Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~[ity Hesitatqs to Ace, S for Big Bond isat The offer of, M. Gra of Chicago. made yestorda. the $490,00- ety refundl at par,will not be accepte time, Goucillman.E. A stated last night. The city, must- definit elude negotiations wit! Frake of Chicago, who I the beonids at a:uctlon forr -premlum of $6,000, subje attorneY's approval, befor bids will be considered, M declared.:Frake, in a letter rec ihecty hall yesterday, q the legality of the bnd I advised a court opinion b enlbe E-tf fortsf hued -Ct'dss a ir' 10tvidee-ursing 'carefor famllle atflicted With tein luenza are/provst6!-shan,'... hÂ~ifu~z:aer Molnes and1 ig almost entirely frnitless, acrgt. C cording to Mrs Mary Marshall, dlmuen., brns is rector of th'.Red Cross nursing east' bottom s center despitethe list of 900 names seven police- of women eierolled -fornursing service In-ther survey recently made and vicinity, iunder the dlrectln of the Red Itenfield tin, Iross - of. ath one Thre r e a t 27ma n o de ter deity There r s aurn1 y cases of ofiliry influenza eilsting in-the city, with Moinesl cres numerous entire families ill at the Mn e isametime. It1 is for-. caring,. for -n Weh o such cases that the Influenza com.nes resldence mittee of the Red Cross was orhand Park, ganized,.hand that the survey of arge. -- - - rsources - was - made,---butMoines rest- Mrs, Marshallhas fond it practilman Harten- caliy.impossible to-provide care for many of'these familles, ua r oShe has: called nameafter name uds- listed i the survey without being Leral ',raiding able to from anyone. talned, - com-- Various excuse have been made for men,' Deputy refusing to serve, whlch'.have led eimer, --and--If her-- to -believe -thatt the nursing--reiore6 sheriffs, sources are greatly -overestimated nilitarypolice.inthe surey.: - Â~c ned. --She- is appealin to all women rY policewill who are experienced In, nursing, siness dlst lct practical or- otherwise, to end in lbs assiled their names to Red. Cross headand, stations, quarters, Walnut 2272, In order - bootlegging that her work of securing aid In dertaln- of the present emergency, may be faa -reorganized clitated -:squads were Mrs, Marshall attaches no blame time Tuesday for poor-results to the women's dlo--. vision of the state council of desoe - l -fense - -which-- made. the - survey---at;ment:," 1W. -.he nvestg - the,'nstgation of 'the Red Cross, d. 'Captain ut I,expressed -.the opinion that full authority women-had allowed their nfames to aures -may: be he the list of avallable th -city., nurses without really expecting -_ - they they would be called to UANDARY service. SHONEY_ -HELPS WN A......... averted.. Use As, SugM., SubstituteUrged at Swhy. people I Coventon% ' ' their..rLiberty - S onv..ention. and' third is- _ "oney is, the orig'nal 'natural L&.-'c6-p; f tat company"-,"or es mrnes r -a'ade.-ebfte,46-gialo re of tha Cd Oil for Food. -- mated that they will in ltivtsh 4 " b -Br--,y r a s For -months.the solediet of.thb city;an-offer. Moines yOsterday.,- The letter.was country was black brealtland weak The bonds were issued postmarked:Qqt: 19 and at that tea. The arrival of a few carloads 'up outstanding warrants time, the division had been in ac- of pickled herring and cod liver, oil important city fund now was a source of overwhelming ela- 6-per cent interest, tion a day and a night. tion. - - Not aman had been lost either A monastery in the front line J. X, MORROW -,El in battle or from disease at the trenches was converted into, a. hoa- ' time Major Ainsworth wrote this pital. Eight hundred patients de-'Ponds, Is., Merchant Ne letter, Be%,splendid.had been the manded the immediate attention of ater f'on Van Buren ( record made by these mei' that the the little relief party... EOSAUQUA, Ia., Nov. major-said a. hun~drad -and five of.'"The saddest part of our-duty' IE M. Iarro. them had been recommended for came when the government issued cel:'- J, M. Morrow, -o cohmmissions.- B reorders for us to evacuatetheb ho- Ia., Is the'.,ew state repre Capt.o Earl of the corps ptl to make room for freshly from Van Duren covnty. ap.EarlButler of th c wounded men Miss Olmstad. - close race,.the republics has been recommended for a ma- late d "We had to cut sticks to date defeated lils oppoj ortLisuatThos. Thornton for a ae.,WhdtoCu sics o jorityin, and Thmor-n hom a support poor weak lads, barely-able Baumen state represent! foc'a utainath.noel f..- to walk, in. order'to- find-room-foro- thelastsixbyears, hy:a for a-lieutenantcolonelcy. Â~ the emergency cases. Many of the of about 100 votes. -:Patientsw we had tended'-or.-Morrow has been propri ieekns wandWhoWerejust beginnin genperal-store at,.Douds for U!UEJ __l S_ EIE&A- IN ACION,iEweekshandywhovwere just beginnin J.flEE to recuperate died a short distance thimly-flve years and Is we from the hospital. I. in this county. Des,Moines* Boy Killed One - iisldeess "The children of Rumania have O TeT n Year After Loilving Home. forgotten how to play. They 'are U old and Worn,,.. --.Many of them are Georg E. Rqes 1426 Twenty- mutilated by bomb explosions. sixth- sree,recdiveda telegram "The spirit'of the fighters is reyesterday from.,the..British war markable._.Their.intenselove -of ->_".ClarDS _U 20 years old. He was in Halifax -at the time of the big explosion there apd was wounded-in action several months ago. - POLICEMAN IS DISMISSED C. A. Reynolls Taken Off Force By hief Jackson... For -alleged conduct unbecoming an officer, and.intoxication, PolicemanClarence A. Reynolds was dismissed.from the city police force last night by C. C. lackson, chief COMMUNITY PROGRAMS COURS] East High School Mie. Helen Stanle, The Great American Soprano IBolm Si Bron Quartette Gay Z. MacLaren Greatest Male Quartette in "Friendly Enemies, in-America patriotic play of today. Mir Kryl Co. Princes Watahwaso Con, VJolin-Cornet--Plano o.-Indian Music S The High School Play Ix great-attractfons at les'- than moving picture prie' 1.00 or the entire course, including uterved seats. ecure your tickets now. eats on sale and reservations made Saturday morni mber 9, 7:30 to 11:00 A. M., at the High School. eekeepers FLU,SERIOUS OUT TATE cr, easowthe I, " "".9 e,a, sugar S- Mitchellville and Keokuk Have Se principal ' -. May New Cases. clation of MNoCs,s' session Dr G.H. Sumner, of the state Nove erce. He board of health, reports that the ldian Bee- influenza condition throughout the his lee- state continues to be serious. ythe de- Thlirty-one newcases of Influenza _. ie speaks were reported at Mitchellville Tuetitinue to- eokuk reported seventy-two ning year cases. "1ed 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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