Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ <"1 1' 111H II fLI -rll JII 16 fl Sa~sand muemner Pac CQiosed ini- Fight ' ~ rInftu a., WAR' 1 USTRIE #REHI the A Prom., ~is HDTL',!PH&.PaIOctober "'4. Oresof -''e state hesthe eoIn 4 sioner closing. eveiy sseomn and;p of. ann.nt In Fenptvlvai' faorcdtidy in at efort to thud t spe Spanish ipguenos. *hlc eIn ylom e s etnsofthe'state. parl fil n ast b reactsd 5 domlc pro rtlons. nlIs serf erfsrlng. b- war in4us ltea. 5ev t cntlced a.dthlrtr..e ~t; ew 1Public ~ heri '9 ttll descrtptio 4ePuaflorpherinbs o r the Ends 'nd this,.4gether wth }2 eesuof l~rgeaun ( of Ib loinworke 4ne to ll will It eared.slC;Alt CO" Are jenined. Alt, the ohorts- in Pllndetplaia' ad shurted today until October 21. an F t Ie grand *try was d~smlsed. T F foo ball tise scheduled. for tomeo row between L'niveraitf of Penney V.nto and sa United tateo msaria ' AlI trolls cars.ydisplay curds witl this war ink: " Sne nugh or a ctorate I~ you must, yur bandit let. Te are In, dcger if ev ry one ddtis warn i g.. This.- Is dialetected; vents later.' must kept o b I HOA iO HEALTH.'. FAll liberty la megti' have be Jc r.W{ioce Kiusen.i d iofer of pub C} lip health, ye.Spadea lofluepsa.i l1icorrect as a name to thEr preys l I g dtsease it shou d be cell s e ldee~ nn f tsa. he P the state. epartt~t of health ha n closed ito uberculoei4 'dtapedsarle i t oughout Ite state, releasing d trs and nu for epidemlo wer a rrsnrof the Army storedoqssI P mnylvanl ware ordered to g~o In P K nte and th barrack buIldingsww b sdas- epltale.h 80- and ad Kt. c Vrtually e ery Tare Industripl el bIphmient' n the emetopolitan di. t ct of" ladeiphia, one 'of t1~ g ntst coo ore of war activities $ ti toe. world. itsnbeen tTffted. moet's 1~s seriousby the ae amlc. Thou a adnds of.blyes In. ie >ela*at ia1*ipyars s Ye, been trlclrtp wtt 'ditflue esa. qe thanA. 0men at th w great Hog land yard' alone bean o d~uty to hIs reason.;, w' 'There isae ortage of -doctore in tb ei ~Y and a pile have been seat oun ftl medics satane. Some of thbs b sptlt'l so Sncrowded with inflo. e aa and ptit neonla cases that a e au declltiilo to takes other med al c ses' In nt nry every:hospital a ta p~ys icins nursed have falltonEtc. it ti ms to the eae.r Ptecan u in Plttahergh. - lvr$SBt it If, Pa.."'Ootober -4.-Sa. B lns" then rse-and' all pianos ofa' ~usaenotl Pittel urflh. with the c eption of. possibly, a tow isolated i cases. remn~ d ciosed today. in keepingwt oral re Issued by ithe state deicrtent phcaltt resulting frontw thb -bevale 4of spsalois niuenna in ' ReporS and Ar 'by MLany ata influenza health to asses. 'whl Ihillcothec. end Aif ao mere the S normal en on the am.nnotin0 A nue b ported 1* ats it easea at' dred cases Wor Secretary bit general with the ctr England- hi Boston hi' lore than l been befit t whero thy it particular p rotting",tog thick raio 1 Physician eport to a have not pv he operpatl Iofluenas uingtpn D4 sent; Chet lothith. lath. ' ties, ad Ised for ut 86. Latest *g1 where It seerely. eb asees re rt Apr tsarint he W ix~ ik he liemyi aurto ieye thi etiaini'plaod up loca. yscsstoe pIor victima f the Adbulltk reejueetlalg them totroli. at teoi Bi g. Gge n, T. C. - ster. rrARJP6 rents~ tfo, this. volunteer 'worW was n' edet4ATay'uisdfl p ultedy. Nit to vibesne atorai. Army o8c aetepoted oAt that If te civilian physicians of th # clt who ~ lvein big apartmsent houses als will ~~ for the easer which MEnnry e 'heir. rminun~~~aosartmbotq they sVill ave totby LI1AU1U~I other* doctors in makin 119. and profession to visit mere patients., The bulletin from the surgeson 'gen erals offias to Army medical. men firiags out-the fact that the 1oe ltala t of Washingtonan aretaed t heir ~R!RI~SE caeetits' hecauee of the eptelemic snd thkt Army physicians cabd d much bly volunteer work to prevent Ciisfurther cases from going to these in iy Caps Reeived Test o! Sniletia n s Tht.' y Camp Receved Ike 'bulletin reads in part as fol. ~eaMedSrvic.l officer. now on duly,.in Washington. living 'in apartment es rpored he srea ofhousas, who wish to volunteer their athreporfiedo the npublio services to care for the fantillee of no yesterday. From Os- thesadenitdmn iigi came A report of ".040 tsir apartment house, will send in ca wee reprted r tm eir names to Brig. Gen. T. C. Lister. 15I erI epredfo room H-2ie. surgeen genrals office. Ohio. Even New Mexico 7t4, and Bsatreets. In order that this reported a few. which spay be systematised one medical @10i Cfrom thes states. At' Oat from those volunteering will be selected. to act as thief of the set-:.. there we C50camssto a ice. and such ether. as volunteer will 1. and 200 at Winslow. assist, all to act as assistants to stae.Fory ast wrethe attending surgeon. Thep will ar yf oGab.kN. re t. -In: the apartment house will he seen of~~~ ~~ otraswr e.prior to the diedicc offier.leaving diana, Iclda t 000cae as lfir their regular. occupations. and d. it 0deaths; evealagt visited In the evening; their adatat Noblesville: mieany visits strictly limited to cases occur. * eatht.aseeayettm- nglog nthe apartment house in which ette, iand olsevrlhn the medical officer lives, It is not con I Indanapois. i edered necessary for him to answer Is Syatematized. aY outside calls. MlcAdoo 'announced todsy Call to Trained Women. headquartors for dealing..That -women hiving some curmog emit of Influenza tin!New teaining., living in apartment houses cc boen established at vows ovlnertersrie o he public health service. rho insto volunteeriheirofmrvicrs or o phys classalready have eninteo tenfoiviIneiof apacrtento ithat ity from districts tattdmnlvn ntereetne iseae ~ no etpreinc a hise. will send in their names to Hrln. oheme ndt teseic a Gen. T. C. Liater. room.-!1t. tSurgeon torm andmobie pervieosonlgbnesrs office. th-and Bstreets, tine the aotobiotherons.el woman will be sleted to art as chief e set t othr pints ifnurse, the act as assistants. hen the epidemic sub- They are to assist the mediecal officer on Erelode redltdyt ey at their Opertoseni. These volun numer oferedtonahichteen nurses will not he requaoted to ofouly ceeninced winhaswer calls outside of the apartmnent In vo of theserviclegin which the volunteer nurse liveo. h'enplaces include WiI-..where fivednetors ware ergsncy. Dispensary Rooms. Pa., sod lloptweli. Vo'. "The 'medical pereonnel under the iso have been sent to control of the' medical officer' acting as Pa.; Wilmington. N. C.; chief of the sevice will arrange. sc ave btoee cntAoariousy' crding to existing conditions in the ter ee engoil-sapartment house. facilties for fear. thers re beig m oble ihing a room to serve as an emer gency dispensary; ouch stoch medicFrom Army Camps. '-iee as may be easily dispened from as emergency dispensary of thin chin es from the Army camps, aster. masks, otl., will bo furnished by sease is being felt most tie' attending suargeon. This will not wa greater number of oily relieve the dispensary situation td yesterday than the day In the attending eurgeon's offire. but i I 3005, yonrI honth, w ssa l osI 4 IRetm le a*tnehC's- 4~sa 0" ~ y p liwh " hU walk nd _0" doe- $aypat et lPcao le. e ~a f e T.: w1 te.irit ho sIve sod4he ~ayour ffd dwlk IS L l~au Loa~e fe lb your owna" j S.Dnlet tie nse products of dig nor t.ef 'ter on. gettiag up. f.10. Dens use a halo. tio~eI4poovfor used by- o eproop aod.not w 11. AVoI tight lothes, tight -shoes, tigh your ally, n. your pnlbioer. 'I 1!. "W~le the' alt'ispure breathe all of a~Ce A0 ASS - AND EN TI1 INME 4TS ARE HITjF Eiiucation' Wo4 pead Various Sesr Prog~s ~ Ca~l~Off Because Del f IzBn. aPal AlR educalronal gassesanhd enter. Secr tainments 4any l4lnd iat.tho'T.1,< ne C.: A. centr uildling, 1;71! 0 street. b~se bave "'been aied qg by:fClifford L. lb. Johnson..elate 4enerei secretary, the Â~e following a talk wt h health oqtlais orilon for. the Di~tnict. rearteg possible *41id spread of the anhifuenza epidemic Policetruhcna nfasaa h s yi ttto-ocashv eie ossd postpoone al educktoonai clasness ansi- gird forego antetainmeuits until the epi- I'ith dsi ap et eebe 'eie.r:n h re fel potntl " nu students of tihe stenost-phy. ti'pewrile..; It accountanecy land other tlasses-.lau:y eos students stud}ying at rte "T' with a viow upeni to taking civil service ezaminatiooc for lieve entrance Intel government sesuke will care." have to postpone their studies. 2' The Il~e I usual Monday evening lobby conceits, di will not be held and the opening bf the addin boys' work department, ncheduled for lyeap tonight. has been 'caiecled, mrc Rtepreentatives of the War Work inMe Cotantil hero said that thsy will continue been entertainmeots In the camps about be Washington. onsiject to approval by the. mome military the ramps, huthos will continue, as far Sp possible, to held failt their entertaltnens abel shows outdoor. Entertainments are held nightly. In the nections of Camp Htamphroye not elready quarentinod. ' PIlT Porto Rico Sugar Men Boost Loan.. here. iA,.11AN. Porto 1hen. Orlober 4.- ales te'preeenialis'ee of twent"-to., eugsre n rompanic, in Porto icio have adopt- en ed a reolution egrejpiog to euberrihel the to the fourth liberty loan one the to0 banis of 3= a ton of nugar Produced moeet during the last neaon'. This sab- lihe rt ecriptiost will assure approximeately asPeno one-third of J'rtu Rico's $4.000t att mn quota. '.ecrel Fam when toi lesb aci ili at sight, at 'thh iSewhent ' ca c~ell$ b enelong Ip-wish your haRide before op soc innIa a gasa lam' r cup which has been 4oir c1[-sekto. m~e nature' t oOns J-brea~he. eeply ll" Iun 21Theo O0 f P S4be.s +j s s~. V e Ia wek. no. Uinited tatlsw nd Wednenel a Lion of iiafsaeta mg the thirddfoic crub t4th T ~OR':dlOBEY1G ORDER teen,sbishents Failed to T ][o tnxg 4 n g pB~ oteto.proprietirs co.,bobines c tene r eportdd 'by;: the ice othnnslonera'.wreqest. let delay eninr of felr.'etotnes ntil:1 l14 Pullman, superiontendent of I. It -isbeliteved "the early open. las the result of a ninis n'jcr. dnk rater then a wilfeal diemsjot. the request for co-,yen'atlou i1 Rhe federal and liutrict governs:in thoir vfforv4 to ct ouset thee. It truly commendable,that busi-I t ounsoa' nenerally 'delayed their. lux' until 10 0,clo3gkso as to re-i the conigestion on the street said the stayerirteodent of paia message to the- departmeuh.,that.tihe Ccmmlslonerg greatmrecite the spirit shown 'by the ants: f},e the ntatter. of comply. ith the' request. hers of the polite ferct have told to continue theIr early sg inspections of business and report Ike proprietors who tcomply w-ith the request. OnIl-Selltiale to pone. rSPUROR. Pa., Oct! er 4.-The.'Cuningham Company plant enacged in thn 'msnufacture of.t utensils. end rncently placed in n teseills 5 h oenwill clone for the duration of' r. nstrting totmorrow,'.according; tptrment of II. V%. Cunningham. rut. Funds of thic ompany, rthan $:5.000. were-invested in t bonde: by the preoident, who need Chat he would mste so late effort to get ' nt Army1+ eanpsha ae hbenis:h~yof $2mL Deemr muk Lisut Keniu. p taic ire.;1bee been dotailed.t body to Cpvingtc 05~st has beentomade }Veapgtement I;or orth ' Cilin eneh-the $1 )e tonight un i i I N N S a ml toc h. E C sRN VEXCOAT,LL< $6.95SI ALUES T en's & Young len's$ U IjT W. th t-g n &gMen's VER COATS w to 325O tsevcrbefore in the hitoryb re of t en'astclotingio u.inl a' e better oct'vice fee,, a lanc -i ete tjthine' I ebought ita otto and months agoe. and todiai rice ytos values that' stand outi seasoui's bentand most alt n a lr M. eant gmen apd Btou QYS' CLOT ORDUROY A crre t tine of boysa' cacuime: od cany1 knocks and loto of loea Potelto Leclbn aut to.Amoerbpti n the liberty lotnNleoopa~.09 ight of leffueas: VINO THEIR EE'F FOR YOl \\VNPAR ALLELE: t e neninenutlyls r5 Lbrgalos\ ceviots ad cordo s, that werc Sizes coibs i to. Trav 314 7th Sthe NeW. Il Id, Z L L 1 f. I', 4adiei' Fall 1iMe's SHOWI~S SHOE ss &Working M, _ 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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