Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ 22MAIN~ STREET FOUR +&RS Vorcester's MstHepuItoe sng You the Helpful Privilege of Convenient Weekly Payments without" Additional Costs of Any Description ONq'T "SAVE UP" to purchase your Winter Clothes-because e is no need of it. Simply take advan of our Easy Weekly Payments andi the fine, warm garments WHILE ft7 ARE PAYING for them. By this hod yos secure advantage of-the pres+t heasonable Prices. If you 'oave sp" j11t11 find that the same garments will 4t yos MORE MONEY later. Our Large Stocks Show Extensive Assortment of " W1omen's and OATS SUITS DRESSES" FURS AND FUR COATS 'RIMMED HATS SHOES SILK UNDERWEAR. WE CLOTH: THE FAMILY FROM HATS TO SHOES. MEN, WO~i1:N AND CHILDRtEN TERMS AS LOW AS A DOLLAR A WEEK I I j iI; l;; I.' "I Skirts with the side cloaing and jackets which display the same tessdency marks many of the new winier modes. This striking soil is of maroon-colored silk veloar.Its deep yoke and csllar warmly huttonecd ahout the thrust Deep hands of shuck for add distinction toists severe lines. SERVE FOOD TO' GRIP SUFFERERS Some dress builder's been reading war history! Here's a 1915 frock-that' Is a perfect reminiscence of the Civil War fashion of plaid ailk and ribbos velvet.tlia hard to Imagine any. thilog more fetching and demure than this model in gray end white plaid taffeta with its hlaek.veivet jacket, velvet drop shirt and collar of tine white linen. But chore's something truly Parisian' about the chic hlack velvet turban. ASKS CHILDREN TO GATHER NUTS -Pd I ye IC F G I Shrewshury this morning for a von- W M NU G DT GRIP rliiman. She returnerst;at neon andfrn ewt Srs IhorGer:i~~ws LONiORt her desk for the remninder of ___ CHAPTER THANKEDHEPTESK FOR FACE MASKSforge Butler of Oakhom trnt Dr. Charles I.. Ni-lodes today re- 'if you couil sare a fife by adhe11 Womana committee of reived Ilhs followinc leller of lhonlks Oinioltering a dose of ocdiine cwould,h;Liberty Loanolhis morn- for the silendid w-ok of the 15..r- you do it'" she will begio lie work of rester Chapter. A. R. C.. in malo~ a - usto o ocse g. lint dinsirict tomorriow.and geltntI o amorny leon s ast m n0 lol o ocse I-" Hutereld of Caldteusli Sundayo Ihe 3000 fare masho: Women, to 11hink otcr- A rail has hbtd mapped out splec- "Der lr. Nichols-lIleant t10Ibrens board aoeWarc-ter woames. 0461k work th~ as".planned and through you lie fio holu ahalelod resperirer ein nursing hiked Into homes through Incur women of Woarrester for tie. sn, announces that se300 face mack hi crkyou lhare so Inltheir esws homes,tIsgdve an' hour et' plans to apevation to- kindly bect to on. far use Inc our ov ta-a or an macit tince an they ran, coessesltlwarcds. to go intaoicoroes ee there is no It ome nes tat Iam mast gratofuel far Iherm ancd hatty to -are for those ill, or where Patrckcharmanof he antto epres m graitue frIte uc-ling snureses are exhausted. otlote. lhes onovosscl lhemnod also my -andmirationc for Thte }or-cerrolrChcsptlr atthe Amer41 whl icIs aor tse extreme the opoed uand irocllres cith hch nlcooslied traslun Mica Ratio I. be towneicip. lie lielulco- they 'er-e produrc. ( tcelcoalonc duty oh heudquartera 1 Lvg is ihiekly populated "will yau pietcexvspresne t e lle y to crecelo-et-eistt-atisne for os-a b e nable in daoaycorkers af tile Iced Ceaus no 10 Wr- crlwork. and site is unable to sapt~ont of thye epidemic. Air'. center my appreCction olef ir rucoll- Ply O1sisitnc-e for the many persons (Ord. who argaized a staff able aid and assistunre, snd beliesve appealing to hcer. flo to neasa Uto tcla1- mr. Very trule you~re.Thu woamen are not ached, eicer. it the work ihern Is ata (SIiged)I"trank S. Ctarrr 11111. Ic give Itceir nervices free. They abt td every mohrrer of lhe'j Major Mt. C. U. hS. A., still ben r emunerated far their seeSafor ork as nsoon nosto Obief ofSMedilcal Service" rleoa. 'lrlere are tundreds of 0-amen gal~s consider hnose-to- ___. " __-.. -"-_ in Worrenioronwtocould Itelix out in ~tng nafe. VtSITrS HIS SISTER to preoc-o c-ia, and who are selfI~d Tuloele. eia iri.I ocof l-.Icnrecluer charold drh of lh'y remin~ ing in their own loomes. etty commitice. was n 1 iloede s l ea.e g-salof 1its sisler. Many 1eart lrealling eases are re-:headquoarier's odoy. Mlac.01so CuIlorinlo Obiey yrolol -lay. 'Phe mant-]to Mils Cameron.daily", ad -Qisoty. chairmcan of lthey "o rycnilan 'A'n0former ~ ortesheluges that all,'cwha can, will 00 -qtty uamwtrco. lO 1 I r co c 510 tle Sv~rf h ioar e I I -t n, aesecthe call. Canteen Opened in Y. W:'C. rSt A.--Carriers Needed Worcester opened~ first canteen akvrcr to aid thhrse who are suffer- RI ing from lark of proper food In the an tnfloenza epirlitsie thin afternoon. no The cateenvl Is lorated ill the diet At kitchen of lice Y. W. C. A. and teso canteeln will todetako to sppty the v-naps andi foods to persons in oteick- n50 en homes. Ac eiperienoed fietitian. th MiesMahel Slegeter. is in chat-ge of fo Ihe canteen. Men. Frock IL. Durkee. president of ent th associlosl, cefrredt with Srles srl RoehbetJncl-ut, enperintendent. of to ha bWorevale-e Society for Distrit. he Norantg. ind with.Meet. Samuetl-' Be. Woodward, chairmtas of the War- ant cester branrth of the Massachsetts p1 unit pf the Collnrli for Na~onet Ds- a fetcse of'ci 3d. oodwatrds request wh and the result was the opening of the canteen today.i' - hedsrc nueshv oesacross many pahetic eights in their so work. One family of eight was din- 1w covered 01111 nohody io prepare food. an, There ocera many other cases where ma sufferers hall tat had rood for many so hours. A line af all these places will to he kept anithrough toecastaonh5, nouriohiec fuood will he gont to these places. the The oatnolvoin pedaring the fond, of hut It needs somebody to deliver it. In Persons withautomohiles asee- ~be quested ho offer their services and of machines iI) deliver tisl food to ite lo sfflictcd lames. Thyetseedlfor re-ap oponse is urent os itis Iamperative Pit that proerr forod sold reacts these Bet homes. si tics cattiest possible ma- n Mrs. Pauline Thsayer, head of the tnl Massachultetts troll of the Councille of National Defense, communicated wilth Men. Woodward ansd asked Ift titers woo a canteen here. A eeply I was sent tier this morsnn that Woecester woo slening a canteen this afternoeon.lj The food will be paid for by the voelcac ooycaoiaatiois affiliated with the council. - L MUTUTAL BENEFIT' I BOOSTS CITY TOTAL cr Ma ThtoMtual Beneft-tLife Insurance Compasy of Nfewark N. Jhas omade T another large sbcriptbn to the Fourth Liberty LAnf,he company o in the three previodfailoacna ad psi'- M vitased bonds' iotatllnfistesaltmateiy hoc;1:u.60,00, whichbaksosiill Iastilt held M. by them. - -*ors The netsetk pl an -of itsh-comipany per is to appropajateocertk i amioun- -info the citleswb tihe may*0intn agn. rion. TWSt ft. d'ld4 ppOrtued ' to the Wior84 teto nos lr. J ants-- pag Money A., q!s-p &Ia ''! drew'B Sn MCow-t 'fto t4,f p }ity of Woap l'.ItMIyts ttlpunt six wasaoThid470 Q for Th eTidLbb''f ~1ay^ Tw.ay Out of Doors Avoid Grip and Help Soldiers Schoul chiltsn are urged by theL oh Ceoss to ounet into the woods d gather nut or the ft-ott slone d nut comosign'lse Rod Cross Is w conductitng at the request of 11he neries n tlrDfense Division. Por - )n oaenrgcd to stay out of doors io Red Cronin believes that there is - better tr01' of the chtildiren doing los and at the name time working rthceir country, than by gathering Litz B. Shattuck. chairnman nf the tmpaigc cotmmittee to Worcester, week a go evory nman. woman end child influet ihelp collect these. Mr. Shattuck mneotic4 as placed red, white and blue beer-___se is at the ontranee of many stores. - Rd any buninesa person who has a m. 'Wt6 lace. far a barrel and beliees it a 11 'a.iC ood -spot to collect Up~ nuts, is urged meetisi communican with Mr. Shattuck held coon, office is at 105Commercial trest. The Tho time far gathering nuts Is Hed Cs aort,. and the public is ut-sod to dp MinetisIt anud get the shells to lthe fed Cross siony a nmediately- It takes 200 fruit stones lige a id ooven pouana of nut sisotis to thse -ref ske;.qne, gas mwan. ons can get plated nIdea of the treenous amount be collected to supply masks for The 00000men. ' -notstce There ace a naumbere of articles- is 'of at.are equally goad for the making ov~rth I gold -carbon far gas masks, and lay-let order that nothing of the kind may - wated. thse gas defence: division 'Te~ the U. S. A. has made nott theq fol- ter-~ail eilistin Peach _atones, dates eeds. eate'r. neact pits. prune. 'plum and cherry venticen tesel o utrut.ad1 anil nuts. 'walnuts and hickory ootc 15t. -- e: rho.Worcester Chapter is appseal- on Oct, gto pet-eoes throughout' WorgesrCounty to help to the campaign. - WOMEN' it da NT&- EWS 10Y7 U lase P 4thsniae1 Vq ii,--OGood.eQait; i petial (, 'and.. ii each V5c Boys':Jersey Union 1All sizexetra good $1and Boys.:Wo ad Li Gray. sizs e24to34 Shop;..17 A' 5t11 be,Evens'up because.I sum epidemic.- An adjo.for; the transaction of lt be held October'5 t 41i Eqyintons treey e:at the same a 1g of the 'copoati5o~ w.+.".,.'Tir oAh ety ids Buy Liberty Bonds pen f.or Business pplete showing of the New Fall Fasbieons titsCas n rse '; We ate now ready to -serve you in- our newly r-emodeled store. Corn3sotrnentS are here for your selection, and we strongly urge you to buy;d: take advantage of our eai'y low price. LATER PRICES ARE SURE TO BE HIGHER. --The NeW SuIts ---, 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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