A sermon preached on the occasion of the execution of Katherine Garrett, an Indian-servant, (who was condemned for the murder of her spurious child,) on May 3d. 1738. : To which is added some short account of her behaviour after her condemnation. : Together with her dying warning and exhortation. Left under her own hand. / By Eliphalet Adams, M.A. and Pastor of the Church of Christ in N. London.

About this Item

A sermon preached on the occasion of the execution of Katherine Garrett, an Indian-servant, (who was condemned for the murder of her spurious child,) on May 3d. 1738. : To which is added some short account of her behaviour after her condemnation. : Together with her dying warning and exhortation. Left under her own hand. / By Eliphalet Adams, M.A. and Pastor of the Church of Christ in N. London.
Adams, Eliphalet, 1677-1753.
N. London [i.e., New London, Conn.], :: Printed & sold by T. Green,,

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Subject terms
Murder -- Connecticut
Infanticide -- Connecticut
Indians of North America -- Crime.
Executions and executioners -- Connecticut
Criminals -- Connecticut
Execution sermons -- 1738.
Garrett, Katherine, -- d. 1738.
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"A sermon preached on the occasion of the execution of Katherine Garrett, an Indian-servant, (who was condemned for the murder of her spurious child,) on May 3d. 1738. : To which is added some short account of her behaviour after her condemnation. : Together with her dying warning and exhortation. Left under her own hand. / By Eliphalet Adams, M.A. and Pastor of the Church of Christ in N. London." In the digital collection Evans Early American Imprint Collection Online Demo. https://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/evansdemo/R11260.0001.001. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed November 13, 2024.


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THE Confession & Dying Warning of Katherine Garret.

I Katherine Garret, being Condemned to Die for the Crying Sin of Murder, Do Own the Iustice of GOD in suffering me to die this Violent Death; and also Acknowledge the Iustice of the Court who has Sentenced me to die this Death; and I thank them who have Lengthned the Time to me, whereby I have had great Opportunity to prepare for my Death: I thank those also who have taken pains with me for my Soul; so that since I have been in Prison, I have had opportunity to seek after Baptism & the Supper of the Lord & have obtained both. I Confess my self to have been a great Sinner; a sinner by Nature, also guilty of many Actual Transgres|sions, Particularly of Pride and Lying, as well as of the Sin of destroying the Fruit of my own Body, for which latter, I am now to Die. I thank God that I was learn'd to Read in my Childhood, which has been much my Exercise since I have been in Prison, and especially since my Condemnation. The Bible has been a precious Book to me. There I read, That JESUS CHRIST came into the world to Save Sinners, Even the Chief of Sinners: And that all manner of Sins shall be forgiven, One only Excepted; For His Blood Cleanseth from all Sin. And other good Books I have been favoured with, by peoples giving and lending them to me, which has been blessed to me.

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I would Warn all Young People against Sinning against their own Consciences; For there is a GOD that Knows all things. Oh! Beware of all Sin, Especially of Fornication; for that has led me to Murder. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy. Be Sober and wise. Redeem your Time, and Improve it well.

Little Children I would Warn you to take heed of Sinning against God. Be Dutiful to your Parents; For the Eye that Mocks at his Father and des|piseth to Obey his Mother, the Ravens of the Valley shall pick it out, and the Young Eagles shall eat it. Little Children, Learn to Pray to God, Sit still on the Lord's Day, and Love your Books.

I would also Warn Servants, Either Whites or Blacks, to be Obedient to your Masters & Mistresses. Be Faithful in your places and diligent: Above all Fear God; fear to Sin against Him: He is our Great Master.

I would also Intreat Parents and Masters to set a good Example before their Children and Servants, for You also must give an Account to God how you carry it to them.

I desire the Prayers of all God's People for me, Private Christians, as well as Ministers of the Gospel, that I may while I have Life Improve it aright; May have all my Sins Pardoned and may be Accepted through CHRIST JESUS. Amen.

New▪ London, May 3. 1738.

Katherine Garret.

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