Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ ' ~ROCHESTER TIMES.ITNION: MONDAY.8SEPTEMBER22Al192.' t Udis-IT-GARS Muist Do Esentia1 Work:o dry T AGINSTTHE Or Be Seant To The Front1 NEWPAOE So President Rush Rhees Informs University of Rochester) rnrn___ i Industry--Survey of All Industries Now Under WayYorpsia Cl ~~~Health Bureau Is Without by U. S. Government Service Local Bureau.-hz ysyu "In msUiestofRcetr Any Report of Presence of Slackers TV Be Rounded Up. wihwl i ' o Uiestyo ohse Spanish Influenza in Roch-I Per n of Students Will Be esonsive to the federal govern-~ to cause employers to comply. an y Control-New Instructor Tell of Disease. men to abandon nonessential oicupa- moral pressure thus exerted. Whre ~gisr New Cus nGra.- - duatries. the local branch of(wthe U. tarea may b un~erlaken. The em-1. " Whle ocheterIs sillwithut vS. Employment Service already has ploymgt srie w k througdh tb. Inch- uniteersity. this instruction being car- reported cases of Spanish influenza, under way an extenaive and intensive War Industries Board. has power to n the vied on In connection with their usual the health bureau is taking all posbe uvyof allIindustries In the four shut off the supply of raw waterialls-. Optii week, studies. After induction into the serf- peatosa~nttedsa ann counties of which ti city is head- from any planit. p Ptotr* morn= Ice, Dr. thees pointed out, all studentsprcuonagisthdseegiig quarters. "This gnove is-a result" of.the eA-:IU they abovethe agd of 18 years will have a foothold here. In some of the train- Every Industry or ule owht" larged 'army program under. hich - pted their tuition, board and lodging paid ing camps to which Rochester and soorer kind employing men between four million men will be. sent tola. titary $30 a month each,-which is the regularastemnaingcple prepare for the army the disease has' ttmn iigcmlt data to weedl out of nonessential employ- - Megis pay of the private. Those men under,o eeysc esni hi m et vr eti h ain h could 183 years of age can voluntarily enroll md t perne n yauer-poy WihtsinratothSrtI corollary is the probable Iiduction of.7 Mot 18reetvioe and receive the same M ports number of caises of the dis- ing out process will begin and will re- hundreds of thousands of womeni Into manytar trinig a th oler oys he ease, while these Rochester nurses suit in a substantial list of namesnoesnalw ndsisan to turn. but. while they' will be subject to ml h ave been sent to Boston to assist In Ieligiblo to work at war industries. If munitions facto 'es. as well. Omoilass JO C the tary' control,.hywl aet caring for sufferers: '- these persons are unwilling to complysathnub fwmn ayrn --- eihrterown way; that is. the governalent Mrae c awr Pri.L iwth the request, their names will be Into millions. thMilntpyIary Gibaud of the. Homeopathic Boa- furteronserohafti d or e tomsuen aequpeate sly of thos sitene asin he ase f te oderplial; Phoebe Mlac~illan and Christine "Work or fight" Is the motto of this mtra n uiin otefgt bk-. Hositl:dearten. hisdep artmen "Taoru-lclbrdsetotythemo aasstudents.whoe amuwnldergo tue oficte- ido heHheinsoptl dprmn, fwihRz-y(Talrlgmen fn France: Because of the tTTUIuf uni stdens wo udero te pysial x-arah Heller and Mae Baker of the is chief examiner. Mr. Taylor atinielbrshrae h nui r-~ ~et.did.~ainadaeredtd r he Rochester General Hospital, and Helen planned 'tis morning that in antici- tions program faces serious delay, This atuw seriNot. nam ain Treeofthe P arAveenHsitaL potion of such an order from the gov- Is made" plain in the luntructions to Presiden KnMayso pThseiitsedctinsthavubeenissederument. hsdprmn a fru oa orssn u y h mly ne- predintteo thale tfullyt In Syracuse by Surgeon General Blue! laced plans, had provided Itself withmnterc. Hermians otn uevs ne 9 P. en.Ifnheenoledstdetaortohtnsth dsesedivetaltr ran aaredyhah sared 'Tstetxtntthteedal bhid hyicl duatoninth ctta servic bodyoudhe subjecht itwao miltr-Sure fIfeto-h"sceimsthe wheels in motion. in the supply of maerial. we aholl reat1LUnthi onn~ta 5 I srvicane i that h it w aottinu- from thme nose. throat and respiratory A community labor board for' re- have" to make up. the deficit from theclbfobysndt mstu:.poal ha h ieo any morecu passages of cases or of carriers. crulting the priorities on distribution, living bodies of our young me, '-rea dthsih.ivnhdegth clc*a..student would be limited to more Incubation' Period--One to four liabe omdi opie Hn h ntutin.'hs) ptrpoi. begnwr thhee mar'.than three months, although this. of h enrly w.arthun r ed. theladwopresRn.s teistpreciose, cldhilianhtar c:a.etmbr3.~'~icuswl ea.cuse sno n.Frhr dafos-,oneeeaaweektater school hou oung mation on the matter will be forth- oe of rniss on-cy drecththeoernent; th.emRoy es.ane".Ationow a hefact-arere illrbe i hrg fwoe e Id be. coming at another meeting of the stu- ctactuso hndrchicontac hog h ersnsteepoes n sson-asth'fatsar e 'tzfr the girl n eig e n ti o nu bdwason lernedae rna'ibn tegs.o ankrcifs omo manuel Koveleskl, representing -the Americans are going toecase carryingscolenoa-frth by. Iy was de "~o Thusdayrnite ng, er rohro-workers There is, as well. a district on businesseas - u and na'tintocu ilieisofcr lce t"_ -rjecta contaminated* with fresh sacre- ognzr o eritn aorI-on-.rL cu il lin to. of the War Departmet is to call out tiona..Droplet injection plays an -ognsr o eriin ao nton a ok the membesadi uiese s and the 2=erodmen in December, thepottpa. - outside of this city.- where- the ofie -"The- use of the ternxi. 'non-essentiawli- odce corngt 20 -year-old i nArl n h 8 is located. He is WilIjam C. Rugg. employmtentl in the ins truictionis to Umntl - tiR- yar-old 'men ifn June,'this being in tth ie person barbors the caustic or-:lm.a w rnhso h a-c mmnt orsa tel c lubawllm: ester: line:with:Dr. nh-esIunderis tanding ans i hersprtoytrc. nt service this city. ilac. lhuhamai ok o reta etb~e tha- tattheperodof-ilia'training Is -Method of Control-t&) The Infec- oefrmnonIlannerAd-slg in "a munition t-factry-- ves meats O he-stt01euatoa w -of to be limited to three - months,- al-ainidutndhenvrmn. street, aend one for women at 357 Main is making alels he still may rbeoclisi hcal oi tlat.n' luty..thoughi just 'what pr-ocedure theq-auk eonto fteDsaeB street east. The following U. P. 'dis- fled as a noaesaentlal. wdor. eko uevsdpa o h -thorities intend to follow in respect to c. a' mnfratosed otre patch front Washington this -.mbrn- "This will occur when the coamni rno heahos th t.gsothhesuet s fcus.lgclimdne ~Ing to -The Times-lin goes -more ity boards survey 'shows that manths Ataesof -e tuenaitofniandinca West taor.adiiigh&-drq'oft nary ~not quite clear. as, If the students sltdfe Ioaino n dfully aeyInto the.-.matter.'- -. -.-Ijob, can and should beflilled bya-w~rom=.cusaebigognsdfm h ".for ~. to: be instructed:without regiard for niiui-drn h ~reo h WasintgtonSept.-2 L--~machminery an. - Time program then;.:resh enst et h eqieetso h itii. their ages when those umder iltwould d c.lcen ewenho r e.designe -die force -miert:out of nones- the women of the nation a~re to muster a.-Amoktaat"iisi~ that, be-:;reccfiving 'a longer..period eof in- oteoaedd semvitisi epiploynient and muster wom- to help; turn out 'tho sheila. while sol-t= mnmkn a il ok co than those who' mu. tonVtclcsae sden of the nation to -take theIr places. IBiers blasta their -pathto Bae-tin.- --flo wih-tleer'Ido"pd Immntto-tscic r sdos)as aldout in Ncebm';as itis nder; hol pril.uca.Iwas out In motion today by 3.040 codai making the svurveys. the"-boards:willdrcinp wmn-ebr ne:m trod they wiltlibe. -- -;urnieNn;ipntcit.munit " labor boards rahink into.lay emphasis on. the 'job and: not o acute ftetoShos bes)f It mtay be th~t the military "authori- Concurrent D~isinfecton-The din- every section of the country.- The the lndustrt as a whole. -- -----______ mung.ties Intend -to divide the mnA mp:into irg oth-muh:hoanmI boards are acting -under detailed in- "The employment" service. which t ac=- groups or class~eS, aocordingi to -their a te eprtr truclfins from-the government wrork- has a corner on all, employment in the A it of ar~,although it. woauld aem to be the emia lsifcln ho g uthrcugh time United:States employ- United Sltates will aasuing rspoaslb-. BO SW NE1 - understanding Qof the.unIversity of- elcaningas, airing and sunn~n. ieme evc.-Ec or onwl l o itn n iing withwome tumiefiials. that all tatudentis 15 years and cueieI ietlvdotieo h publish lints of industries In its localtyj the jobs which Its commnunity boards n V Sover. who are found.physically fit: are ho... - - in which m ten, should be replaced by ptson. - -A iiR E U a oftorcietermltrtaing----)Gnea eaursTeated nomen. -The lists will be -based- "omn-"livery.precautIon will be taken to AT agar; o recti "e.their:militry tringuardtsthe Chealth'J and safetytteof. one unit. - ant of. the csase should wear a seur%'eys of all industrial. plants in each Gwomanehelt PICI(P()o wme 66Xt~lbeloed a,, fter - by r ofefso ITrimi ofy t-eql o ~e manse o'e a uickly illacoee byMa,-- irk*l~o tmdnsaelg ~55 t. uivrsiy all fr 5 hurseah broughmt'- by lldwarml T. Fox':. ainsqtj1-tecrio ri iemiigro.tScrua orprestdy hSdcddt rn leu q~ -. -.A,- -S.vbt o orn iTOoM W~i~tee e.. pficr otranie am- met,?SI- ndfa s rai. whtn. es ' - f tfast ai dt.aANT ieiam l; n Nvebr crit ehsttr. tsamna a *e 0

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