Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~,, r la ' gB* to ihing, Keepes s~j cap 'ool -Prevents Dandruff. f Atar vrbd noa ys or s; 'Al UAM SI' AN lx- '1i>ove every trace of dandruff, stop r: btng hair and Itching scalp, or the More Than U10 0 Soldiers Die 44t, small as It is, wil be refunded. atOi one Dr But you should ksnow more about atOi eome Dr this marvelous hairgrower. You' lgteEpdmc O0ught to know that It Immediately destroys all odors that are bound to t come from the excretions of the scalp,' CAMP 511ERMAN, H 1,. 1I- t and in jAve minutes after an unItlilca- COTHE. 0OH10. lDE' 4 That there' tiop, no matter how hut the weather,wee&O tt5i ifunahr your head will feel cool and torn- drn h liemi ltcsso tortable. drn h pdm. 11esso Everyone should have a tottle of lineumottiarand 1101 deathq as a rek'rtslan sage hsody because it is 1 suit of the hltilme. was {t~te sub'tuoh a pleasant and exhlaurating talr { stance of a reprt sent to -'Washingtrekatment. Ladles use it because they ton hy:l Jor It. I'. luckw;, camp )taow It is delicately perfumed, not surger, t. 0 ). ro~cky or greasy, andt surely does r Statielr ui, a omt~i.l show that t'amp' 1.d y'- make the hIir beautiful, silky and Slier narn tad the highest death rate' "rt btndant. t ere's what a New York retir Y c'm In the euuntt'y. An ex-, wpman writes' "I have used Parisian I'lI nt f this fact has basin askedl - sage two weeks only, yet in that time fr id medicsal olileeris now sorfind my chair Ihas wonderfully it. olu'lyitli the ituatiun. creased it beauty, thickness and lux The death rate for the rtght a'i'k urlanco, but what surprised me mnost of the spidewou was 3.1 its" r'a' Wan the disappearance of allit -in-r d ruf."lfh~ta A large bottle of P'arisilan sage an'Wl lM be obtainedI at any gnu I drug or toiletBILH EN O ER counter-Its not exoenssive. - Adiv 1[RRIBLY LOMESOME DON'T N11)LIICT VOU1tt FilE? BUY BAIRD'S Good Warm Winter Shoes and Rubbers And stay well. Cast lets Mussthan' dectors. Boys' andt"ls u'Warm Cloith 1-Buckle Artl. 98c and 1.48 Government F'our Blackle. AltlStubher. $5 Articn. Former Emperor Spends His Time Writing, Btut Nobody Seems to Know What. LoNDoN IJ.a' I1. Viiiit, it,, tistusollern weary a itijaetl ti." anne", aitiordlog to the Ttegiete 'orteel ---dent at Ameronge n. I ii" land, whto soysaIts has talked with sorte one who hue tomue t,, h nontait with the exile.' This lot rmon is quoted as follows' 'The fortmer emperor wore in sir of relief whent he atrived at i-eron. gen. tot that sntvanished.itThe c-heery wife('iuttot now -veni ro e"' hint from nnodtn ms. Thefurmier ciii. tress i ret-llty esomthintg of it i tIns and trieii tt ake herhtiinii.iind tookton te-btigtht side of tiiiige liii in vait '1't edistinguished fogitiv hasi ttrertintitilit-oct." hierr l~tl"o'ntliet'nteteitti tiiii in. t niore I. himttself anit is 'on-ti,.tie tae Inctted tgo abut. Th.-i."r restottdtett soate that ttls t', tttu i frotttwtttil t in itnshaded %m itntiiw ini the tastic wis visibtle. lotletig t.. te window, the gentlematin siit The formtercimpteror site itthet windowwritting tas if itgaintieltimie. hour after hour. sheet itftr shrt. often till the forenoon sotiltl its.afterntoon" I I i r i i i 39 lan's 1-tuckle 3.8 Actesi. Ia finisht, w ar m Men's high cut clotht. 4-buckle, snow tixcluder Ar c- 14,tics. ~.~~~en's heavy I?' ~ ~IRX ltiubbsre. e and 1.9 1'98 Iloys' Rubbers, Men's Cloth l5c$fdl5c Storm Rubbes C,~~'thld'o R u b - "br ntwo 95c Womens tubb~i. ers, all styles, 'Women's b e at S rdsof Rub-75 59c 79c 98c Child.s Women's IMen's CtuIsitina. Christmas Christmas t~jp~,Slipper's, Slippers -Childs Fur-trimmed Slippers, '~omen's Fancy Felt. Fur and Ribbon Trelod Leather Sole ~Christmaas Flppers. 1.48 and 1.98 Mens Romeo Xmae Slippers, K -eII s198; Mens $2 Felt i Use Y Ar Good Credit 31 Buy Your Christi Rating 'qt Stewart Bros. CI Lay Them A u 1'repa re fr Splendid Xmas Suggestions for You. B~uy youi- Christm is presents nowt while- ii. The lildi~ir the price is low antd the- seletiton is largest anti few 11 lilti a 1311 most complete. Mw 1)(belt ti the rush sstti is fiti- ae-i ndl?fr:Tabourette Baby Buggies ':\tijitt' Special.(inItftI A Boy's Ideal Christmas $31$5,$7.75,$11 t "'II S2. 13350,. i1 0l, llil I~t, it l $18.0,10, $33.00, $ 1( ji.O i gil '.,,i,$61.10 Ihi r" - i s,$2.00, $2.25, $2.65, $2.85, I Lrtci-unititiny $3.00,9 $3.65,s$4. 00, $4.50, "rtic illu 't 0(01; (' 1tiut $5.15, $6.00, $6.50. of__________ Iron Beds, $5 to ti29th0 lied S rings, Mattr.;sesrd aI kltsre -tilx~rtfads, C$1.Pads.I52,50." $3.50. it'r G[RMANS SOOCIII 10 INTERVIEW__SOLDIERS1 Revolutionists Refused Corn. munication With American "Troops by Ooys> uamders. American troops er.aired Treves }yes - terday, the C-srmbo revolutionary committee tried to get in touch with them hut the 'commnd of the forces In the city refused to grant an Interview. At the time the German revolution broke out on November 7. many Gierman officers visited the prison camps to ascertain the attitude of allied prisonrees toward the revolution, Each prisoner was asked If he Intended to join the revolutionists, and those who replied in the negat~ve, saying they wished only to rejoin their regi - ments, were asked toi give their parole not to try to escape. Captain James Normal Hall of Col [sRoyal Easy Chairs Blankets..... $4 -Comforts...... $ Oar immenseI needs. ".We Trunks...... itSbs Cases.. Hand Ssgs.... JJL/UIVt.. Here is icc0, $4.50. $5.50. $7.75, $8.25 well appear i4.50, $5.50, $7.75, $8.25, $9.50 giance of thi stockt will supply sit your acter will ci W~il Trust You. bedroom--i Bedrco.....$16.50 to $27.50 $219.00, $2'.......$1.75 to $17.00 $6.0...... 9C to $210 $6.00. T EWVA Read This is just what your husband wants and needs for his Xmas present. $25.50, $26.50, s a 1 0/31/2 0 06 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M 'ORE." 4'0. 67 467,?L 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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