Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ y, ntaa; obs Peterene. lh1 ISS -i-rt. Sears. TbeaMA5. m 1mA.s Vce 4on ei. Eilasa: Cis.ene a;11 e e n.. eo10. H~ r rida Garner Cbalcsaeegaa Jd. 9laaierhe 9e p cannon. Lake. el Came astrop; hma p -Liet. Richd iH. Gra.Sa Ancleart Di.Tbempaa Creeaellle. Pr gk.W~owsrd, Santa Ace; 1eleso keeaad AieeaaderI. Bullock.Vera -8e H, Culver.;Mt. PlaceI H-()0.Hoarg Hall. ldtele. Maeyer'. lleghage; Nielsa abeam Neeki. Gereeee J. llradley, Bal Lake tvt.j IIttONT-.IDW)-Corp. Jeeeph J. '.lares. R2ef ichard 0. Clark. Bliegtea. -WalteaG0. Smith., Marre. c CAUSIES 4 I1HkTilS 2.tOO Cases at Newr Jersey- Camp But Crisis Is Believed C>IY- CURBING EPIDEMIC '118%b total of deat1M front Spanish, in Kueata at Camp But bas reached, forty - Mta-e---ooree -of- -seriduc ot e -of piltuabonla; resulting -frana- the disease. T'he.cities of the camtp surgeon ana 'iounced today that there are 3.600 cases in the camp. VMoat of them are not serious. having ien checked fbcfor% pneumonia set 1n. Thre were fourteen deaths yeatetlbV. 0Ilobe who have died were men who were taken iii when the epidemi4 brokte out a week ago. 't'he camp surgeon would not aay titet he, considered the epidemic under con trol, although he stated that there weas b. decrease in the number' of new cases Hfa said this was the break of influenza and pnetiloonis. the Army has had aincs 1889, when a similar idemlo swept the country. The eiturtton in Pbiadelphsia has con sidrrabiy improved, both among the civilians and men In- the servicat. The -Healtn Department and other health Or 'g+ ilzations are taking avery preca~ution to prevent an outbreak of the epidemic among civilians. Following the action taken Saturday by the Board of -Health, placing Spanish in fluenza In the compulsory reportabie dill-. classnine case among the city's civilian reeidents were reported today byr private physiciapa to Dr. A.""?A. Cairns,' acting chief of the Bureau.of Health. Bight of the victims live In South Phila delphila. The doctors reported the oases as "epidemic Influenza." A "course in sneezing' was started to. day by the Pennsylvania Society for theI Pt-evanon of t5 -'flnt50OcietT istributed and put up 20.0011 posters arolaig persons of the danger of promis pous sneezing. Surgeon-General Gorgks. of the Airny has Issued a statement through the tu8%r tileela soelety -to/ beth -civiilans- and-moen in the service of the country. Hie state ment calls attention to the fact thiou sands of men ae preparing themselves now for tie draft. and their movement to tamip must not he interfered with by epidemics which may be prevented by Only thirty new cases of the Influenza were reported to the medical authorities of the Fourth Naval -District yesterday. This was a decided decline over the rec-' ord of ail of last Week, when the aver ag was about 12.' a day. The authorities think this big drop mndi oates--that the-'earnpan -against Lbaes1 - demic is hecomin g effective. The change in the weather to clearer 1sa also- given -eeedi t for aiding --materially. DiX SOLDIERS ARE PhOMOTED Quartermaster CpsAdvancements...4 ' 3oyyIn?r Sol gos Ment OelieWho Co u mands Their Fate 'T#4. will be a different type pf men retldin to America. 'those who never prayed before are doing so now,. and they rhelise who the 'One- Person' is that can bring them So wrltes (Arporai Aan B. Wilson. Co. - -try. A. 1CFP. Wilson - enlisted In the spring of 1017. nd eaileci for Plaice in March. - this-yeatr. lia home is. *t4511 flazel av. Party of the letter deep. Alas 5. Wlsee There _-.lad4. i'a ticaily nothing doing in this sector during the day time, so time bangs 'heavily. I received your magasines, and wish to say I have read them frontCogger to cover; advertistroenta In - oluded. "As the newspapers told you--'Phlladeiphia's Own-ae now in the scrap. They have beeni in It for more than a month. and have iearned that flihting Is not aU lepot. It is either kill or get till. ed. so we till. ' T papers seem to think Quite a lot of lbs fighting qualities of the Philadelphia theyc... Sy iea the Frcench, the English and lGerman think the seine. PH1 LA: HERO KILLED SAYINGi SUBORDINATE (Cotinued freemiteePMeat Page~l sell V. Onitoene. anmember of the Naval Reserves at tiewell's Point. Newest N. 5arkez, colored, died of wounds received in action,.lie lived wiih Meaut Sot irs. tierirude Griffin. 117 N. Franklin ciatnti was draft'i id n iep tem-ber, 1417.ilie received the rank of corporal at 'atop Meade and was a nivot bar of Comipany F. hith Infantry.- le fore being drafted he was enipoygitb In a blasefoundry ccnsaoacbiiiist. Aetealo Voipe, 26. killed. was a calm' her of t'nanpany K. Slat Infantry. lie was at lieltre and, after training at Camp Meade. went to France several mc tthe ago. He was killed July Ci.. a." cortlin to a te legramn received h_ nDNN.M.adMs no i ' le 11118 N. Mtidatc.Ilie woe horn in Italy. but had heen in this country since be was a boy. lie was employed in ia fac tory neer bin home. Another suit, Blase Volpe, in in France. Denald McLeod. 25. an orphan-nite childhood, ied on August 13 in a Frcni'b hospital from ihe effects of a gas ottach. accordinagt a letter received frost the captain of lin company. lbs 307thi Field Signal Corps iattalion. Ilila only near reiative,.ia eleter, Mils Floralii'Leod. was speniding a week's vacation at tOcen City when the message arrived. The or rbiltiena-hcat uiada.thpir_motme with an aunt, Aire. Itobect Stewart. 4Wi6-itt1i two weeks ago. Until he was -ren to Camp Maeade last COctoerohe ail beeii employed lit the Midvale Steel pianit. hilt waived exiatiion. His name has it ait i peared in iiie official casually liat. John J. Nekey, Jr., a bhsnber In France. In 'tbic city sad resltdlng las'the '1M X. sdcrsM xc*'o8 JOLTr C. A. bullding, 1100 Arch at. Was killed ___ August 28, Joformation to' thiseec reachecletisa Davis Saturday from anOf New Lieen ant Assigned to 44lia4*v' P ictil soure. He had Lean in lbs sea- muasters Corps at Chicago vice a little more than a year, and had John A-. McGrath. 2022 N 17th eat. i c a- - been overseas three months. bencmn'ind iueatI William a.-.Ssadcl, wounded. Is a sot rteiase" of Mr. and Mire. F. W. Handel, of M~- Crs Kinley. Montgomery county. Pa., Wordi He enlieted DJ * that he wan tiIn Base Hospital No. 209 - ember 10. 1817' has Just heel received by the parents.. e- nd wan1, sent to Sandel is a sergeant in the sanitarydo-..i -...c.c1a r 'n'-t;loboeton. Jack1sae... fared his Thiurlen dorin.-he- ctt illa. Fla.,avhere it s a~round Chatsau-Thierry. it was struck as asstant 1iostain the chest by a piece of shrapnel which "mse ni broke hie noae. Sergeant Sandel e- -onth afro. lie 0S8e listed sight yearn ago In the Third Itegi- 'atlered the Cefllnts' '.4"4' meet and has been in the guard eviac -Training school, for tince, having served iin the Mexican hoc-; spot wonk, andi se= -, der. He is a graduate of the Central 'clved his commattt* 111gh Schoaai and the School of Pedagogy. nion September'-1 Two brotihern also are in the aervice. -te was Immediately ""t teal to Chicago. LT. COL. TURNER KILLED. aiieiea. Jetenat, watbo IbaPiladelita lits reeceive4 Cablgraa Cofir Deth o?bia.his education at1tbe shni of (aur Lady Cablgram ConirmDeat of hila ofMercy. laSalle i'iiilege. eAid LSt Man in Canadian Army Francis; 'nhleg'e. Loretto. Pa. ir to l'onflrmastion of the death of iietiatenaiat- his enlistmlent he w-ae in the 'auteoC olonel Teres A.Turner.. S.0.M. iielvs 13ith Battalion, Royal Scots has tia re-- coeb iiother. Ms. Sarah F. Toy lewskldbyteepoinoastashlinhebtlsonaotth le tes DasAccompaiiing the official cofrataion h'ro, hrrm rg h gs Quec. jy2L reat firitain. frum his cuni- You wouldn't think you coutid do''1 fnda'nt eii" 1 tTfll 7arvel ttt-c-rnrma h-teesne -left--over.v Bgstgll~" vreweed syreithiy and grief over the loss potatoes, beeta, carrots, corn. beans. of a vciaed soliiier and friend, or onions. But here's what I did wifea Wrttlit to is leotnhor a few days 1afore ithem the other Tuesday when Mr.' his d."iaiha.i,'iaetiani-'oiii,'ei Turner si.'Heaidid ".e ca.". sd~ > iakii athbe Ameria-an lone. vetable croquet eaat.JI atb hav-coic in coactithbhelb.' cAmer-vetalcrqtesadJi sidb 'Calt iritit. They arv noi briiin ic nerv-'- was going to be a vegetarian for llie weryrt. Titvt have clone well" Mrs. I chopped thle vegetables into small Turiner 'a visiting her datughter at Mianic' cubes. seasoned with sage. salt and ire.?itahigai. pepper, and made a glorious thine, Lieuteinnt-i'nlenei Turner. whiiii e ram Rause, to Which I added two tabletwnrty-nit,. niod~iiin utsthereard of aspoonfuls d1'Brand's Al Sauce. I bin flliow-oaffiicers aiid mn.ia iitiough poured this ever the vegetables. mould- - yoiung iin yeere. be had airradyi "'tna; S. 0I I. and an Si. (C. lis miaanyhaaia ed them into crouiettes. and fried them -- wer spnt n lhla~lli~i~f. I ae, ' very hot buitter sustitte. Ohb, werte et trSchl.ilit tla aiterd Ithat Brand's Al Saitcelits piquant aL vteran of lbs C'ivil W\ar.:as well tes'flavor, so different from anything elsehis nmother. wers born iasl'iallaaielphla. pulled thome croquettea up into the itile -fa(hrer.,_0 0__lfete A ienaidtrt" M st e-- onch-hefs--lvst---' Turnic. was a Canadian 'rh., family ---- ORDERS ile-thb. a~n-iriMrs. Turneran it iatsr son, OUR monved ioi(iec former bhaiet. lii tC laici leaiant-i'oienel Turtters mlitary traiiinA-HNGAYeHR Ina wast received at thbRolnteltliitlary 'aectlnie - r."notcantlttaa v tii tee Clili6ge of'anaida. i~ee ithaneitii anr ef eaiie srtairt mi at diiida la;r --tae afotar years aft.non sftar It egan. lie ta eat itsn nrc iw-ti ioias. cas a tiejhesS of Willia II. liocaii, a Neenzavebeen icin-.,eitafor airyearsv~v eltnigwriter of Ibis tyl asc(nunthee by ri's atali.ia ofaceer Asti $1_5 Save $10 Agents'a Profits ~MA~('Tst,t> 8Cetu -New llrenhaisdes $3 to $54elredld Barsise Iata rlsvtlte 1.a~reel rns. Ia Ils 49 N. 9th Street 0b~ 1421 Rhdre Avenue re ltler. Jstecaciitq; Walter Ia lap. Wihar MeN n oses Ictirni c lMeaisg. aimeulh; tey pi Y-c lwee Clark, Ohiacotaias.. Keeer. White: Ciseata N Ktred. hrisenA. eeper lharerria"iMary lleeflk;iJame-4L.. Lacatiec, iiamiasa;. yamy Deny' p. Trederlch P. Meflredy. boseeke. leles. Sallyllls; Arlacti D. Batone., CTON-(IPW)--HNeebebl~ N. Darker. harry T. O01on0Stoae. a mter Ercekesnlsaeqauala. ci. VedsrlcIh J. Cialina. Peyaiistp. krthur 0. Sdtht. Vsaccuner. Ni. Mlacseat. t e;ais:1Wilim Nerris:on; Seller, Ilpotase; Jetdd ca. 5ectottile.Ia~si.lkfea a~ttie; I. Itlltee. Aemeer. incs Nombqb. Seattle;:flea VT Hertee hinut,-fi.--itFeon. -_ettisr: ternarha VIlOTN1-tKl-is'gener arelies todlan Vast lisedac. " eery WahllneetO iheclatOs.. -et. (liensAH Cltalaecii Cels L Wiiamsln, 'roescty. IM.das Hton: m rrene.m o i & II 'L -64"s, -4" -hw- Im- P4 9 i - I I crs.m.aslia.' -ce een m Now ealey w ou n d e d., gtaltl e. e itallal - a aP"sSve N.alor Witteti lcK. Ill eeni Camp Diz. Wrlightatown, N;' J., Sept; father n In tvier, and I. 'gettliliaaliatg P IELeS HEATmER iotr rpemOi l "Dly elt As. ae fbe ni optlfrSe e ealatlca.3.9I Specal.-Army promotions an. aeversi weie, hut aeonepetiiaatobe STOUR ESTIMATE Ilase ntIM r NfN(i-Vase. Plmer C.: 0neblea I. nouneed hera In the Quartermaster's hack with his cmpany. Iis le tler Ian Otto Steimackeir, 3958 N. 5th St. tcl dd.Cefnnamd.yc.Crsare these f em New Jersey: saysathat lac in idrat ihrow'er In bin detil. _-nw_.-.. nacn, SIiwaahea pi BiiL.ltsrd, b rigvl To be quartermaster sergeant, John F. lila father aiso hab received aI lter fromi y oncrd. 4 aa~y ja.Ot Wonelsdorf. Bayonne; serenet, Wit- a ilfetich ariahieny sergeant who nmet him Best High Gradek oitakt a ndwthohtuTestuk t Mn-BICYCLES 4oe ' 1. ~ r 'h+, rwol a a tu, Hghtsown Chrle shi. $'w n~nPayments j iee, l Frank dja, Penegnove; cot Joseph MXeea.(ouiamyt lt re 10h ania Vc s.e t sae ea,CbreeiibrNwr;IiI naty crpre Ilne hi uyE Nekilpo i tlau uws Silicauk 11lam F. Rysam. Beileville; S. L. llnti..1H le le 20 and enlIsted int Paitaanubr. WVl lits.Lrzelt. ltanasald;enloyZ. Mix- neland: Norman Spanlilag. Itewank; 1017. His father.,t'Iiiamn J. ibicI~er en. L 4elfca C. ieot. aqrnk. Schuessler. Jersey City; Edward however, received a letter fromn Joephm. eerg -a p P. Na lro er. aavlle: re X ii.ler, Martinville: Rudolph Pier. Ito- dated September 1, In which.he safailha Irn tAo -er n -.o-W;#.;Thee.;-Hkoboken; J05.151 he had been sightly 01gased and expofed Pu erlta rN10 dltmhC. SifflOip5li F. fthnson, Red Rank; William T. WII- to return to duty noon.Ilie was a leant. $25.00 #. $30uctrePrw ir E er ares 4aer a h Yld. Wtliirjetj. btury, and Joseph V. Perle,?ewark. W. Rtussell at. 4amd~~~fe.~~yuoa, wa as hel oo. Ifc; a lts ray aShw-aecailiewihtetaratato pud1eiblsarPcasPaefT's -146 - tt been reer1vealrf4mdr 4 oceph 'WrI Seoalof heanibu" - 907 ARCH STR ET th4drealiolance service, wa.wuned mhJny!t il N b a of the* limited service 'men, alhd they according to a War Departnent itlegruanW O RK "-_flojilan lee aria dew 1I ar ii?: Nel have been transfera'ed to the Medical sent to faim sister, M. lentils lartmm, of 1O ifi 'yelek;' rw l &sI?Behl,.is onais: Afred ertm n, Quartermaster Corps tied 470Taccony at.Ilie is 1illHi-inlettited at O ollas, '1rt,5Z l ens: dwp lk bali a" t, itand taclah r- -Use,has boe Ashliand a, oh.. mlyafter the etmrance Ir. n.5 fanaNis ti ).r t ltfudfor stenogcaphera. pharmacists. of thia country into the war. tils moth- ANCNA 1" Fitt l horseshoers,. lckmthteamsters, er, iMrs.Ida Teufel; lives with Mr.Slid fix IK NeOWNlt I eawh...a..aa; wrc typiata, electricians. motorcycle drivers, Airs, Martimi, At the Tacony mt. sddrsae.n"-- MAlIBSCAUALTY 7115T. - _:: "__.___..."motorcycle repairmen, lumbers, ema- a,.:npa~'Snu u MIT4VO;ers, lockamithe. sanitary man, expert 1Inlmissing. Private Johnlson, whbo is abouat 0OWRADtp W.?, Stllen a Asaad horsemen, carpenters and laborers. 1t0 years old, Ina c member of a machine n tat for thia week al lER 9.titf C1 1tiBit~il-hte0. fien. A ilnatre-L troupe from the Beelie- gun rolmpanim, Ililth infantry., He is col. 'IRC see300 fcs..ialgt. ~ burg atore, Philadelphia, gave an entar- tiled, and wee emjiloyed ce a chauffeur. L0IUNr NE \ ms o LO ' - main Knights of Columbus usbuliding. infantry, Ites been wounded and is InaC OTIIS t9,AaaAi A LOW AS 01 nc -.. (cteaW.flet.Jr -----.e----'- 'hase hospital in Ftrance. tleis In andas 'ecscler ()t )r. Uck ew.WaBetJ. wase aaed in lbs papcnbanghltg burl- B d geitad eIss"e while' I Alt is naC Perhiessai500atell ____he waa called to the coliars. lie lived atle a (~~it ii etrnam Dlct 10TH OYSRAW" NEMY withohido theI:Prmn..:d.eor..n. cl ~ Slli~ty urdsrmen Capture Germuane and'00erholxa.d1f19a tc d~ Qasual)-at -A. mtb$b'gX~N Roi. 1911 5. a boa- NIN ht-a hors- -- et'"Fighlting with sash and courage, sixty alad has not betn tilled, ita wan previous MA...-.= ara lttilyvallm, G_... Z IN it c tepotii ty-eeor r~d---- MASS li m __. _ --,a Tht-b-- l i t Io I CO MBIA'-SPA-' re furGem sanklle'b re Tht~q= t nfntyxankile o-personality.iw, p hve o~r. trd orlem-iln e uly lii le was a tailor stud.lived at l3I dleaoempead. Weal without being a man.4948Thomapaoim. at. Ilii friend, Joanmo flflUQM r L~ -'im 10/24/2006 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M 0

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