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Title:  The history of the first discovery and settlement of Virginia: being an essay towards a general history of this colony. / By William Stith, A.M. Rector of Henrico Parish, and one of the governors of William and Mary College. ; [One line in Latin from Virgil]
Author: Stith, William, 1707-1755.
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same were herein particularly nmed, mentioned, and expressed: Provided always, that the said Islnds, or any the Premises herei mentioned, or by these Presents intended or M. S. mean. meant to be granted, be not actually possessed or inhabited by any other Cistian Prince or Estate, nor be within the Bounds, Limits, or Territories of the Northern Colony, heretofore by Us granted to be planted by divers of our loving Subjects, in the North Parts of Virginia. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, possess and enjoy, M. S. and and singular. all and singular the said Islands, in the said Ocean Seas so lying, and bordering upon the Coast and Coasts of the Territories of the said first Colony in Virginia, as aforesaid; With all and singular the said Soils, Lands, and Grounds, and all and singular other the Premise, heretofor by these Presents granted, or mentioned to be granted, to them, the said M. S. Treasurers. Treasurer and Company of Adventurers and Planter of the City of London for the first Colony in Virginia, and to their Heirs, Successors, and Assigns, for ever, to the sole and proper Use and Behoof of them, the said Treasurer and Company, and their Heirs, and Successors, and Assigns, for ever; TO BE HOLDEN of us, our Heirs, and Successors, as of our Manor of East-Green|wich, in free and common Soccage, and not in Capite; YIELD|ING AND PAYING therefore to Us, our Heirs, and Sussors, the M. S. first. fifth Part of the Ore of all Gold and Silver, which shall be there gotten, had, or obtained, for all Manner of Services what|soever.V. AND further, our Will and Pleasure is, and we do, by these Presents, GRANT AND CONFIRM, for the Good and Welfare of the said Plantation, and that Posterity may hereafter know, who have adventured and not been sparing of their Purss in such noble and gnerous Action for the general Good of teir Country, and at the Request, and with the Consent, of the Company a|foresaid, that our trusty and well-beloved M. S. Subject▪ Subjects, Georg▪ Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Henry, Earl of Huntington, Ed|ward, Earl of Bedford, Richard, Earl of Clanrickard, &c. who since our said last Letters Patents are become Adventurers, and have joined themselves with the former Adventurers and Planters of the said Company and Society, shall, from henceforth, be re|puted, deemed, and taken to be, and shall be Brethren and fr Members of the Company, and shall and may, respectively, and according to the Proportion and Value of their several Adven|tures, HAVE, HOLD, and ENJOY all such Interest, Right, Title, Privileges, Preheminences, Liberties, Franchises, Immunities, Profits, and Commodities, whatsoever, in as large, and ample, and beneficial Manner, to all Intents, Constructions, and Purpo|ses, as any other Adventurers, nominated and expressed in any our former Letters Patents, or any of them, have or may have, by Force and Virtue of these Presents, or any our former Lette Patents whatsoever.0