Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~................. ------------------ rian \ W\.8 '"a"F g\\4 detr,1raI14i t>14.hoesoe 4' ' 14"Q'" o ieir' n L r insv e'A tvi *.sti\SA xv e ound Â~ T8115ma Nlx..ea 143reel(prac Ae a on uC<;, C olt4 v $ cac g xx'hio.; ae 'hx1 'tcifl1 n " z: i' l o ten v ' 'I 1: 1i1 i:.x' ' ) 01 i ci1 dren. 4 in secpÂ~4h Ini tuti()Â~e'fc5 "ix 'y' t $ 'mn gniFitr d se,Â~' 9# " 4 Irn e pertuss scsur, 1edÂ~1V xci Ixe l ad 4 c1 111d1inrfox r of1lb;.1 t ton\\ "I1 ov.tid su Ie li i u 5 '5 '1.i",45JCii,ly '4t it II " e 'Cit1 4: 2it.1140k1 'i cm' A. No cat xvswexr (4)1n theinvestigation on;p; riuss's Ql"1cQit.wasfoiv s111 E;rabic t t iso~at' noÂ strin s to find out whe'tirthere wer~enmr'e t 'an o.:x LIse": ssa d ofhild I'Ig'en e th c'allcz1 e if.x' ie z1 i t t tinder their notice reported tous. BiP rtn1ssi nViolated c ly fronm fresh sp ci x cifrom 've'y rece'nt cassunot Later than ten days before the xh1.Thrfr, ekpIfmle where ahooingcou1.ghcases xvere>reprted.:.under obsrx'aion1n1oder to.''.detect.secondary cases, Als,.we ad rivaehyicia ns to report toit early cases of whooping cough. \ 'had ndr oh"ervalion 3Y5 fa m ili 'swichI rv isite: p\ysi" tx'c ekfr t eio o cn'av m.Ttus far, no s'eo c infection has in those fa milies, xtche speaks wel i "rthe It pinie Diepartm' ntl But a numb er of fixer earli c ases wre' pr c ted to is from xd -Wvisl 'd Â~vtrlprtsi si nsfor('onmpletion of tiinve i gation. thous and inmates atthe "tate Ilospit; I for Insane at 'Wards Isis':td xvever vacci xated awith puecim ococcus vaccinea 'vitel u1num l er x('cv lef"tas controls., vey oil'er 1new tatiet Iis va ct e: upn (i is'o 'x.Ii i too early yet to make any statement a to results. 5 ExiPvIER NTsTO DL 'IC I ir ' M-Â~T'tisr) ICMt w&&; 1oMP... SENT FIXATION T:s: (a)Go cucc uA' t'y $.r eToÂ~ itY minet.,th et m thod for ccuituring the gonococ cus to obtain a potent aInd spe cific ant i and to develop the most accurate met ho I for s tand Loing the anti n, the 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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