoo snake frequnt isits 00o seeit wove happy and wel eard t state. It eo Instiution weo. the 000stern disticit of Wt say In he.outhoernpat of loheonotherpart000of P0,0"4 borotan00 vpor0cen. of 00 would be ohioe00o visittheiro o Bodoy. returneesg 0a0mi0,0u,000 exp00s0. naesoandiddresesof 0to Imbectles hetweenthe aoes years..00 o0 who, geor w0 goable of Ororeaton. Thts to odudo thoso above the age0o0 nor those 0.0.ow th. *ge of tbos tao- haveo odgtto-ated iioo of the sohoot.' ho ousob 00.100 Waste o o 3008.usalt oot.'and!' wtoots,. witho'toohe awa t0te050 roooentiy d re30. Ti ol view.of 00.001n4 00000 vppoy1' *voap qeo J14n physeltolly qa ifiod t. hooatbgppurooo..pill hostoorted n0.00 eskobttservice and lwi'0o tabct wook. *alter A. Msotilntehby,-.reroo o&teos with 'thoeOlivrdost. ay owsentflettofthe hue-ha.of optetK'pOOslgosootoof usm"In en pv tocotaftp ' p, rlo4000trn tot aorganizabotonse lso are 00to e do.lo has ooansoo4the ocustpaoi and the allow the tse 6oflimited *oooioo moo wo0k Is.tioqody aoidar wao-. ',wbhoerevrpossible. Ars $1,640 ae y*sioo be h tallied.4 Qftil eav*~ing {'pm ft04 or tho tao"of 00400M Ithe.,oqvy we.-W9005J0O..0e.ts 0 whion wiltlooovra hotel.aarntootnt ihW400..te. gotdod wtb. Daum "A prrQ~tbl 600 or ealtywho ovaojhed. DoE are 00o toik ttW.fthby Ohes.e~tby 0 of hionp torder woir stepped offitiato.that 00more 00moey will.oitoy bytb thlt itO07*O,l4ot and tonedtto roneeded and the 000000 will -ho Mate too-toforprpvporolqrootlalo. with the en0 of Opr0ovid.0010il0000r A stnlmt 'stt;'bethin prepovod hofnods too construction of lhoing,-, e100 healih o odors toddy to showt A fo-o-y too-theo twns aound the he00101 ooodii 00.00reavremuch-beht00aytt w ialo bj s0u000 ad ito I h~otod to thatorepo ks Srog otrob.4O ouots hat tbis 00*00tO t the oornppptotloe- 0 l ndte.lo JO the pact W eek hogtirutlot willOeke Rivn,.as well os.mopee d ofl00tter07w oo,uavegtp enO th. moefor thottsing purpooss - reatives of n4l4to0ll 0 hOte-bee cl. 0. bMathews, of theo Oooofot e llod. e.0lm4 1,ooAonllnlkre as sorttuws. in hanodlithe 00hom0,e voglste-ou- 00 s the00 a0t5001005 o.behenol10to to of ftte ito-, cOile W. 0. Josp. of 0000ev...4 pfoy waso tlt 343cao-s the Bremuterton o 5.ootiight. ishead b of Of Oee0o0;deeoetd hero 0uri0g Ose commteo,00000 0 sterintoog. tho week AnolOtrhav d nOboon teety-- - todeatbhs,7To stoy,000000h0005. pblished, Is lli a and the nmber o:fLadles' Msal Club pe to brtho 0frta 1 oaua s tnonseary ANNA tist Osthehriar Ooalp fromuel0004m *CASJ tAT TRAWUO t AXP. find, O l d~oto 'theaf 169 irebdo re0 fie. 000 cas-ported at too tratning J90ol. bilt ocoo usoroous Oetry attdhtfbo to Rive hoewhouet4 %ftorta ereasoade to hoop tb diio. 'foom eplodtlsg '.asIt lto ov:.ts feotiotto.At1does 00nothow itoolt - deoae wOt etforms in lts kind of 0 o11.nn1teoooo-OtsKto thoeusodicalau inrtehnohr;oo-rs of iho 7ota0 tr bu the sawn stringent precautons o as he pr- tined. oOwin t8 0tho diosesaquarantitne JIM* betrplaced ao-ooth1.e tinig o p s ment will ns e gpovitted a te; beaway oor night, noor-wtll 00.0 allowed to got to theters, moving - oetues.rKatherins Oof any soft. TIattoso bov.boos.barreodto-ow tho - Tht. quaranotine. 000000 tated Satlo-" Jay, would 000 Isnteo-feewtsh he olO o t nsd officers taking porl Ic thseIt1,. baros 041 apart ofwarvwork. And will ho dtive pelal attento so a '.got to 10. A h Beetn adastrict.tlao--.alsttoo 02 hotng bopt. 00aa~oo0t t rmery hive boes. tanceled eand.ali inoia the sorvice bao. boo s trutetd to beep away frow gatherings of eny kind-10. It -M tot thought that tho is-:..1,,," as n ' 0- 0gm. aewilspread to eno- larg sotet. -tsoao ~carelwntc-h t ong kept ott ' o -' sow soft..? g with hemalatdo-. ~Tux--W IliN WAR MOTHERS TO -oMr Th We.stos-. ern W blsnlt O ats "1 nesites Are Selling Fast! w Homes Are Going Up! This Grand PropertyNOW! WILL ENJOY natripouot to 01-0000 o-oPavk today. to the Madison s00e0t0carto hMadbiPsohar. on Le shington. osnly Ottto 26 tntol olde trom0 downtown. o00 ott t.,...t the rod of the line. uso show yooutts heoutfl hftiltro esta00- -Jts~t fotnsale. Twobthundo-d acresof choiceutoosbooitOto froom. Threo-quarter-o of a eMile of water ftont on the BIG- LOTS-LOW PRICES EASY TERS-LIKE RENT - ~tetd too st~ci Lo A o g n c r i d sico l u a tio n O O. 41Pa t What. wouldLeu.Dor have scc 'xlihdif Th ntbnthrThat Truck Loa4 o f.Amm, Meterilwas p miassd ' Bonds. hose Boys will:d.t1ei#Pad} will Permit bar Doffs v Your Duty' Toda f"is to 3 y].Donds g"Ow.all y Aa Pa7 hare:. tht the).nrooolwaysa mot sotgr000 Ot the normalO. On. of these unfotunte tstogoe withthe00.in0.ofao chiltd, bet Clo1 nto 00he ogyof00asnadult. volted' law as.d he public suffers ho- s#e. Tieoffenoodeo- tos arested and plaoo Jilt. whtee00,0musthoefed an0 vlot and0eredoorb un00to-lerL Theo payov toots t00 bil. Being 000010 ho to sent to theoprp00 enal or oousstof 050Instittn.In acovet )posniog of this ostate createos n1 00030 alt. Youowe tto youref4Otnelt 0 8/2 3/2 0 06 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M owhboe. eoaooo tbo~p.loes eajlower the 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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