Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ REPRODUCED AT THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES 1.E II ouiqOui 'th p@eieh201, MJ.aD. rwowt is hereb 24 TM 0g So fs4 to be ui14e ant awslsu. Une.m hae en ey s, h fr aperta sgfes sr 4 mU~e rtae 4aall ntri different wfla'.uesi laying bee adm44st1 toBeits) 'th this 41esawe on thnt 6at.. theree Â~ Irda nss untitRephMi deeggdsta ewa tiumt wp to that tt4to the *14* S. t~h11rd oto Nr) at Wonesr, *n ea tt attalt;ansnse ofr, tha ton targae R m.* ntlt att str.1arrt a ar patie tse aa Laata -4tW ever tieCy *1ZWtrW 4, iz *etdiabtd rthe arof ae z dtt te ttle tbe em ae 4dqe hard nut, a to sat IIe ota a. (0)gg in hemu, an thn tpe a in over e ase aians0t6010 s 1* an tl#w attetflr auleegrs ra4. rg d a uotmedtysln.Ien 10#0 umer e %e egee hvedevloedsypbsaer, I7.l n eagi. a& et suspeeli egeee e t sahundred (6.Wh.&4p. 960 PA, 4ea ruwiwg. twent aptai14t xpetttn4Uso K, sne; asactedshoe* no Sureo Geat the Pamldtpeemy,1sae CopyinttonED. C to special tents which will be set aside within each o. mnization. Such suspects will be strictly quarantined within the areas of such isolation tents and have their acals served to tho there. 12. Civilian omploycs of the Camp will be inspocced daily by a surgeon. 13. At least once daily overy tent will be visited by a surgeon and an inspection made of all mon found lying down or appearing to be sick. 14. Sleeping accomadations will be reduced to five (5) on per tont, sleeping head to foot and on sunny days all tents possible in the command will be furled and contents sunnod. (ovor) 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

Courtesy of: 710 Influenza, Camp McClellan, 203, NARA, Washington, District of Columbia

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