Nehemiah on the wall in troublesom [sic] times; or, A serious and seasonable improvement of that great example of magistratical piety and prudence, self-denial and tenderness, fearlessness and fidelity, unto instruction and encouragement of present and succeeding rulers in our Israel. As it was delivered in a sermon preached at Boston in N.E. May 15. 1667. being the day of election there. / By that faithful servant of Christ, Mr. Jonathan Mitchel, late Pastor of the Church of Christ at Cambridge. ; [Eight lines of Scripture texts]
- Title
- Nehemiah on the wall in troublesom [sic] times; or, A serious and seasonable improvement of that great example of magistratical piety and prudence, self-denial and tenderness, fearlessness and fidelity, unto instruction and encouragement of present and succeeding rulers in our Israel. As it was delivered in a sermon preached at Boston in N.E. May 15. 1667. being the day of election there. / By that faithful servant of Christ, Mr. Jonathan Mitchel, late Pastor of the Church of Christ at Cambridge. ; [Eight lines of Scripture texts]
- Author
- Mitchel, Jonathan, 1624-1668.
- Publication
- Cambridge [Mass.]: :: Printed by S.G. [Samuel Green] and M.J. [Marmaduke Johnson],
- 1671.
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- Subject terms
- Massachusetts -- Politics and government -- To 1775
- Election sermons -- Massachusetts -- 1671.
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"Nehemiah on the wall in troublesom [sic] times; or, A serious and seasonable improvement of that great example of magistratical piety and prudence, self-denial and tenderness, fearlessness and fidelity, unto instruction and encouragement of present and succeeding rulers in our Israel. As it was delivered in a sermon preached at Boston in N.E. May 15. 1667. being the day of election there. / By that faithful servant of Christ, Mr. Jonathan Mitchel, late Pastor of the Church of Christ at Cambridge. ; [Eight lines of Scripture texts]." In the digital collection Evans Early American Imprint Collection. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed October 5, 2024.