Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~ 6 REPORT OF THE along with the figures f1 egeh division of the population so that persons wishing to use theTg1-for this State for any inter-census year may do so without having to estimate them. The population of Maryland is given in Table 1 for the male, female, white and colored population of Baltimore City, Rural Maryland and the State of Maryland. The estimated population, white and colored for the counties appears in Table 1-A. The estimated population by ages, without distinction of sex or color, appears in Table 19-A. TABLE 1. ESTIMATED POPULATION IN MARYLAND FOR THE YEAR 1919. Population Yearly' Increment STATE BOARD OF HEALTH 7 TABLE 1-A. ESTIMATED POPULATION OF MARYLAND FOR THE YEAR 1919. Counties I/-hite Maryland. Total Population.....................1,444,705 W hite............................. 1,196,112 Colored...........................248,593 Male.............................. 736,799 Female............................ 707,906 Baltimore City. Total Population...................... 7.728,571 White.............................611,999 Colored........................... 116,572 Rural Maryland.7 Total Population........................ 716,134 White...........:..-.......... 584,113 Colored...........................132,021 +16,219.9 + 14,494.8 +1,725.1 +10,053.3 +6,166.6 + 18,470.9 + 15,052.8 + 3,418.1 -2, 251.0 -558.0 -1,693.0 egany..-. ne Arund timore.-- vert.--- roline...Toll..... arles.... rchester. derick... rett..... -ford.... vard.-.......... tgomerice Georg en Anne' erset.. Mary's.. ot..... hington. omiico.. Popu lation 69,169 lel...........36,007 62,020 -.......... 5,465 16,682 32,111............ 20,029............ 7,626 19,966 --......... 48,547.......... 22,257 23,257 12,353 10,284 V......... 25,134 ges......... 30,921 s.......... 10,120 17,529 10,472 12,810 - -- -...... 52,024 23,750 15,580 Maryland. Males........ Females...... Baltimore City. Males......... Females.... Rural Maryland. Males........ Females..------. White Yearly Colored Yearly Population Increment Population Increment 610,017 +8,790.4 126,782 +1,262.9 586,095 +5,704.4 121,811 +462.2 312,119 +9,046.4 59,452 +2,215.1 299,880 +6,006.4 57,120 +1,203.0 + -- - -4 +15 14, Incre- Po ment late +-818.6 1,3 1,152.3 6,8 5,181.4 11,8 +20.1 4,9 -244.9 5,3 +20.7 1,8 -43.0 2,8 -20.3 7,5 +78.1 9,3 +-138.4 4,8 +245.4 +44.4 4,4 +2.3. 3,1 -55.5 4,9 1-248.4 8,4 -681.8 11,0 -98.0 5,2 +59.8 9, 4 +81.0 6,4: -3.4 6,1 -491.6 1,7 -352.5 6,7t +83.2 7,1 -558.0 132,0",052.9 116,5,494.8 248,55 Colored Total pu- Incre- Popu-.J inreion ment lation ment 171 -15.9 70,540 +882.7 159 -801.5 42,866 +350.7 13 -87.2 73,833 --5,268.6 55 -9.8 10,420 +10.3 02 +55.7 21,984 +300.6 92 -13.2 34,003 +7.5 88 -48.4 22,917 -91.4 70 -108.9 15,196 -129.2 62 -6.5 29,328 +71.6 28 -62.2 53,375 +76.2 90 -1.9 22,347 +243.5 25 -75.1 27,682 -30.7 85 -64.0 15,538 -61.7 68 -129.7 15,252 -185.2 X83 -82.5 33,617 +165.9 53 -49.0 41,974 +632.8 97 -56.4 15,417 -154.4,22 -6.0 26,951 +53.8 16 -96.4 16,888 -15.4 37 -69.7 18,947 -73.1 74 -37.6 53,798 +454.0 60 +48.8 30,510 +401.3 71 +15.6 22,751 +98.8 21 --1,693.0 716,134 +2,251.0 72 +3,418.0 728,571 +18,470.9 93 +1,725.1 1,444,705 +16,219.9 297,898 286,215 -256.0 -302.0 67,330 64,691 -952 -740, Coun ties......... 584,113 nore City.........611,999 Maryland........1,196,112 0

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Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Publishing, University Library, University of Michigan.

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