Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ ~Co ats_, ~ TMajority SocialtstsjF ofSpa rtacitsi;h turns Frpm Ele,~CONSERVATVES'7:..ei 'REC MI ACCINATO esp -.Every Coat, Suit and Dress Going at - One Uniform-?rlesur tR SDY--i&JDA.!- ' Silk Plush Coat, Sivertoneats, Brodcloth. Coats,'Velour,Coats. Che lE ts,sg. r _ colors and black, values up to $60. Choice for three' days at, each....$CZi.OO Fine Blius Serge, Tricotlus and GabardineSul _ ih- luev Going or rue daysatasut:.... * - New Serge Dress'eiI*iNhg at $20 - A new shipment of Serg Di-iaeis. Lateat spring styles included with our fall line for this sale. You will be happy to find dsrssesin this_ The values are- sufficienty remarkable to clean our racks of every winter, garment. Shop open from 9 to 6.. FIFTH FLOOR. _DENNY BUILDING -s Fre, 4-:a 'aPl arcs O ~,originated; by Dr. Tha uObrte a.a.h u Js aBen us Of Paris. 7 po tt the l yi trO. this preparation has met h pttci'didt s - ==114M for years - recoin. bdy edltr r 'Wokt use t'oor fstah. atarean - _ r -Delvafs t'aand abroad s bu cano lth altt ui.On- li bo -g'" Iit. lmosta- drug. n l oRMvon la - tty. It you its of Wit conditions. u!tbe sure you get te Ifyo are 111 96-to bpd an cll btfore girtag yootrtIlooessproper ~nal-French =product, attetro.. adifficlt to iinitte 'is Tti'aw "" S ithe saLard to pronounce. J Total lnflodoot-poolmoota deaths Geot your tube today. ~ r~ro ~t 0 G&. CO'_ '"v po noeoo iao'r" total o iTfoj i.q Now Tork t~ thrsso[ of tluooooabeed reportod to thO. City Healti. Depart ment. Thteis I toinrease of fiftoen capooo err the total ootn at..n e yeteray. hasthirty-elgt a d004boot Here 0.1tomb. p ot otrdaywseihyoe it Quick al for monday 'ad Oonidaywa -- tewa~ lP lJ othday, with twelveod4atbs, or' six City Sahttcojnoiottlaot.~J. ~Mt= Bride sas, ro.01oogroat recaotieonto:""- - (ADYOR Im t~r~Yt tht wake of the strikeofo tho ohil - ydm. vtO t" biDar..Mc rd oits th. } arPeachy Skin daewt-tehldas vdnl h * Awaits Anyone Who neesrduighetiknde Drnks Hot Water f.proe Â~____ r visitoting thett ru: ooto of theHelh 010 rtet ntht old Fob 4s a oiomii. Op bdboft 0005k. liMat.3lldig. r. Mocrido says. fat help. oo tkstd 001 AMENDMEN-URGR ''.1 5 ralte-aplownio0m *Cnondty _ City and Wed onl y poin blood.fty 0,, ContyGovernments In "5 a a md e Mr s dorsed by} Commercial Club., oraftlfb. sm wed" bao dIse.. I [-ARMOUR BEFO~RE HOUSEj ran* oomn to':..mno..oas1 Over $100,000' Worth ofWorlds _ ahnd Men's fu Brought to Seattle for. immediate. disposal. "Collegian brand, bttss; "Arrow,"" "Mnattn" "Wilson Bros." an " "DUTCH ESS" TROUEI "Healiht," " "aunt" and "Day's Big 5" Work Clothes; Tuniisadhe te G oods_ on T h_ urs~ay, - Merchandise From Snoz's,4Nsnanah., Alaska; SoI Fri $2.50 "Green Hood" Shirts Negligee Start;, -.Slg $40.00 "Collegian".. Brand- Raincoat' $19.85 $1200 All Wool Mackinaw Coats -.85 m BUwYtor ill SeBsLeader m-nOrls~ojh R.0r.frto'4 or Shea r ailrs, j 00.oIImabtooaet $0.0Stocks acxo~. approrrltloo tN t0by00heotato~ "toc -- t opo o t o.t.' K tor T ag r Ao- Lu s beu Wte diofretweeaaa t- twr.ear.Wit. Robes $19.75 u'eg h -Ho.w tods oo o cPLAN-BIG ~YilCOME SEaSO Extra o e do.heM100hAfib! eseRoa 1 e00Mt eecnt roibro Alask" Sox V85 ale neao eoso h t fhe eadthe blood in hor voisneand etd tyOJ&At.Ono te bruohbom face foroeaoceNIro t a - t r M-orhi. pea lealt riin tl o:risom500e let wakhnp,/ no matter how tueod. Red 01,01 W lst t he *MoMrWilt oharotan of t ereoton Fro tlvoe $1.8 t fifoa' Jobl =.gÂ~1 ottorof theo IclogCootr Couol S ts$ 28 tOodtag ab" AU of Ood~sldnoood aala atwan so-of Theth D00 Da"6thof n att t io W oto h istonn udls - of rtes ctrl'! speak on T o egi~t.met t ae $15.00AllgWoo --- -- P ptP a 9 z___ ___ _ ________________ " - A t, ea~te- ad o *r oulotolo atreet Darodo. vhoo thoe men E tra Heav.- 7! R,..Rd Binod *Btu I --ns 1w a mr Xoo di the thousando ot widerkdeed-ricy bled-purr Wod. It Ih. =0: &riuea llaa LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER RMrWd'ikl setsttM=_, y bhoseol l.olltibmo o. M, Oh__ $65.00 Army Officers' Coats, Waterproof, $--32050 - $3.50 Genuine Buckskin Gloves $1.95 20c Heavy Canvas Gloves 12c 25c and 50c "'Earl & Wilson" Collars all styles and sizes iSc $1.00 Wool Sox 45c $50.00 "McGraw, Benjamin & Hays" Brand {Suits $2245: $3.00" "Boss of the Road" Bib Overalls 51.95,; $35.00 All Wi oviercoats $1: --$6.00.d-7 "Keystone' Brand Cordus Pants $3.8 -$50.00 Blue Sep Suits $22.45 $3.00 Union St $1.65 $4.50 "Dutche Brand Pant * $2.85 $6.00 "Cookr Silk and Woc Union Suits $3 $3.50 "Carhal -Brand Khak Pants, $2.35 $3.00 "Cooper' Wo6l Oderwe 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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