Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~Sol Lowenstein, a Belle Goodman tein. This aftlee singers will and little Miss and tour-minute two clever juse, Jr., and Miss lman's commitI Mrs. John W. M. Estes. Mrs. nan and Mrs. M. Mrs. Robert C. of lovely songs, ale Hayes, and irs. Thomas IH. her beautiful Songs with Mrs. anying. bett will have Townsend and fted Ward-Beln costume in a th at the Hera stirring talk omas J. Tyne's e and Arcade, 3 of Mrs. W. B. I the passers-by is were qtickly assistants for trd Barr, Mrs. Mrs. W. Gales boulevard. airman of Zone the stunt atg at the booths the remaining The booths in ttered and coninsure the best leverest attracwhose booth is drug store, an'ogram for this Mres. Elizabeth gifted singer, ra,o assisted by violinisti and, will give a There will be a most excelgiven by these 1. sn Service, carits organizaue servic, has king strength, iduals, for the tow prevailing. ing a splendi' t was made at gency Canteen 'nrrial" Cub on It was immeAnna G. Conof the diet he club, will the fresh help will use the irnish and pre-!ch are hourly Le to the sick mes when the not on active on serving the ihich is their eport to Mrs. he Centennial Sto distribute 'paring it and n transporting it is needed..commandant, irges all memstrength and 'odistuffs to the the committee discussed the rservice unilopted by the consist of a having white * canteen em1st. When on a Hoover cap.nd for outsitde such of liberty winter wrap etroit, Chicago tirs. Evans invice operation she gatherd id found some iere which she te also discovCe' f a strongmizatk n than lrves in l'aghDre systemartic an the local 'Home. goals will reSOkherrystone s, Va., to orlP vce o er the servieo 6f yo~em-aIn Miss Nora Seaberry has returned from Louisville. Miss Edith Grimes has returned to Whito's Creek after visiting Miss Beatrice Blackman. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crafton have gone to Sheffield. Ala., to locate. Miss Elenor Elam of Paducah is the guest of relatives here. Mr. and Mrsfl Holdiness Elliott and daughter, Nannie, of Dermont, Ark., are seriously ill at the home of their relative, Mrs. W. J. Hudson. Mrs. 1. D. Smith is visiting her son, Private Claude Smith, in Louisville, Lieut. W. Bush C gyce and his mother, Mrs. W. B. Cay e, of Fort Worth, Tex,. who are here on account of the illness of Mrs. John M. Hill of Montrose avenue, are the guests of Elder and Mrs. M. C. Cayce. Mr. Thomas Gains, who was called here by the death of Freeman Ormsby, has returned to Bowling Green, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and son, Harold, have returned from Culleoka. Miss Emma Rich received word yesterday of the dangerous i lness of her aister. Mrs. J. E. Freeman, of Leba on. Mrs. L. A. Mitchell has been called 'to Chattanooga by the illness of Dr. Mitchell. Mrs, A. G. Griffin of the Dickson road, who is critically ill, has been removed to the Woman's hospital. Miss Katherine Lovell of West ashville returned Thursday from attending the reunion at Tulsa, and en route she visited friends at Oklahoma City. 444 - Mrs. T. M. Pritchitt of Oakland avenue has just returned from a v ist to Tulsa, Okla., and St. Louis. 4 4 Miss Josephine Campbell of Paducah is the guest of relatives here. Mrs. E. J. Iennett and daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Richardson, went to Memphis yesterday. called by the death of Mrs. Bennett's eldest son. Mr. True Bennett. +++4 - Mrs. Geprge - Swann was called to Franklin,l illness in the family of her sister. 444 Miss Evangeline Bowie has gone to Washington to accept a government position. Mr. and Mrs. John Irving have removed from Shelby avenue to 1037 Sharpe avenue. Mrs. P. M. Wade and daughter, Mrs. Elitt Woods. and Mlsses Lucy Be lie and lizabeth Woods of 8mithville are visiting Mrs. Winn Graves. Mrs. Charles White is. recovering from an attack of influenza at her home on Gartland avenue. Mr. William L. Russell of Boston, after spending several days with friends In the city, has gone to Atlanta. Ga. The Rev. R. E. Corum. pastor of the Eastland Baptist church, who has been critically ill with pneumonia, following an attack of Spanish influenza, at the home of-Mr. and Mrs. George B. Graves on Greenwood avenue, is improving. Miss Alice Holman is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edward Saxon in Lexington, Ky. 22 NATIONS March in New York's Great Liberty Day Parade--Wilson There, New York, Oct. 12.-(By Associated Press.)-New York's fervor was quickened today when the fighting men of twenty-two nations marched down flag-bedecked Fifth a4nue in review before President Wilson in joint celebration of liberty day and Columbus day. It was a grim, bu iness-like procession-even with the picturesque and colorful uniforms of fighters from other lands-that swung down 'the avenue of the allies" and under the banners of the nations arrayed against Germany and her allies. Scores of airplanes, flying in battle formation, preceded marchers from Sevehty-second street, past the "altar of liberty" in 'kdlson Square and to Washington Square. Guns, tanks and other trophies captured from the Germane by American soldiers at Chateau Thierry and other battlefields were towed by military tractors. The United States division was cornposed of 10,000,oldiers, who have'completed-the#e preliminar' training and soon will sail overseas for France, and 8,600 sailors. The Americas troops sang as they marched. The total number of all troops in line was estimated at 25,000. P resident.Wilson and Mrb. Wilson wl attdend the liberty day concert at the Metropolitan opera house tonight for the benefit of Queen Marghe:-,ta's fund for blinded soldiers of Italy. PNEUMONIA TAKES HEAVYTOLL HERE During the past week pneumonia -and influenza exacted a heavy penalty from Nashville, the death total running up to 183 for the week ending Saturday at noon. Acording to available figures the death list for the week is heavier than it has been in many, many years, and possibly the largest in the history of the city with the exception oft he period when the cholera epidemic swept the city. The report of Dr. W. E. Hibbett, city health officer, shows that of the number of deaths, 136 were white and 47 colored. The births for the week were only 28, of this number 17 were white and 11 colored. HOLD FUNERAL FOR LATE MIKE J LYNAM Funeral services over Mike J. Lynam. prominent insurance man, victim of pneumonia, were held this morning at the Cathedral of the Incarnation, with requiem high mass at 9:30 o'clock. Interment was at Mt. Calvary. T~he following served as pallbearers: Honorary--. J. Timothy, W. 3. Cummins, K. T. McCotaico, H. 3. McSweeney, T. J. Nance, John A. Campion. T. 1$. Brady and W. H. Smith. Active-E. A. Glennon, Russell Sparkman, L p Bradshaw, W. E. Reinshardt, Chris Krel, Joseph K~earney, Frank Cole and P. U. Cain. SuAit sAupvot thL e 1b1 ali pleas for united support of the iloan ltai emphatic declarations that peace talk:. [shuld not- cause a slackening f tbscribing, this result and the Utlook for the success of the loan -is distinctly disappointing." ACTUAL FIGURES. Rumors reaching headquarters ildi cating suspicion that actual figures a, being held back drew from the treasury this denial: "Inasmuch as the belief Is prevalent in some quarters that reports on subscriptions are being' withheld in an endeavor to create a 'bear' impression, it seems proper toexplain the manner in which the official figures are obtained and made public, Every afternoon at 3 o'clock (Washington timer the twelve.Federal reserve banks of the country report to the treasury every subscription through incorporatdd banks and trust companies, on which deposits of over 10 per'cent have been paid. These reports are made public absolutely without change. The figures are taken directly from telegrams, sent by the governor of Bach Federal reserve bank, and incorporated into the press statement No atteapt is made to create by those figures either a good or bad impressien'of the manner in which the loan is progressing. The whoje truth of the situation is told by the figures, and they epeak for themselves." The loaqv review added:' "Briefly stated, the situation last night is that $532,000,000 must be subscribed on every remaining seven working days of thelan if the tbtal asked by Secretary McAdoo is to he obtained." Only 17 per cent of the six billion has been raised. S DISTRICT REPORTS. Subscriptions by districts were reported as follows: District. Subscription. Pet. St. Louis...........$1Q Z,54,700 70 Minneapolis....... 12,676,450 58 Boston.......... 243,53,400 49 Han Francisco.... 187,527,950 "46 'al:as.............. 55,707,-350 44 Chicago..........377,466,300 43 Cleveland........211,548,800 35 Richmond......... 96,0116,550 34,hiladelphia...... 150,709,600 30 New York........ 513,797,000 ^8 Kansas City....'.. 72,085,600 27 Atlanta.......... 49,84S.500 25 The New- York and Chicago districts madc gaim, of $6.000,.000 and $52.000,000, respdt lvely. The St Louis district advanced only $8,000,000 in twenty-four hours. The scuthern Indiana portion of the district was within 3 per cent of its quota. Kentucky has subscribed 78 per cent of its quota. and Arkansas is thind in the district-with 72 per cent. A gain of $!4,000,000 was reported in the Kansas City district. Your boy needs a pair of good school pants. Send him to the two King stores, lie can get therm for $1.45 Friday and Saturday, special.--- adv. INTERESTING RELIC IS DISPLAYED HERE To be"seen in the window of the Wreslne Banking Company on Union street, between Fourth and Fifth avenues, is one of the famous French "75s" shell cases, of the reasons the Boches did not reach Paris. The shell was picked up on the battlefield by Capt. John H. Samuel, who, remembering his friend, Col. T. W. Wrenne. seflrt him the souvenir, which is caked with mud and blood of the battlefield. Capt." Samuel is a veteran of the Spanish-American war. He left Nashville with the First Tennessee regiment, later 315th field artillery. DR. ALLEN FORT HEADS BOARD.....,..... v........--- Theodore, Roosevelt Clark, ori Va.; Wilfred Cloutier, Alfred,. Me.;' F. Condon, Wilmerdiag, Pa.;."L Cochrane, Delaware Ohto; Ta as J.. Crate, P r tIoutS ' 1 William?" 'raw O' 'tiuniiata,' Ross Critser Little Falls, N. Y.;A slus H. Crock welL, St. eters, Mo.; V ter H. Croft. Garrison. N. Y.; Edwari DavisWarrenton, N. C.;-Jasper 1,via Okolona, Miss.; Henry L. Depat Valley Falls. R. L; "Pawl Dicer Waxahachie,,Tex.; James -. Drout, Cincinnati, O.; George L. Duncan; lumbia, S. C.; Hatlie E. Dunham' Pi burg, Pa.; ErnesJ. du, Pont, Gorh. H.; Andrew. L. upning, Herrn,, John EannucOt. Trenton -unctLol, J.; John W. Elder, New Yortf;leltir' Fender, Pittsburg, Pa.; W,lliam i'Fe Trenton, N. J.; Charles H. Fisher, Fl no, Cal.; Joseph W. Flaig, Baltimt Md.; Ernest D. Fuller, Sppingp Mich.; Chester F. Gdlentine, Skiatc Okla.; Oscar W. Gideon, Granbt Tex.; William J. Golle. Philatielpl Eugene F. G11ltspi, NeW York; J3 M. Glynn, Davenport,..; EugeneG flue, Montoursville, Pa.; Get'ulcl G. G ham, Milwaukee, Wis.; Charles Graves, Worcester. Mass.; Henry, Graves, JacksOn, Mies.: hi-ry L.berlein,- Allison -Park,; P -,o;-Alexan Haines, Malden, Mass.; Wllam G. N men Birmingham, Ala.; John. W. He er, Dawson, Neb.; Thomas 3..eib Baltinkje. Md.: Orlando P. Hic 4m Washburn, Mo.; Roy E, Hieber, Ba more, Md.; Willard F. Holmes, Aft N. Y.; Robert S. Hood, -Buffalo. N. Charles R. Hudqon. Schenectady N. Frank T. Huson. Baltimore. M.; bert A. Johnson Washingtont,. C.; Isaac J. Jones, Jr., Ca Merritt N. J.3' 'Ralph LaCaklbote Boston, Maaal..Aius Karlwits, BrOl lyn, N. Y " Morton H...Ca, *heat Minn.; D d J. Kelly,.Nw Durit N. J.; William G. Kranz, Astra, I.; Hiarry Landall, Visl nda, SwedIra B. Lentz, 'Chicago; James J,.LbI berger, Mt. Holly,. C.' Roco Lyyn Marshall, Mo.; John. VieBtids.'Fi ence, Mass.; William G'. Marsll N York.: Joseph L. Martel, I 8 hws, William F.' Miller, Philadepa gene W. Moet, Buffalo,'.' bert J. Nolan, Lawrence, as.ran 0. O'Otady, Phdenix, l4 10 acrid Owens, Utica, N. Y.. itliaC P terson, Joplln Mo.; r ie 0; Patti Petrolla, Tex.,John U. Payne! s N. Y.; Lester 'J. Pftillpt, tik 1 'a.; Elmer Renner C1eds v|le 0.; Dr. Allen Fort has been elected Re president of the Baptist Sunday Sw school board to sieceed Dr. William Mu Lunsford, who has removed to Dallas, Th Tem,, to take up his ntew duties as corresponding secretary of the board Va of ministerial relief and annuities of Mrs. Martha Moore has gone to Rthe Southern Baptist convention. Dr.W Lynnville to visit her daughter. O i N Ryland Knight was elected to succqed Hal + + 5Dr. Lunsford as a' flmet er of.. he Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sikes, Misses Lora _ ___ _ ___ board, and Dr. J. W. Gillon was electCullum, Estelle Iooper and Louise ed to succeed Dr, R. W. Weaver, who Bruce are attending the annual con- The pastors of thd North Nashville has gone to Macon, Ga., where he is LI ference of the Methodist church in churches have discontinued their usual president of Mercer Uniyusity. Hob Lebanon. -, services during the Influenza epidemic + +fa nd home-comln day at the Third MiSS esle Bradberry has returne Baptist church l nfin te|post'COLORED TMEN TO to Clarksville visiting retuTe9 poned. Home-cofni iz day, which was -rd 1: iusGaisstingr Mrs. Tel. to have been observed -tomorrow at.f AAO h' Ai l alih. " - the Free Will Baptist churchodhas'been GO T t eduntil Oct. 27. h'e.... Miss Majie Greer. who has spent sev- The hospital garent work, which T$6 4 ss h n. ele 0Jo eral days withMrs. B. O. Greer, has was dlscontinued thro gh August and furnish feorty-flve col're4 4n-uul gone to Dozier. 0eptembei' Will be resumed 'next week fld for peolal or ILited +...tthe R 'ross headquarters, and the service to be entrained 'Oct 23 Mrs. C. L. Rollins of Vaty Leer is th rth Nashville unit will- meet on. Norfolk, Va., whpre they e Oa t guest of her daughter; Mrs. Herman uesday as heretofore. All who can service of the navy, Local bOo g, t S'a rrtt,.e.urged tor ' go. ean~ No. 2 f Davidson cou I.w 5,e a1h5........L R Ye alleduCEtofaishP E R. et,: t 11/15/2006 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS NEWSPAPER R M 0

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