Produced by the University of Michigan Center for the History of Medicine and Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library

Influenza Encyclopedia

ï~~UULkY 1U JHILr, Mrs.~ Lebaudy Tiken From Home Jp by Sheriff to Await Action of Grand Jury ca upofl July;1 wI-- DRYS ARE TRAINING GUS ON SCOTLAND CHICAGO,- Jan. 16.--The Anti. Saloon League haa already started foreign work against the liquor business, E.. Davia, superintendent of the 'Chicago diatrict, said today. Workers have been sent to Scetiand, where prohibition will be voted on next year, Mr. Davis said, and others will go to Cuba~_and Mexico. Mr. Davis said the league would have plenty to do in the future in obtaining the enforcement of pro, hibition. WASHINGTON, Jan. 16.-Nations prohibition having been achieved today with the ratfication of the Constitution. al amendment by '36 States and wits other 'St fairly 'tumfbling onto the water wa, the Anti -Saloon League of A ca which conducted the suc. cessful campaign against liquor, is no~' devoting its attention to the two fol. lowing questions: Howv to keep the American people on the water wagor after national prohibition goes into ef. GRIP WAVE.i II RAPIDII 'Thirteen DatsLo. Record for Boston S Influenza-pneumonia lost its. dreade-1 -grip ofi the Huzb- yesfevday. Simul: Staneously throug bout the -Bay Stat rports from the various cities and town', showed that this secdt~wave of ti: -dreaded- disease is -receding int lea?4: "and hounds. Boston's mortality rate.. elyesterday numfbered but 10 deaths from influenza and three from pneumonia-, the lowest be reported dur-ing the second epidemic. -Thet conGentpone in bill 3 andI:Cti sc solicy * ~ k ~. Ifee. -ow to extend prohibition to the entire civilized world, possibly un- NEW CASES SMALL Rder the auspices of a league of nations The number' of new cases repote that?~ to enforce total abstinence as well as throughout Use State in remarkb. wr- 'peace. sleadersmhere sayh thatnitrCities and towns reporting new caest wrProhibition laeshr a hti the State health department yesteda 1 the is only a question of time before evert showed that only 95ocases had trk~ civlizd lnd ansliqor.The poP~tout. Only 27 deaths were reported. civlizd lnd ansliqor.The pont Of the 27 deaths, 23 were repote am;to the fact that a few years ago pro- from Boston. This was the nume hibition was a hopeless cause in Ameni- that Boston's mortality record shwe ca, nd ow s tiumhan. Tey eelfor W4etnesday, which was mucht es caandnowistrimphnt Thy felthan that reported yesterday throgh MEr.out the city. ~i ~ ' Continued en Page 16-First Col. Many of the new cases reportedtott the '~'.-- State health department yesterdaIterc luded those for tito -and three dyslc the case of mansy citles and tons the,vd~wich points to a most optimistictOf of,mow or look for the disappearance of the ds AM. ' PM. ease If the present rate of reduto 11:66 Midnight continues. fised ' {~ 7VTT 4 r; MOON 1dap tilSituation Never Better Sete 'B"'.15Ries 8:295 a m Dr. John H. Hitcihcock, directoroftr en- Light all velclesa tonight at 6a00. Stite bureau of communicable iTODY' ANJE.AIS tC eaces, said yesterday that the finfsal. INNOCNT CASE 01LEB'bD~z RAGED Benains}'Ankii n trni00. RT.,pneumonia situation never lookeds t This is a picture of 13-year-old Jacqueline Lebaudv, daugoter of Jacques w encnhks o Rrsf ns-.toermn. He9 d. ter than it does at present. WiV a wrsnorthwest o otaupsn 95 continuance of the prevenktative \n Lebaudy1 self-styled Emperor of S~ahara, who was slain by his wife at tsie yeer ago toiler -Austriane eqipulseil with curative methods now in nbe 't~iiugh SAL the Lebaudv home in Westbury, Long Island, Saturday nighthebay loot by Itausois aioms the 1lists River, out the State, Dr. Hitchcock.feelsc------ ildent that the second plague waill Per.,CO D become a thing of the past.:o" NEW YORK. Jan. I.-Phoens\'ix 3CO D omsinr odad iyha?r-Lde anransanlo m INISTRY OF FridayioeCigolumnssfm-te irseTondtWonofrd tyifie stainarediiloomed - Forecast for Boston and vicinity: commissioner, feels most optimistico) ot cho.- lonlter than ever in the cluster of pines',lowed by rain;, Saturday rain and situation in Boston. If'tl e. people' b on Wvestburv Plain tonight and a rich T T7 l Q rI colder; fresh south.winds backing only get out into the air and aod spi full moon bathed the strange house of IT L ES1IGNSt n nrain yFia wyi eucn s otaino tragedy in ghostly light. Jules, 'he,___dis__esiet tai. u adnr h ok AHNTN a.1 Frcs o If the present weather-condiioi-co fatflgreeand Aie hecoPARIS, Jan. 6.-News of the resignia- northern Nw ngan:1lCond riday;seftiUne and people continusa atendecyt soleoccpant ofthe klacc. cried in-L ion of the Italian cabinet has been itaynrthernprobablyl lnain or scow, owe"rFrd tempera.gtotit h rs i.Cmisoii cesanty fr teirmisres, lme.Ma-recive hee.toe. For southern New England; Cloudy. Woodward looks for the nutnberl o ni cesnlyfrteiyitrsMne a rcte hr.fusred by rain Friday; Saturday rain and cases to' abate to almotta-ndggit viy e Augustine Lebaudy. and the. girl.. The present crisis is said to be due colder,21br Jacquieline. vwho were gone. The child b ' ihr ttti Ato(Otlatloaunitry "' an n tns wil beoiuytio aa iy net. Son i(nn -- - Psvntiu. ayoring andI those.0p' ~ni l~sWl stpv~ re se-slept in a little white cottage down this p51n, c5.poicy o o-etas lMnlstnr rea ' bac Dl dtoest, pr9a'ly ncrees- ' 05S V (I1 V reeli end hr msietr!}1 1l; n jail ~~ofo h stst~ai*e 1- 5s by Frldy algb rihto~lannexation aind for no conces- Temperatsires wit! teswmewbat tower Fiat. REPORTED -"RI DEr rihwhc. tshe wir l stay until the grand jury a ions".pttticuliarly to the Jugo Slaves. aydy itO \'.w Enland 5tntss.0 bec resumes its deliberations on Tuesday'. The Italian peace delegates here TC ODN a.f. oaf rs teble httersgain YSTERDAY'S TEMPERATURE3 te The hoewTing of Jarrueials oa,igfolowed when it becamettnknown to gustda at Thompeonos Spa.,ug n fteossetyo h. chow announced the arvlo i Premier Grando that the United States X18 '191 'is 's Spai-tar. Ileader, Vi B Paerepresentatives are not in entire agree- s a. m. -Fe 5a3 11 5 p. n.....32 47een Mudered,,aCccdrngteae1 Cniednl Sl et. mn ih o oni nos Flcon- 9 a. ~..25 841 9 p. on. "28 42 spatch from that cit rfecelejk I -__________ ceninr i ze.1 et.. 28 tzlil msd..... the baExchange Telegrasph Conl~ enA OerPm-.thosatadpaco en.Ga owl eltdyad Average i temperature yesterday, 88 21-24.:,. Pat taPie,: $15 Overcoats $7. 0 Average one year aro yeterday, 2715-24. by wsy of Copenhagen. ce. ncy pants at about one-half regular P day every 315 overcoat In our building BOYS CLEARING SALE Ana On t8 welarl made workint t1 1 ata C.,Wah.9cr. -K ereeya, meitons, cheviots and Juveile suits, 4 to 8 years,.$I.98. Boys' $25 G+reat Coats11s9O ra'a S,8.F. p o, or Hn Sothe.Select any U overcoat,ultrmeknw,8o 17yesi90Bo' F. Grey mCo. will self;tme's ddoe.*or storm coat at;7.90. F. Gray Co.. heavy overcoats. 32-98. W.' Gray Co.,storm ueters,- great Wsigocr aoe t. ie chntocr aoe. av vrotRrnh d ts der O~1~~ Y FU S _ at os;. P.; C ray CG:;r resWash. t. 1,.. iit 10L -4lft- mm.Amw - - - - - - - - - 0

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