Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ MONTHLY' BU~LLETIN CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Devoted to the Prevention of Sickness and Deatb Entered as second-class matter, August 15, 1905, at the post office at Sacraneuelto, California, tunder the Act of Congress of July 16, 1894. Acceptance for mi-ailing at the special rate of postage providledl for in Section 1 103, Act of Octobsler 3 z!7, alit horizedl August 27, 1918. Sent free, on request, to any citizen of California. WILFRED HI. KELLOGG, M.D., Seerretary and Exeentive Officer Edto GUY P. JONES, A\ssistant to the Secrelar\.. Associate Editor January Bulletin The Januainir Liletin xceil- he(le orednt lgull ti d is Influenza Number. citss(ins of theit t]iiiia outtbriakir liCatliforenia. the" work of compiling iitorhiuditv an1d liwrtalitv statistics on the epidemic has involved a stulpendous amount of work and the delay in issuing the Bulletin during the fall months is due solely to the extreme demands upon the time of the members of the State Board of Health staff occasioned by the most important outbreak (of communicable disease that ever occurred. -No DZoubt About How 1 f thr"1e were a-. ouch iniform1ation ax alab11le 1ilhoitt *To Control Malaria, influenza control as the"Ir s abut nlu1ibiconrlu the liistoi\ of tin presenit influenza oiutbreak xcitih its tet riftlc losss 5in ii'ckiness andl (lent i, xxoiill fprob~tblllt Iti iWl I)) boeh written. Etc ii nw kinows how Imtalarcia wits baisihied Iront]the P lliinnia Canal Zone by means of mosquito eradication, and mlany Californians knott how several towns in the malarial districts of California have rid their communities of malaria by banishing the insects. Legislation has been introduced for the purpose of enabling evert- malarial district in the state to take advantage of our definite knowledge for the eradication) of this (disease. lThere is iii)e excuse for the residletnts oif am co)num unllitv to suiffer frumiIiial;iriai. Mosquito Almost "'Fhis is what- the editor of a pajoin aSai a~ou Kills Newspaper. Va lle\ itowxn has. to sett about mu: Ian iini s ctllllirlit "A ill (stlliit( ilaih\ yl~lit the lcho wtt hot,1-5sulilst week. \Ve lulademerged fronm uider na1loa1 of xxirk during the (ebsitr los s of the camnainlli hich xxoul ave been soflicuent for two g odlmen to catty., whei our good wife fell severelx -sick fi-col) the bite' of a iltostlliit and her ('011(1tiOlt tCtlil i i((l lit ichof ori nttent it t. It axeet-it(1one(li those whlo have en ter taned the dcl 1101)1 thiat mlalatria (l Iid notinke pt p he _4 _ ' t'I" sick-----.iil tlladle tlteiit fee1Ial nu noI l e-.rt U o e I l t efhicienext' I I I 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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