Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ r.5 C. ~.ouvier di' i8isipo dio tuntil toe ountr 'serice. )flsocket alls is life f the Churc i of the t city. n of Private!E tientne River. Privsa eJohn nd Priva e Jer i oted.irn yeterda)'a all- been prgv ous y 70 on Oct.! 9 pnd the w, son of 'dir. arnd 8ayleavil1 'died of ved by hii, parents Var TAepartmient Yes member of thse Mar born in New Bruns Pawtucket tiie year.l n Boon la4t Octo a trainjtg camp fit went to a Stamp in his home?4th his of 94 Lorra is street. as employed in the *DENIES. tHAT LNS TO ABDICATE lacy Issues omelt on RuusorJ ocieatecL Presat 1, Oct. 14.-TIe Wolff,rlin to-day i ed an report whtc$ lhad be-,rmssl y.that Cmperor o abdi cate. 'k --.... _.. _.__ E f' 'I J,The report of the joint committee on '~ Rhode Islan4,,'Company Affairs was pre- tion and the need for relief, but believe 'died together wherever a stignt uepre-- sented to the City Council tn executive that any relief granted shout4 eliminate zion' in the ground seemed to promise, session. For about an hour and a. half a char~ge for transfers and Dflovide for protection. WVhole families have been the two branches or the City Government relief for those persons who-Jpoard the found suffocated, their bodies burned to discus sed the situation behind closed cars immediately outside the ct+ trai zone. a crisp In a ma jority of cases, physidoors, excluding the representatives of In the opinion of your contittee. the cizns sey, death was caused by s:atthe press and the public from their de- Public U.tilities Commission should be in focation and was mercifully preceded by liberations. a position to devise a more elunahle so-j unconsciousness. At the end of. that period the doors lotio of tisOprblem. of the council chamber were thrown open The, resolution adopted by the t:ily DAAEEOMU and fornmal action saas taken upon the Council follows:;'Resolved, Thai the IO~csi ncag frlfwr tl committee's report end the resolutionI City Solicitor and the Public llrvice.n- 1sare unable to make an accurate esti without a word of discussion. gingier are hereby authoi'ize4 and dl- mate of the material damage resulting rected to appear before the Public llit- from the fire. It was said, however, COMMITTEE'S REPORT ties Commission of the State of Rhlode that in this district alone, 50 square The report submitted by the commit- Island and oppose the tiropod. increase miles had beret stripped clean of tlmtee follows: In rates of fares submitted by the Rhode ber, crops, livestock and humn habita "At meetings held Friday and to-day Island Company for the reajions stated tions. your committee received from the iy in the report accomr'unvitnwhsis resolu- No further danger is anticipated, alSolicitor and Public Service Engineer i tLion: and urge the Puhbic C'tllities worn- though the conflagration continues is report of the hearings on the prep'wed mission to so modlify the prorosed iales solitted areas. P"ir'rs south and southIncreased schedule of fares by the Rhode of fares as to make them more eiuitable 'i of Cuss lake, drtv.eal by a high Island Company. These hearings, as you for the citizens of the city, of P'rod- wind, were said to be gaitning to-night know, have been in progress at the State dence." with the city directly in tilt-Pat of the _______________ _ flaaues, but it %%as believed reffo~rts of lithe 'ire fighters~ would prevent the fine ALDERMEN TO CONSIDER not he stated last evening. Ot data stat- f:'om tttaining serious propor:ions. log that they, will be guided li thir ac HEALTH BAN THURSDAY lion on Thursday by the reports reccivt-'d ByIjrsIa from thr' health authorities at that tineBo ijre liud WilTseUpQesitofRon'l 0the rondtions. *.WAarren u tLtleA, 1.', of 2-7 Central Mila eting Quetio Rmva ('Ily officials stated Ilat etenin- t1; t5treet rini- ansOini+ur> iito nhaul at at Meeing in Tha vat. so far as the lBoard ct Ai4erm,.I a:7 (5, i,-ly.ftrrwrwe Tire ioard rot Aldermen at its inretiog,'oticerned the t to doer. ne!t jpi ft.. r ir i cunoihf i." (Ut i I 'iiiiintr ]lthe Thursday afternoon will take up the proposed l,iirl' Loan nut-eting. 1' t hirt at:hr 1 tail bo' ii r it ttu r Wll 'luestiron of raising the ban at 'present jABill' 'lunrsy 1T ernscc e on ' rl'r"'i lintl ar k in effect upon theatres, churches, the evening, at which f' muir '''t Theodore ltf esai-i-iltI to spe5Ac. Child flies of liurns. public and parochial schools, dance hails hiherty l.oan gatherings, Mayor ';aiiiu'r Katherine I arling. 2. iof 14, l,ockwood and other public gatherings, which wasjl said, had been left to the discretion 4f,a~t reel died at 2 fi tt at Cheit hodt.' ordered last week because of the influ- the,er'ly!.,an committee, ati tIi lilad l linritlui mt~rty ttornniiti, as enzrjtcpdetc. hlitng of Thursday evenlng's i-i t the res'ult of mints re.'."iiil whet ehie Whhit her the huitw oad i) tv couil '717 ire 71; I it, iaiiiie o i 11 1 (x1)o.i tell into attut,(ot hut water last Imir~dip f' H. C. I Beacon George Karpel 1 TEPE~ENEJOU1 NL 1 uO AY I3 R 15, 1918 II (.7."..... 4,,,... r" ": " __ t it'&1CA ESECTION NEW 3STODYi Defeats I4tewloI 4. to 23-ina nls AIIM1.3Soccer,Leagae. HT IL-!IiLondon Oct L. - SHITSl HILL ee ctroped o esterdaytesecceer matches O thefe se 1 4isappontmtata, butt in a AlSuraMs - ~of pta~eye~yve~i~i tcasethe ~r~cuscame OClack, forlieur a4" ", 'eFkt4 n Llve n jooL' loot O IW N G t~iA~oanire * t running with the ball. ' ring. I'D ating and stiff arm work was pracs t until thbe eszddates had a fair ideh. the methods so well tarried out by Bsu& j y Pollard during his years in the wn, backfield. Walt Hoving practiced pitg back the ball and delivering it the backs while they wbrp Iunlntion. team was ind up and several Shew and pass formations. were tried with Irt at 5 great degree of success. ii at 5 4:45 Archie Hahn gave th~ signal. men, trotted two 'laps around I Uncoltl VOrk e14 at a n.deate pals and' hen re ed. to tfie' showers.. FIR- playterg.t- yoe ere,Cpt, eta o n 3 twoiie, VlyaE. l r ldft, r.I Mr ii a AJ PM~y 1ri g 11/08/2006 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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