Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ d of Health E BOARD e Oficer--------_----- ance)... -San Francisco _Sacramento ___Sacramento _._Los Angeles -San Francisco San Francisco _Colfax CALIFORNIA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH N, SACRAMENTO y and Executive Officer, DIRECTOR Assistant to the Secretary --- ----------------- ----Attorney ------------------- Sanitary Inspector RI CERES --_North Coast Diatrict, Santa Rosa ------------- Northern District, Chico vice).__Central Coast District, San Jose -------------- Central District, Fresno._--South Coast District, Los Angeles._--Southern District, Riverside ISEASES, BE;RKELEY. ----- ---- _-,Acting DIRECTOR Vol. 14 MONTHLY BULLETIN NOVEMBER, DECEMBER, 1918 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Nos. 5 and 6 LABORATORY -----------Consulting Bacteriologist Bacteriologist - Bacteriologist - Bacteriologist os Angeles-----_---------Bacteriologist ------------------------Bacteriologist -- -- - ---L --O---Y__ - Epidemiologist ent service) --Cons Iing Epidemiologist TOLOGY ce) ----------Consulting Parasitologist ------ ConuLting Helminthologist VIOLOGY ice) -----------Cosiltino Entomologist service)-Acting Consulting Entomologist I 4 ~notl.slnl:iii ) i.--;Vlst~iitt:Aliiiost IKills N,. 5spt,t ir- M;tl t- Iit '~~t, N1IOIIIL Tyl flOl I I (A ItI. II; tS A.It)I lS( O) l ).. TC'fl~t( Ul'OSIS. IN SAN QUICNT 'IIN il SON. by L.L. Soinlr e, M.1I), Rt i dent. Pltysit"iint - - - - THlE INFIATE'INZA t1IIII AK (OIL' SS-ltl. INALF NI RE 4PO-)tT 01'I'llEC f;'RI 4VA I OlIN I SPR'lAY 'I (N FP',,5)P IIIlI -)''lO 1 -1, 1. II. IK IuI c, ". ) I.l 4, S, ~ l..-. lii 1 [S, SACRAMENTO _DIRECTOR -Field Worker FE, SAN FRANCISCO ----------------------DIRECTOR ----------------------------- Sanitarian ----------------------------- Sanitariar LICS, SACRAMENTO ----State Registrar and DIRECTOR -------------------_Deputy Statistician NEERING, BERKELEY -.Chief Engineer and DIRECTOR ant Engineer, in Charge Southern Branch tnt service) -- Chemist and Bacteriologist service) --_----------- Assistant Engineer service) --------------Assistant Engineer DRUGS, BERKELEY -.-------DIRECTOR -CnutnAssistant to the Directorrand Chemist ----------- ----Chemist, ----------------------------Chemist - -----------------Bacteriologist BES, SACRAMENTO ------- --~~-DIRECTOR 5~ ~PcoTraining Schools 1 - i liOOKIW) i\l NOTI IC V ALICNT 'IN SI I:ASTI.\ (( 0 i l I INtI S. I it of tin' I tiren (ii P 4 ninittiiti i It l I liens t' s orl St"tt'-tiilt nil (cii tier, Pro uk: L Keully, MlI.. (I.EIlt P.. 1 lt (rttot.. 'III.II11IWjICSTEIIN It ' ('NPlIIINCIC (ON 'Tl'lllIlt;'Lt SIS. 1K-plort it I( flutti~att of Tot'i )n t iosis fItt Slct.t(li('i t;riI 4( tititnit. I%. L..I. T:itn-'I'itt tit s ii. 1I1 tt t-. --. - - iIED14-A 1 lRF+AlMIC'NT II; PI )I'~AN'l'[N 'II C CNTRIIO ) EIIIA D)ISEASE, Report of theic' itreoct of Socid 1ilygiene fttr Septeinb)et' attd Octobter. Lewis Miecielson, iI ), iretr........-- INFANT MORTIALiTY RATEC LOW\VIN 19t1-4, Report otf the lBureaut tf Vitil Stialist it's for Sep-temnl r andoil(-tot ci", 43e01-ge 1). Letlie, Di ren"It ii'.. - -.---- WATER WORKS ((PlC I-tAT ION I~TEO I )5. 1It- p tc f liii -ilurto n t tf S ilit to Engineetrihttfits'Septeinlet t:i IOttitet', (C. (x- Tillit-'Pit,'.E'I.. I )iieetr_-.-. '0 LB STORALEIIE 1)1T IOINS AMEIN DL it, II ~i r it'tie Ettien iiof F tois iTl(1 )rt-tts four Septeinnii tirnt1 I Itti'", IE..1. Leat.MS., Dire( ior....... T111011 S(l 10) LS S'PPL[Y P''I'1.5 VOlR TIRA IN INtl SCH'1(OLIS, =1 -pitt of1'iIt 1-3ire--t11if Itegisttitii kof Ntirst-s fitt' S(.ptetoltr titi O(tittitet.Lburn M. LIST OF COUNTY AND CI'TY TIIEALYI OFFICER-- - -..- -. 114 1SO 420637 p. 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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